Hello, Yasser
Yasser >>In this project I must use a DAC. I am going to use hardware PWM as DAC. I know that PIC16F877 has 10 bit PWM module. My compiler is PBP.<<
Ok, that could work.
Yasser >>My program reads an analog signal and converts it to digital. Then does some calculations.
I want to convert the above result to analog with pwm.<<
A AD would work on this. Thus choose a chip with a A/D and PWM.
Yasser >>I am waiting for your helpful guidance.<<
Ok. Why don't you send us some Psuedo code of what you want implemented. and we can go from there...
Something like
ADnumber var byte
ADin porta, ADnumber
CCPIN1=New value between 0 and 256.
Ability to Fly:
Hurling yourself towards the ground, and missing.
Engineers that Contribute to flying:
Both optimists and pessimists contribute to the society. The optimist invents the aeroplane, the pessimist the parachute
Pilots that are Flying:
Those who know their limitations, and respect the green side of the grass...