PIC18F2550 and GSM modem

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  1. #1
    zach's Avatar
    zach Guest

    Default PIC18F2550 and GSM modem

    Hi all,
    i am doing the project about commnuicFation between pic18f2550 and GSM modem, now i need to analy the incoming SMS send from user using PIC18F2550. Let's say the user send digit '1' to the gsm modem, i need to program the pic let it know digit '1' is coming thus turn on a LED. Since i am new to PIC, so can you give me some idea how to analy the SMS content using C language (i am using C to write the source code) ?by the way, i worked with MPLAB IDE and ICD2. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    zach's Avatar
    zach Guest


    Hi ,is there any can help me??? Thank you!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Hi zach;

    You can find every thing about your project in the thread of

    """""""" Pic to GSM Phone connection (HSerin problems) """"""""

    I suggest you to read all of them carefully, And be sure you will find all the answers of the questions in your mind about your project.

    Good Luck

  4. #4
    zach's Avatar
    zach Guest


    Hi d_hamen,
    thanks for your reply, i have take a look at the thread u had mentioned. Forgive my poor PIC knowledge, i am a newbie to pic world. I found that the friends post their code using some statements like:"Hserin,Hserout....". these statement are new to me. Because i only know the C language and i only can work with MPLAB IDE ,ICD2,C complier-mcc18.(Beacause the lab only provide these softare and hardware) i didn't use the function like that before. i also don't know how to use.So can you give me some idea? Thank you very much.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    montreal, canada


    Unfortunately, you'll have to use Melabs PICBAsic compiler for that. Microchip c-18 is far different.

    I suggest you download the C-18 Library PDF. Everything is covered in section 2.10. Once you hit the right statement, you could still post some question on their forum or pay someone here? Yeah fat chances


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  6. #6
    zach's Avatar
    zach Guest


    hi mister_e, thank you very much for your suggestion.
    i will search the C-18 library file and read it.
    anyway, can you give me some idea if you know how to handle my project?actually i have searched a lot of document from net,and i also post my question in many related forums. But still no improvement for me.....thanks again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    montreal, canada


    As everything have been covered in many thread here... appart from reading, trying&debugging session, i don't see what i could suggest.

    Try something small first, the usual, send Someting to your PC, then from your PC to your PIC. Once done, you will know how to do your stuff, at least some basics of.

    Sure Microchip have some C-18 Usart, serial communication, WriteUsart,putcUSART, usart.h..., code example/template somewhere on their website or forum.

    I'm still open to business offer... links bellow

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Hi zach;

    Did you success something?

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