LCD will not start

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default LCD will not start

    I have problems with an LCD which will not start after power up about 90% of the time. The code is running as all other functions work as expected but the LCD is just 16 black squares where I expect characters.

    The same code and hardware will start the LCD about 90% of the time if I power up, wait a few seconds, then apply a manual reset by grounding the MCLR line.

    a/ Can I perform a full PIC reset in code ?
    b/ Any one else experienced this and found a fix?
    c/ Bad news that the forum does not allow a serach on 3 characters. LCD is automatically thrown out and there are no hits found searching for "Liquid Crystal Display"

    The code follows - all help welcome.
    data @0, 0 'Action Flags
    data @1, 0 'Status flags
    Data @2, "PW50 Gas Mixer v1a BDT 11OCT06 "

    '************************************************* ***************
    '* Name : Gas Mixer v1a.pbp *
    '* Author : Brian Taylor *
    '* Notice : Copyright (c) 2005 Brian Taylor *
    '* : All Rights Reserved *
    '* Date : 11 OCT 2006 *
    '* Version : 1a *
    '* Notes : *
    '* : *
    '************************************************* ***************

    define osc 20
    define loader_used 1
    ' Define LCD registers and bits
    Define LCD_DBIT 0
    Define LCD_RSBIT 5
    Define LCD_EBIT 4
    DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 5000 'Command delay time in us
    DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 250 'Data delay time in us
    define char_pacing 200

    @ Device pic16F877A, HS_OSC, BOD_OFF, PWRT_ON, WDT_ON, PROTECT_OFF

    '********************** hardware definition ***************************
    Function var porta.0 'pin 2 analog from 12 position switch IN
    RunStop var porta.1 ' SWp6 to 877p3 Front panel toggle IN
    Enter var porta.2 ' SWp4 to 877p4 Selects current value IN
    Up var porta.3 ' SWp2 to 877p5 Advances selection IN
    AutoMan var porta.4 ' SWp7 to 877p6 Local/Remote control IN
    Down var porta.5 ' SWp3 to 877p7 Reduces selection IN
    TRISA = %00011111
    CMCON = %00000111 ' comparators disabled
    ADCON0 = %11000000 ' int RC clock, ADC disabled
    ADCON1 = %11001110 ' port 0 analog, all others digital

    GMData var portb.0 'bidirecional data to/from Master Controller
    GMStrobe1 var portb.1 'signals MC that GM needs attention
    GMStrobe2 var portb.2 'signals GM that MC has data
    GMSpare var portb.3 'a PCB trace between PeeWee50 pin 9 and 877p36
    LED2 var portb.4 'front panel LED2
    N2 var portb.5 'Nitrogen solenoid
    SClk var portb.6 'Intersema SClk OUT to MS5534 & 5535
    DIn var portb.7 'Intersems Data In OUT from 877a to MS5534 & 5535
    TRISB = %00001111
    PortB = %00000000

    CO2 var portc.0 'CO2 solenoid
    O2 var portc.1 'O2 solenoid
    MClk var portc.2 'MClk to Intersema PWM2 32678 Hz OUT to MS5534/5
    Vent var portc.3 'Vent/dump solenoid
    Delvry var portc.4 'delivery solenoid controls final delivery
    SpareSol var portc.5 'spare solenoid OUT
    TxD var portc.6 'Boot loader and RS232 OUT
    RxD var portc.7 'Boot & RS232 IN
    TRISC = %10000000
    PortC = %00000000

    DB4 var portd.0 'Data bit 4 to LCD
    DB5 var portd.1 'Data bit 5 to LCD
    DB6 var portd.2 'Data bit 6 to LCD
    DB7 var portd.3 'Data bit 7 to LCD
    LCDEnable var portd.4 'LCD ENABLE line OUT to LCD
    RegSel var portd.5 'LCD Register Select OUT to LCD
    ReadWrite var portd.6 'LCD Read/Write line OUT to LCD
    LED1 var portd.7 'Front Panel LED1
    TRISD = %00000000
    PortD = %00110000

    ClrEntry var porte.0 'SWp5 to 877p8 Clears entry on front panel??? IN
    Dout1 var porte.1 'Input from 14 bar Intersema
    Dout2 var porte.2 'Input from 1 bar Intersema
    TRISE = %11111111
    PortE = %00000000

    '************************ Variable assignments ***************************
    'OPTION_REG = %10001111 ' no pullups, prescaler to WDT /128

    'CMCON = %00000111 'comparators OFF

    A var byte ' General purpose Variable
    B var byte ' General purpose Variable
    C var byte ' General purpose Variable
    FuncSel var byte ' Switch position after decoding ADC value
    ADCval var word
    LoopCtr var byte
    U var word
    V var word
    W var word
    X var word
    Y var word
    Z var word
    RunFlag var bit

    '************************** Initialise *********************************
    loopctr = 0
    pause 500 'wait for LCD to start


    for a = 0 to 3
    ' high led1
    high led2
    high readwrite
    pause 1
    low readwrite
    pause 10
    ' low led1
    low led2
    next a

    pause 500
    lcdout $FE, $01 ' Get LCD registers into active states
    pause 100 ' wait for LCD to start
    lcdout $FE, $01 ' for justin

    serout txd, 2, [$0D, $0A]
    lcdout $FE, $01 ' clear display
    for a = 2 to 16
    read a,b
    ' pause 50
    lcdout b
    serout txd, 2, [b]
    next a
    lcdout $FE, $C0 'select second line
    for a = 17 to 32
    read a,b
    lcdout b
    serout txd, 2, [b]
    next a
    serout txd,2, [$0D, $0A]
    pause 2000

    ' ************************* MAIN **************************************
    loopctr = loopctr + 1
    ' LCDout $FE, $01, " Function test"
    ADCON1 = %11100100 ' ports 0, 1 & 3 analog, all others digital
    ADCON0 = %11000001 ' internal RC clock, select Ch0, turn ADC ON
    pauseus 50 ' allow setling time
    ADCON0 = %11000101 ' start conversion
    IF ADCON0.2 = 1 then waitdone1 ' tight loop until conversion ends
    adcval.byte1 = ADRESH ' upper two bits of result
    adcval.byte0 = ADRESL ' lower eight bits of result
    if adcval < 47 then funcsel = 0
    if adcval > 47 then funcsel = 1
    if adcval > 140 then funcsel = 2
    if adcval > 232 then funcsel = 3
    if adcval > 327 then funcsel = 4
    if adcval > 420 then funcsel = 5
    if adcval > 511 then funcsel = 6
    if adcval > 605 then funcsel = 7
    if adcval > 700 then funcsel = 8
    if adcval > 790 then funcsel = 9
    if adcval > 890 then funcsel = 10
    if adcval > 970 then funcsel = 11
    lcdout $FE, $01, " Function = ", #funcsel, $FE, $C0, "ADCVal ", #adcval, " ", #loopctr
    serout txd, 2, [$0D, $0A, "Function = ", #funcsel, ", ADCVal = ", #adcval, ", LoopCtr = ", #loopctr]

    low n2
    low co2
    low 02
    low sparesol
    low vent
    low delvry
    if funcsel = 1 then high co2
    if funcsel = 2 then high o2
    if funcsel = 3 then high n2
    if funcsel = 4 then high vent
    if funcsel = 5 then high delvry
    if funcsel = 6 then high sparesol
    pause 50

    if loopctr = 255 then start
    goto main

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Colorado Springs

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    Hey Brian,

    > a/ Can I perform a full PIC reset in code ?
    No. With a 16F, you can reset the program, but not the pic itself. (unless you tie an output pin to the MCLR pin, and set the output LOW). But even that doesn't reset everything to "Power-ON" settings. However, that won't solve your problem anyways.

    > b/ Any one else experienced this and found a fix?
    Yes, see below.

    > c/ Bad news that the forum does not allow a serach on 3 characters. LCD is automatically thrown out and there are no hits found searching for "Liquid Crystal Display"
    See this thread. It's a sticky at the top of the FAQ forum that you posted this message in. (but I've moved this thread)
    A better Search tool for the Forum

    Now for the LCD.

    LCD's can't initialize while the pins are floating, which is the state they are in on power-up of the PIC. Once those pins are taken to the proper state, it then needs a short delay for it's internal initialization. It's usually safe to wait around 500ms, but most of the ones I have only need about 250ms.

    In your program, this section...
    [************************** Initialise *********************************
    loopctr = 0
    pause 500 'wait for LCD to start
    doesn't do anything for the LCD since the pins are still floating. It just spends a half second doing nothing.

    Then here...
    pause 500
    It uses another half second doing nothing again.

    Then here...
    lcdout $FE, $01 ' Get LCD registers into active states
    pause 100 ' wait for LCD to start 
    lcdout $FE, $01 ' for justin
    This is the first place that the pins are no longer floating, but the pause is only 100ms so the next lcdout will interfere with the start-up.

    So here's how to fix it.

    Up at the ***** Initialise ****** lines, change it to this...
    LCDOUT $FE,1
    pause 500 'wait for LCD to start
    .. Remove all the other pauses and clear screens.
    .. Remove the LCD_COMMANDUS 5000 and LCD_DATAUS 250 lines, they are way too high.

    It'll start up every time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

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    Default Thanks Darryl


    I will be back on that project in 48 hours so I will let you know how it goes. Your explanations make excellent sense.

    Thanks again


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    montreal, canada

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    And a simple add at the bottom of the List...
    @ Device pic16F877A, HS_OSC, BOD_OFF, PWRT_ON, WDT_ON, PROTECT_OFF
    1. You Should also disable the LVP mode, sometime it could do some strange behaviour..

    2. Could be interesting to enable the BOD... safety sake.

    good luck!

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

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    Default LCD still unreliable

    I have implemented Darrel's suggestions and they improve the situation but do not fix it. The LCD now starts about 50% of the time - up from less than 10% - but still not a solid solution.

    I think the problem lies (in part) in the power supply dV/dT at startup. Depending where in the mains cycle the unit is turned on, the power rise time can be from 20 - 90 mSecs. The data sheet implies the rise time should be under 10 mSecs and if that cannot be guaranteed, then a software reset sequence should be followed.

    Does anyone know the software sequence for 4 bit mode? The only examples I can find are both ambiguous and written for 8 bit mode which I cannot implement on this existing PCB with all i/o pins used on the PIC16F877A.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    montreal, canada

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    What happen if you tie the PORTB.3 to gnd via 10K (or less)?

    Did you tried to enable the BOD (brown out voltage) and disable the LVP (Low voltage programming) mode?

    If nothing work, maybe, you could add a little capacitor (0.1-1uF) between MCLR and GND... maybe.


    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

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