Hi all,
Thanks to everyone who helped so far with my re-working of the wheel project to make some form of disco lighting unit. I now have a revised idea and need some advice on the best way to go about it.
I have managed to make a bass beat extractor filter, which triggers an NE555 to provide a 5v logic pulse which is fed to an input on the 16F628a PIC, so when its high the pattern advances. ( A video best explaining this can be downloaded from http://www.micro-heli.co.uk/discolights2.avi )
Recently I had an option where a swich toggled the state of a variable and depending on the state of the variable the code would run the music routeen or simply chase at a speed dictated by a pot. However I would like to have the option of having the selection done automatically. The idea is that if the music input is low for a period of time in seconds (15, 20 40 what ever) the code runs the selected pattern in chase mode, then if the pin goes high due to the beat being detected, the code runs the sequence in step with the music. Obviously each time the pin goes high the timer has to be reset.
I've listed the body of the code with the comments where I think the checking needs to be done... but although I've glanced at the manual, I'm not sure what would be the ideal command to use, or how to impliment this, so help is required
;************* set up varibles ************
i var byte ;used for for next loops
D var byte ;used to store the result of the pot on port A1 and thus set timing delay
scale var byte ;used in the POT command
Scale = 254 ;used to set range
SW1 var PORTA.6 ;pattern cycle switch on RA6
mus var PORTA.2 ;music input pin A2
SWcount var byte ;used to count the button SW1 presses
steps VAR BYTE ;used to store the number of steps in the pattern sequence
counts VAR BYTE ;used in the FOR NEXT loop to run through the sequence
;************* main program ****************
counts = 0 ;set the value of counts to the start of each pattern
swcount=1 ;set default to pattern 1
if sw1=0 then swcount=swcount+1 ;cycles through the patterns by adding 1 to SWcount
pause 70 ;debounce delay
If swcount >7 then swcount=1 ;error trap for exceeding max patterns
gosub sel1 ;go to subroutine to select pattern based on SWcount value
If mus = 1 then counts = counts+1
;****if mus = 0 then start timer. If timer > 30 seconds then goto chase ****
gosub sel2 ;go to subroutine to display pattern in current step
If counts >= steps then counts = 0 ;if counts then reset counts to 1
goto music:
;************* Subroutines *****************
Pot PORTA.1,scale,D ;used to read value from 10k pot
pause 70 ;debounce delay
gosub sel1 ;go to subroutine to select pattern based on Swcount value
FOR counts = 1 TO steps ;advance to through the entries
gosub sel2 ;go to subroutine to advance through sequence
PAUSE D ;pause period set by varible D
if mus =1 then goto music
NEXT counts ;advance through loop to next position
if swcount = 1 then read Patt1, steps ;read the first value in data string patt1 and place it in steps
if swcount = 2 then read Patt2, steps
If swcount = 3 then read Patt3, steps
if swcount = 4 then read Patt4, steps
if swcount = 5 then read Patt5, steps
If swcount = 6 then read Patt6, steps
If swcount = 7 then Read patt7, steps
if swcount = 1 then READ (Patt1+counts), PORTB ;read the next value in patt1 and display it on PORTB
if swcount = 2 then READ (Patt2+counts), PORTB
if swcount = 3 then READ (Patt3+counts), PORTB
if swcount = 4 then READ (Patt4+counts), PORTB
if swcount = 5 then READ (Patt5+counts), PORTB
if swcount = 6 then READ (Patt6+counts), PORTB
if swcount = 7 then READ (Patt7+counts), PORTB