Hi All!
I suppose slightly off topic but for want of a better place to post I`ll put it here. Microchip direct are offering a reasonable priced bulk programing service for PIC's when ordered off their site. Since I need to program 1.5K in a batch shortly and don`t have a gang programmer or time I like the idea of this. Now the question, The device is programed from an uploaded hex file. The site requires a check sum for the hex file, I know MPLAB can generate this thanks to MCtechnical but is there another way to generate the checksum without having to run MPLab?. Second question is does the hex file generated by PBP contain the fuse settings (Int osc etc) and contents for the EEPROM area assuming that these are already declared in the PBP program?. I`ve always programmed my own PIC's via a Warp or MeLabs programmer so this bits new to me!.
Cheers Pete