I was wondering if anyone has read this book, and wondering does it show you how to interface USB with the PIC? If so is there any other programming language you need to know beside PicBasic?
I was wondering if anyone has read this book, and wondering does it show you how to interface USB with the PIC? If so is there any other programming language you need to know beside PicBasic?
Microchip assembler is handy even if it's not a must. Mecanique Easy HID do a really good job to build the 'PIC code core' to interface to your PC. It also do some coding for VisualBasic and few other
Visual Basic is also great to know.
Delphi is the next one on my list, but since VB do the job really well for all my applications, i don't see the need to learn it.
I didn't read the Jan Axelson book, even if i have it here... since few months and i'd never open it as now... one day!
It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
There's no problem, only learning opportunities.
Ok, Thanks.
It's an excellent book for learning about USB in general, but it doesn't offer much on the PIC side. It does have a simple PBP interface example for a 16F877 & FTDI USB/Serial + USB/Parallel, but not for a USB PIC.
I learned a great deal from this book. It has Visual Basic & Visual C++ code examples, and goes into nice detail on how USB works overall. Explaining how the host functions, USB protocols, terminology, USB hardware & power options, and a good deal more.
As for learning about the USB PIC, I got more out of the Microchip USB framework code written entirely in C than anything else. The C framework is documented pretty well, and explains a lot of the low-level USB details the 18F4550 data sheet is kind of vaque on.
If you plan to do much work with USB, it's worth the investment. Browsing through the Microchip USB C framework code will answer a lot of questions.
Thanks for the info. I bought the "Serial Complete" book and I'm going to have to learn VB. I'm interested in creating GUI to link my pic projects to a pc. I do mainly midi stuff with the pic.
I guess I'll start with simple serial experiments to have the pc control the pic.
I also bought "Visual Basic 2005 Step by Step". (I didn't realize that VB 6.0 is completely different from VB 2005..., and that VB 2005 is VB.Net), they really should make this stuff a little more confusing. It doesn't help I have no idea what I'm doing.
Thanks again,
Hello, from italy!!
I have a problem with pic basic pro compiler.
I don't understand why :
USBService ' Must service USB regularly
cnt = 16
USBIn 3, buffer, cnt, idleloop
why USBIN doesn't wait 16 byte????
I pass after recived only one byte!! why???
thanks a lot