I2C, little help please

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  1. #1
    gluphus's Avatar
    gluphus Guest

    Default I2C, little help please

    Has anyone got the code from

    http://www.warburtech.com/compilers/...ample.code.htm, the standard i2cslave.bas and i2cmaster.bas to work on the 16G6XX?

    My compiling gets stuck in "assembling..."
    I bet it has something to do with the regisiters, ie: around here:

    ' Define used register flags
    SSPIF VAR PIR1.3 ' SSP (I2C) interrupt flag
    BF VAR SSPSTAT.0 ' SSP (I2C) Buffer Full
    R_W VAR SSPSTAT.2 ' SSP (I2C) Read/Write
    D_A VAR SSPSTAT.5 ' SSP (I2C) Data/Address
    CKP VAR SSPCON.4 ' SSP (I2C) SCK Release Control
    SSPEN VAR SSPCON.5 ' SSP (I2C) Enable
    SSPOV VAR SSPCON.6 ' SSP (I2C) Receive Overflow Indicator
    WCOL VAR SSPCON.7 ' SSP (I2C) Write Collision Detect

    but I am still getting used to the i2c.

    If anyone has any thoughts, experiences, etc... about this, I would appreciate them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    montreal, canada


    PIC# please!

    Are you sure the PIC you use have those registers?

    What about your whole code?
    Last edited by mister_e; - 14th March 2006 at 21:36.

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

  3. #3
    gluphus's Avatar
    gluphus Guest

    Default nail on the head

    Yup. That was it. I was missreading the PIC16 -vs- PIC18...
    apples to apples and all that...

    Now I am on to the fun part of I2C'ing between PBP and Microchip C18 chips...

    Thanks for the crosscheck!

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