I am pulling my hair out trying to get SEROUT2 to work at 9600. I am using a 18F2220 with a 20MHz crystal. Hserout works fine, I can not get serout2 to work at all. I have tried it on portC.6 with hserout disabled and it still does not work. What am I missing. I am using level converter cables, I know they work because when I exchange them with they both work with the hserout. Hopefully its nothing to do with B.1 being an interrupt, I tried both disabling the interrupts, no luck. I only have B1,B0, B2, and A3 available on this board (was planning on B1 being Tx and B0 as Rx, I am using the hserout for another device, so I need the serout2 to work with it). Any ideas. Many thanks! Charlie
DEFINE OSC 20 'Oscillator speed in MHz: 3(3.58) 4 8 10 12 16 20 24 25 32 33 40
PORTA = %00000000 ' output logic at power-up
PORTB = %00000000 ' output logic at power-up
PORTC = %00000000 ' output logic at power-up
' Set up serial UART
define HSER_RCSTA 90H ' Set Receive Status and control register
DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24H ' set transmit status and control register
DEFINE HSER_BAUD 9615 ' 9615=9600Kbps,19231=19.2Kbps
' Define Analog parameters
ADCON0 = %00010001 '
ADCON1 = %00001011 ' Anolog AN0-AN3, all else digital
ADCON2 = %10000111 ' right justify result
CMCON = %00000111 ' Comparators OFF to allow inputs on pins CMCON = 7
INTCON = %00000000 ' all interrupts OFF
mainloop: ' Main program loop
toggle PORTB.3
hserout ["hserout", 10 ,13]
pause 10
SEROUT2 PORTB.1,16468,["SEROUT2", 10 ,13]
pause 10
SEROUT2 PORTB.1,84,["SEROUT2a", 10 ,13]
pause 250
goto mainloop