Instant Interrupts - Revisited

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    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Colorado Springs

    Default Instant Interrupts - Revisited

    This is a series of include files that simplify the process of creating interrupt driven programs for PicBasic Pro. MPASM required.

    Once you try this, you may never use ON INTERRUPT again.

    Assembly language Interrupts
    Basic language Interrupts
    Both ASM and Basic interrupts in the same program
    Service Multiple Interrupt sources
    Prioritized execution order
    Very easy to use

    No ON INTERRUPT "Code Bloat"
    No ON INTERRUPT " I'll service your interrupt whenever I feel like it." mentality.
    One of the best things about this system, is that you don't have to remember where all the Enable bits and Interrupt flags are located.

    Each interrupt "source" is given a unique name that is used to reference it.
    The system "Looks Up" the correct bit locations for that name. Reducing those RTFM sessions to a minimum.
    The following table lists the Named Interrupts.
    Note: More interrupts have been added .. please visit

    Available Interrupt Sources 14-bit
     INT_INT -- INT External Interrupt
     RBC_INT -- RB Port Change Interrupt
     TMR0_INT -- TMR0 Overflow Interrupt 16F
     TMR1_INT -- TMR1 Overflow Interrupt
     TMR2_INT -- TMR2 to PR2 Match Interrupt
     TX_INT -- USART Transmit Interrupt
     RX_INT -- USART Receive Interrupt
     CMP_INT -- Comparator Interrupt
     EE_INT -- EEPROM/FLASH Write Operation Interrupt
     BUS_INT -- Bus Collision Interrupt
     PSP_INT -- Parallel Slave Port Read/Write Interrupt
     AD_INT -- A/D Converter Interrupt
     SSP_INT -- Master Synchronous Serial Port Interrupt
     CCP1_INT -- CCP1 Interrupt
     CCP2_INT -- CCP2 Interrupt
    Here's a simple example of toggling an LED using the external interrupt (INT). (Hello World)
    LED1   VAR  PORTB.1
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"     ' Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"     ' Include if using PBP interrupts
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, ResetFlag?
            INT_Handler    INT_INT,  _ToggleLED1,   PBP,  yes
        INT_CREATE               ; Creates the interrupt processor
        INT_ENABLE   INT_INT     ; enable external (INT) interrupts
      PAUSE 1
    GOTO Main
    '---[INT - interrupt handler]---------------------------------------------------
         TOGGLE LED1
    Code Size = 234 words

    This project, and it's associated files, have been moved.
    Please download them from my website.
    DT_INTS-14 (12F-16F)

    DT_INTS-18 (18F)

    Last edited by Darrel Taylor; - 21st January 2014 at 18:20.

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