How about String Variables?

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  1. #1
    mytekcontrols's Avatar
    mytekcontrols Guest

    Question How about String Variables?

    I didn't see this one listed, and it is something that most Basics do support, but not PicBasic.

    It is rather annoying having to do stuff like this:
    For x = 0 to 12
    LookUp x,["Hello World!"],y
    Buffer[x] = y
    Next x
    When if you had String variables, you could accomplish the same thing like this:
    Buffer = "Hello World!"
    Now which would you rather do

    Of course this is just getting started down that long and "stringy" road (wasn't that a Beatles song?) .

    And hey! What about some of these other nice string functions (as he drools):

    <div align="center"><table width="575" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="1" bgcolor="#FFF8C7"><thead><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#004BB0"><font color="#ffffff"><b>Function</b></font></td><td align="center" bgcolor="#004BB0"><font color="#ffffff"><b>Description</b></font></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr> <td><tt>Chr(int)</tt></td><td>Returns the ASCII character of the argument.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>InStr([start,] str1, str2)</tt></td><td>Returns the starting position of <tt>str2</tt> within <tt>str1</tt>, beginning at <tt>start</tt> if specified.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>InstrRev(str1, str2 [,start])</tt></td><td>Returns the starting position of <tt>str2</tt> within <tt>str1</tt> from the end of the string, beginning with <tt>start</tt> if specified.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>Join(list [,delimeter])</tt></td><td>Merges strings in the list, each separated by one space unless you specify a <tt>delimeter</tt> character.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>LCase(str)</tt></td><td>Returns the argument in all lowercase letters.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>Left(str, int)</tt></td><td>Returns the far-left <tt>int</tt> characters from the argument.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>Len(str)</tt></td><td>Returns the number of characters in the string. (Notice that <tt>Len()</tt> works on numeric arguments as well.)</td></tr><tr><td><tt>LTrim(str)</tt></td><td>Returns the string argument, without leading spaces.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>Mid(str, intStart [, intLen])</tt></td><td>Returns a substring of the argument, starting with the character at <tt>intStart</tt> and continuing until the entire the string is extracted or until the optional <tt>intLen</tt> characters have been extracted. <tt>Mid()</tt> is called the midstring function because it can return the middle portion of a string.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>Right(str, int)</tt></td><td>Returns the far-right <tt>int</tt> characters from the argument.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>RTrim(str)</tt></td><td>Returns the string argument, without trailing spaces.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>Str()</tt></td><td>Converts its numeric argument to a string with the numeric digits in the string.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>StrReverse(string)</tt></td><td>Returns the string argument that is completely reversed.</td></tr><tr><td><tt>UCase(str)</tt></td><td>Returns the argument in all uppercase letters.</td></tr></tbody></table></div>

    Now before someone jumps down my throat, and says something like "well this and that really isn't needed" or "you know you can write some code to simulate that". Remember this is a WISH LIST, and I like to make BIG wishes

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    I'm in 100% agreement...perhaps the "One" thing i hate about picbasic is the severe lack of string-handling.
    I would LOVE something as simple as a string buffer/variable to contain a value such as "Hello" etc.

    In the meantime, who out there has other solutions for storing/handling strings???

    I'm sure there's a few ways to store the string (as bytes) in the internal Ram and retrieve them as concatenated strings...

    May your WISH come true

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    I am curious about the application using a MCU where that type of string handleing would be needed?

    The serial and LCD commands can work with strings via arrays now.
    I see most people using a MCU for monitoring/control of something. Just wondering what you have in mind?
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    Who would waste time with code-consuming arrays when you could use something like "Buffer = "Hello World!" as shown above.

    In recent coding i've played with, i've had the need for using 2character strings, it would seem inefficient to use several for-next arrays for only 2 characters.

    Why can't a buffer be assigned to xx-amount of ram locations and be given a name or symbol that can be called upon by name?

    Don't get me wrong, Picbasic Pro is EXCELLENT, but has a LONG way to go
    I can't believe many of the simple tasks i used to do with GWbasic 25+ years ago, still isn't supported in Picbasic....


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    Quote Originally Posted by gtvmarty View Post
    Don't get me wrong, Picbasic Pro is EXCELLENT, but has a LONG way to go
    I can't believe many of the simple tasks i used to do with GWbasic 25+ years ago, still isn't supported in Picbasic....

    Wow! I did not know that GWbasic worked with the architecture of a MCU.
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    U must have had the older version

    Quote Originally Posted by mackrackit View Post
    Wow! I did not know that GWbasic worked with the architecture of a MCU.

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    Strings are needed ALL THE TIME! I wish PBP would face the music and implement them! Every other compiler I see has them, why not PBP? (And No, I don't want to switch because I've got years and $ invested in this one.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by circuitpro View Post
    Strings are needed ALL THE TIME! I wish PBP would face the music and implement them! Every other compiler I see has them, why not PBP? (And No, I don't want to switch because I've got years and $ invested in this one.)
    Like I asked before, what type of project would you do that needs this?
    I am not trying to be difficult, I just have not had the need beyond what is already there.

    It might be fun/interesting to write a library/include to handle some of this stuff. If an example of it's usage was given I might give it a go...
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    Red face

    Well, my last embedded project was a remote control for some specialty plasma monitors. The language used in the remotes uses exclusively strings for control. As I said before in another post, strings are a fact of life, get over it. Just as numbers, and variables, strings are used in everyday life and becoming more and more necessary for any kind of efficient programming. Rediculious little FOR...NEXT loops to parse out a string character by character are S T U P I D and a waste of time. IMO. Words are a fact of life. Adjust.

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    Now that the "Warm Fuzzies" are flowing ...

    With PBP 2.60 ...
    The ARRAYREAD and ARRAYWRITE commands are quite useful for dealing with Strings.

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    Red face

    Sorry, I just feel so strongly about this and struggle every time a new project comes up because of these features lacking in PBP. I guess I'm a ranter! Sorry.

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    I, too would like strings. I create extensive menus and text messages. Some of the same messages have to be output to

    1. Serial Port (uses HSEROUT
    2. Network Port (uses HSEROUT2)
    3. LCD

    Even with arrays, it is hard to output hundreds of different messages to each. Now, I duplicate the messages. Not code efficient.
    Charles Linquist

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    Quote Originally Posted by mackrackit View Post
    Like I asked before, what type of project would you do that needs this?
    I am not trying to be difficult, I just have not had the need beyond what is already there.

    It might be fun/interesting to write a library/include to handle some of this stuff. If an example of it's usage was given I might give it a go...
    Here's an example and something that I'm working on now. I am debugging a program that will read 3 axes of an accelerometer via A/D conversion. The sampled value is a number and I'd like to convert it to an array of text that I can send to the USB port. The pic is enumerating as a USB serial port so I can read it via a terminal program.

    Anybody know an efficient way to convert a 10-bit value to a number string?

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    Anybody know an efficient way to convert a 10-bit value to a number string?
    Sure ... If you have PBP 2.60?
    ARRAYWRITE MyArray,[DEC4 MyValue]
    Or for 3-axis ...
    ARRAYWRITE MyArray,[DEC4 Xaxis, DEC4 Yaxis, DEC4 Zaxis]

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    OK, cool.

    Looks like its a good time to pay my $25 and upgrade from 2.46. BTW, I used your interrupt based USB servicing include file. Works great. Thanks for sharing that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tr6coug View Post
    Looks like its a good time to pay my $25 and upgrade from 2.46.
    &nbsp; I should start charging meLabs a commission on upgrades.
    BTW, I used your interrupt based USB servicing include file. Works great. Thanks for sharing that.
    Excellent! You're Welcome! and thanks for the "User Review" ...


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    Quote Originally Posted by mackrackit View Post
    Like I asked before, what type of project would you do that needs this?
    I am not trying to be difficult, I just have not had the need beyond what is already there.

    It might be fun/interesting to write a library/include to handle some of this stuff. If an example of it's usage was given I might give it a go...
    I send a lot of strings to LCD's and some of the "STD" basic string functions would be really handy. Of coarse strings suck up a bunch of memory but Constantly used strings can be stored in EEProm and called when needed.

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    Angry Re: How about String Variables?

    Only 2 years later and still no string commands. Left(2), Right(3), etc. I'm almost too old to code anymore... so much for waiting around.

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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    I do understand what you mean, I can't argue against however...
    What's a string? A couple of consecutive character
    What's an Array? A couple of consecutive Byte
    A single Character = Byte
    Array are supported, therefore Strings are.

    ArrayWrite/ArrayRead, a spoon of creativity and you're all set. Sprinkle a macro in the equation (for ease of use) and VOILA!

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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    ARRAYREAD/WRITE, I guess it's time for me to upgrade as well.
    My Creality Ender 3 S1 Plus is a giant paperweight that can't even be used as a boat anchor, cause I'd be fined for polluting our waterways with electronic devices.

    Not as dumb as yesterday, but stupider than tomorrow!

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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    No kidding. Good thing we weren't holding our breaths! It isn't that it can't be done some other contrived way, it just seems like the effort should be put forth to implement some of BASIC's functions to make it easier for people familiar with BASIC, and simply get the job done. My last comment here was Dec 2008. Still waiting.

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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    This has everything you want only for PIC18 though. The author hangs out here from time to time.

    Swordfish is a highly structured, modular PIC® BASIC compiler for the PIC18 family of PIC® microcontrollers. Swordfish is a true compiler that generates optimised, stand alone code which can be programmed directly into your microcontroller. Extensive library support is provided with full source code, some of which include LCD, GLCD, EEPROM, ADC, software and hardware SPI, software and hardware I2C, software UART, USART, string manipulation, USB and math libraries. Support for strings, arrays, structures, boolean, bit, unsigned and signed 8, 16 and 32 bit ordinal types and 32 bit floating point is also provided. Swordfish is supplied with a powerful and flexible Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which includes an advanced code explorer, full syntax highlighting, third party programmer integration, serial communicator and integrated boot loader application. Just a single mouse click, or key press, will compile, assemble and program your project into the target microcontroller.
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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    Isn't it too bad that we can't get MELabs, John David Barker and MikroE to REALLY work together. Just think of all the good code that would come out. Perhaps if we bought them plane tickets and a few beers...

    I'll pitch in!
    Charles Linquist

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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    Not at all, if people can't make some effort by themself, too bad for them.

    There's an alternative for each problem... stop moaning, work and learn from, or GT*O

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    Yea, and those who wanted to go faster than the Horse and Buggy should have just kept quiet and enjoyed the slow meandering ride

    Nothing wrong with wishing for (and expecting) improvements to an allready great compiler... that is the reason PBP3 is out.


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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    I agree that common string manipulation things should have been there, but Melabs decided to not do it and be like a BasicStamp alike replacement. Nothing wrong with it. Sometime you need to draw the line somewhere... they did.

    There's some hope I guess.

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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    There are some pretty good work-arounds for strings already. Try

    Arraywrite TestString,["This is a pretty good way to load strings into an array",0]

    Hserout [Str TestString]
    Charles Linquist

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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    This is exactly what I said at post 19

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    Well - EXCUUUUUUUUUUUSE me. My screen is not "tall" enough to see post 19 and 27 at the same time. And I have a short attention span as well.
    Charles Linquist

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    Mine can be if I put all 6 monitors vertically in portrait mode. LMAO!


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    you have a high ceiling house Demon...

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    OR small screen

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    OK Now that last string of posts are just about the funniest thing I have read around here in a while.

    Or else I am just so tired that I need to get some sleep... Been chasing satelite outages for the last 14 hours and about 500 miles. Spacenet decided to change frequencies in the middle of last night and I woke up to 16 sattelites down. (we use them to bring in electricity load information on a 5 minute basis from major substations in Utah, Wyoming and Nevada.

    Probably just tired...

    You guys and gals are a great bunch.
    These PIC's are like intricate puzzles just waiting for one to discover their secrets and MASTER their capabilities.

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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    Yeah, how about STRING variables?????

    Strings are needed ALL THE TIME! I wish PBP would face the music and implement them! Every other compiler I see has them, why not PBP? (And No, I don't want to switch because I've got years and $ invested in this one.)

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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    There are many other features besides strings available in other compilers that are not available in PBP.
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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    I like strings as well. All my projects have either RS-232 or Ethernet connectivity, and they all have
    menus, user input, etc. I need to handle strings constantly.

    I generally put all my strings into arrays. This is the only way they can be manipulated. Check out
    the ARRAYWRITE command. It is an easy way to load and clear arrays.

    Here is some stuff that I cobbled together that may help the situation. Note that I pulled this from
    various programs, so it has not been tested completely, although most routines should work as-is.
    Use at your own risk!

    Lester may want to move this into the 'code examples' section later.

            IgnoreCase var bit
            Xs var byte
            Ys var byte
            Zs var byte
            Js var byte
            Ws var byte
            Cmd var byte
            Length1 var word
            Length2 var word
            MaxSearchLen var byte
            Str1ArrayLength CON 30
            Str2ArrayLength con 30
            MaxCompareLength var byte
            Str1 var byte[Str1ArrayLength]
            Str2 var byte[Str2ArrayLength]
       ; Zero out the strings 
         arraywrite Str1,[rep 0\Str1ArrayLength]
         arraywrite Str2,[rep 0\Str2ArrayLength]
    ; Fill input arrays with some test stuff      
          ARRAYWRITE Str1,["0123456789ABCDEF"]
          arraywrite Str2,["345"]
    'LeftString:  ; Str2 contains the leftmost chars of Str1
    ;     Ys = Number of Chars to separate off from Str1      
            YS = 6  ; for testing only
          If Ys != 0 then 
             For Js = 0 to YS-1
                Str2[Js] = Str1[Js]
             next Js
                Str2[Js] = 0  ; make certain we always end with a nul
    MidString: ; Str2 contains a string of Ys chars derived from Str1 starting at position Zs (zero based) 
        ys = 2 :Zs = 4 ; for testing only
          If Ys !=0 then
            For Xs = Zs to ((Zs + Ys)-1)
               Str2[Xs-Zs] = Str1[Xs]
            next Xs
               Str2[xs] = 0  ; terminate with a nul
    RightString:  ; Str2 contains a string consisting of the right-most chars (number defined by Ys) of Str1 
           Ys = 4   ; for testing only
           Js = Ys - 1
           for xs = Str1ArrayLength to 0 step - 1
                 If Str1[xs] != 0 then
                     Str2 [Js] = Str1[Xs]
                     if Js = 0 then DoneRS
                     Js = Js-1
          next xs
    ;      return              
    LenSTring:  ; Ys contains the length of STR1        
            Js= 0
            While Str1[JS] != 0
               JS = Js + 1
            if Js > 1 then  
               Ys = Js - 2 
               YS = 0
    ;        return     
    InString:   ; Ws contains the position in STR1 where the match with STR2 started
                ; if there is no match, Ws contains 255
                ; if Ignore Case is set to '1', it will, of course, ignore the case.
            MaxCompareLength = Str1ArrayLength Min Str2ArrayLength 
            for Xs = 0 to Str1ArrayLength
               If IgnoreCase then 
                    Str2[0] = Str2[0] & %11011111  
                    Str1[Xs] = Str1[XS] & %11011111
                   If Str2[0] = Str1[Xs] then   ; Found a match on 1st char of Str2
                   Ws = Xs
                   Js = 1
                     for Ys = Xs + 1 to MaxCompareLength
                        if Str2[Js] = 0 then FoundMatch  ; hit the end of Str2
                           If IgnoreCase then 
                               Str2[Js] = Str2[JS] & %11011111  
                               Str1[Ys] = Str1[Ys] & %11011111
                        if Str2[Js] != Str1[Ys] then NoMatch
                        Js = Js + 1
                     next Ys
                     goto FoundMatch
            next Xs            
          WS = 255
    ; Fast searcher! Case sensitive.  Closely based on info provided by Darrel Taylor.
    ; Searches through Str1. If it finds the strings listed in the quotes, it returns which one it found.
    ; the max length of STR1 that will be searched is in MaxSearchLen
        Cmd = 255  ; In case of no match
        MaxSearchLen = 20            
        Parse01: Cmd=01 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse02,[WAIT("Command1")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse02: Cmd=02 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse03,[WAIT("Age")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse03: Cmd=03 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse04,[WAIT("Weight")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse04: Cmd=04 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse05,[WAIT("Address")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse05: Cmd=05 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse06,[WAIT("Command5")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse06: Cmd=06 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse07,[WAIT("Command6")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse07: Cmd=07 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse08,[WAIT("Command7")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse08: Cmd=08 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse09,[WAIT("Command8")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse09: Cmd=09 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse10,[WAIT("Command9")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse10: Cmd=10 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse11,[WAIT("Command10")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse11: Cmd=11 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse12,[WAIT("Command11")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse12: Cmd=12 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse13,[WAIT("Command12")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse13: Cmd=13 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse14,[WAIT("Command13")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse14: Cmd=14 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Parse15,[WAIT("Command14")] : GOTO Foundit
        Parse15: Cmd=15 : ARRAYREAD Str1,MaxSearchLen,Foundit,[WAIT("Command15")] : GOTO Foundit
    Charles Linquist

  37. #37
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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    Thanks Charles for your subroutines.

    This is a snippet of code from a two temperature probe controller, chiller and alarm
    Alarm MIN and MAX
    Chiller MIN and MAX

    Crammed it into a 12f1822, should of used a 12f1840 for more space.

    Use gosub Print_Phrase: with zb pointing to the string.

    eg zb= Ofuzzy1 : gosub Print_Phrase

    will print out the copyright string:
    (C)2011 Ofuzzy1 All Rights Reserved - Not for Life Critical Use!

    Was cramped for space so phrases were pieced together.
    MIN Alarm would be pieced together
    gosub Print_Alarm: gosub Print_Min:
    '================================================= =====================================

    ; Strings are stored in the EEPROM leaving more room for Programs
    ; The last char of the string has $80 added to it mark then end of the string.
    ;  this simplifies string maintenance.
    ; Strings are sent out via DEGUG for Async Serial - RS232
    ; Debug is smaller than serout and serout2
    ' print character defines
    CR              con 13
    LF              con 10
    VTAB            CON 11  ' VERTICAL TAB   = Clear Screen
    DEGREE          CON $DF
    Dash            con 45
    Space           con $20
    ' ---- The temps  they do all the grunt work with little or no pay :)
    AB          VAR BYTE    ' TEMP
    BB          VAR BYTE    ' TEMP
    xb          var byte    ' temp
    yb          var byte    ' temp
    zb          var byte    ' temp
    ' These are stored on the EEPROM Data area -- Leaves room for bigger programs
    '   *** Mark the end of the words with Char + 128
    ; @$10 starts the strings at location $10 [16] in the eeprom
    CharBump        con $80
    Ofuzzy1 data @$10,   "(C)2011 Ofuzzy1 All Rights Reserved - Not for Life Critical Use", "!" + CharBump
    W_Alarm  Data        "Alarm", "_" + CharBump     ; Alarm
    W_Min    Data        "Mi", "n" + CharBump        ; Min
    W_Max    Data        "Ma", "x" + CharBump        ; Max
    W_Normal Data        "Norma", "l" + CharBump
    W_Both_Probes Data   "Both Probe", "s" + CharBump
    W_Enter  Data        "& Ente", "r" + CharBump
    W_YNRQ   Data        "Y=Yes R=Redo N=No Q=Qui", "t" + CharBump
    ; begin MAIN program code
    Gosub Print_Copyright
    ;end MAIN program code
    gosub CR_LF3 ': gosub CR_LF
    zb= Ofuzzy1 : gosub Print_Phrase
    gosub CR_LF3 ': gosub CR_LF
    Print_Phrase:   ' Call with zb = ROM_Memory_Location [byte] last char is >$80
    bb = 1          ' this could be re-written slicker but it works.
      Do until !BB '  = 0
        read zb, ab
        if ab > CharBump-1 then 
            ab = ab - CharBump
            bb = 0
        debug ab
        zb= zb + 1
    CR_LF3:        ; 3 line feeds
    debug LF,cr
    CR_LF2:        ; 2 line feeds
    debug LF,cr
    debug CR,LF    ; 1 line feed
    debug " "
    debug " "
    gosub Print_SP : gosub Print_lt1: gosub Print_SP 
    debug "<": 
    gosub Print_SP : gosub Print_GT1: gosub Print_SP 
    debug ">": 
    Last edited by ofuzzy1; - 12th January 2013 at 20:00.

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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    Well, BANG goes my idea of making a Ethernet controlled device using PICBASIC to deliver the menus etc.

    I was an early adopter of this compiler, but to do what I need I'm moving over to Mikro C (SORRY) But it has string handling by the bucket load.

    My latest project included a 3 way Bluetooth comms using 3 HC05 modules. The only way I could get them to talk was to do an AT+RNAME? to ID each unit, thus ensuring that the master had connected to the correct two units assigned to it (in the environment where this device will work there will be 100's of similar units and at pairing the master needs to know that is has one of each TYPE connected rather than relying on an "IP" address.

  39. #39
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    Default Re: How about String Variables?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean_Goddard View Post
    ...but to do what I need I'm moving over to Mikro C (SORRY) But it has string handling by the bucket load.
    This post will probaby be deleted (like skimask's entire thread) for mentioning the advantages of a superior competitive product.
    Why pay for overpriced toys when you can have
    professional grade tools for FREE!!!

  40. #40

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    Skimask's post wasn't deleted?

    I agree, MEL needs to step up.

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