MeLabs U2 USB programmer
Breadboard powered from wall adapter.
I just spent an ungodly amount of hours tracking a problem, turned out MCLR was NOT making a "complete RESET". I had to power down the breadboard and turned it back on for programming to take effect completely.
DAT and CLK only used by MeLabs programmer
Standard MCLR circuit:
- MCLR pin on PIC to 10K to VDD
- MCLR pin on PIC to 100R to MCLR on MeLabs U2 USB programmer
- MCLR pin on programmer to pushbutton to VSS
- 12V Wall adapter to rocker switch (VDD)
- rocker switch to DC-DC converter
- DC-DC converter to breadboard
My CONFIG in case it's relevant:
__config _CONFIG4, _WRT_OFF & _SCANE_available & _LVP_OFF
__config _CONFIG5, _CP_OFF & _CPD_OFF