SOLVED - IOC works on B0 but not B5

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    Default SOLVED - IOC works on B0 but not B5

    Solved in post #8:

    I had set my CCP defines to CCP4 and CCP5 by mistake, I meant it to be to CCP3 and cCP4.


    PIC 16F18877


    - moved CCP3 from B5 to D2
    - moved CCP4 from B0 to D3
    - disabled PPS on pins B0 and B5

    I can detect a negative edge on B0, but not on B5.

    @ ERRORLEVEL -306   ; turn off crossing page boundary message
    ' Default in file: PBP3_1\DEVICES\PIC16F18877.PBPINC                   *
    ' List in file:    PBP3_1\DEVICE_REFERENCE\PIC16F18877.INFO            *
    ' Note:            PIC18 devices, the __CONFIG directive has           *
    '                    been superceded by the CONFIG directive           *
        __config _CONFIG4, _WRT_OFF & _SCANE_available & _LVP_OFF
        __config _CONFIG5, _CP_OFF & _CPD_OFF
    ;--- Defines -------------------------------------------------------------------
    DEFINE  LCD_DREG      PORTD             ' Set LCD data port
    DEFINE  LCD_DBIT      4                 ' Set starting data bit
    DEFINE  LCD_RSREG     PORTD             ' Set LCD register select port
    DEFINE  LCD_RSBIT     1                 ' Set LCD register select bit
    DEFINE  LCD_EREG      PORTD             ' Set LCD enable port
    DEFINE  LCD_EBIT      0                 ' Set LCD enable bit
    DEFINE  LCD_BITS      4                 ' Set LCD bus size
    DEFINE  LCD_LINES     4                 ' Set number of lines on LCD
    DEFINE  LCD_COM1MANDUS 1000              ' Set COM1mand delay time in microseconds
    DEFINE  LCD_DATAUS    50                ' Set data delay time in microseconds
    define  CCP4_REG     PORTD              ' PWM Pulse out to LCD contrast
    DEFINE  CCP4_BIT     2                  '   2N2907 PNP with 1K on base
    define  CCP5_REG     PORTD              ' PWM Pulse out to LCD backlight
    DEFINE  CCP5_BIT     3                  '   2N2222A NPN with 1K on base
    ;--- Setup registers -----------------------------------------------------------
    'INTCON = %10000000                 ' Controlled by DT-INTS                     
    'PIE0 = %00010000
    IOCBP = %00000000                    ;IOC Interrupt, Positive Edge, low-to-high
    IOCBN = %00100001                    ;IOC Interrupt, Negative Edge, from high-to-low
    'IOCDP = %00000000                    ;...not available
    'IOCDN = %00000000                    ;...not available
    'IOCEP = %00000000                    ;...not available
    'IOCEN = %00000000                    ;...not available
    WPUB   = %00100001
    '                       CCP3 moved from B5 to D2                                       !
    '                       CCP4 moved from B0 to D3                                       !
    PinD2   CON %011010                     ' Datasheet table 13-2
    PinD3   CON %011011
    CCP3PPS = PinD2                         ' CCP3 Peripheral input selection
    CCP4PPS = PinD3                         ' CCP4 Peripheral input selection
    PeripheralCCP3  CON %001011             ' Datasheet table 13-3
    PeripheralCCP4  CON %001100
    RD2PPS = PeripheralCCP3                 ' Pin D2 output source selection
    RD3PPS = PeripheralCCP4                 ' Pin D3 output source selection
    RB0PPS = 0                              ' Disable CCP4 on pin B0 (moved to D3)
    RB5PPS = 0                              ' Disable CCP3 on pin B5 (moved to D2)
    ANSELA = %00000000
    ANSELB = %00000000
    ANSELC = %00000000
    ANSELD = %00000000
    ANSELE = %00000000
    TRISA = %00000000
    TRISB = %00100001
    TRISC = %00000000
    TRISD = %00000000
    TRISE = %00000000
        Pause 500
        HPWM 3,250,1953                 ' Pulse Contrast
        HPWM 4,150,1953                 ' Pulse Backlight
        IOCBF = %00000000
        LCDOUT $FE, 1 : Pauseus 1
        LCDOUT $FE, $80, "COM/NAV ENCODER TEST" : Pauseus 1
        PAUSE 500
        if IOCBF.0 = 1 then
            LCDOUT $FE, $94, "... Swap B0 ..." : Pauseus 1
            IOCBF.0 = 0
        if IOCBF.5 = 1 then
            LCDOUT $FE, $D4, "... Swap B5 ..." : Pauseus 1
            IOCBF.5 = 0
        goto mainloop

    I've gone through the datasheet, but I can't see anything else "special" about pin B5...?
    Last edited by Demon; - 16th September 2024 at 21:48.
    My Creality Ender 3 S1 Plus is a giant paperweight that can't even be used as a boat anchor, cause I'd be fined for polluting our waterways with electronic devices.

    Not as dumb as yesterday, but stupider than tomorrow!

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