Addressing multiple PORTs using one Variable

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    SWITZERLAND (french speaking)

    Default Addressing multiple PORTs using one Variable

    Hi All,

    I need to address five ports conditionally according to the value of one variable.

    I found some posts about this subject and hoped this thread would help, but unfortunately, it doesn't.

    This a code extract of my current project where timing is crucial and I have to write down a lot of repeating lines of code since FOR/NEXT and GOTOs and GOSUBs take too much time (I'm driving five NeoPixel SW2812B strings with each 28 LEDs/Pixels).

    ' PIC 16F690 @20MHz
    TRISC = %00000000
    PortPin VAR PORTA.0
    X       VAR BYTE
    X       = 23            ' PORTC.7 - "PORTA.0[23]"
        PORTC.7      = 1    ' OK, obviously will work but useless - just make shure the scope works too
        'PORTA.0[23]  = 1   ' OK but useless
        'PORTA.0[X]   = 1   ' No! Makes a blink in the scope and then stays LOW
        'PORTA[X]     = 1   ' No!, nothing happens, pin stays LOW
        'PortPin[23]  = 1   ' OK but useless   
        'PortPin[X]   = 1   ' No!, nothing happens, pin stays LOW
        'PortPin.0[X] = 1   ' No!, error message "Bad variable size modifier: .0"
        PORTC.7 = 0         ' have this syntax for tests only here
        GOTO MAIN

    How do I solve this please?
    Last edited by flotulopex; - 23rd July 2024 at 18:13.

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