Direct Register Access not recognized

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2022

    Question Direct Register Access not recognized

    I've been working on a 18F46K80 and am at a point where I want to disable the EUSART receiver. I tried RCSTA1.7 = 0 and I get a compile error. I also tried RCSTA.7 = 0 and RCSTA = 0 with the same result. The confusing part is the very next line addresses the TXSTA1.5 = 0 and the command compiles fine. I have all the modedefs and defines declared and have the 46k80 selected but I can't seem to get past this error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Direct Register Access not recognized

    you will need to post some code that demonstrates that problem
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Direct Register Access not recognized

    Here is the code listing. The compiler complains about the RCSTA1.7 = 0 command. If I comment it out, the rest of the code compiles fine. The error message is "bad expression"


    RCSTA1.7 = 0
    while ! TXSTA1.1 :wend 'wait til TX completes
    TXSTA1.5 = 0 'turn off EUSART1 TX
    END SELECT 'done with this

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Direct Register Access not recognized

    That code sure doesn't compile but it's not because of RCSTA1.7=0 but rather END SELECT. If I remove END SELECT the reset does compile here.
    Since you claim it compiles if you comment out RCSTA1.7=0 I suspect the code you posted isn't what you're trying to compile - which doesn't help.

    Which version of PBP do you have and which version of MPLAB/MPASM are you using?

    Goto the MPASMX folder and open the file, look for the lines:
    RCSTA            EQU  H'0FAB'
    RCSTA1           EQU  H'0FAB'
    Also goto your PBP3 installation folder, open DEVICES and then open PIC17F46K80.PBPINC, look for the lines:
    RCSTA1              VAR BYTE EXT     ; BANKA
    RCSTA               VAR BYTE EXT     ; BANKA (Legacy/Migration
    Can you find these entries in both of the above files?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Direct Register Access not recognized

    Hello Henrik,
    you and I have talked about this code a few times now. I had to change my name to protect the guilty! Actually I lost my original password and tried to recover the password but never got a response so I just created a new one.

    Yes, both files are there, and all the declarations are also there. I moved the end select statement so this code should execute no matter what happens above it.

    hserout ["Ending changes",13,10]
    write lockadd, word $5A5A       'relock so values don't change.
    END SELECT                           'done with this
    RCSTA1.7 = 0                                                                   
    while ! TXSTA1.1 :wend            'wait til TX completes
    TXSTA1.5 = 0                          'turn off EUSART1 TX
    It still won't compile.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Direct Register Access not recognized

    Hi Paul,
    The following compiles here, using PBP and MPASM 5.87:
      RCSTA1.7 = 0                                                                   
      while ! TXSTA1.1 :wend            'wait til TX completes
      TXSTA1.5 = 0                          'turn off EUSART1 TX
    Try copy/pasting the above code (not your original code, but the above) into a new file and compile it for the 46K80.
    It's a real longshot but I have had weird things happening where some character have not been what it looks like. Can't really explain it but deleting ALL of the offending line and type it again solved the issue.


  7. #7
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    Thanks Henrik,
    well, you nailed it, and I don't know why. I deleted the original code and inserted yours and it compiled fine. Just for fun I'll look at the ascii code originally there and see if there is a hidden character that was causing the problem. Thanks for all your help with this. I really appreciate it. If I find something hidden, I'll get back to you. Thanks again.


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