PIC16F886 Pulldown inputs
I'm using a 16f886 to detect digital inputs. I set RA5 for example to be a digital input. No analogs for this project.
ANSEL = 0 ' Make AN0-AN7 digital
ANSELH= 0 ' Make AN8-AN13 digital
I'm using opto isolators to accept 12V and convert the 12V to 5v (VCC).
That output is connected to pin 7 (RA5).
I'm observing that it thinks its high all the time because I made the mistake of leaving that input floating instead of tying it to GND thru a high ohm resistor as a default. When I touch my probe on the pin it works - telling me it needs a pull down.
I then put a thru hole resistor on the opto isolator output (1.5M because thats what I had) and it works, that fixed it. But now I have to modify my prototype.
My question is there a way to configure the 886 to have pulldown capability on portA. I'm reading and reading and can't seem to find that solution. Prob not possible.
And last - the PIC886 is a fairly old IC - is there a newer version which might incorporate pull down functionality? I'll hang up and ask Micrchip for that answer...
Any ideas that might solve this rather than redoing my proto to have the pull down resisitor fix?
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