SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch - Page 2

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  1. #41
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (42x40) I2C display from scratch

    you cannot, the smallest element is 1 byte ie one column[page] of 8 rows
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  2. #42
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    Default SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    you cannot
    Right, so you are talking about using data in a more efficient way using the vertical display mode as described in figure 10-4, correct?

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  3. #43
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (42x40) I2C display from scratch

    yes , aligning the font data packing with the ssd1306's memory page layout is more efficient usage of the 14 bit width of the flash memory
    while it will still need some clever manipulation to unpack it into a 8 bit data stream

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  4. #44
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    Default SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    Okay, found!

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  5. #45
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    Default SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    Here is a simple code to get started with this 72x40 display.

    I also include the SSD1306 command and display's datasheets.

    Since I use EXCEL to design characters, here's the sheet you may want to have a look at.

    And again, lots of thanks to Richard

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  6. #46
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (42x40) I2C display from scratch

    You seem to have the communication to the controller well under control
    next step is to try to store a font economically, you have probably discovered a large font on a very resource limited chip
    like a 690 stored as a series of code structures like
    I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,_
    [$40,192,224,240,248,252,126,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,6 3,126,252,248,240,224,192,_
    255,255,255,255,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,12 8,128,128,128,255,255,255,255,_
    255,255,255,255,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,1 5,255,255,255,255,_
    255,255,255,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255,255,25 5,255]
    will by the time you have 10 digits covered will have blown 75% of the chips flash.
    fonts can be stored in much better ways, even expanded out as the are read back
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  7. #47
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    Default SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    fonts can be stored in much better ways
    Richard, can you point me the direction to do this?

    Should I use some kind of algorithm where repetitive numbers could be stored differently or find a way to make better use of the 14 bits word size of the 16F690?

  8. #48
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    the font is just a simple block of data
    this one is for digits 0 to 9 + "." + "%" its 14 bits high and 10 bits wide [to match chip flash]
    so total size is 120 words
    for convenience lets locate it a the end of flash - 120 words ie. 0xf88
    note this is only partially "filled" in and not very carefully at that

    asm       ;incomplete and very rough font 14x10
     org 0xf88
     dw    0x1ffc,0x3ffe,0x3006,0x3006,0x3006,0x3006,0x3006,0x3006,0x3ffe,0x1ffc ;"0"
     dw    0,0x300C,0x300E,0x300F,0x3ffF,0x3ffF,0x3ffF,0x3000,0x3000,0
     dw    0x3806,0x3C07,0x3E03,0x3703,0x3383,0x31E3,0x30F3,0x307F,0x303E,0
     dw    0x3018,0x3006,0x3186,0x3186,0x3186,0x3186,0x3186,0x3006,0x3cf8,0x1ffc  ;"3"
     dw    0,0x3ffe,0,0x3ffe,0,0x3ffe,0,0x3ffe,0,0
     dw    0,0x3ffe,0,0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0,0x3ffe,0,0
     dw    0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0,0,0,0,0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0x3ffe
     dw    0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0,0,0x3ffe,0,0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0x3ffe
     dw    0x1ffc,0x3ffe,0x3186,0x3186,0x3186,0x3186,0x3186,0x3186,0x3ffe,0x1ffc  ;"8"
     dw    0,0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0x3ffe,0x3ffe
     dw    0,0,0,0xE00,0x1F00,0x1F00,0xE00,0,0,0    ;"."
     dw    0x181f,0xC11,0x611,0x31f,0x1C0,0x60,0x1F38,0x110c,0x1106,0x1F02  ;"%"
    normally i would make the font an include and give it a label rather than manually locate it like this
    dt's macro as found in dt-ints is ideal to find and numerate the font address
    GetAddress macro Label, Wout
    CHK?RP Wout
    movlw low Label ; get low byte
    movwf Wout
    movlw High Label ; get high byte
    movwf Wout + 1
    when the fonts address is known its simple to use readcode command to retrieve font data
    Last edited by lester; - 8th December 2023 at 09:44. Reason: Changed Thread Title
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  9. #49
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    Default SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch - scrolling text

    Just for fun, scrolling text example

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  10. #50
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (42x40) I2C display from scratch

    i'm not seeing a font , i had a look at a 40x18 font this morning with my new 72x40 that just arrived
    encoded this way seems the best compromise for easy of unpacking into a 18 x 5 byte stream to send to display

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    i dont like most of you inital sfr settings
    i would replace the entire section with
    OSCCON = $70 ;% 01110000 'Internal RC set to 8MHZ

    for these reasons
    OPTION_REG = % 10000000 'PORT A&B Pull-Ups disabled (see WPUA & WPUB)
    Pull-Ups are set that way by default anyway . that does other things to that may later prove to be incorrect Like set int edge to falling, reassign and alter the prescaler, change timer 0 clock source

    OSCCON = % 11100000 'Internal RC set to 8MHZ
    no 'OSCCON = % 01110000 for 8mhz you have set it for 4 mhz

    ANSEL = % 00010100 'Select analog inputs Channels 0 to 7 (AN2 + AN4 selected)
    ok but you then go on to make those pins be digital outputs , not recommended except for smoke generation if used as analog inputs

    ADCON0 = % 10000000 'A/D Module (Bit5:2 select channels 0:11)
    ADCON1 = % 00000000 'A/D control register
    why ? makes no sense adc is off by default

    CM1CON0 = % 00000000 'Comparator1 Module is OFF
    CM2CON0 = % 00000000 'Comparator2 Module is OFF
    why ? Comparator 1 and 2 Modules are OFF by default

    INTCON = % 00000000 'INTerrupts CONtrol (TMR0 OFF)
    why serves no purpose ints are off by default

    TRISA = % 00000000 'Set Input/Output (0 to 5)
    bad call when an2
    TRISB = % 00000000 'Set Input/Output (4 to 7)
    bad call when 4,6 used for i2c
    TRISC = % 00000000 'Set Input/Output (0 to 7)
    bad call when an4

    why ? i2c pins can left as be inputs
    when breadboarding leave unused pins as inputs. fine set them as low outputs for the "production" version if a few microwatts of power dissipation makes a difference

    PORTB = % 00000000 'Ports High/Low (4 to 7)
    why ? i2c pins being set low is not useful
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  11. #51
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (42x40) I2C display from scratch

    i have tried a 14x10 , a 14x10 doubled to 28x20
    a 13x7 doubled to 26x14 and tripled to 39x21
    they all work ok. imho by leaps and bounds a 40x18 full size font looks best and is only 540 words for ten digits

    Last edited by richard; - 9th December 2023 at 08:12.
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  12. #52
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    Default SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch


    You're absolutely right about the useless register settings I mention in my code.

    Most of them, if not all, just reflect their default state as per datasheet.

    This is because I use a pic specific template so they are there everytime I start a new project and ready to be deleted in case of no use

    BTW, your video looks great!!

  13. #53
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (42x40) I2C display from scratch

    Quote Originally Posted by Ioannis View Post
    These LCD's are difficult to use. Indeed there are too many parameters to set....
    Yes, I agree, this is definitively the hardest part to get it work.

    Richard, how did you come to this $68 value please? I can't figure it out

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    '======= SSD1306 I2C OLED initialization ================================================== =========
    COM = $AE : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' turn off OLED panel
    COM = $D5 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency
    COM = $F0 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set divide ratio
    COM = $A8 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set multiplex ratio
    COM = $27 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' 1/40 duty
    COM = $D3 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set display offset
    COM = $40 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set display start line
    COM = $8D : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set Charge Pump enable/disable
    COM = $14 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set(0x10) disable
    COM = $20 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' Addressing Setting Command Table
    COM = $00 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' Page Addressing Mode
    COM = $A1 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set segment re-map: column address 127 is mapped to SEG0
    COM = $C8 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' Set COM Output Scan Direction 64 to 0
    COM = $DA : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set com pins hardware configuration
    COM = $12 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' Sequential COM pin configuration
    COM = $AD : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' Internal IREF Setting
    COM = $30 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' --
    COM = $81 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set contrast control register
    COM = $2F : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set contrast value 0..255
    COM = $D9 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set pre-charge period
    COM = $22 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set pre-charge value
    COM = $DB : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set vcomh deselect level
    COM = $20 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set vcomh value
    COM = $A4 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' Disable Entire Display On
    COM = $A6 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set normal display
    COM = $0C : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set lower column address
    COM = $11 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set higher column address
    COM = $68 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set display start line register
    COM = $AF : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' turn on OLED panel
    Last edited by flotulopex; - 12th December 2023 at 18:02.

  14. #54
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    Richard, how did you come to this $68 value please? I can't figure it out
    the info supplied with the display makes calculating the value somewhat difficult . in fact i cannot see the connection at all

    the command basically sets where the memory line representing page 0 bit 0 maps to the physical display top row pixels, it can be vertically offset by 0 to 63 pixels in a virtually identical way to the way the display scrolls horizontally

    it needed to be offset by -23 pixels to get the top row to align with page 0 bit 0

    command range = 0x40 to 0x7f , 0x7f - 23 = 0x68
    Last edited by richard; - 12th December 2023 at 22:23.
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  15. #55
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    Default SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    Well, I think I'm just gonna remember this settings "as is".

    Thanks for trying to make things more clear for me

  16. #56
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    This is very interesting thread, giving me some hope that I will be able to use OLED screens with PBP one day, but I have a quesiton - 24C64 or something like that costs under $1. Why not use it for font storage?

  17. #57
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    I have a quesiton - 24C64 or something like that costs under $1. Why not use it for font storage

    because you can save your $1 and another one by buying a better pic to start with and :-

    not have a costlier more complex circuit board .
    use a standard font file generated by glcd font creator.
    its faster, uses hardware i2c and can do proper graphics too.

    as i said at the beginning if you want easy get a pic 18

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    Last edited by richard; - 16th December 2023 at 05:58.
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  18. #58
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    So expensive
    I'm buying 2nd hand 886 and 1829 for about 50 and 90 cents in China
    Since I'm not doing anything commercial, this is just fine for me.

  19. #59
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    And by the way, I don't see any reasons, why you can't write GLCD (which can't save file on windows 10-11) generated or any other software generated font into external EEPROM.

  20. #60
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    don't see any reasons, why you can't write GLCD generated or any other software generated font into external EEPROM.
    Nor do I , but I have never come anything to make a bin or hex file easily from the generated code

    (which can't save file on windows 10-11)
    mine works perfectly win 10 and 11 , make sure to add the .lcd extension to the file name when saving it otherwise it goes funny
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  21. #61
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    Why not use it for font storage?
    Because this thread will be followed with "how can I speed up my OLED display routines?".

    The choice is obviously yours, but the 18F27Q43 has 128K of flash, 8K of ram, and runs at 64MHz.
    The only downside is the hardware I2C peripheral isn't compatible with the old MSSP I2C, so you're stuck using PBP's software I2CWRITE/I2CREAD or rolling your own (which is not trivial for these new parts).

  22. #62
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    Hi Richard, & all others in the post.

    I've just started out with my OLED display, writing in PIC assembler so I'm presently reading the fine-print on the SSD1306 datasheet to ensure I leave no bits un-turned. I'm cross-referencing my program to others I've found, albeit none in assembler, as such I joined the forum to maybe smooth any glitches I stumble across as this discussion seems rather detailed.

    Although the datasheet shows an approximate Initialise flowchart, I've noticed a few differences (in order) between some of the subroutines I've found:

    An interesting one within the datasheet informs the Set-Charge-Pump command (8Dh) should be followed by the Display On (AFh) command, has yours been okay as such in your Richard?

    Your 'set lower column address' & 'set higher column address', should these variables not be preceded with the actual 'Set Column Address' command, 21h?

    Also, the 'Internal IREF Setting' command ($AD) , where in the datasheet is that command listed, I can find ample references to the Iref current & the calcs etc but can'f find the actual command.

    If your sequence has proved okay, I'll use its order as a reference to set mine up, although I'll set Segment-0 as column-0 just to get it up & running then make changes as required.

    Albeit writes to my CGRAM showed a blank display, as such I've yet to find if it's either my I2C timing (I'm bit banging), (OR) my actual programming sequence, hence firstly confirming the Initialise sequence.

    This is my sequence;

    0AEh ; Set Display OFF. AE h = display OFF, while AF= display ON.
    0D5h ; Set Display Clock Divide Ratio/ Oscillator Frequency.
    80h ; (value)
    0A8h ; Set Multiplex Ratio.
    3Fh ; (value)
    40h ; Set Display Start Line (row) 0 - 63 (40h 7Fh). [as I'm using the 64x32 display]
    20h ; Set Memory Addressing Mode;
    00h ; Three choices, I use the Horizontal mode.
    21h ; Set Column Address;
    00h ; Column start address (0 for me)
    3Fh ; Column end address (63 for me) [as I'm using the 64x32 display]
    22h ; Set Page Address;
    00h ; PAGE start address (0 for me).
    03h ; PAGE end address (3 for me). [as I'm using the 64x32 display]
    81h ; Set Contrast Control.
    0CFh ; (value)
    0D9h ; Set Pre-charge period.
    0F1h ; (value)
    0DBh ; Set VCOMH Deselect Level.
    40h ; (value)
    0A4h ; Entire display on. A4h= Display as per RAM content. A5h= Display is ON, **BUT** unafected by changes to RAM content.
    0A6h ; Set Normal/Inverse Display. A6h= normal, A7h= inverse.
    0x8D ; Set charge pump;
    0x14 ; (value) - ON
    0AFh ; Turn Display ON.


    '======= SSD1306 I2C OLED initialization ================================================== =========
    COM = $AE : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' turn off OLED panel
    COM = $D5 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency
    COM = $F0 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set divide ratio
    COM = $A8 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set multiplex ratio
    COM = $27 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' 1/40 duty
    COM = $D3 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set display offset
    COM = $40 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set display start line
    COM = $8D : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set Charge Pump enable/disable
    COM = $14 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set(0x10) disable
    COM = $20 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' Addressing Setting Command Table
    COM = $00 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' Page Addressing Mode
    COM = $A1 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set segment re-map: column address 127 is mapped to SEG0
    COM = $C8 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' Set COM Output Scan Direction 64 to 0
    COM = $DA : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set com pins hardware configuration
    COM = $12 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' Sequential COM pin configuration
    COM = $AD : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' Internal IREF Setting
    COM = $30 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' --
    COM = $81 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set contrast control register
    COM = $2F : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set contrast value 0..255
    COM = $D9 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set pre-charge period
    COM = $22 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set pre-charge value
    COM = $DB : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set vcomh deselect level
    COM = $20 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set vcomh value
    COM = $A4 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' Disable Entire Display On
    COM = $A6 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set normal display
    COM = $0C : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set lower column address
    COM = $11 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set higher column address
    COM = $68 : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' set display start line register
    COM = $AF : GOSUB SEND_COMMAND ' turn on OLED panel

  23. #63
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    Your 'set lower column address' & 'set higher column address', should these variables not be preceded with the actual 'Set Column Address' command, 21h?
    no , that is setting the offset of the actual display as it is overlaid into the memory map

    Also, the 'Internal IREF Setting' command ($AD) , where in the datasheet is that command listed, I can find ample references to the Iref current & the calcs etc but can'f find the actual command.
    its probably not a command at all but a data value that followed the contrast command that's become dislodged in space and time.
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  24. #64
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    I've just realised I'd wrote your name Richard, instead of Rogers, as it was his initialisation listing I was querying, no worry.

    I see one of Roger's later posts shows the two subsequent bytes, as with the subsequent Page Address command ($22) two bytes.

    The Internal IREF Setting' command ($AD), appears to be listed on older pdf's for the 72x40 type(?), a command not required on later board as set by a resistor.

  25. #65
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    I've sorted my glitch out, copying a double-byte send I2C section to create the triple byte I'd overlooked the unwanted I2C_Stop call before sending the 3rd byte, so was never seeing it.

    	call I2C_Start
    	call I2C_Address
    	movlw 00h		; 00=Command stream.
    	movwf I2C_Command_or_Data
    	call I2C_byte
    	movlw 21h		;Column Address;
    	movwf I2C_Command_or_Data
    	call I2C_byte
    	movlw 00h		;  Low column.
    	movwf I2C_Command_or_Data
    	call I2C_byte
    	movlw 3Fh		;  High column.
    	movwf I2C_Command_or_Data
    	call I2C_byte
    	call I2C_Stop
    	call I2C_Start
    	call I2C_Address
    	movlw 00h		; 00=Command stream.
    	movwf I2C_Command_or_Data
    	call I2C_byte
    	movlw 22h		;[3] Page Address;
    	movwf I2C_Command_or_Data
    	call I2C_byte
    	movlw 00h		;  Start page.
    	movwf I2C_Command_or_Data
    	call I2C_byte
    	movlw 03h		; End page.
    	movwf I2C_Command_or_Data
    	call I2C_byte
    	call I2C_Stop
    ;-- Start --
    	bcf PORTA,SDA		;START commence, 
    	call _nops
    	bcf PORTA,SCK		;	START complete.
    ;-- Address_byte --			;= 78h (bit [0] = R/W. Writing, so = 0.
    	bcf PORTA,SDA		;bit 7
    	call clk_it		
    	bsf PORTA,SDA		;bit 6
    	call clk_it		
    	bsf PORTA,SDA		;bit 5
    	call clk_it
    	bsf PORTA,SDA		;bit 4		
    	call clk_it	
    	bsf PORTA,SDA		;bit 3	
    	call clk_it
    	bcf PORTA,SDA		;bit 2	
    	call clk_it
    	bcf PORTA,SDA		;bit 1
    	call clk_it
    	bcf PORTA,SDA		;bit 0 (R/W bit)
    	call clk_it
    ;	return
    ;-- Ack --
    	bsf STATUS,RP0	;Page 1.
    	bsf TRISA,SDA		;Set as input to release the line
    	bcf STATUS,RP0	;Page 0.
    	call clk_it
    	bsf STATUS,RP0	;Page 1.
    	bcf TRISA,SDA		;Set back to output.
    	bcf STATUS,RP0	;Page 0.
    ;-- Command or Data byte --
    	movlw 08h		
    	movwf countbits	;count the 8 bits RLF
    	btfss I2C_Command_or_Data,7
    	goto low_bit1
    	bsf PORTA,SDA
    	goto _clk1
    	bcf PORTA,SDA
    _clk1	call clk_it
    	decfsz countbits,same
    	goto _rlf
    	goto I2C_Ack ;return
    _rlf	rlf I2C_Command_or_Data
    	goto byte_bits
    ;-- Stop --
    	bcf PORTA,SDA		;Before STOP, ensure its low.
    	call _nops
    	bsf PORTA,SCK		;STOP commence,
    	call _nops
    	bsf PORTA,SDA		;	STOP completed.
    ;	call _nops
    	call d50mS
    	return			;I2C over.

  26. #66
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    Default SSD1306 OLED starts up 10 times out of 11 or so

    For any reason, my OLED module won't start up once out of ten or twenty times.

    I have no clue why.

    I change OLED modules (I have five and do all the same), changes breadboards, changed µC... I don't know what to try next.

    Any idea?

    ' OLED-72x40_16F18446
    ' ====== FUSES =====================================================================================
    ' External oscillator
        __config _CONFIG5, _CP_OFF
    @ ERRORLEVEL -306
    @ ERRORLEVEL -202
    ' ====== REGISTERS =================================================================================
    ANSELB  = %00000000
    ' ====== DEFINES ===================================================================================
    DEFINE NO_CLRWDT 1   ' don't waste cycles clearing WDT  
    DEFINE HSER_CLOERR 1 ' automatic clear overrun error 
    DEFINE I2C_SLOW 1    ' if >8MHz
    ' ====== VARIABLES =================================================================================
    SDA         VAR PORTB.5 ' I2C Clock
    SCL         VAR PORTB.6 ' I2C Data
    ' SSD1306 OLED 72x40 module (has built-in 10k pull-up on SDA/SCL)
    I2CDevice   CON $78
    Page        VAR BYTE ' OLED's Pages 0..4
    ' ====== SSD1306 I2C OLED initialization ===========================================================
    PAUSE 500 ' let display settle
    ' Initializing command set
    I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,[$00,$AE,$D5,$80,$A8,$3F,$D3,$00,$20,$00,$AD,$30,$8D,$14,$68,$A6,$A4,_
    PAUSEUS 50    
    ' ====== PROGRAM STARTUP ===========================================================================
    ' ====== MAIN PROGRAM ==============================================================================
        PAUSE 2000
        PAUSE 2000
        GOTO MAIN
    ' ====== CLEAR FULL DISPLAY ROUTINE ================================================================
        I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,[$00,$21,28,99,$22,0,4]
        FOR Page = 0 TO 4
            I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,[$40,_
                0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, _
                0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, _
                0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, _
        NEXT Page    
    ' ====== SPLASH SCREEN DISPLAY =====================================================================
        I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,[$40,_
        I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,[$40,_
        I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,[$40,_
        I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,[$40,_
        I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,[$40,_
        I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,[$40,_
        I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,[$40,_
        I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,[$40,_
        I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,[$40,_
        I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2CDevice,[$40,_

  27. #67
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    Miami, Florida USA

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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    Use a logical analyzer to see if the module responds to "Initializing command set" when it fails. If it doesn't respond you can try a longer pause "PAUSE 500 ' let display settle".

    Check that you don't have any noise in the power lines or control lines.
    "No one is completely worthless. They can always serve as a bad example."


  28. #68
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    Default SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    Quote Originally Posted by rsocor01 View Post
    Use a logical analyzer to see if the module responds to "Initializing command set" when it fails.
    How would I do this?

    BTW, I just noticed that the module won't start up again if the time between a shut off and switch on is below 2-3 secs. Anyway, it is strange.

    So, if I leave the module unpowered for more than 5 seconds, it'll always restart.

    Maybe this is something absolutely "normal".

  29. #69
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    Hi, flotul,

    did you try to send the initialization sequence twice in a row ???

    I read in I-do-not remember-wich-datasheet to do that with some LCDs ...

    BTW some oleds are really slow to init, did you try more than 500ms ???

    Last edited by Acetronics2; - 24th December 2024 at 23:44.
    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  30. #70
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    Connect a logical analyzer to tx and rx. They are not expensive. Digikey has one for $20. You can see the ones and zeroes going to the module and coming back to the pic. If you don't use a logic analyzer, it is like shooting in the dark.

    About that 2-3 seconds observation, it is very likely that it is a power issue. Maybe you have a large cap that is holding a charge.
    "No one is completely worthless. They can always serve as a bad example."


  31. #71
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    Quote Originally Posted by rsocor01 View Post
    Connect a logical analyzer to tx and rx.
    Okay. Maybe the one from the PICKit Logic Tool may do the trick.

    Name:  2024-12-25 21_14_46-PICkit Logic Tool.jpg
Views: 81
Size:  72.8 KB

    I'll give it a try but I'm quite sure there must be something with the modules themselves.


  32. #72
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    I use a Saleae analyzer with 16 channels. It makes my life a lot easier.

    Name:  protocol-decoders.jpg
Views: 80
Size:  58.3 KB
    "No one is completely worthless. They can always serve as a bad example."


  33. #73
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    Default SSD1306 OLED (72x40) I2C display from scratch

    Thanks. Should have asked Santa a few days ago

    Anyway, this might clearly be on my list of tools to acquire.

  34. #74
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    Default Re: SSD1306 OLED starts up 10 times out of 11 or so

    For any reason, my OLED module won't start up once out of ten or twenty times.

    I have no clue why.
    Since the module you are using has no provision made for the user to be able to reset it you are totally dependent on how the on board POR circuitry applies the reset signal. The board will have a very definite absolute minimum off period and minimum on time before a successful reset will occur. If you don't adhere to those times then its matters not what you code is trying to do the chip won't necessarily be receptive. If your code still does not work reliably after suitable POR conditions have been met then you code is incorrect. Simply resetting your pic is not enough.

    The data sheet gives no clue re command execution time or even if i2c clock stretching is in play, anecdotally there is some support for a small delay after executing an $ae command being beneficial
    Last edited by richard; - 27th December 2024 at 03:58.
    Warning I'm not a teacher

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