ICD and USB UART device

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    Question ICD and USB UART device

    Just received this device (FTDI USB UART IC FT232RL):

    Has anyone been able to use a USB UART device to use ICD in Microcode Studio? Or any RS232 device for that matter?

    I'm using PBP v3.0.8.4, MCS+ v5.0.0.5 and a Blinky program on 16F877:

        __config _HS_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _WRT_OFF & _BODEN_ON & _LVP_OFF  & _CPD_OFF & _PWRTE_OFF & _DEBUG_OFF
    DEFINE  OSC     20
    ADCON1 = 7              ' A/D off, all digital
    TRISD = %00000000
    PORTD = %00000000
    START:  PORTD = %00100000
            PAUSE   500      
            PORTD = %00000000
            PAUSE   500      
            GOTO    START
    Finish: end
    I have GND connected, TX on device to RX on PIC, RX on device to TX on PIC.

    It compiles normally using ICD Compile/Program, I add a Break at PAUSE 500 to stop it, I select COM4 (confirmed in Device Manager, FTDI is there) and click RUN.

    It just sits there, until a window shows up with MCS offering me ideas on things to check.
    Last edited by Demon; - 11th April 2023 at 04:53.
    My Creality Ender 3 S1 Plus is a giant paperweight that can't even be used as a boat anchor, cause I'd be fined for polluting our waterways with electronic devices.

    Not as dumb as yesterday, but stupider than tomorrow!

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