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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2023

    Post USB pic18f4550 USB COMPOSITE DEVICE

    Hello everyone.
    I always try to use microde studio for many of my projects because of the speed and ease of reading the code, with its disadvantages such as higher space usage per program and a very small community, I use it because its benefits are greater. among my projects I need to create a composite device, searching the internet I have not found precise information on this topic, not even an example.
    I have worked on this and I have achieved something that is close to achieving it,
    At this point I think I need to properly address the second device endpoints.
    I have analyzed pbppic18.mac USBOUT-->L?CALL PutUSB and the respective usb_dev.asm where I find that I can address correctly without modifying the code because the required Endpoint has been correctly stored in FSR0L. Despite my poor understanding, I have so far modified the usb_mem.asm,, and usb_hid.asm files.
    The result of this has been that the PC recognizes the composite device correctly and interface 0 communicates (with some easily fixable glitches), but interface 1 is not heard. I think this potential problem is in usb_hid.asm, because invoking endpoint 82 I think it sends to both endpoints 81 and 82, causing me to lose data on device 0 and abort receiving from device 1

    I need some help to find a solution to this problem, if you can help with any contribution I will be very grateful
    ' USB descriptors for a HID device
    'USBMEMORYADDRESS Con    $400    ' USB RAM starts here (set in device header file)
    USBMEMORYSIZE    Con    256    ' USB RAM size in bytes
    USBReservedMemory Var Byte[USBMEMORYSIZE] USBMEMORYADDRESS    ' Reserve memory used by USB assembler code
    goto    hid_desc_end    ' Skip over all of the USB assembler code
    #define    USB_EP0_BUFF_SIZE     8    ; 8, 16, 32, or 64
    #define    USB_MAX_NUM_INT        2    ; For tracking Alternate Setting
    #define    USB_MAX_EP_NUMBER      2    ; UEP1
    #define    NUM_CONFIGURATIONS    1
    #define    NUM_INTERFACES        2
    ;#define USE_USB_BUS_SENSE_IO
    #define USB_POLLING
    ; HID
    ; Endpoints Allocation
    #define    HID_INTF_ID          0x00
    #define    HID_EP              1
    #define    HID_INT_OUT_EP_SIZE      16
    #define    HID_INT_IN_EP_SIZE      16
    #define HID_DEV_INTF_ID       0x01
    #define HID_DEV_EP            2
    #define HID_DEV_INT_OUT_EP_SIZE   16
    #define HID_DEV_INT_IN_EP_SIZE    16
    #define HID_NUM_OF_DSC        1
       include    "usb_hid.asm"    ; Include rest of USB files, starting with HID class code
    ; ******************************************************************
    ; This table is polled by the host immediately after USB Reset has been released.
    ; This table defines the maximum packet size EP0 can take.
    ; See section 9.6.1 of the Rev 1.0 USB specification.
    ; These fields are application DEPENDENT. Modify these to meet
    ; your specifications.
    ; ******************************************************************
        retlw    (EndDeviceDescriptor-DeviceDescriptor)/2    ; bLength Length of this descriptor
        retlw    USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE ; bDescType This is a DEVICE descriptor
        retlw    0x00        ; bcdUSBUSB Revision 1.10 (low byte)
        retlw    0x02        ; high byte
        retlw    0x00        ; bDeviceClass zero means each interface operates independently
        retlw    0x00        ; bDeviceSubClass
        retlw    0x00        ; bDeviceProtocol
        retlw    USB_EP0_BUFF_SIZE ; bMaxPacketSize for EP0
            ; idVendor (low byte, high byte)
        retlw    0xD9
        retlw    0x04
            ; idProduct (low byte, high byte)
        retlw    0x3C
        retlw    0x00
        retlw    0x00          ; bcdDevice (low byte)
        retlw    0x01         ; (high byte)
        retlw    0x01         ; iManufacturer (string index)
        retlw    0x02         ; iProduct      (string index) 
        retlw    0x03         ; iSerialNumber (string index)
        retlw    NUM_CONFIGURATIONS ; bNumConfigurations
    ; ******************************************************************
    ; This table is retrieved by the host after the address has been set.
    ; This table defines the configurations available for the device.
    ; See section 9.6.2 of the Rev 1.0 USB specification (page 184).
    ; These fields are application DEPENDENT. 
    ; Modify these to meet your specifications.
    ; ******************************************************************
    ; Configuration pointer table
        db    low Config1, high Config1
        db    upper Config1, 0
    ; Configuration Descriptor
        retlw    (Interface1-Config1)/2    ; bLength Length of this descriptor
        retlw    low ((EndConfig1 - Config1)/2)    ; Length of this configuration
        retlw    high ((EndConfig1 - Config1)/2)
        retlw    NUM_INTERFACES        ; bNumInterfaces Number of interfaces
        retlw    0x01        ; bConfigValue Configuration Value
        retlw    0x00        ; iConfig (string index)
        retlw    _DEFAULT|_SELF    ; bmAttributes attributes - bus powered  
        retlw    0x32     ; Max power consumption (2X mA)
        retlw    (HIDDescriptor1-Interface1)/2    ; length of descriptor
        retlw    0x00        ; number of interface, 0 based array
        retlw    0x00        ; alternate setting
        retlw    0x01        ; number of endpoints used in this interface
        retlw    0x03        ; interface class - assigned by the USB
        retlw    0x00        ; boot device
        retlw    0x00        ; interface protocol
        retlw     0x04        ; index to string descriptor that describes this interface
        retlw    (Endpoint1In-HIDDescriptor1)/2    ; descriptor size (9 bytes)
        retlw    DSC_HID        ; descriptor type (HID)
        retlw    0x11        ; HID class release number (1.11)
        retlw    0x01
        retlw    0x00        ; Localized country code (none)
        retlw    0x01        ; # of HID class descriptor to follow (1)
        retlw    0x22        ; Report descriptor type (HID)
        retlw    low ((EndReportDescriptor1-ReportDescriptor1)/2)
        retlw    high ((EndReportDescriptor1-ReportDescriptor1)/2)
        retlw    (Interface2-Endpoint1In)/2    ; length of descriptor
        retlw    HID_EP|_EP_IN        ; EP1, In
        retlw    _INT        ; Interrupt
        retlw    low (HID_INT_IN_EP_SIZE)        ; This should be the size of the endpoint buffer
        retlw    high (HID_INT_IN_EP_SIZE)
        retlw    0x01                        ; Polling interval
    ;    retlw    (Interface2-EndPoint1Out)/2    ; Length of this Endpoint Descriptor
    ;    retlw    USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT        ; bDescriptorType = 5 for Endpoint Descriptor
    ;    retlw    HID_EP|_EP_OUT        ; Endpoint number & direction
    ;    retlw    _INT        ; Transfer type supported by this Endpoint
    ;    retlw    low (HID_INT_OUT_EP_SIZE)        ; This should be the size of the endpoint buffer
    ;    retlw    high (HID_INT_OUT_EP_SIZE)
    ;    retlw    0x01                        ; Polling interval
        retlw   (HIDDescriptor2-Interface2)/2   ; length of descriptor
        retlw   USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE        ; INTERFACE descriptor type
        retlw   0x01        ; number of interface, 0 based array
        retlw   0x00        ; alternate setting
        retlw   0x01        ; number of endpoints used in this interface
        retlw   0x03        ; interface class - assigned by the USB
        retlw   0x00        ; boot device
        retlw   0x00        ; interface protocol
        retlw   0x04        ; index to string descriptor that describes this interface
        retlw   (Endpoint2In-HIDDescriptor2)/2  ; descriptor size (9 bytes)
        retlw   DSC_HID     ; descriptor type (HID)
        retlw   0x11        ; HID class release number (1.11)
        retlw   0x01
        retlw   0x00        ; Localized country code (none)
        retlw   0x01        ; # of HID class descriptor to follow (1)
        retlw   0x22        ; Report descriptor type (HID)
        retlw   low ((EndReportDescriptor2-ReportDescriptor2)/2)
        retlw   high ((EndReportDescriptor2-ReportDescriptor2)/2)
        retlw   (EndConfig1-Endpoint2In)/2    ; length of descriptor
        retlw   HID_DEV_EP|_EP_IN       ; EP2, In
        retlw   _INT        ; Interrupt
        retlw   low (HID_DEV_INT_IN_EP_SIZE)        ; This should be the size of the endpoint buffer
        retlw   high (HID_DEV_INT_IN_EP_SIZE)
        retlw   0x01                        ; Polling interval
    ;    retlw   (EndConfig1-EndPoint2Out)/2 ; Length of this Endpoint Descriptor
    ;    retlw   USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT     ; bDescriptorType = 5 for Endpoint Descriptor
    ;    retlw   HID_DEV_EP|_EP_OUT      ; Endpoint number & direction
    ;    retlw   _INT        ; Transfer type supported by this Endpoint
    ;    retlw   low (HID_DEV_INT_OUT_EP_SIZE)       ; This should be the size of the endpoint buffer
    ;    retlw   high (HID_DEV_INT_OUT_EP_SIZE)
    ;    retlw   0x01                        ; Polling interval
        retlw   0x05 ; USAGE_PAGE (generic desktop Choose the usage page "mouse" is on      
        retlw   0x01 ; LOW
        retlw   0x09 ; USAGE Device is a Gamepad        
        retlw   0x05 ; LOW
        retlw   0xA1 ; COLLECTION (APPLICATION)     
        retlw   0x01 ; LOW
        retlw   0x85 ; REPORT_ID (1 Pad1)
        retlw   0x01 ; LOW
        retlw   0xA1 ; Colection Physycal       
        retlw   0x00 ; LOW
        retlw   0x09 ; usage x      
        retlw   0x30 ;
        retlw   0x09 ; usage y      
        retlw   0x31 ;
        retlw   0x15 ; logical minimun 0
        retlw   0x00 ;
        retlw   0x26 ; logical maximun 1023
        retlw   0xFF ;
        retlw   0x03 ;
        retlw   0x35 ; Physical Minimum (0)
        retlw   0x00 ;
        retlw   0x46 ; Physical Maximum (1023)
        retlw   0xFF ;
        retlw   0x03 ;
        retlw   0x95 ; REPORT_COUNT 2       
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0x75 ; report size 16       
        retlw   0x10 ;
        retlw   0x81 ; data,var,abs     
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0xC0 ; END_COLLECTION
        retlw   0xA1 ; Colection Physycal       
        retlw   0x00 ; LOW
        retlw   0x09 ; usage Rx     
        retlw   0x33 ;
        retlw   0x09 ; usage Ry     
        retlw   0x34 ;
        retlw   0x15 ; logical minimun 0
        retlw   0x00 ;
        retlw   0x26 ; logical maximun 2047
        retlw   0xFF ;
        retlw   0x03 ;
        retlw   0x35 ; Physical Minimum (0)
        retlw   0x00 ;
        retlw   0x46 ; Physical Maximum (2047)
        retlw   0xFF ;
        retlw   0x03 ;
        retlw   0x95 ; REPORT_COUNT 2       
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0x75 ; report size 16       
        retlw   0x10 ;
        retlw   0x81 ; data,var,abs     
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0xC0 ; END_COLLECTION
        retlw   0x05 ; USAGE_PAGE (Button)      
        retlw   0x09 ; low
        retlw   0x19 ; Usage Minimum (Button 1)
        retlw   0x01 ;
        retlw   0x29 ; Usage Maximum (Button 13)
        retlw   0x0D ;
        retlw   0x95 ; report count 13      
        retlw   0x0D ;
        retlw   0x75 ; report size 1        
        retlw   0x01 ;
        retlw   0x81 ; input data,var,abs       
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0x95 ; report count 1
        retlw   0x01 ;
        retlw   0x75 ; report size 3
        retlw   0x03 ;
        retlw   0x81 ; input Cnst,var,abs
        retlw   0x01 ;
        retlw   0xC0 ; END_COLLECTION
    ;*                       GamePAD 2                                     *
        retlw   0x05 ; USAGE_PAGE (generic desktop Choose the usage page "mouse" is on      
        retlw   0x01 ; LOW
        retlw   0x09 ; USAGE Device is a Gamepad        
        retlw   0x05 ; LOW
        retlw   0xA1 ; COLLECTION (APPLICATION)     
        retlw   0x01 ; LOW
        retlw   0x85 ; REPORT_ID (1 Pad1)
        retlw   0x02 ; LOW
        retlw   0xA1 ; Colection Physycal       
        retlw   0x00 ; LOW
        retlw   0x09 ; usage x      
        retlw   0x30 ;
        retlw   0x09 ; usage y      
        retlw   0x31 ;
        retlw   0x15 ; logical minimun 0
        retlw   0x00 ;
        retlw   0x26 ; logical maximun 1023
        retlw   0xFF ;
        retlw   0x03 ;
        retlw   0x35 ; Physical Minimum (0)
        retlw   0x00 ;
        retlw   0x46 ; Physical Maximum (1023)
        retlw   0xFF ;
        retlw   0x03 ;
        retlw   0x95 ; REPORT_COUNT 2       
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0x75 ; report size 16       
        retlw   0x10 ;
        retlw   0x81 ; data,var,abs     
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0xC0 ; END_COLLECTION
        retlw   0xA1 ; Colection Physycal       
        retlw   0x00 ; LOW
        retlw   0x09 ; usage Rx     
        retlw   0x33 ;
        retlw   0x09 ; usage Ry     
        retlw   0x34 ;
        retlw   0x15 ; logical minimun 0
        retlw   0x00 ;
        retlw   0x26 ; logical maximun 2047
        retlw   0xFF ;
        retlw   0x03 ;
        retlw   0x35 ; Physical Minimum (0)
        retlw   0x00 ;
        retlw   0x46 ; Physical Maximum (2047)
        retlw   0xFF ;
        retlw   0x03 ;
        retlw   0x95 ; REPORT_COUNT 2       
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0x75 ; report size 16       
        retlw   0x10 ;
        retlw   0x81 ; data,var,abs     
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0xC0 ; END_COLLECTION
        retlw   0x05 ; USAGE_PAGE (Button)      
        retlw   0x09 ; low
        retlw   0x19 ; Usage Minimum (Button 1)
        retlw   0x01 ;
        retlw   0x29 ; Usage Maximum (Button 13)
        retlw   0x0E ;
        retlw   0x95 ; report count 13      
        retlw   0x0E ;
        retlw   0x75 ; report size 1        
        retlw   0x01 ;
        retlw   0x81 ; input data,var,abs       
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0x95 ; report count 1
        retlw   0x01 ;
        retlw   0x75 ; report size 2
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0x81 ; input Cnst,var,abs
        retlw   0x01 ;
        retlw   0xC0 ; END_COLLECTION
    ;*            Mouse Emu                *
        retlw   0x05 ; USAGE_PAGE (generic desktop)     
        retlw   0x01 ; LOW
        retlw   0x09 ; USAGE Mouse      
        retlw   0x02 ; LOW
        retlw   0xA1 ; COLLECTION (APPLICATION)     
        retlw   0x01 ; LOW
        retlw   0x85 ; REPORT_ID (1)
        retlw   0x01 ; LOW
        retlw   0x09 ; USAGE_PAGE (Pointer)     
        retlw   0x01 ; LOW
        retlw   0xA1 ; COLLECTION (Physical)    
        retlw   0x00 ;
        retlw   0x05 ; USAGE_PAGE (Button)
        retlw   0x09 ;
        retlw   0x19 ; Usage Minimum (Button 1)
        retlw   0x01 ;
        retlw   0x29 ; Usage Maximum (Button 2)
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0x15 ; logical minimun      
        retlw   0x00 ;
        retlw   0x25 ; logical maximun      
        retlw   0x01 ;
        retlw   0x75 ; report size 1
        retlw   0x01 ;
        retlw   0x95 ; report count 3
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0x81 ; input  (Data,Var,Abs,NWrp,Lin,Pref,NNul,Bit)
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0x95 ; report count 3       
        retlw   0x06 ;
        retlw   0x81 ; input (Data,Var,Abs) 
        retlw   0x03 ;
        retlw   0x05 ; USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop)     
        retlw   0x01 ; LOW
        retlw   0x09 ; Usage(X)
        retlw   0x30 ;
        retlw   0x09 ; Usage(Y)
        retlw   0x31 ;
        retlw   0x15 ; logical minimun (-127)       
        retlw   0x81 ;
        retlw   0x25 ; logical maximun (127)        
        retlw   0x7F ;
        retlw   0x75 ; report size 8
        retlw   0x08 ;
        retlw   0x95 ; report count 2
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0x81 ; INPUT (Data,Var,Rel) 
        retlw   0x06 ;
        retlw   0xC0 ; END_COLLECTION
        retlw   0xC0 ; END_COLLECTION
    ;*            Keyboard Emu             *
    ;*          Volume Control             *
        retlw   0x05 ; USAGE_PAGE (Consumer Devices)        
        retlw   0x0C ; LOW
        retlw   0x09 ; USAGE (Consumer Control)     
        retlw   0x01 ; LOW
        retlw   0xA1 ; COLLECTION (APPLICATION)     
        retlw   0x01 ; LOW
        retlw   0x85 ; REPORT_ID (2 Media)
        retlw   0x02 ; LOW
        retlw   0x19 ; Usage Minimum (0x00)
        retlw   0x00 ;
        retlw   0x2A ; Usage Maximum (0xAC format)
        retlw   0x3C ;
        retlw   0x02
        retlw   0x15 ; logical minimun      
        retlw   0x00 ;
        retlw   0x26 ; logical maximun (572)        
        retlw   0x3C ;
        retlw   0x02 ;
        retlw   0x95 ; report count 1
        retlw   0x01 ;
        retlw   0x75 ; report size 16
        retlw   0x10 ;
        retlw   0x81 ; input  (Data,Var,Abs)
        retlw   0x00 ;
        retlw   0xC0 ; END_COLLECTION
    ; String pointer table
        db    low String0, high String0
            db    upper String0, 0
        db    low String1, high String1
            db    upper String1, 0
        db    low String2, high String2
               db    upper String2, 0
        db    low String3, high String3
           db    upper String3, 0
        retlw    (String1-String0)/2    ; Length of string
        retlw    USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING   ; Descriptor type 3
        retlw    0x09                ; Language ID (as defined by MS 0x0409)
        retlw    0x04
    ; company name
        retlw    (String2-String1)/2
        retlw    USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING
            retlw   'D'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'C'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'L'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   '.'
            retlw   0x00
    ; product name    
        retlw    (String3-String2)/2
        retlw    USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING
            retlw   'P'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'B'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'J'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'U'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'I'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   '3'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   '2'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'I'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'A'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   '8'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'O'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   '2'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   '4'
            retlw   0x00
    ; serial number
        retlw    (String4-String3)/2
        retlw    USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING
            retlw   'D'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'J'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'C'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   '0'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   '0'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   '2'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   '2'
            retlw   0x00
        retlw    (String5-String4)/2
        retlw    USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING
            retlw   'A'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'R'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'C'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'A'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'D'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'E'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   ' '
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'J'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'A'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'M'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'M'
            retlw   0x00
            retlw   'A'
            retlw   0x00
    ; usb_hid.asm
    ; File Description:
    ; Change History:
    ;  Rev   Date         Description
    ;  1.0   11/19/2004   Initial release
    ;  2.1   02/26/2007   Updated for simplicity and to use common
    ;                     coding style
    ;/** INCLUDES *******************************************************/
    ;#include "GenericTypeDefs.h"
    ;#include "Compiler.h"
    ;#include "usb_config.h"
    ;#include "./USB/usb_device.h"
    ;#include "./USB/usb_function_hid.h"
    ;/** VARIABLES ******************************************************/
    ;#pragma udata
    ;BYTE idle_rate;
    ;BYTE active_protocol;   // [0] Boot Protocol [1] Report Protocol
    ;BYTE hid_rpt_rx_len;
    ;/** PRIVATE PROTOTYPES *********************************************/
    ;void HIDGetReportHandler(void);
    ;void HIDSetReportHandler(void);
    ;/** DECLARATIONS ***************************************************/
    ;#pragma code
    ;/** CLASS SPECIFIC REQUESTS ****************************************/
    ; * Function:        void USBCheckHIDRequest(void)
    ; *
    ; * PreCondition:    None
    ; *
    ; * Input:           None
    ; *
    ; * Output:          None
    ; *
    ; * Side Effects:    None
    ; *
    ; * Overview:        This routine checks the setup data packet to see
    ; *                  if it knows how to handle it
    ; *
    ; * Note:            None
    ; *******************************************************************/
    ;//void USBCheckHIDRequest(void)
        movlb    high _USBMEMORYADDRESS    ; Point to proper bank
    ;//    if(SetupPkt.Recipient != RCPT_INTF) return;
        movf    SetupPkt, W        ; Recipient = RCPT_INTF?
        andlw    0x1f            ; Mask to lower 5 bits
        sublw    RCPT_INTF
        bnz    USBCheckHIDRequestExit    ; No
    ;//    if((SetupPkt.bIntfID != HID_INTF_ID)&& 
        movlw    HID_INTF_ID        ; IntfID = HID_INTF_ID?
        cpfseq    SetupPkt + bIntfID
    ;//        (SetupPkt.bIntfID != HID_DEV_INTF_ID)) return;
        movlw HID_DEV_INTF_ID ; IntfID = HID_DEV_INTF_ID?
        cpfseq SetupPkt + bIntfID
        return                ; No
    ;    /*
    ;     * There are two standard requests that hid.c may support.
    ;     * 1. GET_DSC(DSC_HID,DSC_RPT,DSC_PHY);
    ;     * 2. SET_DSC(DSC_HID,DSC_RPT,DSC_PHY);
    ;     */
    ;//    if(SetupPkt.bRequest == GET_DSC)
        movlw    GET_DSC            ; Request = GET_DSC?
        cpfseq    SetupPkt + bRequest
        bra    USBCheckHIDRequestClass    ; No
    ;//    {
    ;//        switch(SetupPkt.bDescriptorType)
    ;//        {
    ;//            case DSC_HID:           
        movlw    DSC_HID            ; DescriptorType = DSC_HID?
        cpfseq    SetupPkt + bDescriptorType
        bra    USBCheckHIDRequest1    ; No
    ;//                if(USBActiveConfiguration == 1)
        movlw    1            ; USBActiveConfiguration = 1?
        cpfseq    USBActiveConfiguration
        bra    USBCheckHIDRequestClass    ; No
    ;//                {
    ;//                    USBEP0SendROMPtr(
    ;//                        (ROM BYTE*)&configDescriptor1 + 18,
    ;//                        sizeof(USB_HID_DSC)+3,     // RRoj hack
    ;//                        USB_EP0_INCLUDE_ZERO);
        movlw    HID_INTF_ID        ; IntfID = HID_INTF_ID?
        cpfseq    SetupPkt + bIntfID
        bra USBHdesc2 ; Use HIDDescriptor2
        mSetSourcePointer HIDDescriptor1
        mGetRomTableCount        ; Set wCount
    ;//    clrf    info
        bcf    info, ctrl_trf_mem    ; Indicate ROM
        bsf    info, includeZero    ; Include a trailing zero packet
        bsf    info, busy
        bra    USBCheckHIDRequestClass
        mSetSourcePointer HIDDescriptor2
        mGetRomTableCount        ; Set wCount
    ;//    clrf    info
        bcf    info, ctrl_trf_mem    ; Indicate ROM
        bsf    info, includeZero    ; Include a trailing zero packet
        bsf    info, busy
        bra    USBCheckHIDRequestClass
    ;//                }
    ;//                break;
    ;            case DSC_RPT:             
        movlw    DSC_RPT            ; DescriptorType = DSC_RPT?
        cpfseq    SetupPkt + bDescriptorType
        bra    USBCheckHIDRequest2    ; No
    ;                if(USBActiveConfiguration == 1)
        movlw    1            ; USBActiveConfiguration = 1?
        cpfseq    USBActiveConfiguration
        bra    USBCheckHIDRequestClass    ; No
    ;                {
    ;                    USBEP0SendROMPtr(
    ;                        (ROM BYTE*)&hid_rpt01,
    ;                        sizeof(hid_rpt01),     //See usbcfg.h
    ;                        USB_EP0_INCLUDE_ZERO);
        movlw    HID_INTF_ID        ; IntfID = HID_INTF_ID?
        cpfseq    SetupPkt + bIntfID
        bra USBRDasc2 ; Use ReportDescriptor2
            mSetSourcePointer ReportDescriptor1
            movlw    low (ReportDescriptor1Len)    ; Set wCount
            movwf    TBLPTRL
            movlw    high (ReportDescriptor1Len)
            movwf    TBLPTRH
            movlw    upper (ReportDescriptor1Len)
            movwf    TBLPTRU
                tblrd   *+            ; Read count low
            movff    TABLAT, inCount
                tblrd   *+            ; Skip next
            tblrd   *            ; Read count high
            movff    TABLAT, inCount + 1
    ;//    clrf    info
            bcf    info, ctrl_trf_mem    ; Indicate ROM
            bsf    info, includeZero    ; Include a trailing zero packet
            bsf    info, busy
            bra    USBCheckHIDRequestClass
        mSetSourcePointer ReportDescriptor2
        movlw    low (ReportDescriptor1Len)    ; Set wCount
        movwf    TBLPTRL
        movlw    high (ReportDescriptor1Len)
        movwf    TBLPTRH
        movlw    upper (ReportDescriptor1Len)
        movwf    TBLPTRU
            tblrd   *+            ; Read count low
        movff    TABLAT, inCount
            tblrd   *+            ; Skip next
            tblrd   *            ; Read count high
        movff    TABLAT, inCount + 1
    ;//    clrf    info
        bcf    info, ctrl_trf_mem    ; Indicate ROM
        bsf    info, includeZero    ; Include a trailing zero packet
        bsf    info, busy
        bra    USBCheckHIDRequestClass
    ;//                }
    ;//                break;

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2023

    Thumbs up Re: USB pic18f4550 USB COMPOSITE DEVICE

    solved. composite device works
    	movlb	high _USBMEMORYADDRESS	; Point to proper bank
    ;//    if(SetupPkt.Recipient != RCPT_INTF) return;
    	movf	SetupPkt, W		; Recipient = RCPT_INTF?
    	andlw	0x1f			; Mask to lower 5 bits
    	sublw	RCPT_INTF
    	bnz	USBCheckHIDRequestExit	; No
    ;//    if(SetupPkt.bIntfID != HID_DEV_INTF_ID) return;
    	movlw HID_DEV_INTF_ID ; IntfID = HID_DEV_INTF_ID?
    	subwf SetupPkt + bIntfID, W
    	bz	USBCheckHIDRequest3	; Yes         
    ;//    if(SetupPkt.bIntfID != HID_INTF_ID) return;
    	movlw	HID_INTF_ID		; IntfID = HID_INTF_ID?
    	cpfseq	SetupPkt + bIntfID
    	return				; No
    ;    /*
    ;     * There are two standard requests that hid.c may support.
    ;     * 1. GET_DSC(DSC_HID,DSC_RPT,DSC_PHY);
    ;     * 2. SET_DSC(DSC_HID,DSC_RPT,DSC_PHY);
    ;     */
    ;//    if(SetupPkt.bRequest == GET_DSC)
    	movlw	GET_DSC			; Request = GET_DSC?
    	cpfseq	SetupPkt + bRequest
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass	; No
    ;//    {
    ;//        switch(SetupPkt.bDescriptorType)
    ;//        {
    ;//            case DSC_HID:           
    	movlw	DSC_HID			; DescriptorType = DSC_HID?
    	cpfseq	SetupPkt + bDescriptorType
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequest1	; No
    ;//                if(USBActiveConfiguration == 1)
    	movlw	1			; USBActiveConfiguration = 1?
    	cpfseq	USBActiveConfiguration
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass	; No
    ;//                {
    ;//                    USBEP0SendROMPtr(
    ;//                        (ROM BYTE*)&configDescriptor1 + 18,
    ;//                        sizeof(USB_HID_DSC)+3,     // RRoj hack
    ;//                        USB_EP0_INCLUDE_ZERO);
    	mSetSourcePointer HIDDescriptor1
    	mGetRomTableCount		; Set wCount
    ;//	clrf	info
    	bcf	info, ctrl_trf_mem	; Indicate ROM
    	bsf	info, includeZero	; Include a trailing zero packet
    	bsf	info, busy
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass
    ;//                }
    ;//                break;
    ;    /*
    ;     * There are two standard requests that hid.c may support.
    ;     * 1. GET_DSC(DSC_HID,DSC_RPT,DSC_PHY);
    ;     * 2. SET_DSC(DSC_HID,DSC_RPT,DSC_PHY);
    ;     */
    ;//    if(SetupPkt.bRequest == GET_DSC)
    	movlw	GET_DSC			; Request = GET_DSC?
    	cpfseq	SetupPkt + bRequest
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass	; No
    ;//    {
    ;//        switch(SetupPkt.bDescriptorType)
    ;//        {
    ;//            case DSC_HID:           
    	movlw	DSC_HID			; DescriptorType = DSC_HID?
    	cpfseq	SetupPkt + bDescriptorType
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequest1	; No
    ;//                if(USBActiveConfiguration == 1)
    	movlw	1			; USBActiveConfiguration = 1?
    	cpfseq	USBActiveConfiguration
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass	; No
    ;//                {
    ;//                    USBEP0SendROMPtr(
    ;//                        (ROM BYTE*)&configDescriptor1 + 18,
    ;//                        sizeof(USB_HID_DSC)+3,     // RRoj hack
    ;//                        USB_EP0_INCLUDE_ZERO);
    	mSetSourcePointer HIDDescriptor2
    	mGetRomTableCount		; Set wCount
    ;//	clrf	info
    	bcf	info, ctrl_trf_mem	; Indicate ROM
    	bsf	info, includeZero	; Include a trailing zero packet
    	bsf	info, busy
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass
    ;            case DSC_RPT:
    	movlw HID_DEV_INTF_ID ; IntfID = HID_DEV_INTF_ID?
    	subwf SetupPkt + bIntfID, W
    	bz	USBCheckHIDRequest4	; Yes
    	movlw	DSC_RPT			; DescriptorType = DSC_RPT?
    	cpfseq	SetupPkt + bDescriptorType
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequest2	; No
    ;                if(USBActiveConfiguration == 1)
    	movlw	1			; USBActiveConfiguration = 1?
    	cpfseq	USBActiveConfiguration
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass	; No
    ;                {
    ;                    USBEP0SendROMPtr(
    ;                        (ROM BYTE*)&hid_rpt01,
    ;                        sizeof(hid_rpt01),     //See usbcfg.h
    ;                        USB_EP0_INCLUDE_ZERO);
    		mSetSourcePointer ReportDescriptor1
    		movlw	low (ReportDescriptor1Len)	; Set wCount
    		movwf	TBLPTRL
    		movlw	high (ReportDescriptor1Len)
    		movwf	TBLPTRH
    		movlw	upper (ReportDescriptor1Len)
    		movwf	TBLPTRU
        	    tblrd   *+			; Read count low
    		movff	TABLAT, inCount
        	    tblrd   *+			; Skip next
            tblrd   *			; Read count high
    		movff	TABLAT, inCount + 1
    ;//	clrf	info
    		bcf	info, ctrl_trf_mem	; Indicate ROM
    		bsf	info, includeZero	; Include a trailing zero packet
    		bsf	info, busy
    		bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass
    ;//                }
    ;//                break;
    ;//            case DSC_PHY:
    	movlw	DSC_PHY			; DescriptorType = DSC_PHY?
    	cpfseq	SetupPkt + bDescriptorType
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass
    ;                USBEP0Transmit(USB_EP0_NO_DATA);
    	clrf	info
    	bsf	info, busy
    ;                break;
    ;        }//end switch(SetupPkt.bDescriptorType)
    ;    }//end if(SetupPkt.bRequest == GET_DSC)
    ;    if(SetupPkt.RequestType != CLASS) return;
    	movf	SetupPkt, W		; RequestType = CLASS?
    	andlw	0x60			; Mask to proper bits
    	sublw	(CLASS) << 5
    	bnz	USBCheckHIDRequestExit	; No
    ;    switch(SetupPkt.bRequest)
    ;    {
    ;        case GET_REPORT:
    	movlw	GET_REPORT		; Request = GET_REPORT?
    	subwf	SetupPkt + bRequest, W
    ;            HIDGetReportHandler();
    	bz	HIDGetReportHandler	; Yes
    ;            break;
    ;        case SET_REPORT:
    	movlw	SET_REPORT		; Request = SET_REPORT?
    	subwf	SetupPkt + bRequest, W
    ;            HIDSetReportHandler();            
    	bz	HIDSetReportHandler	; Yes
    ;            break;
    ;        case GET_IDLE:
    	movlw	GET_IDLE		; Request = GET_IDLE?
    	cpfseq	SetupPkt + bRequest
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass1	; No
    ;            USBEP0SendRAMPtr(
    ;                (BYTE*)&idle_rate,
    ;                1,
    ;                USB_EP0_INCLUDE_ZERO);
    	mSetSourcePointer idle_rate
    	movlw	1
    	movwf	inCount
    	clrf	inCount + 1
    ;	clrf	info
    	bsf	info, ctrl_trf_mem	; Indicate RAM
    	bsf	info, includeZero	; Include a trailing zero packet
    	bsf	info, busy
    ;            break;
    ;        case SET_IDLE:
    	movlw	SET_IDLE		; Request = SET_IDLE?
    	cpfseq	SetupPkt + bRequest
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass2	; No
    ;            USBEP0Transmit(USB_EP0_NO_DATA);
    	clrf	info
    	bsf	info, busy
    ;            idle_rate = SetupPkt.W_Value.byte.HB;
    	movff	SetupPkt + wValue + 1, idle_rate
    ;            break;
    ;        case GET_PROTOCOL:
    	movlw	GET_PROTOCOL		; Request = GET_PROTOCOL?
    	cpfseq	SetupPkt + bRequest
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass3	; No
    ;            USBEP0SendRAMPtr(
    ;                (BYTE*)&active_protocol,
    ;                1,
    ;                USB_EP0_NO_OPTIONS);
    	mSetSourcePointer active_protocol
    	movlw	1
    	movwf	inCount
    	clrf	inCount + 1
    	clrf	info
    	bsf	info, ctrl_trf_mem	; Indicate RAM
    	bsf	info, busy
    ;            break;
    ;        case SET_PROTOCOL:
    	movlw	SET_PROTOCOL		; Request = SET_PROTOCOL?
    	cpfseq	SetupPkt + bRequest
    	return				; No
    ;            USBEP0Transmit(USB_EP0_NO_DATA);
    	clrf	info
    	bsf	info, busy
    ;            active_protocol = SetupPkt.W_Value.byte.LB;
    	movff	SetupPkt + wValue, active_protocol
    ;            break;
    ;    }//end switch(SetupPkt.bRequest)
    ;}//end USBCheckHIDRequest
    ;void HIDGetReportHandler(void)
    ;}//end HIDGetReportHandler
    ;void HIDSetReportHandler(void)
    ;}//end HIDSetReportHandler
    ;            case DSC_RPT:             
    	movlw	DSC_RPT			; DescriptorType = DSC_RPT?
    	cpfseq	SetupPkt + bDescriptorType
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequest2	; No
    ;                if(USBActiveConfiguration == 1)
    	movlw	1			; USBActiveConfiguration = 1?
    	cpfseq	USBActiveConfiguration
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass	; No
    ;                {
    ;                    USBEP0SendROMPtr(
    ;                        (ROM BYTE*)&hid_rpt01,
    ;                        sizeof(hid_rpt01),     //See usbcfg.h
    ;                        USB_EP0_INCLUDE_ZERO);
    		mSetSourcePointer ReportDescriptor2
    		movlw	low (ReportDescriptor1Len)	; Set wCount
    		movwf	TBLPTRL
    		movlw	high (ReportDescriptor1Len)
    		movwf	TBLPTRH
    		movlw	upper (ReportDescriptor1Len)
    		movwf	TBLPTRU
        	    tblrd   *+			; Read count low
    		movff	TABLAT, inCount
        	    tblrd   *+			; Skip next
        	    tblrd   *			; Read count high
    		movff	TABLAT, inCount + 1
    ;//	clrf	info
    		bcf	info, ctrl_trf_mem	; Indicate ROM
    		bsf	info, includeZero	; Include a trailing zero packet
    		bsf	info, busy
    		bra	USBCheckHIDRequestClass
    ;//                }
    ;//                break;
    ;/** USER API *******************************************************/
    ; * Function:        void HIDInitEP(void)
    ; *
    ; * PreCondition:    None
    ; *
    ; * Input:           None
    ; *
    ; * Output:          None
    ; *
    ; * Side Effects:    None
    ; *
    ; * Overview:        HIDInitEP initializes HID endpoints, buffer
    ; *                  descriptors, internal state-machine, and
    ; *                  variables. It should be called after the USB
    ; *                  host has sent out a SET_CONFIGURATION request.
    ; *                  See USBStdSetCfgHandler() in usbd.c for examples.
    ; *
    ; * Note:            None
    ; *******************************************************************/
    ;#if !defined(USB_DYNAMIC_EP_CONFIG)
    ;void HIDInitEP(void)
    ;}//end HIDInitEP
    ;// ******************************************************************************************************
    ;// ************** USB Callback Functions ****************************************************************
    ;// ******************************************************************************************************
    ;// The USB firmware stack will call the callback functions USBCBxxx() in response to certain USB related
    ;// events.  For example, if the host PC is powering down, it will stop sending out Start of Frame (SOF)
    ;// packets to your device.  In response to this, all USB devices are supposed to decrease their power
    ;// consumption from the USB Vbus to <2.5mA each.  The USB module detects this condition (which according
    ;// to the USB specifications is 3+ms of no bus activity/SOF packets) and then calls the USBCBSuspend()
    ;// function.  You should modify these callback functions to take appropriate actions for each of these
    ;// conditions.  For example, in the USBCBSuspend(), you may wish to add code that will decrease power
    ;// consumption from Vbus to <2.5mA (such as by clock switching, turning off LEDs, putting the
    ;// microcontroller to sleep, etc.).  Then, in the USBCBWakeFromSuspend() function, you may then wish to
    ;// add code that undoes the power saving things done in the USBCBSuspend() function.
    ;// The USBCBSendResume() function is special, in that the USB stack will not automatically call this
    ;// function.  This function is meant to be called from the application firmware instead.  See the
    ;// additional comments near the function.
    ; * Function:        void USBCBSuspend(void)
    ; *
    ; * PreCondition:    None
    ; *
    ; * Input:           None
    ; *
    ; * Output:          None
    ; *
    ; * Side Effects:    None
    ; *
    ; * Overview:        Call back that is invoked when a USB suspend is detected
    ; *
    ; * Note:            None
    ; *****************************************************************************/
    ;void USBCBSuspend(void)
    ;	//Example power saving code.  Insert appropriate code here for the desired
    ;	//application behavior.  If the microcontroller will be put to sleep, a
    ;	//process similar to that shown below may be used:
    ;	//ConfigureIOPinsForLowPower();
    ;	//SaveStateOfAllInterruptEnableBits();
    ;	//DisableAllInterruptEnableBits();
    ;	//EnableOnlyTheInterruptsWhichWillBeUsedToWakeTheMicro();	//should enable at least USBActivityIF as a wake source
    ;	//Sleep();
    ;	//RestoreStateOfAllPreviouslySavedInterruptEnableBits();	//Preferrably, this should be done in the USBCBWakeFromSuspend() function instead.
    ;	//RestoreIOPinsToNormal();									//Preferrably, this should be done in the USBCBWakeFromSuspend() function instead.
    ;	//IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not clear the USBActivityIF (ACTVIF) bit here.  This bit is 
    ;	//cleared inside the usb_device.c file.  Clearing USBActivityIF here will cause 
    ;	//things to not work as intended.	
    ;    #if defined(__C30__)
    ;    #if 0
    ;        U1EIR = 0xFFFF;
    ;        U1IR = 0xFFFF;
    ;        U1OTGIR = 0xFFFF;
    ;        IFS5bits.USB1IF = 0;
    ;        IEC5bits.USB1IE = 1;
    ;        U1OTGIEbits.ACTVIE = 1;
    ;        U1OTGIRbits.ACTVIF = 1;
    ;        TRISA &= 0xFF3F;
    ;        LATAbits.LATA6 = 1;
    ;        Sleep();
    ;        LATAbits.LATA6 = 0;
    ;    #endif
    ;    #endif
    ; * Function:        void _USB1Interrupt(void)
    ; *
    ; * PreCondition:    None
    ; *
    ; * Input:           None
    ; *
    ; * Output:          None
    ; *
    ; * Side Effects:    None
    ; *
    ; * Overview:        This function is called when the USB interrupt bit is set
    ; *					In this example the interrupt is only used when the device
    ; *					goes to sleep when it receives a USB suspend command
    ; *
    ; * Note:            None
    ; *****************************************************************************/
    ;#if 0
    ;void __attribute__ ((interrupt)) _USB1Interrupt(void)
    ;    #if !defined(self_powered)
    ;        if(U1OTGIRbits.ACTVIF)
    ;        {
    ;            LATAbits.LATA7 = 1;
    ;            IEC5bits.USB1IE = 0;
    ;            U1OTGIEbits.ACTVIE = 0;
    ;            IFS5bits.USB1IF = 0;
    ;            //USBClearInterruptFlag(USBActivityIFReg,USBActivityIFBitNum);
    ;            USBClearInterruptFlag(USBIdleIFReg,USBIdleIFBitNum);
    ;            //USBSuspendControl = 0;
    ;            LATAbits.LATA7 = 0;
    ;        }
    ;    #endif
    ; * Function:        void USBCBWakeFromSuspend(void)
    ; *
    ; * PreCondition:    None
    ; *
    ; * Input:           None
    ; *
    ; * Output:          None
    ; *
    ; * Side Effects:    None
    ; *
    ; * Overview:        The host may put USB peripheral devices in low power
    ; *					suspend mode (by "sending" 3+ms of idle).  Once in suspend
    ; *					mode, the host may wake the device back up by sending non-
    ; *					idle state signalling.
    ; *					
    ; *					This call back is invoked when a wakeup from USB suspend 
    ; *					is detected.
    ; *
    ; * Note:            None
    ; *****************************************************************************/
    ;void USBCBWakeFromSuspend(void)
    ;	// If clock switching or other power savings measures were taken when
    ;	// executing the USBCBSuspend() function, now would be a good time to
    ;	// switch back to normal full power run mode conditions.  The host allows
    ;	// a few milliseconds of wakeup time, after which the device must be 
    ;	// fully back to normal, and capable of receiving and processing USB
    ;	// packets.  In order to do this, the USB module must receive proper
    ;	// clocking (IE: 48MHz clock must be available to SIE for full speed USB
    ;	// operation).
    ; * Function:        void USBCB_SOF_Handler(void)
    ; *
    ; * PreCondition:    None
    ; *
    ; * Input:           None
    ; *
    ; * Output:          None
    ; *
    ; * Side Effects:    None
    ; *
    ; * Overview:        The USB host sends out a SOF packet to full-speed
    ; *                  devices every 1 ms. This interrupt may be useful
    ; *                  for isochronous pipes. End designers should
    ; *                  implement callback routine as necessary.
    ; *
    ; * Note:            None
    ; *******************************************************************/
    ;void USBCB_SOF_Handler(void)
    ;    // No need to clear UIRbits.SOFIF to 0 here.
    ;    // Callback caller is already doing that.
    ; * Function:        void USBCBErrorHandler(void)
    ; *
    ; * PreCondition:    None
    ; *
    ; * Input:           None
    ; *
    ; * Output:          None
    ; *
    ; * Side Effects:    None
    ; *
    ; * Overview:        The purpose of this callback is mainly for
    ; *                  debugging during development. Check UEIR to see
    ; *                  which error causes the interrupt.
    ; *
    ; * Note:            None
    ; *******************************************************************/
    ;void USBCBErrorHandler(void)
    ;    // No need to clear UEIR to 0 here.
    ;    // Callback caller is already doing that.
    ;	// Typically, user firmware does not need to do anything special
    ;	// if a USB error occurs.  For example, if the host sends an OUT
    ;	// packet to your device, but the packet gets corrupted (ex:
    ;	// because of a bad connection, or the user unplugs the
    ;	// USB cable during the transmission) this will typically set
    ;	// one or more USB error interrupt flags.  Nothing specific
    ;	// needs to be done however, since the SIE will automatically
    ;	// send a "NAK" packet to the host.  In response to this, the
    ;	// host will normally retry to send the packet again, and no
    ;	// data loss occurs.  The system will typically recover
    ;	// automatically, without the need for application firmware
    ;	// intervention.
    ;	// Nevertheless, this callback function is provided, such as
    ;	// for debugging purposes.
    ; * Function:        void USBCBCheckOtherReq(void)
    ; *
    ; * PreCondition:    None
    ; *
    ; * Input:           None
    ; *
    ; * Output:          None
    ; *
    ; * Side Effects:    None
    ; *
    ; * Overview:        When SETUP packets arrive from the host, some
    ; * 					firmware must process the request and respond
    ; *					appropriately to fulfill the request.  Some of
    ; *					the SETUP packets will be for standard
    ; *					USB "chapter 9" (as in, fulfilling chapter 9 of
    ; *					the official USB specifications) requests, while
    ; *					others may be specific to the USB device class
    ; *					that is being implemented.  For example, a HID
    ; *					class device needs to be able to respond to
    ; *					"GET REPORT" type of requests.  This
    ; *					is not a standard USB chapter 9 request, and 
    ; *					therefore not handled by usb_device.c.  Instead
    ; *					this request should be handled by class specific 
    ; *					firmware, such as that contained in usb_function_hid.c.
    ; *
    ; * Note:            None
    ; *****************************************************************************/
    ;void USBCBCheckOtherReq(void)
    ;    USBCheckHIDRequest();
    	bra	USBCheckHIDRequest
    ; * Function:        void USBCBStdSetDscHandler(void)
    ; *
    ; * PreCondition:    None
    ; *
    ; * Input:           None
    ; *
    ; * Output:          None
    ; *
    ; * Side Effects:    None
    ; *
    ; * Overview:        The USBCBStdSetDscHandler() callback function is
    ; *					called when a SETUP, bRequest: SET_DESCRIPTOR request
    ; *					arrives.  Typically SET_DESCRIPTOR requests are
    ; *					not used in most applications, and it is
    ; *					optional to support this type of request.
    ; *
    ; * Note:            None
    ; *****************************************************************************/
    ;void USBCBStdSetDscHandler(void)
    ;    // Must claim session ownership if supporting this request
    ; * Function:        void USBCBInitEP(void)
    ; *
    ; * PreCondition:    None
    ; *
    ; * Input:           None
    ; *
    ; * Output:          None
    ; *
    ; * Side Effects:    None
    ; *
    ; * Overview:        This function is called when the device becomes
    ; *                  initialized, which occurs after the host sends a
    ; * 					SET_CONFIGURATION (wValue not = 0) request.  This 
    ; *					callback function should initialize the endpoints 
    ; *					for the device's usage according to the current 
    ; *					configuration.
    ; *
    ; * Note:            None
    ; *****************************************************************************/
    ;void USBCBInitEP(void)
    ; Enable the HID endpoint
    ; Enable and configure OUT endpoint
    	movlb	high _USBMEMORYADDRESS	; Point to proper bank
    	movlw	HID_EP
    	movwf	FSR0L			; Endpoint number
    	movwf	usb_temp		; Options
    	lfsr	1, hid_report_out	; Endpoint buffer
    	movlw	HID_INT_OUT_EP_SIZE	; Endpoint size
    	rcall	USBEnableEndpointOut
    ; Enable and configure IN endpoint
    	movlb	high _USBMEMORYADDRESS	; Point to proper bank
    	movlw	HID_EP
    	movwf	FSR0L			; Endpoint number
    	movwf	usb_temp		; Options
    	lfsr	1, hid_report_in	; Endpoint buffer
    	movlw	HID_INT_IN_EP_SIZE	; Endpoint size
    	rcall	USBEnableEndpointIn
    ; Enable and configure OUT endpoint
    	movlb	high _USBMEMORYADDRESS	; Point to proper bank
    	movlw	HID_DEV_EP
    	movwf	FSR0L			; Endpoint number
    	movwf	usb_temp		; Options
    	lfsr	1, hid_dev_report_out	; Endpoint buffer
    	movlw	HID_DEV_INT_OUT_EP_SIZE	; Endpoint size
    	rcall	USBEnableEndpointOut
    ; Enable and configure IN endpoint
    	movlb	high _USBMEMORYADDRESS	; Point to proper bank
    	movlw	HID_DEV_EP
    	movwf	FSR0L			; Endpoint number
    	movwf	usb_temp		; Options
    	lfsr	1, hid_dev_report_in	; Endpoint buffer
    	movlw	HID_DEV_INT_IN_EP_SIZE	; Endpoint size
    	bra	USBEnableEndpointIn
    ; * Function:        void USBCBSendResume(void)
    ; *
    ; * PreCondition:    None
    ; *
    ; * Input:           None
    ; *
    ; * Output:          None
    ; *
    ; * Side Effects:    None
    ; *
    ; * Overview:        The USB specifications allow some types of USB
    ; * 					peripheral devices to wake up a host PC (such
    ; *					as if it is in a low power suspend to RAM state).
    ; *					This can be a very useful feature in some
    ; *					USB applications, such as an Infrared remote
    ; *					control	receiver.  If a user presses the "power"
    ; *					button on a remote control, it is nice that the
    ; *					IR receiver can detect this signalling, and then
    ; *					send a USB "command" to the PC to wake up.
    ; *					
    ; *					The USBCBSendResume() "callback" function is used
    ; *					to send this special USB signalling which wakes 
    ; *					up the PC.  This function may be called by
    ; *					application firmware to wake up the PC.  This
    ; *					function should only be called when:
    ; *					
    ; *					1.  The USB driver used on the host PC supports
    ; *						the remote wakeup capability.
    ; *					2.  The USB configuration descriptor indicates
    ; *						the device is remote wakeup capable in the
    ; *						bmAttributes field.
    ; *					3.  The USB host PC is currently sleeping,
    ; *						and has previously sent your device a SET 
    ; *						FEATURE setup packet which "armed" the
    ; *						remote wakeup capability.   
    ; *
    ; *					This callback should send a RESUME signal that
    ; *                  has the period of 1-15ms.
    ; *
    ; * Note:            Interrupt vs. Polling
    ; *                  -Primary clock
    ; *                  -Secondary clock ***** MAKE NOTES ABOUT THIS *******
    ; *                   > Can switch to primary first by calling USBCBWakeFromSuspend()
    ; *                  The modifiable section in this routine should be changed
    ; *                  to meet the application needs. Current implementation
    ; *                  temporary blocks other functions from executing for a
    ; *                  period of 1-13 ms depending on the core frequency.
    ; *
    ; *                  According to USB 2.0 specification section,
    ; *                  "The remote wakeup device must hold the resume signaling
    ; *                  for at lest 1 ms but for no more than 15 ms."
    ; *                  The idea here is to use a delay counter loop, using a
    ; *                  common value that would work over a wide range of core
    ; *                  frequencies.
    ; *                  That value selected is 1800. See table below:
    ; *                  ==========================================================
    ; *                  Core Freq(MHz)      MIP         RESUME Signal Period (ms)
    ; *                  ==========================================================
    ; *                      48              12          1.05
    ; *                       4              1           12.6
    ; *                  ==========================================================
    ; *                  * These timing could be incorrect when using code
    ; *                    optimization or extended instruction mode,
    ; *                    or when having other interrupts enabled.
    ; *                    Make sure to verify using the MPLAB SIM's Stopwatch
    ; *                    and verify the actual signal on an oscilloscope.
    ; *******************************************************************/
    ;void USBCBSendResume(void)
    	movlb	high _USBMEMORYADDRESS	; Point to proper bank
    ;    static WORD delay_count;
    ;    USBResumeControl = 1;                // Start RESUME signaling
    	bsf	UCON, RESUME		; Start RESUME signaling
    ;    delay_count = 1800U;                // Set RESUME line for 1-13 ms
    ;    do
    ;    {
    ;        delay_count--;
    ;    }while(delay_count);
    	movlw	0x10			; Set RESUME line for 1-13 ms
    	movwf	FSR2H			; Using FSR2 as temp
    	clrf	FSR2L
    	decfsz	FSR2L, F
    	bra	USBCBSendResumeLoop
    	decfsz	FSR2H, F
    	bra	USBCBSendResumeLoop
    ;    USBResumeControl = 0;
    	bcf	UCON, RESUME
    ;/** EOF hid.c ******************************************************/

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Default Re: USB pic18f4550 USB COMPOSITE DEVICE

    The last post is in C, right?

    How all the above work together with C in MCS and PBP compiler?

    I still did not understood what your project does in regards with the interent. I see only a USB connection.
    In any case seems you are brave enough!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Re: USB pic18f4550 USB COMPOSITE DEVICE

    I suspect that the file was originally in C but has been ported to ASM (by MeLabs I guess (?)) and is part of the USB file package that PBP uses. The C code is left in there, but commented out, as reference to what is translated. Saitama has modified it to support composite device which is way cool!

    I'd love to see a quick reference/tutorial on how to implement a composite device using this/these modified files.

    Great job Saitama, not your typical first post(s) around here :-)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Default Re: USB pic18f4550 USB COMPOSITE DEVICE

    As I am a real novice on USB things, I can only say wow and a big bravo to Saitama for this achivement.

    If not proprietary, I 'd love to see the whole project. it would be a great tutorial case study.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2023

    Default Re: USB pic18f4550 USB COMPOSITE DEVICE

    Thanks for cheering me up. I'm going to share the project so you can study it. Any questions or requirements I am at your service,
    As a case of interest I was able to solve it with the analysis of Chat-GPT, this did not give me solutions since they do not exist on the network for microcode studio but I analyzed each piece of code and thus I was able to have a complete understanding of it.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Default Re: USB pic18f4550 USB COMPOSITE DEVICE

    Very nice board!


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