Example Presentation of an AI code example. To show both the Prompt and the Response.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Cambridge - UK

    Default Example Presentation of an AI code example. To show both the Prompt and the Response.

    Using PICBASIC PRO, for no specific Device. Create a routine to take 16 random numbers, sort them in sequential order of value, discard the top and bottom four values, sum and average the middle eight. Comment the code in plain english


    'This code will take 16 random numbers, sort them in sequential order of value, discard the top and bottom four values, sum and average the middle eight.
    Dim I, J, X, Y, Sum, Average
    Dim Array(16) As Word
    'Use a loop to generate the 16 random numbers and store them in the Array
    For I = 0 To 15
      Array(I) = Rnd(1)
    'Use a loop to sort the numbers in sequential order of value
    For I = 0 To 14
      For J = I + 1 To 15
        If Array(I) > Array(J) Then
          X = Array(I)
          Y = Array(J)
          Array(I) = Y
          Array(J) = X
        End If
    'Initialize the Sum variable
    Sum = 0
    'Use a loop to discard the top and bottom four values
    For I = 4 To 11
      Sum = Sum + Array(I)
    'Calculate the average of the middle eight values
    Average = Sum / 8
    Lester - Forum Administrator

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Default Re: Example Presentation of an AI code example. To show both the Prompt and the Respo

    Seems obsessed with the DIM keyword!

    Anyway, it gives a great starting point. Humans should have to do also a bit of work too, aren't they?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: Example Presentation of an AI code example. To show both the Prompt and the Respo

    It seems the humans job is to keep massaging the AI until it gets the answer right.

    That said, the above is pretty impressive.

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