Picbasic VS C Compiler

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  1. #1

    Default Picbasic VS C Compiler

    Good day Picers

    I have talked to someone who are an electronic expert.
    He is taking over our electronic development and I'm doing the PIC programming.

    I have told him that I'm using PICBASIC.

    He then laughed at me, and later told me that if I want to get serious about PIC Programming, I must start learning the C Programming language.
    He said that PICBASIC just is not what the professionals use and that people would laugh at me if I would say I'm using PICBASIC?

    I cannot see why I must learn C.
    Is C in any way better than picbasic?
    If not, what can I told him to convince him that PICBASIC is as good as C!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    montreal, canada

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    It's not better, it's different that's it.

    I use both but i still prefer PICBASIC. I use it for about 90-95% of my product developpement. The only thing wich make the difference is the person back to the keyboard. Yup, many engineer still think that C is still the best language because that's what they learn at school... It's an old way to think. I really can't agree with that.

    Me and few other here do commercial developpement... in PicBasic

    Is Chinese is better than english?

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

  3. #3
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    Learn C.
    Why take this Challenge?
    You get paid to learn C!

    Take a class, your boss will pay for that.

    Best regards,


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e
    Is Chinese is better than english?
    Are we talking language or food ?


  5. #5
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    This is yet another discussion we don't really need.

    For those who feel BASIC is the wrong choice:
    You are on the wrong Forum !

    You could even save the money for a (BASIC or C) compiler,
    MPASM is for free!


    There are only 10 types of people:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't ...

  6. #6

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    I believe he is trying to determine if functionally PICBasic and C are comparable. I'm not an expert by no means but from what I have seen both seem to be pretty equal.

  7. #7
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    Personally, I use Basic because that is what I learned in H.S. As a hobbyist I can do anything the C guys can do with PicBasic. In many cases, I can whip something together and have it functioning more quickly.

    You can either spend time learning C or you can be developing using PicBasic.

  8. #8
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    I like PicBasic, and jump between it and assembly for most of my commercial and personal projects. I have not learned C, but I wonder if something about C makes it superior for certain operations.I know alot of app source software I work with is written in it, and I would like to know it a little better to understand the program flow.

  9. #9
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    I learnt CCS C compiler, because I did not want to ask any one which is better, thats a stupid question to ask (Sorry), I may think of a girl as the most beautiful one on earth, while you say, nah, she is not...its all up to you, and your needs, programming taste, etc...

    Don't expect me to tell you which one is better, or what pros and cons of each compiler...

    What I wanted to say is this:

    Read PICBasic Pro manual again, and CCS C compiler manual too...for both manuals, read what each compiler has, for example, try to figure out the supported data types in each compiler, Byte, Word, Int, Float, double....Also read the built in functions to know if a compiler really meets your technical requirements, as steve used to say, don't trust anybody except your self, so read the manual and you will be able to decide with which one to go...don't expect any one to come and say, oh, CCS C compiler has string manipulation functions that are not found in PICBasic Pro, ok.

    I have used the CCS C compiler for two months only and just for testing and comparing purposes, then I quit, although I like it, but for unknown reason I hate C and C++, and like VB.NET, also I still prefer and trust PICBasic Pro, its simple and gets the job done, and the most important, fulfills my technical requirements

    Good luck

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