I want to do the following -
receive the data from serial port, and after code for enter is received, write next characters received into an array, and display that text on screen (8 characters total) when enter received again.

Something like this:

User presses enter and then types HELLO and enter again
and my screen displays HELLO.
If user typed in more than 8 characters before pressing the enter, just last 8 characters he entered are displayed.
As I understand, I need SERIN for this, and it should look like this:

SERIN PORTB.6,2,[13],textline[0],textline[1],textline[2],textline[3],textline[4],textline[5],textline[6],textline[7]
pause 100
gosub deka 'array to screen decoder
goto edk
I have USB2SERIAL converter TXD pin connected to PORTB.6 via 22k resistor, as PBP manual says.
Trying to send some characters via teraterm, but get nothing written into array.
I checked usb2serial adapter and it is working.

What I'm doing wrong?