8x8 LED matrix "smooth" horizontal scrolling text - what's the math?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    SWITZERLAND (french speaking)

    Default 8x8 LED matrix "smooth" horizontal scrolling text - what's the math?

    Hello there,

    I'm trying to make my 8x8 LED matrix display (1 module) to smoothly scroll horizontally text (or simply letters) from right to left.

    I started thanks to PBPBeginner and his example.

    Unfortunately, the example does "scroll" (shift) one caracter after the other meaning there is no close link between the displayed caracters and the next one; they shift from right to left one at the time.

    I think there must be a way or an algorythm to calculate how to "append" the next caracter (or frame) to the currently display and make everything move from right to left.

    For my tests, I designed two simple caracters here and to save my day, I designed all intermediate frames - but this is obvioulsy the wrong way to go and a huge waist of time.

    Name:  2022-08-31 15_35_08-LED Matrix Editor.png
Views: 605
Size:  6.9 KB Name:  2022-08-31 15_35_43-LED Matrix Editor.png
Views: 637
Size:  7.1 KB

    Letter A
    HEX 0024243c24241800
    DEC 0, 36, 36, 60, 36, 36, 24, 0

    Letter B
    HEX 001c24241c241c00
    DEC 0, 28, 36, 36, 28, 36, 28, 0

    Does anyone have an example or point me on how I must calculate the transition steps please?

    In a perfect world, I even should be able to trim some vertical empty lines of the frames to make the caracters appear close one to the other....

    But I would appreciate a first simple start method to calculate this data to scroll.

    '======= FUSES ====================================================================================
    ' PIC 16F690 Fuses
    ' Internal oscillator  (activate OSCCON register)
    @ ERRORLEVEL -306
    @ ERRORLEVEL -202
    ' Registers   76543210
    OPTION_REG = %10000000 'PORT A&B Pull-Ups disabled (look WPUA & WPUB)
    OSCCON     = %01110000 'Internal RC set to 8Mhz
    ANSEL      = %00000000 'Analog inputs Channels 0 to 7
    ANSELH     = %00000000 'Analog inputs Channels 8 to 11
    WPUA       = %00000000 'Weak pull-ups
    WPUB       = %00000000 'Weak pull-ups
    ADCON0     = %00000000 'A/D Module (OFF)
    CM1CON0    = %00000000 'Comparator1 Module (OFF)
    CM2CON0    = %00000000 'Comparator2 Module (OFF)
    INTCON     = %00000000 'INTerrupts CONtrol
    TRISA      = %00000000 'Set Input/Output (0 to 5)
    PORTA      = %00000000 'Ports High/Low (0 to 5)
    TRISB      = %00000000 'Set Input/Output (4 to 7)
    PORTB      = %00000000 'Ports High/Low (4 to 7)
    TRISC      = %00000000 'Set Input/Output (0 to 7)
    PORTC      = %00000000 'Ports High/Low (0 to 7)
    ' ====== DEFINES ==================================================================================
    define OSC 8
    ' ====== VARIABLES ================================================================================
    ADDRESS     var word    ' display's address
    DATAREG     var word    ' display's data register
    Y           VAR BYTE    ' just a counter
    X           var BYTE    ' horizontal scroll steps counter
    DES         VAR BYTE
    ScrollSpeed var word    ' pause time
    Letter_Cnt  VAR BYTE    ' caracter to be displayed
    CLK         VAR PORTB.4 ' connected to module's CLK
    LOAD        VAR PORTB.5 ' connected to module's CS
    DAT         VAR PORTB.6 ' connected to module's DIN
    ' ====== INITIALIZE ===============================================================================
    low clk
    low dat
    low load  'CS
    ScrollSpeed = 400
    Letter_Cnt  = 1
    ' ====== MAX7219 SETUP ============================================================================
    ADDRESS = $0C : DATAREG = $01 : gosub MaxWrite ' SHUTDOWN=0, NORMAL OPERATION=1
    ADDRESS = $09 : DATAREG = $00 : gosub MaxWrite ' DECODE-MODE, NO DECODE
    ADDRESS = $0A : DATAREG = $00 : gosub MaxWrite ' LEDS INTENSITY MIN=0, MAX=F
    ADDRESS = $0B : DATAREG = $07 : gosub MaxWrite ' NUMBER OF DISPLAYED LINES
    ADDRESS = $0F : DATAREG = $00 : gosub MaxWrite ' DISPLAY-TEST (0=OFF, 1=ON)
    ' ====== PROGRAM ==================================================================================
    'FOR Letter_Cnt = 1 to 2
    '    FOR Y = 0 TO 7
    '        IF Letter_Cnt = 1 THEN lookup y,[  0, 36, 36, 60, 36, 36, 24,  0],datareg ' A
    '        IF Letter_Cnt = 2 THEN lookup y,[  0, 28, 36, 36, 28, 36, 28,  0],datareg ' B
    '        ADDRESS = Y + 1
    '        GOSUB MAXWRITE
    '        PAUSE 10
    '    NEXT Y
    '    PAUSE ScrollSpeed
    'NEXT Letter_Cnt
    des = 0
    for x = 0 to 6
        for y = 0 to 6
            lookup y,[  0, 36, 36, 60, 36, 36, 24,  0],datareg ' A
            address = y+1
            datareg = datareg >> des
            gosub maxwrite
            pause 10
        next y
        pause ScrollSpeed
        des = des + 1
    next x
    des = 0
    for x = 0 to 6
        for y = 0 to 6
            lookup y,[  0, 28, 36, 36, 28, 36, 28,  0],datareg ' B
            address = y+1
            datareg = datareg >> des
            gosub maxwrite
            pause 10
        next y
        pause ScrollSpeed
        des = des + 1
    next x
    ' ====== SUBROUTINES ==============================================================================
        shiftout DAT,CLK,1,[ADDRESS,DATAREG] 'Shift out the data to the 'MAX7219 'first the address, then data.
        pulsout LOAD,1 'load the data into the MAX7219
        PAUSE 10
        for Y = 1 to 7 'write $0F (blank) to all digits
            ADDRESS = Y
            DATAREG = $00
            gosub MaxWrite
        next Y
    'Letter A single dots (HEX 0024243c24241800)
    '  0, 36, 36, 60, 36, 36, 24,  0
    'Letter B single dots (HEX 001c24241c241c00)
    '  0, 28, 36, 36, 28, 36, 28,  0
    'Letter C single dots (HEX 0018240404241800)
    '  0, 24, 36,  4,  4, 36, 24,  0
    Last edited by flotulopex; - 31st August 2022 at 15:20.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013

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    Default Re: 8x8 LED matrix "smooth" horizontal scrolling text - what's the math?

    the easiest way is to store your data in an array where every byte represents a column and each bit a led
    Name:  Untitled.jpg
Views: 548
Size:  117.7 KB

    then to scroll simply transfer the array data to the display with every successive pass beginning one column later than the previous
    pausing sufficiently at each pass to get a smooth effect
    pass1 start array[0] array[1] ..... [14] array[15]
    pass2 start array[1] array[2] ..... [15] array[0]
    pass2 start array[2] array[3] ..... [0] array[1]
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    SWITZERLAND (french speaking)

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    Default 8x8 LED matrix "smooth" horizontal scrolling text - what's the math?

    Thanks Richard,

    I'll give it a try

  4. #4
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    Default Re: 8x8 LED matrix "smooth" horizontal scrolling text - what's the math?

    Warning I'm not a teacher

  5. #5
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    Feb 2013

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    Default Re: 8x8 LED matrix "smooth" horizontal scrolling text - what's the math?

    Or to have character data in eeprom, and also have a "display buffer" array which is read and refreshed consistently, but character data being written to it with changing offset.
    I did in the similar way for TM1629A, but I'm using 8 x 16 segment LED displays, so my code will have little use here.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    SWITZERLAND (french speaking)

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    Default I finally use the module rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise...

    Si, here is my solution.

    To avoid any extra need of data conversion (from columns to lines...), I decided to use the MAX7219 ARDUINO module with the inter-connecting pins positionned vertically.

    Name:  7219H.png
Views: 486
Size:  108.0 KB Name:  7219V.png
Views: 473
Size:  107.2 KB

    Doing so, instead of displaying horizontal lines from bottom to top, it now displays vertical lines from right to left without any need of "too complicated math" for me to convert data from horizontal to vertical.

    Currently I have the need for one module. Of course, if I would need to chain several modules, I then would need 10cm 5x flat cables to connect the modules to each other.

    Thanks a lot for the help

    '======= FUSES ====================================================================================
    ' PIC 16F690
    ' Internal oscillator  (activate OSCCON register)
    @ ERRORLEVEL -306
    @ ERRORLEVEL -202
    ' ====== REGISTERS ==================================================================================
    '             76543210
    OPTION_REG = %10000000 'PORT A&B Pull-Ups disabled (look WPUA & WPUB)
    OSCCON     = %01110000 'Internal RC set to 8Mhz
    ANSEL      = %00000000 'Analog inputs Channels 0 to 7
    ANSELH     = %00000000 'Analog inputs Channels 8 to 11
    WPUA       = %00000000 'Weak pull-ups
    WPUB       = %00000000 'Weak pull-ups
    ADCON0     = %00000000 'A/D Module (OFF)
    CM1CON0    = %00000000 'Comparator1 Module (OFF)
    CM2CON0    = %00000000 'Comparator2 Module (OFF)
    INTCON     = %00000000 'INTerrupts CONtrol
    TRISA      = %00000000 'Set Input/Output (0 to 5)
    PORTA      = %00000000 'Ports High/Low (0 to 5)
    TRISB      = %00000000 'Set Input/Output (4 to 7)
    PORTB      = %00000000 'Ports High/Low (4 to 7)
    TRISC      = %00000000 'Set Input/Output (0 to 7)
    PORTC      = %00000000 'Ports High/Low (0 to 7)
    ' ====== DEFINES ==================================================================================
    ' ====== VARIABLES ================================================================================
    Addr_Reg    VAR BYTE    ' 7219's address register (1..8)
    Data_Reg    VAR BYTE    ' 7219's data register
    ScrollSpeed VAR WORD    ' pause time between frames (8 lines = 1 frame)
    Line        VAR BYTE    ' line number of a frame - from 0 (bottom line) to 7 (top line)
    Start       VAR BYTE    ' starting position in LOOKUP
    CLK         VAR PORTB.4 ' connected to module's CLK
    LOAD        VAR PORTB.5 ' connected to module's CS
    DAT         VAR PORTB.6 ' connected to module's DIN
    ' ====== INITIALIZE ===============================================================================
    ScrollSpeed = 80
    ' ====== MAX7219 SETUP ============================================================================
    Addr_Reg = $09 : Data_Reg = $00 : GOSUB MaxWrite ' DECODE-MODE (= BCD), NO DECODE
    Addr_Reg = $0A : Data_Reg = $00 : GOSUB MaxWrite ' LEDS INTENSITY MIN=0, MAX=F
    Addr_Reg = $0B : Data_Reg = $07 : GOSUB MaxWrite ' NUMBER OF DISPLAYED LINES (0=bottom .. 7=top)
    Addr_Reg = $0C : Data_Reg = $01 : GOSUB MaxWrite ' SHUTDOWN=0, NORMAL OPERATION=1
    Addr_Reg = $0F : Data_Reg = $00 : GOSUB MaxWrite ' DISPLAY-TEST (0=OFF, 1=ON)
    ' ====== PROGRAM ==================================================================================
        FOR Start = 0 TO 80 ' number of data in the LOOKUP - 8
            FOR Addr_Reg = 1 TO 8
                Line = (Addr_Reg - 1) + Start
                GOSUB PICBasic
                GOSUB MAXWRITE
            PAUSE ScrollSpeed
    ' ====== SUBROUTINES ==============================================================================
        SHIFTOUT DAT,CLK,1,[Addr_Reg,Data_Reg] ' send the data to the MAX7219
        PULSOUT LOAD,1 ' push the data into the MAX7219
    ' ====== DISPLAY DATA =============================================================================
    ' 90 degrees anticlockwise rotated characters for use with vertically positionned MAX7219 ARDUINO module
    'LOOKUP Line, [  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,255,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],Data_Reg
    LOOKUP Line, [  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,_
                    0,254,254, 34, 34, 62, 28,  0,_          'P
                    0,  0,130,254,254,130,  0,  0,_          'I
                    0,124,254,130,130,198, 68,  0,_          'C
                    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,_          
                    0,254,254,146,146,254,108,  0,_          'B
                    0, 64,232,168,168,248,240,  0,_          'a
                    0,144,168,168,168,168, 72,  0,_          's
                    0,  0,128,244,244,128,  0,  0,_          'i
                    0,112,248,136,136,216, 80,  0,_          'c                
                    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0],Data_Reg

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