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Re: So, what are people using for CHEAP ICSP programmers these days?
I've used all the Microchip ones, and even a few pickit3 clones and never had an issue with any of them.
If you keep blowing up PK3's then it could be your setup/configuration (not using MCLR, setting RB6/RB7 as outputs, etc).
If you've been using the kit149/150 then you must be using some OLD chips, stuff from the 1990's/early 2000.
If that's the case you'll want to get a programmer that can do HV programming, which some of the pickit3 clones can't do and neither does the SNAP.
The SNAP and pickit4 will require you to install MPLABX to get the drivers, so that's a negative, plus you're pretty much limited to command-line operation with them (no programming app except for MPLABX)
From what you've described you've been using, I'd second a vote for the Pickitplus software with a decent pickit3 clone, although that might be getting harder and harder to come by these days.