18F452 "Unknown Processor" errors

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  1. #1
    schwinn_rider's Avatar
    schwinn_rider Guest

    Default 18F452 "Unknown Processor" errors


    I'm having problems with PBP, or with MPASM, not sure which. I'm trying to compile a simple led blinking program to get started using the 18F452, and these are the errors I get:

    Error[132] C:\PBP2.45\18F452.INC 18 : Unknown processor (18F452)
    Error[105] C:\PBP2.45\18F452.INC 19 : Cannot open file (Include File "P18F452.INC" not found)
    Error[131] C:\PBP2.45\18F452.INC 20 : Processor type is undefined
    Error[131] C:\PBP2.45\18F452.INC 21 : Processor type is undefined
    Error[131] C:\PBP2.45\18F452.INC 22 : Processor type is undefined
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\BLINK452.ASM 42 : Symbol not previously defined (PORTB)
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\BLINK452.ASM 43 : Symbol not previously defined (PORTC)
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\BLINK452.ASM 44 : Symbol not previously defined (TRISB)
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\BLINK452.ASM 45 : Symbol not previously defined (TRISC)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 1153 : Found label after column 1. (goto)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 1153 : Illegal opcode (INIT)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6215 : Illegal opcode (clrf)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6216 : Illegal opcode (movwf)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6217 : Illegal opcode (movlw)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6218 : Found label after column 1. (addwf)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6218 : Illegal opcode (R1)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6219 : Found label after column 1. (btfss)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6219 : Illegal opcode (STATUS)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6220 : Found label after column 1. (addwf)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6220 : Illegal opcode (R1)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6221 : Found label after column 1. (btfss)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6221 : Illegal opcode (STATUS)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6222 : Found label after column 1. (goto)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6222 : Illegal opcode (DUNN)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6223 : Found label after column 1. (movlw)
    Error[108] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6223 : Illegal character (()
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6224 : Found label after column 1. (movwf)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6224 : Illegal opcode (R0)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6225 : Found label after column 1. (movlw)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6225 : Illegal opcode (low)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6226 : Found label after column 1. (rcall)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6226 : Illegal opcode (PAUSEUSL)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6227 : Found label after column 1. (bra)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6227 : Illegal opcode (pauseloop)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6272 : Illegal opcode (clrf)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6273 : Illegal opcode (addlw)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6274 : Found label after column 1. (movwf)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6274 : Illegal opcode (R0)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6275 : Found label after column 1. (comf)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6275 : Illegal opcode (R0)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6276 : Found label after column 1. (movlw)
    Error[108] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6276 : Illegal character (-)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6277 : Found label after column 1. (btfss)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6277 : Illegal opcode (STATUS)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6278 : Found label after column 1. (bra)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6278 : Illegal opcode (pauseush)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6279 : Illegal opcode (addwf)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6280 : Found label after column 1. (btfsc)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6280 : Illegal opcode (STATUS)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6281 : Found label after column 1. (bra)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6281 : Illegal opcode (pauseusloop)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6282 : Illegal opcode (addwf)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 428 : Found label after column 1. (clrwdt)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6284 : Found label after column 1. (incfsz)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6284 : Illegal opcode (R0)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6285 : Found label after column 1. (bra)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6285 : Illegal opcode (pauseusloop)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6286 : Found label after column 1. (btfsc)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6286 : Illegal opcode (R0)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6287 : Found label after column 1. (bra)
    Error[108] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6287 : Illegal character ($)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6288 : Found label after column 1. (btfss)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6288 : Illegal opcode (R0)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6289 : Found label after column 1. (bra)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6289 : Illegal opcode (pauseusdone)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6290 : Found label after column 1. (nop)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6291 : Found label after column 1. (bra)
    Error[108] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6291 : Illegal character ($)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 6292 : Illegal opcode (return)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 7614 : Illegal opcode (movlb)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 428 : Found label after column 1. (clrwdt)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 7616 : Illegal opcode (return)
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 551 : Symbol not previously defined (PORTB)
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 551 : Symbol not previously defined (PORTB)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 906 : Found label after column 1. (bsf)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 906 : Illegal opcode (PORTB)
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 551 : Symbol not previously defined (PORTB)
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 551 : Symbol not previously defined (PORTB)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 908 : Found label after column 1. (bcf)
    Error[108] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 908 : Illegal character (()
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 888 : Found label after column 1. (movlw)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 888 : Illegal opcode (low)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 889 : Found label after column 1. (movwf)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 889 : Illegal opcode (R1)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 871 : Found label after column 1. (movlw)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 871 : Illegal opcode (low)
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 669 : Symbol not previously defined (PAUSEL)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 670 : Found label after column 1. (call)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 670 : Illegal opcode (PAUSEL)
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 551 : Symbol not previously defined (PORTB)
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 551 : Symbol not previously defined (PORTB)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 908 : Found label after column 1. (bcf)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 908 : Illegal opcode (PORTB)
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 551 : Symbol not previously defined (PORTB)
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 551 : Symbol not previously defined (PORTB)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 908 : Found label after column 1. (bcf)
    Error[108] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 908 : Illegal character (()
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 888 : Found label after column 1. (movlw)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 888 : Illegal opcode (low)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 889 : Found label after column 1. (movwf)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 889 : Illegal opcode (R1)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 871 : Found label after column 1. (movlw)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 871 : Illegal opcode (low)
    Error[113] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 669 : Symbol not previously defined (PAUSEL)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 670 : Found label after column 1. (call)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 670 : Illegal opcode (PAUSEL)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 413 : Found label after column 1. (clrwdt)
    Warning[207] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 709 : Found label after column 1. (goto)
    Error[122] C:\PBP2.45\PBPPIC18.LIB 709 : Illegal opcode (_Main)
    Error[131] C:\PBP2.45\BLINK452.ASM 59 : Processor type is undefined

    Anyone know what the problem could be?

    Apparently, it can't find the file called "P18F452.INC", and neither can I. Should it have been installed with either PBP or MPASM?

    Any help for a newb you can offer will be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    montreal, canada

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    All .INC files comes with PBP disks. So chances are that you deleted it, renamed it or corrupted it. Delete the whole PBP directory, then reinstall your disk.

    Be sure you really have MPASM as it don't comes with PBP.

    Wich IDE are you using to compile your code??? MPLAB, MicroCode Studio, CodeDesigner ???

    if the problem persist do one of the following
    1. Post your code and much about what you use
    2. Do the rain dance, with a sweet pickle in your right ear, sing "Abba Dancing Queen", from the end to the begining then go outside naked and say loud "I'm an extra terrestrial comming directly from Tharg planet and i love eating humans"
    if the last work... i really want to see it

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

  3. #3
    schwinn_rider's Avatar
    schwinn_rider Guest

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    it looks like my installation of the MPLab IDE was messed up. The "P18F453.INC" file should have come with it, I think. Will try fixing that.
    Last edited by schwinn_rider; - 24th September 2005 at 15:37.

  4. #4
    schwinn_rider's Avatar
    schwinn_rider Guest

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    Default rock! got it!

    ok, reinstalling MPLab did the trick. The program compiled and uploaded fine, except for these warnings from the compiler:

    Warning[230] C:\PBP\18F452.INC 20 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
    Warning[230] C:\PBP\18F452.INC 21 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.
    Warning[230] C:\PBP\18F452.INC 22 : __CONFIG has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.

    But, whatever they mean, it works! Thanks for the help!

  5. #5
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    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

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    In the latest version of MPASM the __CONFIG directive has been deprecated for PIC18 devices. MPASM now expects to see CONFIG followed by the list of options.

    The default config fuse directive in your PBP 18F device header files still use the old __CONFIG approach. It will still work (until Microchip makes it fail), but MPASM issues the warning to remind us to use the new CONFIG directive.

    This way;

    __CONFIG _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_128_2H

    Should now look like this;


    Look in your MPLAB installation directory at device specific P18Fxxx.INC header files for fuse options available for the 18F part you're using.

    It's just a warning for now, and the old method still works, but I wouldn't be surprised if a new version of MPASM pops up one day and starts rejecting the older __CONFIG directive.

    tech at rentron.com

  7. #7
    schwinn_rider's Avatar
    schwinn_rider Guest

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    thanks bruce. i can see the rationale for the change.

  8. #8
    vaidyasp1's Avatar
    vaidyasp1 Guest

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    Default Query

    Do you mean to say that
    Q1 this statements should be copied into the code or the .inc file??
    Q2 and both works fine with mpasm??

    This way;

    __CONFIG _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_128_2H

    Should now look like this;


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