any recommendation on cheap bluetooth module to try out?
any recommendation on cheap bluetooth module to try out?
See this link.
Manual with Basic Stamp 2 samples:
Best regards,
thnx luciano.. anything one have anything below USD 80?
BlueTooth v1.2 DIP Module found HERE. Go to "Wireless communication" and scroll down to the Bluetooth stuff.
Wisdom is knowing what path to take next... Integrity is taking it.
Ryan Miller
Bluetooth for well under 80usd!!
National Semiconductor has free samples of BLuetooth serial modules. I have 12 on order, and will let you know how they go.
I will try soon the xBeePro from MaxStream that reach almost 1.5Km range!
They are @ 2.4GHz with RS232 in/out up to 240Kbps and controlled through AT commands.
When I get the results I 'll post it here.
Oh, and the cost is under 30 Euros!
Although back from the dead, Digi modules are easy to work with standard footprint and AT commands or API support. Cost is low and availability not so good I suppose.
Then there are same footprint for most of the modules as Digi's and XBee emulator (!) as I can verify with limited compatibility and similar cost, but availability in Europe is a minus.They can be programed in Python (for those who know or want to learn).
I have also tested some of modem and ISM modules and can recommend them. Especially the DRF7020D27 module that is powerful tranceiver.
Google will show many others too.