16F690 and 24LC16B memory - can't WRITE 8 different bytes in a row

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    SWITZERLAND (french speaking)

    Default 16F690 and 24LC16B memory - can't WRITE 8 different bytes in a row

    Hi there,

    I'm having trouble writing 8 bytes to a 24LC16B memory chip.

    In fact, I can write 8 consecutive bytes but it seems only the last byte I want to program is written to all 8 positions.

    Even after reading the DS many times knowing there is something particular when writing less than 16 bytes (...don't still understand everything for sure ), I can't see what am I missing.

    Name:  2020-12-29 21_37_13-Clipboard.png
Views: 1101
Size:  70.8 KB

    Any clue?

    '======= FUSES ====================================================================================
    ' PIC 16F690 Fuses (MPASM)
    ' Internal oscillator
    @ ERRORLEVEL -306
    '======= REGISTERS =================================================================================
    ' Registers   76543210
    OPTION_REG = %10000000 ' Pull-Ups disabled
    OSCCON     = %01110000 ' Internal oscillator
    ANSEL      = %00000000 ' analog inputs Channels 0 to 7
    ANSELH     = %00000000 ' analog inputs Channels 8 to 11
    WPUA       = %00000000 ' weak pull-ups
    WPUB       = %00000000 ' weak pull-ups
    ADCON0     = %00000000 ' Select the VP6 channel as ADC input bits5:2 (xx1101xx)
    ADCON1     = %00000000 ' Set FRC
    VRCON      = %00000000 ' VP6 reference
    CM1CON0    = %00000000 ' Comparator1 Module
    CM2CON0    = %00000000 ' Comparator2 Module
    TRISA      = %00000000 ' Input/Output (0 to 5)
    PORTA      = %00000100 ' High/Low (0 to 5)
    TRISB      = %00000000 ' Input/Output (4 to 7)
    PORTB      = %00000000 ' High/Low (4 to 7)
    TRISC      = %00000000 ' Input/Output (0 to 7)
    PORTC      = %01000000 ' High/Low (0 to 7)
    '======= DEFINES ==================================================================================
    DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ' Clear overflow automatically
    DEFINE NO_CLRWDT 1    ' Don't waste cycles clearing WDT
    '======= VARIABLES ================================================================================
    Ser_Out     VAR PORTA.2 ' Serial Out
    EeWP        VAR PORTC.3 ' memory Write Protect
    SCL         VAR PORTC.6 ' i2c Clock pin [6]
    SDA         VAR PORTC.7 ' i2c Data pin  [5]
    Cntr        VAR BYTE    ' just a counter
    Ser_Mode    VAR word    ' serial com baudrate
    Mem_Loc     var BYTE    ' holds the user's code memory place (000..255)
    Temp        VAR WORD    ' for WORD sized calculation
    EeVal       VAR BYTE(8) ' array that holds the numbers in the Eeprom
    EeCtrl      var BYTE    ' 4 control bits + 3 memory block selector bits
    EeAddress   var BYTE    ' 24LC16B address (0..255)
    EeBlock     var BYTE    ' holds memory block number (0..7)
    '======= INITIALIZE ===============================================================================
    Cntr      = 0
    Ser_Mode  = 84 ' 9600bps
    Mem_loc   = 0
    Temp      = 0
    EeCtrl    = 0
    EeAddress = 0
    EeBlock   = 0
    For Cntr = 0 to 7
        EeVal(Cntr) = Cntr ' initialize EeVal
    HIGH Ser_Out        ' avoid serial data garbage @ startup
    '======= TEST =====================================================================================
    Mem_loc = 45 ' put here an address between 0..255 to write the data to
    '======= PROGRAM ==================================================================================
        ' Calculate control byte
        Temp     = Mem_loc * 8     ' 24LC16B's starting memory position
        EeBlock   = Temp /  256    ' 24LC16B's 0..7 memory block number
        EeAddress = Temp // 256    ' 24LC16B's 0..255 memory position
        ' Get the control byte according to block     [ 0..2047]  [0..255]
        IF Eeblock = 0 THEN EeCtrl = $A0 '                0..255     0..31
        IF Eeblock = 1 THEN EeCtrl = $A2 '              256..511    32..63
        IF Eeblock = 2 THEN EeCtrl = $A4 '              512..767    64..95
        IF Eeblock = 3 THEN EeCtrl = $A6 '             768..1023   96..127
        IF Eeblock = 4 THEN EeCtrl = $A8 '            1024..1279  128..159
        IF Eeblock = 5 THEN EeCtrl = $AA '            1280..1535  160..191
        IF Eeblock = 6 THEN EeCtrl = $AC '            1536..1791  192..223
        IF Eeblock = 7 THEN EeCtrl = $AE '            1792..2047  224..255
        ' Show the input I'm using for this test
        SEROUT2 Ser_Out, Ser_Mode,["Mem_Loc  : ",DEC Mem_Loc,10,"EeBlock  : ",_
            DEC3 EeBlock,10,"EeAddress: ",DEC3 EeAddress,10,"CTRL     : ",BIN EeCtrl,13,10]
    ' VARIANT 1 - WRITE 8 same bytes to memory = works but...
    EeWP = 0
    PAUSE 10
    For Cntr = 0 to 7
        i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[33]
        PAUSE 10
    NEXT Cntr
    EeWP = 1
    '' VARIANT 2 - WRITE 8 different bytes to memory = not working
    'EeWP = 0   ' Unprotect memory
    'PAUSE 10
    'For Cntr = 0 to 7
    '    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[Cntr]
    '    PAUSE 10
    'NEXT Cntr
    'EeWP = 1
    '' VARIANT 3 - WRITE 8 different bytes to memory = not working
    'EeWP = 0
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[EeVal(0),EeVal(1),EeVal(2),EeVal(3),_
    '    EeVal(4),EeVal(5),EeVal(6),EeVal(7)]
    'EeWP = 1
    '' VARIANT 4 - WRITE 8 different bytes to memory = not working
    'EeWP = 0   ' Unprotect memory
    'PAUSE 10
    'For Cntr = 0 to 7
    '    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[EeVal(Cntr)]
    '    PAUSE 10
    'NEXT Cntr
    'EeWP = 1
    '' VARIANT 5 - WRITE 8 different bytes to memory = not working
    'EeWP = 0
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[1]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[2]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[3]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[4]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[5]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[6]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[7]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[8]
    'PAUSE 10
    'EeWP = 1
        ' READ 8 bytes from memory
        For Cntr = 0 to 7
            i2cread SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[EeVal(Cntr)]
        NEXT Cntr
        ' display what's in the memory chip    
        SEROUT2 Ser_Out, Ser_Mode,[DEC3 EeVal(0)," ",DEC3 EeVal(1)," ",DEC3 EeVal(2)," ",_
            DEC3 EeVal(3)," ",DEC3 EeVal(4)," ",DEC3 EeVal(5)," ",DEC3 EeVal(6)," ",DEC3 EeVal(7),13,10,10]

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: 16F690 and 24LC16B memory - can't WRITE 8 different bytes in a row


    ' VARIANT 5 - WRITE 8 different bytes to memory 
    EeWP = 0
    PAUSE 10
    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[1]
    PAUSE 10
    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[2]
    PAUSE 10
    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[3]
    PAUSE 10
    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[4]
    PAUSE 10
    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[5]
    PAUSE 10
    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[6]
    PAUSE 10
    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[7]
    PAUSE 10
    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[8]
    PAUSE 10
    EeWP = 1
    or just
    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[1,2,3................] ;within block boundary
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    SWITZERLAND (french speaking)

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    Default Re: 16F690 and 24LC16B memory - can't WRITE 8 different bytes in a row

    Thanks Richard,

    I already corrected the address incrementing and also forgot to mention I already tried the ..[1,2,3,..] variant too.

    All without any success...

    See the results in two different memory locations (45 and 0)...

    >>> Variant 5
    Name:  Variant5.png
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    Name:  Variant5b.png
Views: 1010
Size:  2.4 KB

    >>> Variant 6
    Name:  Variant 6.png
Views: 993
Size:  2.2 KB
    Name:  Variant6b.png
Views: 1007
Size:  2.3 KB

    '======= FUSES ====================================================================================
    ' PIC 16F690 Fuses (MPASM)
    ' Internal oscillator
    @ ERRORLEVEL -306
    '======= REGISTERS =================================================================================
    ' Registers   76543210
    OPTION_REG = %10000000 ' Pull-Ups disabled
    OSCCON     = %01110000 ' Internal oscillator
    ANSEL      = %00000000 ' analog inputs Channels 0 to 7
    ANSELH     = %00000000 ' analog inputs Channels 8 to 11
    WPUA       = %00000000 ' weak pull-ups
    WPUB       = %00000000 ' weak pull-ups
    ADCON0     = %00000000 ' Select the VP6 channel as ADC input bits5:2 (xx1101xx)
    ADCON1     = %00000000 ' Set FRC
    VRCON      = %00000000 ' VP6 reference
    CM1CON0    = %00000000 ' Comparator1 Module
    CM2CON0    = %00000000 ' Comparator2 Module
    TRISA      = %00000000 ' Input/Output (0 to 5)
    PORTA      = %00000100 ' High/Low (0 to 5)
    TRISB      = %00000000 ' Input/Output (4 to 7)
    PORTB      = %00000000 ' High/Low (4 to 7)
    TRISC      = %00000000 ' Input/Output (0 to 7)
    PORTC      = %01000000 ' High/Low (0 to 7)
    '======= DEFINES ==================================================================================
    DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ' Clear overflow automatically
    DEFINE NO_CLRWDT 1    ' Don't waste cycles clearing WDT
    '======= VARIABLES ================================================================================
    Ser_Out     VAR PORTA.2 ' Serial Out
    EeWP        VAR PORTC.3 ' memory Write Protect
    SCL         VAR PORTC.6 ' i2c Clock pin [6]
    SDA         VAR PORTC.7 ' i2c Data pin  [5]
    Cntr        VAR BYTE    ' just a counter
    Ser_Mode    VAR word    ' serial com baudrate
    Mem_Loc     var BYTE    ' holds the user's code memory place (000..255)
    Temp        VAR WORD    ' for WORD sized calculation
    EeVal       VAR BYTE(8) ' array that holds the numbers in the Eeprom
    EeCtrl      var BYTE    ' 4 control bits + 3 memory block selector bits
    EeAddress   var BYTE    ' 24LC16B address (0..255)
    EeBlock     var BYTE    ' holds memory block number (0..7)
    '======= INITIALIZE ===============================================================================
    Cntr      = 0
    Ser_Mode  = 84 ' 9600bps
    Mem_loc   = 0
    Temp      = 0
    EeCtrl    = 0
    EeAddress = 0
    EeBlock   = 0
    For Cntr = 0 to 7
        EeVal(Cntr) = Cntr ' initialize EeVal
    HIGH Ser_Out        ' avoid serial data garbage @ startup
    '======= TEST =====================================================================================
    Mem_loc = 45 ' put here an address between 0..255 to write the data to
    '======= PROGRAM ==================================================================================
        ' Calculate control byte
        Temp     = Mem_loc * 8     ' 24LC16B's starting memory position
        EeBlock   = Temp /  256    ' 24LC16B's 0..7 memory block number
        EeAddress = Temp // 256    ' 24LC16B's 0..255 memory position
        ' Get the control byte according to block     [ 0..2047]  [0..255]
        IF Eeblock = 0 THEN EeCtrl = $A0 '                0..255     0..31
        IF Eeblock = 1 THEN EeCtrl = $A2 '              256..511    32..63
        IF Eeblock = 2 THEN EeCtrl = $A4 '              512..767    64..95
        IF Eeblock = 3 THEN EeCtrl = $A6 '             768..1023   96..127
        IF Eeblock = 4 THEN EeCtrl = $A8 '            1024..1279  128..159
        IF Eeblock = 5 THEN EeCtrl = $AA '            1280..1535  160..191
        IF Eeblock = 6 THEN EeCtrl = $AC '            1536..1791  192..223
        IF Eeblock = 7 THEN EeCtrl = $AE '            1792..2047  224..255
        ' Show the input I'm using for this test
        SEROUT2 Ser_Out, Ser_Mode,["Mem_Loc  : ",DEC Mem_Loc,10,"EeBlock  : ",_
            DEC3 EeBlock,10,"EeAddress: ",DEC3 EeAddress,10,"CTRL     : ",BIN EeCtrl,13,10]
    ' VARIANT 1 - WRITE 8 same bytes to memory = works
    'EeWP = 0
    'PAUSE 10
    'For Cntr = 0 to 7
    '    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[33]
    '    PAUSE 10
    'NEXT Cntr
    'EeWP = 1
    '' VARIANT 2 - WRITE 8 different bytes to memory = not working
    'EeWP = 0   ' Unprotect memory
    'PAUSE 10
    'For Cntr = 0 to 7
    '    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[Cntr]
    '    PAUSE 10
    'NEXT Cntr
    'EeWP = 1
    '' VARIANT 3 - WRITE 8 different bytes to memory = not working
    'EeWP = 0
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[EeVal(0),EeVal(1),EeVal(2),EeVal(3),_
    '    EeVal(4),EeVal(5),EeVal(6),EeVal(7)]
    'EeWP = 1
    '' VARIANT 4 - WRITE 8 different bytes to memory = not working
    'EeWP = 0   ' Unprotect memory
    'PAUSE 10
    'For Cntr = 0 to 7
    '    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[EeVal(Cntr)]
    '    PAUSE 10
    'NEXT Cntr
    'EeWP = 1
    '' VARIANT 5 - WRITE 8 different bytes to memory = not working
    'EeWP = 0
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[1]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[2]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[3]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[4]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[5]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[6]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[7]
    'PAUSE 10
    'i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[8]
    'PAUSE 10
    'EeWP = 1
    ' VARIANT 6 - WRITE 8 different bytes to memory = not working
    EeWP = 0
    PAUSE 10
    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
    EeWP = 1
        ' READ 8 bytes from memory
        For Cntr = 0 to 7
            i2cread SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[EeVal(Cntr)]
        NEXT Cntr
        ' display what's in the memory chip    
        SEROUT2 Ser_Out, Ser_Mode,[DEC3 EeVal(0)," ",DEC3 EeVal(1)," ",DEC3 EeVal(2)," ",_
            DEC3 EeVal(3)," ",DEC3 EeVal(4)," ",DEC3 EeVal(5)," ",DEC3 EeVal(6)," ",DEC3 EeVal(7),13,10,10]
        ' List all memory locations (0..255)
    '    Mem_Loc = Mem_Loc + 1
    '    IF Mem_Loc = 0 THEN END
    '    GOTO MAIN

  4. #4
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    Default Re: 16F690 and 24LC16B memory - can't WRITE 8 different bytes in a row

    keep is simple and clear/concise you need to supply 16 bit address $a0 + block <<1 + r/rw [0 for pbp] + eeaddress [0-255]

    ' VARIANT 6 - WRITE 8 different bytes to memory = not working
    EeWP = 0
    PAUSE 10

    EeCtrl=$a0 + 2 ;using block 1 ie 1<<1=2
    i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,EeAddress,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
    EeWP = 1
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    SWITZERLAND (french speaking)

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    Default 16F690 and 24LC16B memory - can't WRITE 8 different bytes in a row

    This is what I get with your suggestion:
    EeCtrl=$a0 + 2 ;using block 1 ie 1<<1=2
        i2cwrite SDA,SCL,EeCtrl,0,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
    EeWP = 1
    Name:  2020-12-30 10_32_49-Window.png
Views: 1019
Size:  1.7 KB

    Something is also even more confusing to me. As you wrote, the address has to be WORD sized - this is also stated in the DS.

    In my code, I have it ("EeCtrl") as a BYTE. If I change it to a WORD, it doesn't make any difference.

    Your last suggestion with a WORD sized EeCtrl var gives this result:

    Name:  2020-12-30 10_42_42-Window.png
Views: 982
Size:  2.3 KB

    Maybe I'm messing things up in the I2CWRITE command because I understand it this way and both vars (EeCtrl and EeAddress) are looking to be BYTE long:
    Name:  2020-12-30 10_52_01-Clipboard.png
Views: 1010
Size:  8.6 KB

    To be honnest, I don't get that thing with the WORD sized address...

  6. #6
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    Default Re: 16F690 and 24LC16B memory - can't WRITE 8 different bytes in a row

    the closest eprom i have is a xc24c16 which is pretty similar

    this works for me

        DEFINE OSC 8                 
     sda var portc.1 
      sck var portc.2
              TMP VAR byte[3]
           osccon=$70    '8 mhz
             ansel=0       'dig i/o
             CMCON0=7        ' compare off 
             serout2 porta.0,84, ["ready ",13,10]  
         i2cwrite  sda,sck,$aa,$38,[1,30,52]     
        i2cread sda,sck,$aa,$38,[str tmp \3 ] 
         serout2 porta.0,84, ["d " , #tmp[0] ,"," , #tmp[1] ,"," , #tmp[2] ,",",13,10]
       pause 4000 
       goto main
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  7. #7
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    Default Re: 16F690 and 24LC16B memory - can't WRITE 8 different bytes in a row

    To be honnest, I don't get that thing with the WORD sized address...
    it's constructed as i stated and sent via i2cwrite as to single bytes ,big end first
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    SWITZERLAND (french speaking)

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    Default Re: 16F690 and 24LC16B memory - can't WRITE 8 different bytes in a row

    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    the closest eprom i have is a xc24c16...
    Thank you very much Richard.

    Unfortunately, even with your code example, it looks hopeless

    I should be able to grab another identical chip (or maybe a 24LC64...) by tomorrow or the day after.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    SWITZERLAND (french speaking)

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    Default Byte...word ???

    Sorry to ask again Richard, but I really don't understand this "WORD" story. I'm french speaking so I may not fully understand your explanation

    In "i2cwrite sda,sck,$aa,$38,[1,30,52]", $AA (=EeCtrl) and $38 (=EeAddress) have BYTE sizes, no?

    Do you mean the I2C command will transform the two BYTE variables in one WORD sized one?

  10. #10
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    Default Re: 16F690 and 24LC16B memory - can't WRITE 8 different bytes in a row

    the control word to address an individual memory cell is 16 bits long for that eeprom
    made up as ->
    $a0 + block <<1 + r/rw [0 for pbp] + eeaddress [0-255]
    for example block=5,cell 0x38
    0xA0 + 5<<1 + 0 = 0xAA , high byte of word
    address=0x38 ,
    low byte of word
    this word is transmitted as two bytes, big end first ,

    other eeproms have other schemes where cell address is a word and the device control address byte is a constant
    based on address pins plus device code.
    address =0x538
    i2cwrite sda,sck,$a0,address,[1,30,52]

    Do you mean the I2C command will transform the two BYTE variables in one WORD sized one?
    no , the eeprom will interpret the two bytes as a 16 bit value
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  11. #11
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    Default Working fine after chip replacement

    Thanks a lot for your patience and clear explanation

    BTW, I changed my chip...and all is working fine now.

    I've put my last working test program in attachment.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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