I have a bunch of LEDs with anodes tied to Vcc through resistors. The cathodes are tied to the outputs of an MCP23107 port expander. I'm using the same setup I had for Arduino that worked, so I know this setup works.

Trying to get it going in Pic Basic Pro is not working. I have simplified my program to very, very basics to eliminate any "distractions". Here it is:
define LOADER_USED 1
DEFINE OSC 4                 '4 MHz crystal on LabX1, not the processor speed

'TRISC =     %00000000
SDA         VAR PORTC.4        'i2c data line, 16F887 
SCL         VAR PORTC.3        'i2c clock line  16F887  
addr        var byte           'address of port expander

addr = $42
I2CWRITE SDA,SCL,addr,[$00,$00] 'set for all output
     I2CWRITE SDA,SCL,addr,[$09, $00]
     pause 100
     I2CWRITE SDA,SCL,addr,[$09, $ff]
     pause 100
goto main
Why doesn't this blink the LEDs I have attached to the PE. When I check voltage, it never drops to zero. I've scoped my SDA and SCL lines and they are working fine. I have 5 volts (4.9 actually) on the chip, and the address for this one is $42 (address A1 is high).

I'm using a LabX1 with 16F887 mcu. I'm expecting all the lights to blink but none do. (I've played with the GPI0 register, making it $12 instead of $09)

What am I missing? Arduino spoiled me by providing me with libraries that did all the work!