Nokia lcd include , small footprint to suit pic16's

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  1. #1
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    Default Re: Nokia lcd include , small footprint to suit pic16's

    May I ask where I can find information for placing DW data in XC8 at an absolute address
    all my knowledge came from google" xc8 psect" , i have not found a good reference yet
    the xc8 use rguide/manual is severely lacking in that respect

    key elements
    PSECT strings,class=CODE,abs,delta=2
    ORG 0x1f00

    my example uses an asm segment in a c include file, it may be better to place the data in an asm file and include that instead
    because i have terrible trouble getting "labels" to work properly my way. [ still learning]

    mcc is a splendid thing once you get the hang of it, for the chips it supports.
    once i have created the standalone project i use mcc to set the osc and create the main.c and mcc files
    then you can add the pins/hw modules
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Nokia lcd include , small footprint to suit pic16's

    a saner way is, and let the linker locate the font for you

    font .c file

    #include <xc.h>
    psect FONT_table,class=CODE,local,delta=2
            DW 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x005F, 0x0000 //  32 ' '  '!'
            DW 0x0007, 0x0007, 0x0014, 0x3F94, 0x3F94 //  34 '"'  '#'
            DW 0x122A, 0x3FAA, 0x0923, 0x0988, 0x3262 //  36 '$'  '%'
            DW 0x1B49, 0x2AA2, 0x2800, 0x0283, 0x0000 //  38 '&'  '''
    in main.c

    extern const char FNT;
    int addr=&FNT;

    in wrChar()
    unsigned int dat, inx = addr;
    char i = 5;
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Nokia lcd include , small footprint to suit pic16's

    Hi Richard,

    Well done to you and Mike for continuing the thread, even though what you are documenting is so far above my head I'm dizzy...

    If I can jump in here I'd like to bring your attention to an undocumented feature of your Inc file I've just discovered when converting my previous code to run it. For various reasons, but mainly leading zero suppression, I insert a space but with your Inc file I get error messages e.g.

        bigtxt = 1     ; double size chrs
        LCDSTR 0,0,"Noki+12"
        LCDSTR 0,2,"345678@" 
        bigtxt = 0     ; normal size chrs
    '    LCDSTR 52,3,"Demo"
        LCDSTR 0,4,"With@MSSP xfer" 
    '    LCDSTR 0,5,"Dble Size Chrs"     
        LCDSTR 0,5," "  ; this doesn't compile - causes errors and warnings wherever used.     
    '    LCDSTR 0,5,32   ; same result as above (worth a try).     
        PAUSE 1000       
        GOTO looper
    resulting in
    [ASM ERROR] NOKIA_DEMO PPS.ASM (1701) : Illegal character (0)
    [ASM WARNING] NOKIA_DEMO PPS.ASM (1701) : Found label after column 1. (LCDSTR?CCC)

    When you have the time may I ask for this to be corrected?

    Kind regards,

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Nokia lcd include , small footprint to suit pic16's

    LCDSTR 0,5," "
    its a pbp problem

    " " is not a String pbp interprets a single chr as a byte , regardless of the quotes . and its not possible to fix it

    you can simply use

    LCDC " "
    LCDC 0,5," "

    to print a single character

    have a look at this
    it has a rightjustify user command in it,

    eg to display a 3 digit field
     arraywrite buff,[dec h,0]
        RJUSTBUFF  buff,3
        LCDSTR  36,0,BUFF
    Last edited by richard; - 26th May 2018 at 07:10.
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Nokia lcd include , small footprint to suit pic16's

    Ah... Thank you for the PSECT search term. Got it. I also discovered that I could use a label in the font table and access that address in my code... Very exciting stuff (grin)...

    I still need to double-check and simulate my XC8 version but so far it uses 381 words (141 code + 240 font). I didn't use MCC (Microchip Code Configurator) so it's a single file, about 235 lines, including the font table (see below).

    MCC doesn't seem to support the MSSP module on my 16F1823 so I still need to consult the datasheet before I can implement the SPI driver.

    Cheerful regards, Mike, K8LH

     *                                                                      *
     *  Project: Nokia_Fonts                                                *
     *   Source: Nokia_Main.c                                               *
     *   Author: Mike McLaren, K8LH                                         *
     *  (C)2013: Micro Application Consultants                              *
     *     Date: 25-May-2018                                                *
     *                                                                      *
     *   Experimental Nokia 5110 LCD display driver demo using a 96         *
     *   character packed 2.5-word-per-character 5x7 font table on a        *
     *   PIC16F1823.                                                        *
     *                                                                      *
     *      IDE: MPLABX v4.05                                               *
     *     Lang: XC8 v1.45, Lite/Free version                               *
     *                                                                      *
    /* CONFIG1 */
      #pragma config FOSC = INTOSC  // INTOSC oscillator: I/O on CLKIN pin
      #pragma config WDTE = OFF     // Watchdog Timer Enable (WDT disabled)
      #pragma config PWRTE = OFF    // Power-up Timer Enable (PWRT disabled)
      #pragma config MCLRE = ON     // MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR
      #pragma config CP = OFF       // Code protection is disabled
      #pragma config CPD = OFF      // Data memory code protection disabled
      #pragma config BOREN = ON     // Brown-out Reset Enable
      #pragma config CLKOUTEN = OFF // Clock Out Enable (off)
      #pragma config IESO = OFF     // Internal/External Switchover (off)
      #pragma config FCMEN = OFF    // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable (off)
    /* CONFIG2 */
      #pragma config WRT = OFF      // Write protection off
      #pragma config PLLEN = OFF    // PLL Enable (4x PLL disabled)
      #pragma config STVREN = ON    // Stack Overflow/Underflow Reset Enable
      #pragma config BORV = LO      // Brown-out Reset Low Trip Point
      #pragma config LVP = ON       // Low-Voltage Programming Enable
      #include <xc.h>
      #define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000
     *                                                                      *
       #define rst       RA0            // 5110 'reset'
       #define dat       RA1            // 5110 'din'
       #define clk       RA2            // 5110 'clk'
       #define ce        RC0            // 5110 'ce'
       #define dc        RC1            // 5110 'dc'
     *                                                                      *
       void putwreg()                   // send byte, msb first
       { char work;                     //
         asm("movwf putwreg@work ");    //
         ce = 0;                        // spi enable on
         for(char n=0; n<8; n++)        // 
         { clk = 0; dat = 0;            //  "
           if(work & 128) dat = 1;      //  "
           clk = 1; work <<= 1;         //  "
         }                              // 
         ce = 1;                        // spi enable off
       }                                //
     *                                                                      *
       void putcmd(char cmd)            // bank 0 (inserted by compiler)  |00
       { dc = 0;                        // command mode                   |00
         asm("call  _putwreg       ");  //                                |00
     *                                                                      *
       void rdflash()                   //
       { asm("banksel EECON1       ");  // bank 3                         |03
         asm("bcf   EECON1,6       ");  // CFGS = 0 (not config)          |03
         asm("bsf   EECON1,7       ");  // EEPGD = 1 (program memory)     |03
         asm("bsf   EECON1,0       ");  // RD = 1 (initiate read)         |03
         asm("nop                  ");  // required nop                   |03
         asm("nop                  ");  //  "                             |03
         asm("incf  EEADRL,F       ");  // bump EEADR                     |03
         asm("rlf   EEDATL,W       ");  // move b7 into Carry             |03
         asm("rlf   EEDATH,W       ");  // wreg = the 7 bit hi byte       |03
         asm("bcf   EEDATL,7       ");  // eedatl = the 7 bit lo byte     |03
       }                                //
     *                                                                      *
       void wrchar(char ascii)          //
       { dc = 1;                        // set lcd 'data' mode            |00
         asm("movlw -32            ");  // ascii 32..127 minus offset     |00
         asm("addwf wrchar@ascii,F ");  // font array index, 0..95        |00
         asm("lsrf  wrchar@ascii,W ");  // int(ascii *= 2.5) -> 0..237    |00
         asm("addwf wrchar@ascii,W ");  //  "                             |00
         asm("addwf wrchar@ascii,W ");  //  "                             |00
         asm("movlb 3              ");  // bank 3                         |00
         asm("movwf EEADRL         ");  // flash address lo               |00
         asm("movlw Font5x7/256    ");  //                                |00
         asm("movwf EEADRH         ");  // flash address hi               |00
    /*                                                                      *
     *   Extract five bytes of pattern data from three memory words. An     *
     *   even character uses word 0 hi + lo, 1 hi + lo, and 2 hi while      *
     *   odd characters use word 0 lo, 1 hi + lo, and 2 hi + lo.  A 6th     *
     *   blank (zero) byte is sent for inter-character spacing.             *
     *                                                                      */
         asm("call  _rdflash       ");  // read 1st word (2 bytes)        |03
         asm("banksel wrchar@ascii ");  // bank 0                         |00
         asm("btfss wrchar@ascii,0 ");  // odd char? yes, skip, else      |00
         asm("call  _putwreg       ");  // send hi byte (even character)  |00
         asm("banksel EEDATL       ");  // bank 3                         |03
         asm("movf  EEDATL,W       ");  //                                |03
         asm("call  _putwreg       ");  // send lo byte                   |00
         asm("call  _rdflash       ");  // read 2nd word (2 bytes)        |03
         asm("call  _putwreg       ");  // send hi byte                   |00
         asm("banksel EEDATL       ");  // bank 3                         |03
         asm("movf  EEDATL,W       ");  //                                |03
         asm("call  _putwreg       ");  // send lo byte                   |00
         asm("call  _rdflash       ");  // read 3rd word (2 bytes)        |03
         asm("call  _putwreg       ");  // send hi byte                   |00
         asm("banksel EEDATL       ");  // bank 3                         |03
         asm("movf  EEDATL,W       ");  //                                |03
         asm("banksel wrchar@ascii ");  // bank 0                         |00
         asm("btfsc wrchar@ascii,0 ");  // even char? yes, skip, else     |00
         asm("call  _putwreg       ");  // send lo byte (odd characters)  |00
         asm("movlw 0              ");  //                                |00
         asm("call  _putwreg       ");  // send blank 6th column          |00
     *                                                                      *
       void putstr(const char *str)     // put 'ROM' strings
       { char n = 0;                    //
         while(str[n++])                //
         { asm("call _putwreg  ");      //
     *   main setup                                                         *
       void main(void)
       { ANSELA = 0;                    // Analog off (digital I/O)
         ANSELC = 0;                    //  "
         TRISA = 0;                     //
         TRISC = 0;                     //
         OSCCON = 0b01110000;           // set INTOSC to 8-MHz
    /*                                                                      *
     *   initialize Nokia 5110 LCD display                                  *
     *                                                                      */
         __delay_ms(30);                //
         rst = 0; rst = 1;              // 5110 'reset' pulse
         putcmd(0x20+0x01);             // function set: ext instructions
         putcmd(0x80+0x30);             // set Vop (contrast), 0..127
         putcmd(0x04+0x02);             // set temperature coefficient, 0..3
         putcmd(0x10+0x03);             // Set bias system, 0..7
         putcmd(0x20+0x00);             // function set: std instructions
         putcmd(0x08+0x04);             // display control: normal mode
    /*                                                                      *
     *   test the lcd print functions                                       *
     *                                                                      */
         putcmd(0x80+0x20);             // set DDRAM X address, 0..83
         putcmd(0x40+0x02);             // set DDRAM Y address, 0..5
         wrchar('R');                   //
         putstr("eady");                //
     *   main loop                                                          *
         {                              //
         }                              //
       }                                //
     *   Packed 96 character 5x7 Font, 2.5-words-per-character, 240 words   *
       PSECT myFonts, class=CODE, abs, space=0, delta=2
         ORG 700h
         dw 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x005F, 0x0000     ;  32 ' '  '!'
         dw 0x0007, 0x0007, 0x0014, 0x3F94, 0x3F94     ;  34 '"'  '#'
         dw 0x122A, 0x3FAA, 0x0923, 0x0988, 0x3262     ;  36 '$'  '%'
         dw 0x1B49, 0x2AA2, 0x2800, 0x0283, 0x0000     ;  38 '&'  '''
         dw 0x001C, 0x1141, 0x0000, 0x20A2, 0x0E00     ;  40 '('  ')'
         dw 0x0A08, 0x1F08, 0x0A08, 0x043E, 0x0408     ;  42 '*'  '+'
         dw 0x0050, 0x1800, 0x0008, 0x0408, 0x0408     ;  44 ','  '-'
         dw 0x0060, 0x3000, 0x0020, 0x0808, 0x0202     ;  46 '.'  '/'
         dw 0x1F51, 0x24C5, 0x1F00, 0x217F, 0x2000     ;  48 '0'  '1'
         dw 0x2161, 0x28C9, 0x2321, 0x20C5, 0x25B1     ;  50 '2'  '3'
         dw 0x0C14, 0x097F, 0x0827, 0x22C5, 0x22B9     ;  52 '4'  '5'
         dw 0x1E4A, 0x24C9, 0x1801, 0x3889, 0x0283     ;  54 '6'  '7'
         dw 0x1B49, 0x24C9, 0x1B06, 0x24C9, 0x149E     ;  56 '8'  '9'
         dw 0x0036, 0x1B00, 0x0000, 0x2B36, 0x0000     ;  58 ':'  ';'
         dw 0x0414, 0x1141, 0x0014, 0x0A14, 0x0A14     ;  60 '<'  '='
         dw 0x0041, 0x1114, 0x0402, 0x00D1, 0x0486     ;  62 '>'  '?'
         dw 0x1949, 0x3CC1, 0x1F7E, 0x0891, 0x08FE     ;  64 '@'  'A'
         dw 0x3FC9, 0x24C9, 0x1B3E, 0x20C1, 0x20A2     ;  66 'B'  'C'
         dw 0x3FC1, 0x20A2, 0x0E7F, 0x24C9, 0x24C1     ;  68 'D'  'E'
         dw 0x3F89, 0x0489, 0x00BE, 0x20C9, 0x24FA     ;  70 'F'  'G'
         dw 0x3F88, 0x0408, 0x3F80, 0x20FF, 0x2080     ;  72 'H'  'I'
         dw 0x1040, 0x20BF, 0x00FF, 0x0414, 0x1141     ;  74 'J'  'K'
         dw 0x3FC0, 0x2040, 0x207F, 0x010C, 0x017F     ;  76 'L'  'M'
         dw 0x3F84, 0x0410, 0x3FBE, 0x20C1, 0x20BE     ;  78 'N'  'O'
         dw 0x3F89, 0x0489, 0x033E, 0x20D1, 0x10DE     ;  80 'P'  'Q'
         dw 0x3F89, 0x0CA9, 0x2346, 0x24C9, 0x24B1     ;  82 'R'  'S'
         dw 0x0081, 0x3F81, 0x00BF, 0x2040, 0x203F     ;  84 'T'  'U'
         dw 0x0FA0, 0x2020, 0x0FBF, 0x2038, 0x203F     ;  86 'V'  'W'
         dw 0x3194, 0x0414, 0x3187, 0x0470, 0x0407     ;  88 'X'  'Y'
         dw 0x30D1, 0x24C5, 0x2180, 0x3FC1, 0x2080     ;  90 'Z'  '['
         dw 0x0104, 0x0410, 0x1000, 0x20C1, 0x3F80     ;  92 '\'  ']'
         dw 0x0202, 0x0082, 0x0240, 0x2040, 0x2040     ;  94 '^'  '_'
         dw 0x0001, 0x0104, 0x0020, 0x2A54, 0x2A78     ;  96 '`'  'a'
         dw 0x3FC8, 0x2244, 0x1C38, 0x2244, 0x2220     ;  98 'b'  'c'
         dw 0x1C44, 0x2248, 0x3FB8, 0x2A54, 0x2A18     ; 100 'd'  'e'
         dw 0x047E, 0x0481, 0x010C, 0x2952, 0x293E     ; 102 'f'  'g'
         dw 0x3F88, 0x0204, 0x3C00, 0x227D, 0x2000     ; 104 'h'  'i'
         dw 0x1040, 0x223D, 0x007F, 0x0828, 0x2200     ; 106 'j'  'k'
         dw 0x0041, 0x3FC0, 0x007C, 0x0218, 0x0278     ; 108 'l'  'm'
         dw 0x3E08, 0x0204, 0x3C38, 0x2244, 0x2238     ; 110 'n'  'o'
         dw 0x3E14, 0x0A14, 0x0408, 0x0A14, 0x0C7C     ; 112 'p'  'q'
         dw 0x3E08, 0x0204, 0x0448, 0x2A54, 0x2A20     ; 114 'r'  's'
         dw 0x023F, 0x2240, 0x103C, 0x2040, 0x107C     ; 116 't'  'u'
         dw 0x0E20, 0x2020, 0x0E3C, 0x2030, 0x203C     ; 118 'v'  'w'
         dw 0x2228, 0x0828, 0x220C, 0x2850, 0x283C     ; 120 'x'  'y'
         dw 0x2264, 0x2A4C, 0x2200, 0x0436, 0x2080     ; 122 'z'  '{'
         dw 0x0000, 0x3F80, 0x0000, 0x20B6, 0x0400     ; 124 '|'  '}'
         dw 0x0808, 0x0410, 0x0478, 0x2341, 0x2378     ; 126 '~'  ''
    Last edited by Mike, K8LH; - 26th May 2018 at 07:42.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Nokia lcd include , small footprint to suit pic16's


    mssp is pretty easy

    SSP1CON1=0x21 ;$22,21,20 all work @32mhz 20 is fastest
    sdo and sck pins set to dig o/p

    to transfer data
    SSP1BUF = data
    WHILE (!PIR1.3) ;

    tried your code on 16f1847 ,its not working
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Nokia lcd include , small footprint to suit pic16's

    It seems XC8 is placing my program code on top of my font table in the 0700h area of memory. More detective work (sigh)...

    Thanks for the MSSP/SPI info, Richard. I will get to that after tracking down the current problem...



    If you get a chance, add the "ovrld" param' to the following line and tell me if that fixes the problem, please?

       PSECT myFonts, class=CODE, abs, ovrld, space=0, delta=2
    Last edited by Mike, K8LH; - 26th May 2018 at 14:55.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Nokia lcd include , small footprint to suit pic16's


    does not fix it
    even local too

    there is more wrong than just that , the putwreg function is getting called six times for the wrchar
    and only 5 times for the entire putstr call
    its a total bitch to debug with all that inline asm , the debugger just
    goes stupid

    putcmd looks fine on the logic analyser , it all goes pear shaped from then on
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Nokia lcd include , small footprint to suit pic16's

    Sorry, Richard (and gang). A bug at the very top of the putchar() routine was messing up the font table address. And yes, I know assembler is a PITA... I wish I could get a gratis copy of PBP...

    Corrected version attached (375 words total). I still need to dig out my old Nokia 5110 display and test this on real hardware. I also have a tiny 128x32 I2C OLED display and a tiny 128x64 SPI OLED display to play with sometime soon.

    Cheerful regards, Mike


  10. #10
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    Default Re: Nokia lcd include , small footprint to suit pic16's

    putstr still not working

    I think it should look like this, but it only works for the first call
    so I get "Re and then garbage

     void putstr(const char *str)     // put 'ROM' strings
       {                     //
       }                                //
    Warning I'm not a teacher

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