Count RB0... on RB7

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  1. #1

    Smile Count RB0... on RB7

    Hello to all,

    I have a pic16f628 and I want to count 10 pulses in RB0 for when ends RB7 on led, they can give me some example.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    montreal, canada

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    here's one method using interrupt
        TRISB=%00000001     ' Set RB0 to input, others to output
        OPTION_REG=0        ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB
                            ' Interrupt on falling edge of RB0
        INTCON = %10010000  ' Enable global interrupt
                            ' Enable RB0 interrupt
        LED    VAR PORTB.7  ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        ClkIn  var PORTB.0  ' connected between RB0 and GND
        INTF   var INTCON.1 ' RB0 Interrupt flag 
        Apulse VAR BYTE     ' store the amount of pulse
        on interrupt goto CountPulses
        if apulse<10 then start 
            '   Here we got the 10 pulses
        INTCON = 0  ' disable all interrupt
        led=1       ' enable the LED
    Z:  goto z      ' stay here 'till next system reboot
        '   //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
        '   //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
        '   Here is where the program jump every time the push-buton on
        '   RB0 is press.    
        apulse=apulse+1       ' add a count
        while clkin=0 : wend  ' wait untill the push button is release
        pause 50              ' debounce time
        intf=0                ' reset interupt flag
        resume                ' Get out of here
    enable                    ' re-enable interrupt
    without interupts but a loop.
        TRISB=%00000001     ' Set RB0 to input, others to output
        OPTION_REG.7=0      ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB
        LED    VAR PORTB.7  ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        ClkIn  var PORTB.0  ' connected between RB0 and GND
        Apulse VAR BYTE     ' store the amount of pulse
            if clkin=0 then
                while clkin=0 : wend
                pause 50
            until apulse=10
        goto here
    Using internal counter(TMR0) and polling TMR0 overflow flag and RA.4 as input instead of RB0
        TRISB=0              ' Set output to all i/o
        TRISA=255            ' set input to all
        OPTION_REG=%11111000 ' TMR0 clock source = RA4
                             ' increment counter on high to low transistion
                             ' prescaller assign to WDT
                             ' prescaller rate 1:1
        CMCON=7              ' disable analog comparator
        INTCON = %00100000   ' enable TMR0 overflow interrupt 
        LED    VAR PORTB.7   ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        T0IF   var INTCON.2  ' TMR0 Interrupt flag   
        TMR0=246             ' pre-load TMR0 to have an Interrupt after 10 pulses
                             '     TMR0 is a 8 byte Register so 246+10=256=interrupt    
        WHILE T0IF=0 : WEND
    Z:  GOTO Z
    Almost the same as above but polling only the TMR0 register
        TRISB=0              ' Set output to all i/o
        TRISA=255            ' set input to all
        OPTION_REG=%11111000 ' TMR0 clock source = RA4
                             ' increment counter on high to low transistion
                             ' prescaller assign to WDT
                             ' prescaller rate 1:1
        CMCON=7              ' disable analog comparator
        INTCON = %00100000   ' enable TMR0 overflow interrupt 
        LED    VAR PORTB.7   ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        WHILE TMR0<10 : WEND
    Z:  GOTO Z
    I prefer the last one, produce really tight code and easy to understand BUT if the pulse come from a PUSH-Button it can glow the LED before 10 human press as it don't provide any debounce solution. BUT if you add a 0.1-1uF in parrallel, it seems to be enough to do the job. Don't forget the pull-up resistor on the RA.4 pin. Let's say 10K as a standard value

    That should be more than enough to start
    Last edited by mister_e; - 10th September 2005 at 20:18.

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

  3. #3

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    Thank you for your orientation

    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e
    here's one method using interrupt
        TRISB=%00000001     ' Set RB0 to input, others to output
        OPTION_REG=0        ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB
                            ' Interrupt on falling edge of RB0
        INTCON = %10010000  ' Enable global interrupt
                            ' Enable RB0 interrupt
        LED    VAR PORTB.7  ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        ClkIn  var PORTB.0  ' connected between RB0 and GND
        INTF   var INTCON.1 ' RB0 Interrupt flag 
        Apulse VAR BYTE     ' store the amount of pulse
        on interrupt goto CountPulses
        if apulse<10 then start 
            '   Here we got the 10 pulses
        INTCON = 0  ' disable all interrupt
        led=1       ' enable the LED
    Z:  goto z      ' stay here 'till next system reboot
        '   //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
        '   //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
        '   Here is where the program jump every time the push-buton on
        '   RB0 is press.    
        apulse=apulse+1       ' add a count
        while clkin=0 : wend  ' wait untill the push button is release
        pause 50              ' debounce time
        intf=0                ' reset interupt flag
        resume                ' Get out of here
    enable                    ' re-enable interrupt
    without interupts but a loop.
        TRISB=%00000001     ' Set RB0 to input, others to output
        OPTION_REG.7=0      ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB
        LED    VAR PORTB.7  ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        ClkIn  var PORTB.0  ' connected between RB0 and GND
        Apulse VAR BYTE     ' store the amount of pulse
            if clkin=0 then
                while clkin=0 : wend
                pause 50
            until apulse=10
        goto here
    Using internal counter(TMR0) and polling TMR0 overflow flag and RA.4 as input instead of RB0
        TRISB=0              ' Set output to all i/o
        TRISA=255            ' set input to all
        OPTION_REG=%11111000 ' TMR0 clock source = RA4
                             ' increment counter on high to low transistion
                             ' prescaller assign to WDT
                             ' prescaller rate 1:1
        CMCON=7              ' disable analog comparator
        INTCON = %00100000   ' enable TMR0 overflow interrupt 
        LED    VAR PORTB.7   ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        T0IF   var INTCON.2  ' TMR0 Interrupt flag   
        TMR0=246             ' pre-load TMR0 to have an Interrupt after 10 pulses
                             '     TMR0 is a 8 byte Register so 246+10=256=interrupt    
        WHILE T0IF=0 : WEND
    Z:  GOTO Z
    Almost the same as above but polling only the TMR0 register
        TRISB=0              ' Set output to all i/o
        TRISA=255            ' set input to all
        OPTION_REG=%11111000 ' TMR0 clock source = RA4
                             ' increment counter on high to low transistion
                             ' prescaller assign to WDT
                             ' prescaller rate 1:1
        CMCON=7              ' disable analog comparator
        INTCON = %00100000   ' enable TMR0 overflow interrupt 
        LED    VAR PORTB.7   ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        WHILE TMR0<10 : WEND
    Z:  GOTO Z
    I prefer the last one, produce really tight code and easy to understand BUT if the pulse come from a PUSH-Button it can glow the LED before 10 human press as it don't provide any debounce solution. BUT if you add a 0.1-1uF in parrallel, it seems to be enough to do the job. Don't forget the pull-up resistor on the RA.4 pin. Let's say 10K as a standard value

    That should be more than enough to start

  4. #4

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    Hello mister e

    As you it can store the I number of pulses in the eeprom to continue the count if the pic is off?.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leonardo
    Thank you for your orientation

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    montreal, canada

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    to prevent adding any additional hardware to save count result when you remove the power, use the following
        TRISB=%00000001     ' Set RB0 to input, others to output
        OPTION_REG.7=0      ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB
        LED    VAR PORTB.7  ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        ClkIn  var PORTB.0  ' connected between RB0 and GND
        Apulse VAR BYTE     ' store the amount of pulse
        Data @0,0 ' set count @ 0 at programming time
        Read 0, Apulse ' Read count from internal eeprom
            if clkin=0 then
                while clkin=0 : wend
                pause 50
                WRITE 0,apulse ' save count in the internal EEPROM
            until apulse=10
        goto here
    this should work

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

  6. #6

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    Hello mister e,

    Excellent the code but like you reset the eeprom from some pin?.


    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e
    to prevent adding any additional hardware to save count result when you remove the power, use the following
        TRISB=%00000001     ' Set RB0 to input, others to output
        OPTION_REG.7=0      ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB
        LED    VAR PORTB.7  ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        ClkIn  var PORTB.0  ' connected between RB0 and GND
        Apulse VAR BYTE     ' store the amount of pulse
        Data @0,0 ' set count @ 0 at programming time
        Read 0, Apulse ' Read count from internal eeprom
            if clkin=0 then
                while clkin=0 : wend
                pause 50
                WRITE 0,apulse ' save count in the internal EEPROM
            until apulse=10
        goto here
    this should work

  7. #7
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    montreal, canada

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    One of the various method to do it
        TRISB=%00000011     ' Set RB0,RB1 to input, others to output
        OPTION_REG.7=0      ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB
        LED    VAR PORTB.7  ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        ClkIn  var PORTB.0  ' connected between RB0 and GND
        ClrEEP var PORTB.1  ' connected between RB1 and GND
        Apulse VAR BYTE     ' store the amount of pulse
        Data @0,0           ' set count @ 0 at programming time
        led=0               ' LED=OFF
        '   //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
        '   To Reset the value in the EEPROM, press on ClrEEP button while
        '   applying power. When the command is accepted, the LED will 
        '   stay ON for 1 second
        '   //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\    
        if clreep=0 then ' is ClrEEP pushbutton is pressed
            write 0,0    ' Reset the pulse count in EEPROM
            led=1        ' LED = ON
            pause 1000   ' wait 1 sec
            led=0        ' LED=OFF
            endif        '
        Read 0, Apulse   ' Read count from internal eeprom
            if clkin=0 then
                while clkin=0 : wend
                pause 50
                WRITE 0,apulse ' save count in the internal EEPROM
            until apulse=10
        goto here

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

  8. #8

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    Smile Thanks

    Hello mister e,

    Thank you for their help and I hope to be able to have their support in future occasions.


    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e
    One of the various method to do it
        TRISB=%00000011     ' Set RB0,RB1 to input, others to output
        OPTION_REG.7=0      ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB
        LED    VAR PORTB.7  ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        ClkIn  var PORTB.0  ' connected between RB0 and GND
        ClrEEP var PORTB.1  ' connected between RB1 and GND
        Apulse VAR BYTE     ' store the amount of pulse
        Data @0,0           ' set count @ 0 at programming time
        led=0               ' LED=OFF
        '   //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
        '   To Reset the value in the EEPROM, press on ClrEEP button while
        '   applying power. When the command is accepted, the LED will 
        '   stay ON for 1 second
        '   //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\    
        if clreep=0 then ' is ClrEEP pushbutton is pressed
            write 0,0    ' Reset the pulse count in EEPROM
            led=1        ' LED = ON
            pause 1000   ' wait 1 sec
            led=0        ' LED=OFF
            endif        '
        Read 0, Apulse   ' Read count from internal eeprom
            if clkin=0 then
                while clkin=0 : wend
                pause 50
                WRITE 0,apulse ' save count in the internal EEPROM
            until apulse=10
        goto here

  9. #9

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    Hello mister e,

    Because uses, Here
    goto here..... I don't understand it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leonardo
    Hello mister e,

    Thank you for their help and I hope to be able to have their support in future occasions.


  10. #10

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    Hello mister e,

    As I avoid the rebounds of the pulsador?.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leonardo
    Hello mister e,

    Because uses, Here
    goto here..... I don't understand it.

  11. #11

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    Hello mister e,

    In the following code it does add an entrance and an exit but, in RB1 and out RB6, but don't I achieve that each exit works in independent way that can happen?, like I can store the two values in the eeprom?.

    TRISB=%00001111 ' Set RB0 to input, others to output

    OPTION_REG.7=0 ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB

    LED VAR PORTB.7 ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
    ClkIn var PORTB.0 ' connected between RB0 and GND


    Apulse VAR BYTE ' store the amount of pulse
    Apulse1 var byte




    if clkin=0 then
    while clkin=0 : wend
    pause 100
    until apulse=7

    if BOT=0 then
    while BOT=0 : wend
    pause 100
    until apulse1=5

    goto main

    goto here

    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e
    One of the various method to do it
        TRISB=%00000011     ' Set RB0,RB1 to input, others to output
        OPTION_REG.7=0      ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB
        LED    VAR PORTB.7  ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        ClkIn  var PORTB.0  ' connected between RB0 and GND
        ClrEEP var PORTB.1  ' connected between RB1 and GND
        Apulse VAR BYTE     ' store the amount of pulse
        Data @0,0           ' set count @ 0 at programming time
        led=0               ' LED=OFF
        '   //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
        '   To Reset the value in the EEPROM, press on ClrEEP button while
        '   applying power. When the command is accepted, the LED will 
        '   stay ON for 1 second
        '   //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\    
        if clreep=0 then ' is ClrEEP pushbutton is pressed
            write 0,0    ' Reset the pulse count in EEPROM
            led=1        ' LED = ON
            pause 1000   ' wait 1 sec
            led=0        ' LED=OFF
            endif        '
        Read 0, Apulse   ' Read count from internal eeprom
            if clkin=0 then
                while clkin=0 : wend
                pause 50
                WRITE 0,apulse ' save count in the internal EEPROM
            until apulse=10
        goto here

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    montreal, canada

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    Default ???????`

    In the following code it does add an entrance and an exit but, in RB1 and out RB6, but don't I achieve that each exit works in independent way that can happen?, like I can store the two values in the eeprom?.
    I tried to understand but and i'm still not sure of the question. BTW i did the following, let me know if it do what you're looking for. Case not, let me know in more details or with a drawing. Sometimes it help my single brain cell to figure out the question
        TRISB=%00001111     ' Set RB0 to input, others to output
        OPTION_REG.7=0      ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB
        LED     VAR PORTB.7 ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        LED1    VAR PORTB.6
        BOT     VAR PORTB.1
        ClkIn   var PORTB.0 ' connected between RB0 and GND
        Apulse  VAR BYTE    ' store the amount of pulse
        Apulse1 var byte
        data @0,0,0    
        read 0,apulse
        read 1,apulse1
        led = 0
        led1= 0
            if clkin=0 then
                while clkin=0 : wend
                pause 100
                write 0,apulse
            if BOT=0 then
                while BOT=0 : wend
                pause 100
                write 1,apulse1
            until (apulse=7) or (Apulse1=5)
        if apulse=7 then
        goto paso1

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

  13. #13

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    Hello mister e,

    I sit down it it mistakes, the following code works OK, what I want is to put another entrance RB1 to count the pulses and another exit RB6 and that it stores them in the eeprom.

    Thank you

    the code :

    TRISB=%00000011 ' Set RB0,RB1 to input, others to output

    OPTION_REG.7=0 ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB

    LED VAR PORTB.7 ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
    ClkIn var PORTB.0 ' connected between RB0 and GND
    ClrEEP var PORTB.1 ' connected between RB1 and GND

    Apulse VAR BYTE ' store the amount of pulse
    Data @0,0 ' set count @ 0 at programming time
    led=0 ' LED=OFF

    ' //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    ' To Reset the value in the EEPROM, press on ClrEEP button while
    ' applying power. When the command is accepted, the LED will
    ' stay ON for 1 second
    ' //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    if clreep=0 then ' is ClrEEP pushbutton is pressed
    write 0,0 ' Reset the pulse count in EEPROM
    led=1 ' LED = ON
    pause 1000 ' wait 1 sec
    led=0 ' LED=OFF
    endif '

    Read 0, Apulse ' Read count from internal eeprom

    if clkin=0 then
    while clkin=0 : wend
    pause 50
    WRITE 0,apulse ' save count in the internal EEPROM
    until apulse=10

    goto here

    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e
    I tried to understand but and i'm still not sure of the question. BTW i did the following, let me know if it do what you're looking for. Case not, let me know in more details or with a drawing. Sometimes it help my single brain cell to figure out the question
        TRISB=%00001111     ' Set RB0 to input, others to output
        OPTION_REG.7=0      ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB
        LED     VAR PORTB.7 ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        LED1    VAR PORTB.6
        BOT     VAR PORTB.1
        ClkIn   var PORTB.0 ' connected between RB0 and GND
        Apulse  VAR BYTE    ' store the amount of pulse
        Apulse1 var byte
        data @0,0,0    
        read 0,apulse
        read 1,apulse1
        led = 0
        led1= 0
            if clkin=0 then
                while clkin=0 : wend
                pause 100
                write 0,apulse
            if BOT=0 then
                while BOT=0 : wend
                pause 100
                write 1,apulse1
            until (apulse=7) or (Apulse1=5)
        if apulse=7 then
        goto paso1

  14. #14

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    Hello mister e,

    The code to count and to store the I finish pulse in the eeprom this very well, what I want is to add the same thing in RB1 and RB6 and it also stores it in the eeprom.

    Thank you


    TRISB=%00000001 ' Set RB0 to input, others to output

    OPTION_REG.7=0 ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB

    LED VAR PORTB.7 ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
    ClkIn var PORTB.0 ' connected between RB0 and GND

    Apulse VAR BYTE ' store the amount of pulse
    Data @0,0 ' set count @ 0 at programming time

    Read 0, Apulse ' Read count from internal eeprom

    if clkin=0 then
    while clkin=0 : wend
    pause 50
    WRITE 0,apulse ' save count in the internal EEPROM
    until apulse=10

    goto here

    Quote Originally Posted by Leonardo
    Hello mister e,

    I sit down it it mistakes, the following code works OK, what I want is to put another entrance RB1 to count the pulses and another exit RB6 and that it stores them in the eeprom.

    Thank you

    the code :

    TRISB=%00000011 ' Set RB0,RB1 to input, others to output

    OPTION_REG.7=0 ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB

    LED VAR PORTB.7 ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
    ClkIn var PORTB.0 ' connected between RB0 and GND
    ClrEEP var PORTB.1 ' connected between RB1 and GND

    Apulse VAR BYTE ' store the amount of pulse
    Data @0,0 ' set count @ 0 at programming time
    led=0 ' LED=OFF

    ' //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    ' To Reset the value in the EEPROM, press on ClrEEP button while
    ' applying power. When the command is accepted, the LED will
    ' stay ON for 1 second
    ' //////////////////////////////|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    if clreep=0 then ' is ClrEEP pushbutton is pressed
    write 0,0 ' Reset the pulse count in EEPROM
    led=1 ' LED = ON
    pause 1000 ' wait 1 sec
    led=0 ' LED=OFF
    endif '

    Read 0, Apulse ' Read count from internal eeprom

    if clkin=0 then
    while clkin=0 : wend
    pause 50
    WRITE 0,apulse ' save count in the internal EEPROM
    until apulse=10

    goto here
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  15. #15

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    Hello to all,

    Somebody can help me with this please.

    Thank you

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Mentor, Ohio

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    Hi Leonardo,

    Mr E. has done a great job (As usual!) of providing code for you. But if you wired your project as shown in the drawing then this is where you are having the difficulty.

    In your .bmp image you show using pull down resistors. This means your inputs are at 0vdc until the button is pressed and when you press the push button you are applying +5vdc. Your code is looking for 0v to create the activity to occur.

    "if clreep=0 then ' is ClrEEP pushbutton is pressed
    write 0,0 ' Reset the pulse count in EEPROM
    led=1 ' LED = ON
    pause 1000 ' wait 1 sec
    led=0 ' LED=OFF
    endif '

    Read 0, Apulse ' Read count from internal eeprom

    if clkin=0 then
    while clkin=0 : wend
    pause 50"

    Turn on the internal weak pull ups and tie the other end of your push buttons to ground. To protect the PIC's inputs put 100 ohm resistors in line with the swtich and also tie MCLR to +5vdc through a 1k resistor.

    This should solve your problem.

    Last edited by BobK; - 16th September 2005 at 02:11. Reason: More thoughts

  17. #17

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    Hello mister_e

    As I can modify the value of the count using the eeprom and a lcd?.

    Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e
    I tried to understand but and i'm still not sure of the question. BTW i did the following, let me know if it do what you're looking for. Case not, let me know in more details or with a drawing. Sometimes it help my single brain cell to figure out the question
        TRISB=%00001111     ' Set RB0 to input, others to output
        OPTION_REG.7=0      ' Enable internal pull-up on PORTB
        LED     VAR PORTB.7 ' connected between RB7 and GND via resistor
        LED1    VAR PORTB.6
        BOT     VAR PORTB.1
        ClkIn   var PORTB.0 ' connected between RB0 and GND
        Apulse  VAR BYTE    ' store the amount of pulse
        Apulse1 var byte
        data @0,0,0    
        read 0,apulse
        read 1,apulse1
        led = 0
        led1= 0
            if clkin=0 then
                while clkin=0 : wend
                pause 100
                write 0,apulse
            if BOT=0 then
                while BOT=0 : wend
                pause 100
                write 1,apulse1
            until (apulse=7) or (Apulse1=5)
        if apulse=7 then
        goto paso1

  18. #18

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    Some suggestion

    As I can modify the value of the count using the eeprom and a lcd?.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    montreal, canada

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    i know it's really hard for you to write in english but can you provide much details. I try to understand what you say but i'm really lost.

    If you want, post your question in your language, probably someone else here can give us a hand and translate to english.

    I just know english(a few) and French. i'm really sorry Leonardo

    It's not a bug, it's a random feature.
    There's no problem, only learning opportunities.

  20. #20

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    I understand, what I want is to be able to modify the value to count by means of a keyboard 4x4 and a lcd for not having to reprogram every time that the wants to modify the I number from maximum pulses to count.

    For example: to show in a lcd

    Push buttom RB0 to increase the value to count
    Push buttom RB1 to diminish the value to count
    Push buttom RB3 enter to record the value


  21. #21

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    I understand, what I want is to be able to modify the value to count by means of a keyboard 4x4 and a lcd for not having to reprogram every time that the wants to modify the I number from maximum pulses to count.

    For example: to show in a lcd

    Push buttom RB0 to increase the value to count
    Push buttom RB1 to diminish the value to count
    Push buttom RB3 enter to record the value


  22. #22

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    Smile Help... Mister_e!

    I understand, what I want is to be able to modify the value to count by means of a keyboard 4x4 and a lcd for not having to reprogram every time that the wants to modify the I number from maximum pulses to count.

    For example: to show in a lcd

    Push buttom RB0 to increase the value to count
    Push buttom RB1 to diminish the value to count
    Push buttom RB3 enter to record the value


  23. #23

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    Talking Help... Mister_e!

    I understand, what I want is to be able to modify the value to count by means of a keyboard 4x4 and a lcd for not having to reprogram every time that the wants to modify the I number from maximum pulses to count.

    For example: to show in a lcd

    Push buttom RB0 to increase the value to count
    Push buttom RB1 to diminish the value to count
    Push buttom RB3 enter to record the value


    Quote Originally Posted by mister_e

    i know it's really hard for you to write in english but can you provide much details. I try to understand what you say but i'm really lost.

    If you want, post your question in your language, probably someone else here can give us a hand and translate to english.

    I just know english(a few) and French. i'm really sorry Leonardo

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