Code for SHT21

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Thread: Code for SHT21

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Ohio, USA

    Default Code for SHT21

    Hello all,

    I have been using SHT11 and Tracy Allen's code for some time. I recently got a SHT21 and found the conversion does not work.

    I found this on the Basic Stamp Forum:

    Just to compare in red and blue, the formulae for the SHT2x:
    °C = -46.85 + 175.72 * rawT / (2^resT) resT is 14 bits default
    %RH = -6 + 125 * rawH / (2^resH) resH is 12 bits default
    res = resolution, tradeoff with speed, set in the user register.

    with formulae for SHT1x:
    °C = -40.1 + 0.01 * rawT on 14 bit setting and 5V supply
    %RH1 = -2.0468 + 0.0367 * rawH - 1.5955E-6 * rawH^2 on 12 bit setting
    then temperature compensation
    %RH = (°C - 25) * (.01 + 0.00008 * rawH) + RH1
    The SHT1x too has both high and low resolution modes.
    Does anyone else use a SHT21 and what does the code actually look like?

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Code for SHT21

    Not familiar with the SHT11, but at a glance I can say the PIC will not work with decimals or negatives. However. if you wanted to add -46.85 + 175.72 it could be structured

    (17572 - 4685) / 100

    Multiplication works similarly; Var * 1.75 becomes (Var * 175) / 100.

    Something tells me I'm not even getting close to the jist of your question. If you can elaborate some, I'll see if I can help.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Code for SHT21

    Thanks for the response. I'll link the code for the sht11 on the parallax site and the data sheet for the sht21.

    If you don't have the BS2 editor here is the code:

    ' ==============================================================================
    '   File...... SHT11.BS2
    '   Purpose... Interface to Sensirion SHT11 temperature/humidity sensor
    '   E-mail.... [email protected]
    '   Date...... 12/30/02
    '   {$STAMP BS2}
    ' ==============================================================================
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Program Description
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' This program demonstrates the interface and conversion of SHT11 data to
    ' usable program values.
    ' For detailed information on the use and application of the ** operator,
    ' see Tracy Allen's web page at this link:
    ' --
    ' For Tracy's SHT1x code [very advanced]:
    ' --
    ' For SHT11/15 documentation and app notes, visit:
    ' --
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' I/O Definitions
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ShtData         CON     1                       ' bi-directional data
    Clock           CON     0
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Constants
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ShtTemp         CON     %00011                  ' read temperature
    ShtHumi         CON     %00101                  ' read humidity
    ShtStatW        CON     %00110                  ' status register write
    ShtStatR        CON     %00111                  ' status register read
    ShtReset        CON     %11110                  ' soft reset (wait 11 ms after)
    Ack             CON     0
    NoAck           CON     1
    No              CON     0
    Yes             CON     1
    MoveTo          CON     2                       ' for DEBUG control
    ClrRt           CON     11                      ' clear DEBUG line to right
    DegSym          CON     186                     ' degrees symbol for DEBUG
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Variables
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ioByte          VAR     Byte                    ' data from/to SHT1x
    ackBit          VAR     Bit                     ' ack/nak from/to SHT1x
    toDelay         VAR     Byte                    ' timeout delay timer
    timeOut         VAR     Bit                     ' timeout status
    soT             VAR     Word                    ' temp counts from SHT1x
    tC              VAR     Word                    ' temp - celcius
    tF              VAR     Word                    ' temp - fahrenheit
    soRH            VAR     Word                    ' humidity counts from SHT1x
    rhLin           VAR     Word                    ' humidity; linearized
    rhTrue          VAR     Word                    ' humidity; temp compensated
    status          VAR     Byte                    ' SHT1x status byte
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' EEPROM Data
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Initialization
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      GOSUB SHT_Connection_Reset                    ' reset device connection
      PAUSE 250                                     ' let DEBUG window open
      DEBUG "SHT1x Demo", CR
      DEBUG "----------", CR
      ' GOTO Main                                   ' skip heater demo
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Program Code
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      GOSUB SHT_Measure_Temp
      DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 3
      DEBUG "tF...... "
      DEBUG DEC (tF / 10), ".", DEC1 tF, DegSym, ClrRt, CR
      GOSUB SHT_Measure_Humidity
      DEBUG "rhLin... "
      DEBUG DEC (rhLin / 10), ".", DEC1 rhLin, "%", ClrRt, CR, CR
      DEBUG "SHT1x heater on", CR
      status = %00000100                            ' heater bit = On
      GOSUB SHT_Write_Status
      DEBUG "Waiting 2 seconds", CR
      PAUSE 2000
      DEBUG "SHT1x heater off", CR, CR
      status = %00000000                            ' heater bit = Off
      GOSUB SHT_Write_Status
      GOSUB SHT_Measure_Temp
      DEBUG "tF...... "
      DEBUG DEC (tF / 10), ".", DEC1 tF, DegSym, ClrRt, CR
      GOSUB SHT_Measure_Humidity
      DEBUG "rhLin... "
      DEBUG DEC (rhLin / 10), ".", DEC1 rhLin, "%", ClrRt, CR, CR
      PAUSE 5000
      DEBUG "SHT1x Demo", CR
      DEBUG "----------", CR
      GOSUB SHT_Measure_Temp
      DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 3
      DEBUG "soT...... "
      DEBUG DEC soT, ClrRt, CR
      DEBUG "tC....... "
      DEBUG DEC (tC / 10), ".", DEC1 tC, DegSym, ClrRt, CR
      DEBUG "tF....... "
      DEBUG DEC (tF / 10), ".", DEC1 tF, DegSym, ClrRt
      GOSUB SHT_Measure_Humidity
      DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 7
      DEBUG "soRH..... "
      DEBUG DEC soRH, ClrRt, CR
      DEBUG "rhLin.... "
      DEBUG DEC (rhLin / 10), ".", DEC1 rhLin, "%", ClrRt, CR
      DEBUG "rhTrue... "
      DEBUG DEC (rhTrue / 10), ".", DEC1 rhTrue, "%", ClrRt
      PAUSE 1000                                    ' minimum delay between readings
      GOTO Main2
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Subroutines
    ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' connection reset: 9 clock cyles with ShtData high, then start sequence
      SHIFTOUT ShtData, Clock, LSBFIRST, [$FFF\9]
    ' generates SHT1x "start" sequence
    '          _____         _____
    ' ShtData       |_______|
    '              ___     ___
    ' Clock    ___|   |___|   |___
      INPUT ShtData                                 ' let pull-up take line high
      LOW Clock
      HIGH Clock
      LOW ShtData
      LOW Clock
      HIGH Clock
      INPUT ShtData
      LOW Clock
    ' measure temperature
    ' -- celcius = soT * 0.01 - 40
    ' -- fahrenheit = soT * 0.018 - 40
      GOSUB SHT_Start                               ' alert device
      ioByte = ShtTemp                              ' temperature command
      GOSUB SHT_Write_Byte                          ' send command
      GOSUB SHT_Wait                                ' wait until measurement done
      ackBit = Ack                                  ' another read follows
      GOSUB SHT_Read_Byte                           ' get MSB
      soT.HIGHBYTE = ioByte
      ackBit = NoAck                                ' last read
      GOSUB SHT_Read_Byte                           ' get LSB
      soT.LOWBYTE = ioByte
      ' Note: Conversion factors are multiplied by 10 to return the
      '       temperature values in tenths of degrees
      tC = soT / 10 - 400                           ' convert to tenths C
      tF = soT ** 11796 - 400                       ' convert to tenths F
    ' measure humidity
      GOSUB SHT_Start                               ' alert device
      ioByte = ShtHumi                              ' humidity command
      GOSUB SHT_Write_Byte                          ' send command
      GOSUB SHT_Wait                                ' wait until measurement done
      ackBit = Ack                                  ' another read follows
      GOSUB SHT_Read_Byte                           ' get MSB
      soRH.HIGHBYTE = ioByte
      ackBit = NoAck                                ' last read
      GOSUB SHT_Read_Byte                           ' get LSB
      soRH.LOWBYTE = ioByte
      ' linearize humidity
      '   rhLin = (soRH * 0.0405) - (soRH^2 * 0.0000028) - 4
      ' for the BASIC Stamp:
      '   rhLin = (soRH * 0.0405) - (soRH * 0.004 * soRH * 0.0007) - 4
      ' Conversion factors are multiplied by 10 and then rounded to
      ' return tenths
      rhLin = (soRH ** 26542)
      rhLin = rhLin - ((soRH ** 3468) * (soRH ** 3468) + 50 / 100)
      rhLin = rhLin - 40
      ' temperature compensated humidity
      '   rhTrue = (tC - 25) * (soRH * 0.00008 + 0.01) + rhLin
      ' Conversion factors are multiplied by 100 to improve accuracy and then
      ' rounded off.
      rhTrue = ((tC / 10 - 25) * (soRH ** 524 + 1) + (rhLin * 10)) + 5 / 10
    ' sends "status"
      GOSUB SHT_Start                               ' alert device
      ioByte = ShtStatW                             ' write to status reg command
      GOSUB SHT_Write_Byte                          ' send command
      ioByte = status
      GOSUB SHT_Write_Byte
    ' returns "status"
      GOSUB SHT_Start                               ' alert device
      ioByte = ShtStatW                             ' write to status reg command
      GOSUB SHT_Read_Byte                           ' send command
      ackBit = NoAck                                ' only one byte to read
      GOSUB SHT_Read_Byte
    ' sends "ioByte"
    ' returns "ackBit"
      SHIFTOUT ShtData, Clock, MSBFIRST, [ioByte]   ' send byte
      SHIFTIN  ShtData, Clock, LSBPRE, [ackBit\1]   ' get ack bit
    ' returns "ioByte"
    ' sends "ackBit"
      SHIFTIN  ShtData, Clock, MSBPRE, [ioByte]     ' get byte
      SHIFTOUT ShtData, Clock, LSBFIRST, [ackBit\1] ' send ack bit
      INPUT ShtData                                 ' release data line
    ' wait for device to finish measurement (pulls data line low)
    ' -- timeout after ~1/4 second
      INPUT ShtData                                 ' data line is input
      FOR toDelay = 1 TO 250                        ' give ~1/4 second to finish
        timeOut = INS.LOWBIT(ShtData)               ' scan data line
        IF (timeOut = No) THEN SHT_Wait_Done        ' if low, we're done
        PAUSE 1
    ' reset SHT1x with soft reset
      GOSUB SHT_Connection_Reset                    ' reset the connection
      ioByte = ShtReset                             ' reset command
      ackBit = NoAck                                ' only one byte to send
      GOSUB SHT_Write_Byte                          ' send it
      PAUSE 11                                      ' wait at least 11 ms

    What I am trying to do is, write code to read the SHT21 temperature and humidity.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Code for SHT21

    mpgmike, I got the sensor to respond to my finger temp difference. Here is the code so far:

    Yes, yes, I am prototyping on a Stamp :/

    ' {$STAMP BS2p}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.0}
      tf    VAR Byte
      tc    VAR Byte
      rawT  VAR Word
      rawRH VAR Byte
      PAUSE 250                                     ' let DEBUG window open
      DEBUG "SHT21 Demo", CR
      DEBUG "----------", CR
    I2COUT 0 ,%10000000, [%11100011]
      PAUSE 50
    I2CIN  1 , %10000001, [rawT]
      DEBUG 2, 0, 3
      DEBUG "rawT...... "
      DEBUG  DEC rawT, 11, CR
      rawT= rawT <<2
      tC = (rawT & $fffc) ** 17572 - 4685
      DEBUG "Deg C......", DEC tC
      PAUSE 500
      GOTO main
    Getting elevated readings on the SHT21
    The SHT21 temp says my room is 42°C (107.6°F) Actual temperature is ~ 23.8°C (75°F)
    rawT @ 42°C = 111

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013

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    Default Re: Code for SHT21

    don't know much about stamp code but here goes

    from the sensiron web example

    //================================================== ============================
    float SHT2x_CalcTemperatureC(u16t u16sT)
    //================================================== ============================
    ft temperatureC; // variable for result
    u16sT &= ~0x0003; // clear bits [1..0] (status bits)
    //-- calculate temperature [°C] --
    temperatureC= -46.85 + 175.72/65536 *(ft)u16sT; //T= -46.85 + 175.72 * ST/2^16
    return temperatureC;
    the reading is not shifted <<2 places the two lsb are just masked off

    rawT= rawT <<2
    rawT= rawT & ~3 ;ie %1111111111111100

    I2COUT 0 ,%10000000, [%11100011]
    is hold master mode is that what you need ?

    I2COUT 0 ,%10000000, [%11110011]

    might be better

    I2COUT 0 ,%10000000, [%11100011]
    PAUSE 50 is this long enough at max resoloution ?
    I2CIN 1 , %10000001, [rawT]

    rawT @ 42°C = 111
    by my calcs rawT should be 33132 @ 42°C

    what rawT do you actually get ?
    Warning I'm not a teacher

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