I am brand new to the Forum. Does anyone know if "SEROUT" wave is formatted to UART or RS232 format, I have been in contact with a Wi-Fi module chip manufacturer with a request of "Do I need to install a MAX232 chip to clean the wave from PicBasic function called "SEROUT", there answer was ""If the device connect to Wi-Fi module is RS232 interface then MAX232 chip is needed but not if UART".
The Wi-Fi module is 3v3.
Can anyone help with this question ?
Attached is the oscilloscope readings from inverted 9600 baud rate and true baud rate, judging by the High/Low voltage's it should have a MAX232 installed Does anyone agree with me?

Name:  BaudRate_9600_NotInverted.jpg
Views: 2762
Size:  220.6 KBName:  BaudRate_9600_Inverted.jpg
Views: 2857
Size:  219.8 KB