If you are into electronics, PCBs are the most common things you will see. These boards make our lives easier by eliminating all those connecting wires and breadboards. If properly designed, it even makes our project look smaller and sexy.

You’ll never expected that the PCB can be used to make so many different products in our daily life, include animals, tools, bags, glasses, belt etc. A few DIY projects that you can work on with printed circuit boards make it come true.

It is a thrill for students, hobbyists and professionals to tinker with their craft and see what they can create on their own. This is why DIY product kits and other at-home projects continue to sell.

Being a making is part of human DNA. But why do we find it so rewarding?
This week the invention is from ALLPCB team the whole team have a great job and see what they makes with the printed circled board.
Below are great example of some of the DIY products,will you like it?

lady bag
Name:  1.png
Views: 441
Size:  343.9 KB

Name:  2.png
Views: 422
Size:  172.3 KB

ancient vessel
Name:  3.png
Views: 471
Size:  222.0 KB