Programming RFM radio modules in Basic

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  1. #1
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    Default Programming RFM radio modules in Basic

    I would like to program RFM69W radio modules in BASIC and hope for some help please.
    Eventually the modules will be programmed using a PIC, but to start with I would like to 'talk' to them via FTDI serial to USB adaptors, just to see some results.
    Can anyone help please?
    Cheers, Camerart.

  2. #2
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    rfm69 and rfm12 modules don't work that way , they retain no settings when powered off so they to be fully configured every power up .
    they communicate via spi bus to the host and are most suited to packet transmissions . they can do ook but why would you
    I use rfm12 and 69's a lot they are very reliable fast and have a good range ,but they are not for the faint hearted
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Programming RFM radio modules in Basic

    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    rfm69 and rfm12 modules don't work that way , they retain no settings when powered off so they to be fully configured every power up .
    they communicate via spi bus to the host and are most suited to packet transmissions . they can do ook but why would you
    I use rfm12 and 69's a lot they are very reliable fast and have a good range ,but they are not for the faint hearted
    Hi Richard,
    I'm picking my way through the clues! And there don't seem many clues

    OK, so I need a circuit with the module plus a PIC for configuring them.

    It's something I want to do so I'll have to find out how faint hearted I am.

    I would appreciate any circuits or minimal programs please. As for programs, I only speak in BASIC, so I bet I also have to translate any

    Cheers, Camerart.
    Last edited by camerart; - 7th October 2016 at 10:07.

  4. #4
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    here's a pgm I did some years back to let my pic projects talk to the Arduino things its based on and compatible with the Arduino

    rfm12b lowpowerlab library. I would not develop anything new with rfm12b's , rfm69's are much better once you get the knack of it

    I have developed libraries for pic, Arduino and raspberry_pi's [python2.7] to all yak to each other with rfm69 modules [rfm12b also] but
    they are complex ,undocumented and beyond my resources to support for novices

    '*  Name    : rfm12b.BAS                                        *
    '*  Author  : richard                                  *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2013                                *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 9/4/2013                                          *
    '*  Version : 1.0    16f1825     @3.3 volts                               *
    '*  Notes   : talk to arduino rfm12b lib with encrypt=null      *
    '*          :  pkt size up to maxl , will  ack also             *
                 __config        _CONFIG1,    _FOSC_INTOSC & _CP_OFF & _WDTE_ON  &  _PWRTE_ON  &  _MCLRE_ON  & _CLKOUTEN_OFF
                  __config      _CONFIG2, _PLLEN_ON & _LVP_OFF
      include "dt_ints-14.bas"
      Include "REENTERPBP.bas"
    INT_LIST macro
     SSPIF VAR PIR1.3     ' SPI interrupt flag
     ssc var  PORTC.3    ;..... rf12b ss
     RNINT VAR PORTA.2    ;.... rf12b irqn // int int
     ;SDI=  PORTC.1  .... rf12b sdo
     ;SDO PORTC.2    .... rf12b sd1
    ;SCK  PORTC.3    .... rf12b ssk
     net con 99
     node con 2
     MAXL CON 34   ;buffer size    ie 0 to 34
     RXBUFF VAR BYTE[maxl+1]
     GRP VAR RXBUFF[0]   ;net sync 
     LEN     VAR RXBUFF[3]
     ;data  rxbuff[4] to   rxbuff[maxl-2] 
     crc var word
     CRC_IN   var byte
     i VAR BYTE           ' loop counter
     j var byte
       TRISA = %001110
       TRISC = %00000010        ' set PORTC I/O
       SSP1CON1=$21  ;$22 works too
       high ssc      '
       serout2 PORTA.0,84,[ "RFM12",13,10]
       SSPIF = 0
    CMD=$820D  ;receive    $820D IDLE
        FOR I= 0 TO LEN+3
         CRC_IN = RXBUFF[i]
        gosub crc16
    if  rxbuff[len+4]=crc.lowbyte then   ;only matching the crc lowbyte seems ok
       if    ( i.7 )   then gosub ack     ; acknowlege reception if   asked
       ;  should check   here for  node id match
      serout2 PORTA.0,84, [ HEX2 RXBUFF[1] ,",", HEX2 RXBUFF[2] ,",",HEX2 RXBUFF[3] ,"," ]
     FOR I= 4 TO LEN+2
      serout2 PORTA.0,84, [ RXBUFF[I] ,"," ]
     ; serout2 PORTA.0,84, ["XXX", RXBUFF[len+3],"  ", HEX2 RXBUFF[len+5],  HEX2 RXBUFF[len+4],"  ",hex4 crc, 13,10]   ;len+4=lowbyte
      serout2 PORTA.0,84, [RXBUFF[len+3], 13,10] 
      FOR I= 1 TO MAXL
       RXBUFF[I]=0      ;clear buffer
        CMD=0           ;reset fifo  sequence
        GOSUB SNDCMD   ;  
        GOSUB SNDCMD   ;  
        CMD=$CA83           ;reset fifo 
      INTCON=$90 ; enable rx int 
      CMD=$82DD  ;receive on   
     I=0 ; something in main loop for the wdt
    GoTo mainloop     ' do it forever
    SNDCMD:     ;word size send  ,note rfm12b dose not drop irq when ready for cmd
      LOW SSC
         SSPIF = 0
          WHILE   SSPIF =0 ' wait for SPI interupt flag
     WEND  ' wait for send
        SSPIF = 0
          WHILE   SSPIF =0 ' wait for SPI interupt flag
     WEND  ' wait for send
        HIGH SSC
     RM12INIT:            ;leaves radio in rxmode
    CMD=$8205   ;SLEEP
    PAUSE 1
     PAUSE 1
     CMD=$82DD  ;receive $82dd '  XMIT $823D 
     GOSUB SNDCMD      
       LOW SSC 
      SSPIF = 0  
       SSPBUF = $B0     ' 
     WHILE   SSPIF=0  ' wait for SPI interupt flag
       SSPIF = 0   
         SSPBUF = 0      ' write to SSPBUF 
        WHILE   SSPIF =0 ' wait for SPI interupt flag
      RXBUFF[BCNT] = SSPBUF   ' store received character in array
      IF (BCNT > MAXL) OR (BCNT > (LEN+5) )THEN   RXDONE=1  
          HIGH SSC
    @ INT_RETURN  
      CRC = CRC ^  CRC_IN 
          for j=0to 7
       if crc.0 then
       crc= ((crc>>1) ^$a001 )   ; 
        crc= crc>>1
    xmit:     ;tx a byte
    WHILE   RNINT =1  ' wait for irq interupt flag  from rfm12b
     cmd =cmd |$b800
     ack:          ;leaves radio idle
     CMD=$823d    ;tx on
     pause 3
      CMD=$aa      ;preamble
     GOSUB xmit  
     CMD=$aa        ;preamble
     CMD=$aa      ;preamble
     GOSUB  xmit 
    CMD=$2d       ;sync 
     GOSUB  xmit 
      CMD=net         ;network 
     gosub crc16
     GOSUB  xmit 
    CMD=node       ;node id
     gosub crc16
      GOSUB  xmit 
    CMD=rxbuff[1]    ;ack from 
     gosub crc16 
     GOSUB  xmit   
    CMD=00           ;nill length
     gosub crc16
     GOSUB  xmit  
       GOSUB  xmit 
       GOSUB  xmit 
       CMD=$aa          ;postamble
     GOSUB  xmit   
     CMD=$aa            ;postamble
     GOSUB  xmit 
     pause 4
     sndbuff:    ;leaves radio idle and rx int off  , to use   load  dest ,data   and   len , len is the data payload size and call this sub
     INTCON=0   ; watch this
     CMD=$823d    ;tx on
     pause 3
      CMD=$aa      ;preamble
     GOSUB xmit  
     CMD=$aa        ;preamble
     CMD=$aa      ;preamble
     GOSUB  xmit 
    CMD=$2d       ;sync 
     GOSUB  xmit 
    for i=0 to  len + 3
     CMD= rxbuff[i]
     gosub crc16
     GOSUB  xmit
       GOSUB  xmit 
       GOSUB  xmit 
       CMD=$aa          ;postamble
     GOSUB  xmit   
     CMD=$aa            ;postamble
     GOSUB  xmit 
     pause 4
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Programming RFM radio modules in Basic

    Hi Richard,
    Next I've got to squeeze your code into my Oshonsoft simulator, should be fun
    I have to choose a future proof PIC. Apart from having an spi bus, are there any other considerations to note? e,g, speed, memory etc.
    I already have modules with RFN22 on them, but I have some RFM69 and some RFM96 on order.
    Thanks very much, C.
    EDIT Hi again. I notice "Copyright (c) 2013 All Rights Reserved Can I have permission to post it on an Oshonsoft assistance forum, please?
    Last edited by camerart; - 7th October 2016 at 16:39.

  6. #6
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    EDIT Hi again. I notice "Copyright (c) 2013 All Rights Reserved Can I have permission to post it on an Oshonsoft assistance forum, please?
    No problem , but I don't particularly want to support it [ there is a slight bug in the reset fifo sequence too ,should be $ca81 from memory I think]
    you realise of course that rfm69's are quite a different animal
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    No problem , but I don't particularly want to support it [ there is a slight bug in the reset fifo sequence too ,should be $ca81 from memory I think]
    you realise of course that rfm69's are quite a different animal
    Hi Richard,
    I have been using: for a couple of years. They are programmed using a Chrome APP and have RFM22 chips on them, so I can play with them, while I learn how to program later modules RFM69 and 96 for example.

    I hoped they would be similar, so once learnt, a different module could be programmed with few adjustments to the program.

    I now have 4 BASIC programs, gleaned from the net, that I can follow, and as you say it does look daunting. I have to convert one or more into Oshonsoft basic, for my system and skills.
    I've just got this one into Oshonsoft (compiles), but there are errors. So I commented out those bits with >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for correction later. I've enclosed it in case you see obvious mistakes (Clutching at straws!!)

    I realise your time is valuable.
    Regards, Eric.

  8. #8
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    I found this useful , saves a lot of typing

    ps use word or wordpad to view
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    Last edited by richard; - 10th October 2016 at 04:23. Reason: ps
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Programming RFM radio modules in Basic

    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    I found this useful , saves a lot of typing

    ps use word or wordpad to view
    Hi Richard,
    Thanks most useful.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Programming RFM radio modules in Basic

    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    rfm69 and rfm12 modules don't work that way , they retain no settings when powered off so they to be fully configured every power up .
    Hi R,
    I've now got a circuit, with in circuit programming, and have changed frequency using SPI

    I'm using RFM69 boards with 18F2431 PICs and was told they have SX1276 chips on them, by the supplier.

    You say that they need ALL of the registers loading at power on. Could you clarify please, why does it state default values in the data sheet, or can the SX1276 retain the default settings?

    Last edited by camerart; - 17th November 2016 at 12:15.

  11. #11
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    You say that they need ALL of the registers loading at power on. Could you clarify please, why does it state default values in the data sheet, or can the SX1276 retain the default settings?
    exactly , all registers return to their default por values when the chip is reset , the chip has no non volatile registers.
    every register that you assign a non por value to needs that value reloaded at every reset, in my case that's nearly all of them
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    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    exactly , all registers return to their default por values when the chip is reset , the chip has no non volatile registers.
    every register that you assign a non por value to needs that value reloaded at every reset, in my case that's nearly all of them
    Hi R,
    That will save me some time at least initially. As mentioned before I am starting with OOK. You dd ask me why I would, but I'm trying OOK first then FSK, then LoRa, as I gain experience.

    As I can accept most of the default registers, all I need to do is load the ones that are different.

    So far I can see the radio transmitting, but there is no modulation yet, so just a stream, with no breaks.


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    Someone has code-tested the RFM69 module.


  14. #14
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    Im trying to figure out for most of the threads why RFM69s and LORA RFM 9x are so difficult to handle.

    Technology goes to plug and play modules, and those shouldnt be an exception. You should use them in order to help you, and not make you feel like you need to know rocket science to program those little modules.

    Richard gave me some directions, in an other similar thread, but i cannot accept that we need to right 2 pages asm code or an other higher level language in order to send a HELLO from one end to the other.

    At the end of the day, i understand that those modules will not sell, or someone that would like to share the fixed library for PIC BASIC Pro, and just let all the other to use the modules in the most easy way, like all the arduino users do.

    Anyway, i'm not a professional, just doing this as a hobby.

    I cannot understand why the people that really know how to program and handle typical application, are not sharing their knowledge. In nowadays all things are plug and play. That should be the way we all think and help.

    I'm a Chief Design engineer well known worldwide, in 3D printing Congenital Heart Defects for surgical planning, and i have shared for free my knowledge to 150 universities and hospitals in EMEA region. I dont want to make money of it. I want to be known and my name to be remembered in the future.

    I know in the other hand that there are people come in here, ask for a code, and then they presented like it is theirs and they also make money out of it. So what? Those people will never do something good in their lives. I do share my knowledge and i have in mind that 10 out of the 100 people in the meeting will take my work and cope paste it as theirs. I really do not care.

    Anyway, i know and respect everyone work, and maybe some of you really make money and live using this knowledge.

    Thanks for listening and understanding.

    Leonardo Bilalis.
    Last edited by astanapane; - 25th August 2018 at 12:20.

  15. #15
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    i can only advise on rfm69 modules here
    the modules come fixed to operate in one only of these bands you need one thats legal in your country
    315MHz Module
    433MHz Module
    868MHz Module
    915MHz Module

    they can do FSK, GFSK, MSK, GMSK and OOK modulation
    they are capable of FSK Bit rates up to 300 kb/s subject to
    the bandwith / deviation selected the power level used

    if you choose to have a packet radio system then the built in
    Packet engine can perform CRC-16, AES-128 encyption and data whitening for you
    if you network them they can also do Incoming Sync Word Recognition
    and make good use of the 66-byte FIFO

    they are capable of backwards compatability with older modules like rfm12b

    for my network system i created a rfm12b compatable mode with a 5 byte preamble 3 byte syncword that incorporates a 1 byte net id and a 7 bit node id with a 1 bit auto acknowledge req flag , the network can transport node to node packets along with broadcast packets
    it operates @434mHZ 50k deviation @17000 bps , with no encryption and a pic generated ccitt_16 crc ,it supports variable length
    packets of
    1-255 bytes [from memory]

    reception can be polled or interrupt driven

    there is no simple . I think I have three pages of possible register settings . have you looked at the data sheet or the sample code from the hoperf site ?
    I got my initial rf12b system running by studying some of the Arduino libraries and adapting it to my needs

    and not make you feel like you need to know rocket science to program those little modules.
    it may not be rocket science but !

    what did you have in mind ?
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  16. #16
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    There are other modules capable of plug and play as you request. But they are not as cheap as the HopeRF are. HopeRF does really cheap modules, taking away from you all the burden of the RF circuit. Then it leaves the rest of the settings up to you, making the modules versatile as Richard described.

    Also, every time the module is power cycled, it needs to be setup again, as it has no EEPROM to store the settings permanently.

    If you want to have all the settings ready and just to connect it to power and a data port, then it is not for you.

    These are great and cheap module but you have to do your part of the job. Can't have it all I 'm afraid.


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    i understand. It is not as easy as it looks like. Absolutely it is not for me. I might have to look other solutions to transfer the GPS data from one side to an other.

    I thought that it wouldnt be difficult for someone, in order to help this community, to create a library and a sample program. As i said before, i understand that it takes time, and it is not worth it to make it for free.

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    I don't have time at the moment to work on these type of modules, so I am using HC-12s which work fine, but perhaps not the distance.

    When I get time, I hope to get SX1278 modules working, they seem pretty good, but as said previously need a fair bit of managing.


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    Hi camerart,

    thanks for your help. But i dont think i can do anything with those modules, as i understand are not for me and my knowledge are limited.

    thanks anyway.

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    after a bit of experimenting I have come up with a fairly simple demo for rfm69hw with no bells and whistles for pbp
    it can support two nodes has a fixed length payload of 16 bytes the remote end is described but not provided in pbp code.
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  21. #21
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    Default Re: Programming RFM radio modules in Basic

    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    after a bit of experimenting I have come up with a fairly simple demo for rfm69hw with no bells and whistles for pbp
    it can support two nodes has a fixed length payload of 16 bytes the remote end is described but not provided in pbp code.
    Hi R,
    That looks interesting thanks.

    I am only able to read BASIC, but I may be able to slowly decode your program, when I come to use the RFM69 (POSS SX1276?)


  22. #22
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    I will give the module a try. I need first, to understand how to use the SPI interface.

    I'm reading now the 4 pin interface and 3 pin interface.

    1. 4pin interface requires all MOSI, MISO, SCK, CE
    2. 3pin interface requires only SCK, CE and a data pin.

    In our case that we would like to send from one side (GPS board) the data to the receiver board, what is the best way to setup the connection?

    i have seen the code Richard shared, (it is welcome all the time and really appreciate it), but i need for my self to go step by step.

    anyone's advice will be much appreciated.


  23. #23
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    . I need first, to understand how to use the SPI interface
    not really you need to understand what the rmf69 module wants , not what the pic mssp module is capable of .

    refer to the rfm69hw data sheet , they do provide a pic connection example .

    I have chosen the least complicated scheme possible

    don't forget its a 3.3 v device , logic level converters are needed for a 5v pic
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    Hi Richard,

    for the schematic i think i'm ok. I can handle it. I keep saying because i know my self, that first i need to understand the basics. Even if you think that is too basic to read about SPI connection, i need to understand it, and get those small important information for me that will help me later.

    Now i read this because i find it interesting (not the arduino code) but the information they share are useful. Like the " NODES " , Addressing, Broadcast addressing etc.

    I have a long way.

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    i have a pair of the Adafruit RFM69HCW Transceiver Radio Breakout - 433 MHz, in which there is a voltage regulator and level shifter, so the voltage range is 3-5 volts.

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    imho the example schematic from hoperf data sheet has miso/mosi names transposed on the module so be wary.

    mosi is master out slave in and pic is the master
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    yes i have noticed. I will use the trusted 18F26K22 you have suggested for my project last time.

    Is there any quick way to check whether the RFM module is powered up? Like to send a signal from the Master (PIC18F26K22) and at G0 of the modules port to connect and LED indicator. How may i know that the module is powered up?
    Last edited by astanapane; - 30th August 2018 at 10:12.

  28. #28
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    I did the simplest configuration connection between the PIC and the RFM69HCW.

    Both of the boards are exactly the same. One will be the TX and the other will be the RX.

    Still in a very early stage, and keep reading the SPI protocol.
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  29. #29
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    Is there any quick way to check whether the RFM module is powered up?

    read a register on the module . write a new value to that register read the register again and confirm the new value

    looking at your picture there are two wires missing on each module , that's never going to work
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  30. #30
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    SPI is not RS232. Sure Richard spot it. You need to revise your connections.

    Also, your caps around the crystal, what values are?


  31. #31
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    Hi Richard and Ioannis, sorry for the bad quality of the picture.

    Connections i believe are ok. But two wires werent visible on the first pic.

    Capacitors are 22p and crystal is at 16Mhz. This combination seems to work just fine on my previous circuits.
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    Also, your caps around the crystal, what values are?
    on that subject why even use a crystal

    Connections i believe are ok. But two wires weren't visible on the first pic.
    wrong , did you even look at the schematic I provided ?

    there are 5 connections needed
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  33. #33
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    I'm confused about the SPI connection.

    In the manual of the PIC18F26K22 this is how do they have it Master and Slave.

    The MOSI from Master goes to MISO on slave and the MISO from master goes to MOSI on slave. Which it seems for me to be the right connection.

    Name:  spi1.png
Views: 4831
Size:  39.6 KB

    But everywhere else on the NET i find it as following. MISO on Master goes to MISO on slave and MOSI on Master goes to MOSI on slave.
    Name:  spi2.png
Views: 4890
Size:  58.5 KB
    Last edited by astanapane; - 31st August 2018 at 10:47.

  34. #34
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    Richard why do we need to 5th connection? i See there is a DIO pin.

    EDIT POST: ok found that here:

    G0 - the radio's "GPIO 0" pin, also known as the IRQ pin, used for interrupt request notification from the radio to the microcontroller, 3.3V logic level

    I still do not fully understand it but will be the reason.
    Last edited by astanapane; - 31st August 2018 at 10:56.

  35. #35
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    sdo is pic output and would be the mosi line [master out slave In] connect to the module input pin, should be marked mosi
    sdi is pic input and is the miso line [master in slave out ] connect to the module ouput pin, should be marked miso
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  36. #36
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    Perfect thanks for the explanation. It is clear.

  37. #37
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    Default Re: Programming RFM radio modules in Basic

    I know that most of you, do not have in mind that many of us, need to read the basics. For example, for me i need to read the SPI protocol, and the corresponding Data sheet of the PIC, in order to have a little understanding.

    So what i understand is, for enabling the SPI we have to setup the following:

    SSPCON the "bit 5" and the "bit 0" while for the SSPSTAT the "bit 7" and the "bit 6". In the meantime the TRIS bits must be configured.

    For testing the SPI, i will try to use the PIC18F26K22, and configure the SSPCON, and SSPSTAT in addition to TRIS bits as from the code below.

    Haven't done anything yet with coding, i'm in a very early stage to configure the SPI register bits.

    In addition, the comments comeing from the project i have started with GPS, so ignore all those and keep focusing on the SPI section.

    thanks a lot.

    '*  Name    : 18F26K22.BAS                                            *
    '*  Author  : [Leonardo Bilalis]                                      *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2018 [Leonardo Bilalis]                   *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                                     *
    '*  Date    : 30/Jun/2018                                             *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                                     *
    '*  Notes   : This is a GPS Tracker based on the following components *
    '*          : PIC18F26K22 or PIC18F46K22 @ 64Mhz                      *
    '*          : MKT 3333 or 3339 GPS MODULE                             *
    '*          : 4D Systems ULCD Goldelox or Picasso Graphic Processor   *
    '*          : RFM69HCW the range will be approximatelly 1000 meters   *
    ' --------------------[ GPS Variables for NMEA sentenses ]---------------------/
    '                                                                             /
    '   $GPRMC,090045.000,A,3823.6645,N,02353.3600,E,0.02,195.80,170518,,,A*62   /
    '   $GNGGA,140405.000,3823.6010,N,02353.3054,E,1,9,0.88,0.8,M,35.9,M,,*40   /
    '   $GPGSA,A,3,18,08,10,11,14,27,22,32,01,,,,2.62,1.11,2.37*03             /
    '   $GPVTG,215.60,T,,M,0.44,N,0.82,K,A*37                                 /
    '                                                                        /
    ' When the GPS Module is POWERED ON, then the following sentenses are received. 
    '          $PMTK011,MTKGPS*08
    '          $PMTK010,001*2E
    '          $PMTK010,002*2D
    @ ERRORLEVEL -306 ; this command prevents the compiler to give you a notice of   *
                      ; crossing page boundary - make sure bits are set              *
    #IF __PROCESSOR__ = "18F26K22" 
      #CONFIG   ;  The PBP configuration for the PIC18F26K22 is:
    ;    CONFIG FOSC     = RCIO6	    ; External RC oscillator
         CONFIG FOSC     = HSHP	        ; HS oscillator (high power > 16 MHz)
    ;*---------------------------------4x PLL ENABLE--------------------------------------*|
    ;*  4X PLL Enable                                                                     *|
    ;*    CONFIG PLLCFG  = OFF	        ;Oscillator used directly                         *|
        CONFIG PLLCFG    = ON	        ;Oscillator multiplied by 4                       *|
    ;  Primary clock enable bit
    ;    CONFIG PRICLKEN = OFF	        ;Primary clock can be disabled by software
        CONFIG PRICLKEN  = ON	        ;Primary clock enabled
    ;  Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable bit
        CONFIG FCMEN     = OFF	        ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled
    ;    CONFIG FCMEN    = ON	        ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor enabled
    ;  Internal/External Oscillator Switchover bit
        CONFIG IESO      = OFF	        ;Oscillator Switchover mode disabled
    ;    CONFIG IESO     = ON	        ;Oscillator Switchover mode enabled
        CONFIG  BOREN    = SBORDIS      ; Brown-out Reset enabled in hardware only (SBOREN is disabled)
        CONFIG  WDTEN    = ON           ; WDT is always enabled. SWDTEN bit has no effect                     ;|
        CONFIG  WDTPS    = 32768        ; 1:32768 ---> HERE enable the watchdog timer with a 1:32768 postscale;|
        CONFIG  PWRTEN   = ON
        CONFIG  HFOFST   = ON           ; HFINTOSC output and ready status are not delayed by the oscillator stable status
        CONFIG  MCLRE    = EXTMCLR      ; MCLR pin enabled, RE3 input pin disabled
        CONFIG  LVP      = OFF          ; Single-Supply ICSP disabled
        CONFIG  XINST    = OFF          ; Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
        CONFIG  DEBUG    = OFF          ; Disabled
    ;*---------------Available configuration settings for PIC18F26K22-------------------|
    ;  Oscillator Selection bits
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = RC	    ;111X External RC oscillator, CLKOUT function on RA6
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = ECLPIO6  ;EC oscillator (low power, <500 kHz)
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = ECLP	    ;EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (low power, <500 kHz)
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = ECMPIO6  ;EC oscillator (medium power, 500 kHz-16 MHz)
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = ECMP	    ;EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (medium power, 500 kHz-16 MHz)
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = INTIO7   ;Internal oscillator block, CLKOUT function on OSC2
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = INTIO67  ;Internal oscillator block
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = RCIO6    ;External RC oscillator
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = RC	    ;External RC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = ECHPIO6  ;EC oscillator (high power, >16 MHz)
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = ECHP	    ;EC oscillator, CLKOUT function on OSC2 (high power, >16 MHz)
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = HSMP	    ;HS oscillator (medium power 4-16 MHz)
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = HSHP	    ;HS oscillator (high power > 16 MHz)
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = XT	    ;XT oscillator
    ;    CONFIG FOSC = LP	    ;LP oscillator
    ;*                                  | -------------------------- |                                        |
    ;*  -----------------------------   |  [PROTECTED OPTION FUSES]  |  ------------------------------------  |
    ;*                                  | -------------------------- |                                        |
        CONFIG  CP0 = OFF             ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP1 = OFF             ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP2 = OFF             ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP3 = OFF             ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CPB = OFF             ; Boot block (000000-0007FFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CPD = OFF             ; Data EEPROM not code-protected
        CONFIG  WRT0 = OFF            ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT1 = OFF            ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT2 = OFF            ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT3 = OFF            ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTC = OFF            ; Configuration registers (300000-3000FFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTB = OFF            ; Boot Block (000000-0007FFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTD = OFF            ; Data EEPROM not write-protected
        CONFIG  EBTR0 = OFF           ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR1 = OFF           ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR2 = OFF           ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR3 = OFF           ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTRB = OFF           ; Boot Block (000000-0007FFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        #MSG "Wrong Processor selected!"
    define  OSC 64
            INCLUDE "modedefs.bas"
            INCLUDE "ALLDIGITAL.pbp"
            'INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18.bas"        ; Base Interrupt System
            'INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18.bas"     ; Include if using PBP interrupts
    OSCCON    = %01110000   ; 64Mhz
    OSCTUNE.6 = 1           ; Enable 4x PLL
    while ! osccon2.7 :WEND ; to make sure the pll has stabilised before you run any other code
    '                            INITIALIZE RAM                                    |
    '                             ---              NOTE            ---                                         *
    ' --------------- The following configuration will be set only for testing the RFM69HCW --------------------
    '                                                                                                          *
    '              when "0" then TRIS bit is set to output, while "1" TRIS bit is set to input                 *
    '                                                                                                          *
    TRISA = %00000000   'use TRISA to specify which pin is (1 = input) and which (0 = output)  (ALL pins are output or SPI configuration related)
    TRISB = %00000000   'use TRISB to specify which pin is (1 = input) and which (0 = output)  (RB7 PORTB.7 is the RX input pin of the EUART, the rest are output or SPI configuration related)
    TRISC = %00010000   'use TRISC to specify which pin is (1 = input) and which (0 = output)  (RC7 PORTC.7 is the RX input pin of the EUART, the rest are output or SPI configuration related)
                        'in PORTC the RC3 attached is an LED. 
                        ' The above comments may be different as the project includes more peripherals and we have configured the bits for each specific application. 
    '--------------------------- TRIS A B C ---------------------------------|
    '------------------------------------------------------------------------|         RX2  TX2           SDO2 SDI2  SCK2 SS2            RX1  TX1 SDO1  SDI1
    '  OSC1     OSC2      SS1                                                |          |    |              |    |    |    |              |    |    |    |
    '    |        |        |                                                 |         RB7  RB6  RB5  RB4  RB3  RB2  RB1  RB0  VDD  VSS  RC7  RC6  RC5  RC4
    ' PORTA.7  PORTA.6  PORTA.5  PORTA.4  PORTA.3  PORTA.2  PORTA.1  PORTA.0 |         |28| |27| |26| |25| |24| |23| |22| |21| |20| |19| |18| |17| |16| |15|
    '  bit7     bit6     bit5     bit4     bit3     bit2     bit1     bit0   |         ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    '   0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0     |        |                                                                     |
    '------------------------------------------------------------------------|        |                                                                     |
    '------------------------------------------------------------------------|        |                                                                     |
    '  RX2      TX2                        SDO2     SDI2     SCK2     SS2    |        |                                                                     |
    '   |        |                           |        |        |       |     |        |                  ===============================                    |
    ' PORTB.7  PORTB.6  PORTB.5  PORTB.4  PORTB.3  PORTB.2  PORTB.1  PORTB.0 |        |                 |                               |                   |
    '  bit7     bit6     bit5     bit4     bit3     bit2     bit1     bit0   |        |                 |           PIC18F26K22         |                   |
    '   0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0     |        |                 |                               |                   |
    '------------------------------------------------------------------------|        |                 |                               |                   |
    '------------------------------------------------------------------------|        |                  ===============================                    |
    '  RX1      TX1      SDO1     SDI1     SCK1                              |        |                                                                     |
    '   |        |         |        |        |                               |        |                                                                     |
    ' PORTC.7  PORTC.6  PORTC.5  PORTC.4  PORTC.3  PORTC.2  PORTC.1  PORTC.0 |        |   _                                                                 |
    '  bit7     bit6     bit5     bit4     bit3     bit2     bit1     bit0   |        |  |_|                                                                |
    '   0        0        0        1        0        0        0        0     |        |                                                                     |
    '------------------------------------------------------------------------|         ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    '                                                                                  |*1| |*2| |*3| |*4| |*5| |*6| |*7| |*8| |*9| |10| |11| |12| |13| |14|
    '------------------------------------------------------------------------|         RE3  RA0  RA1  RA2  RA3  RA4  RA5  VSS  RA7  RA6  RC0  RC1  RC2  RC3
    '----------------------- At start all PORTS LOW -------------------------|          |                             |         |    |                   |
    '                                                                        |         MCLR                          SS1      OSC1  OSC2                SCK1
    PORTA = 0            'make low all ports at A range                      |
    PORTB = 0            'make low all ports at B range                      |
    PORTC = 0            'make low all ports at C range                      |
    PORTE = 0            'make low all ports at E range                      |
    '-------------------------- COMPARATORS OFF -----------------------------|
    CM1CON0.7 = 0 'Disable comparator1                                       |
    CM2CON0.7 = 0 'Disable comparator2                                       |
    '                                                                       *
    '                      SPI CONFIGURATION REGISTERS                      *
    '                                                                       *
    SSPCON1 = %00100010 ' in here we se the 5th bit of the SSPCON1 register and the last 4 bits for the clock speed at 64Mhz. 
    'bit 5 SSPxEN: Synchronous Serial Port Enable bit
    'In both modes, when enabled, these pins must be properly configured as input or output
    'In SPI mode:
    '1 = Enables serial port and configures SCKx, SDOx, SDIx and SSx as the source of the serial port pins(2)
    '0 = Disables serial port and configures these pins as I/O port pins
    'SSPxM<3:0>: Synchronous Serial Port Mode Select bits
    '0000 = SPI Master mode, clock = FOSC/4
    '0001 = SPI Master mode, clock = FOSC/16
    '-----------------WE use the following setup--------------------*
    '                                                               *
    '          0010 = SPI Master mode, clock = FOSC/64              *
    '                                                               *
    '0011 = SPI Master mode, clock = TMR2 output/2
    '0100 = SPI Slave mode, clock = SCKx pin, SSx pin control enabled
    '0101 = SPI Slave mode, clock = SCKx pin, SSx pin control disabled, SSx can be used as I/O pin
    '1010 = SPI Master mode, clock = FOSC/(4 * (SSPxADD+1))
    SSP1STAT = %10000000  ' in here i need a help to understand what bits must be configured
    'bit 7 SMP: SPI Data Input Sample bit
    'SPI Master mode:
    '1 = Input data sampled at end of data output time
    '0 = Input data sampled at middle of data output time
    'SPI Slave mode:
    'SMP must be cleared when SPI is used in Slave mode
    'bit 6 CKE: SPI Clock Edge Select bit (SPI mode only)
    'In SPI Master or Slave mode:
    '1 = Transmit occurs on transition from active to Idle clock state
    '0 = Transmit occurs on transition from Idle to active clock state
    CS1      VAR           PORTA.5 ' chip select (SS) from PIC18F26K22 to RFM69HCW
    SCK1     VAR           PORTC.3 ' clock from PIC18F26K22 to RFM69HCW
    SDI1     VAR           PORTC.4 ' data IN , MISO from PIC18F26K22 to RFM69HCW
    SDO1     VAR           PORTC.5 ' data OUT, MOSI from PIC18F26K22 to RFM69HCW

  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2013

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    Default Re: Programming RFM radio modules in Basic

    a few comments

    for correct spi tx to rfm69 CKE must be asserted. SMP setting is irrelevant for rfm69 rx , I set SMP to suit other devices on my spi bus

    PORTA = 0            'make low all ports at A range                      |
    PORTB = 0            'make low all ports at B range                      |
    PORTC = 0            'make low all ports at C range                      |
    PORTE = 0            'make low all ports at E range                      |
    is a particularly dangerous idea when dealing with devices that have a chip select low input

    TRISA = %00000000   'use TRISA to specify which pin is (1 = input) and which (0 = output)  (ALL pins are output or SPI configuration related)
    TRISB = %00000000   'use TRISB to specify which pin is (1 = input) and which (0 = output)  (RB7 PORTB.7 is the RX input pin of the EUART, the rest are output or SPI configuration related)
    TRISC = %00010000   'use TRISC to specify which pin is (1 = input) and which (0 = output)  (RC7 PORTC.7 is the RX input pin of the EUART, the rest are output or SPI configuration related)
                        'in PORTC the RC3 attached is an LED. 
                        ' The above comments may be different as the project includes more peripherals and we have configured the bits for each specific application.
    is also dangerous when breadboarding an experimental platform , for instance if you were now to connect the rfm69 dio pin now you could easily apply 5v to a 3.3 v output pin and damage the rfm module even connecting it to a "low" output is not acceptable . I would expect the dio pin to connect directly to the module and not go through a logic level converter.
    when breadboarding I only set pins as o/p when needed

    useless comments are useless ,why make me read them ?

    '*  Name    : 18F26K22.BAS                                            *
    '*  Author  : [Leonardo Bilalis]                                      *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2018 [Leonardo Bilalis]                   *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                                     *
    '*  Date    : 30/Jun/2018                                             *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                                     *
    '*  Notes   : This is a GPS Tracker based on the following components *
    '*          : PIC18F26K22 or PIC18F46K22 @ 64Mhz                      *
    '*          : MKT 3333 or 3339 GPS MODULE                             *
    '*          : 4D Systems ULCD Goldelox or Picasso Graphic Processor   *
    '*          : RFM69HCW the range will be approximatelly 1000 meters   *
      #CONFIG   ;
         CONFIG FOSC     = HSHP	        ; HS oscillator (high power &gt; 16 MHz)
        CONFIG PLLCFG    = ON	        ;Oscillator multiplied by 4  
        CONFIG PRICLKEN  = ON	        ;Primary clock enabled
        CONFIG FCMEN     = OFF	        ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled
        CONFIG IESO      = OFF	        ;Oscillator Switchover mode disabled
        CONFIG  BOREN    = SBORDIS      ; Brown-out Reset enabled in hardware only (SBOREN is disabled)
        CONFIG  WDTEN    = ON           ; WDT is always enabled. SWDTEN bit has no effect                     ;|
        CONFIG  WDTPS    = 32768        ; 1:32768 ---> HERE enable the watchdog timer with a 1:32768 postscale;|
        CONFIG  PWRTEN   = ON
        CONFIG  HFOFST   = ON           ; HFINTOSC output and ready status are not delayed by the oscillator stable status
        CONFIG  MCLRE    = EXTMCLR      ; MCLR pin enabled, RE3 input pin disabled
        CONFIG  LVP      = OFF          ; Single-Supply ICSP disabled
        CONFIG  XINST    = OFF          ; Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
        CONFIG  DEBUG    = OFF          ; Disabled  
        CONFIG  CP0 = OFF             ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP1 = OFF             ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP2 = OFF             ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CP3 = OFF             ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CPB = OFF             ; Boot block (000000-0007FFh) not code-protected
        CONFIG  CPD = OFF             ; Data EEPROM not code-protected
        CONFIG  WRT0 = OFF            ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT1 = OFF            ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT2 = OFF            ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRT3 = OFF            ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTC = OFF            ; Configuration registers (300000-3000FFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTB = OFF            ; Boot Block (000000-0007FFh) not write-protected
        CONFIG  WRTD = OFF            ; Data EEPROM not write-protected
        CONFIG  EBTR0 = OFF           ; Block 0 (000800-003FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR1 = OFF           ; Block 1 (004000-007FFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR2 = OFF           ; Block 2 (008000-00BFFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTR3 = OFF           ; Block 3 (00C000-00FFFFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
        CONFIG  EBTRB = OFF           ; Boot Block (000000-0007FFh) not protected from table reads executed in other blocks
    define  OSC 64
    OSCCON    = %01110000   ; 64Mhz
    OSCTUNE.6 = 1           ; Enable 4x PLL
    while ! osccon2.7 :WEND ; to make sure the pll has stabilised before you run any other code
    TRISA = %11011111 
    TRISC = %11010111  
    SSPCON1 = %00100010 ' in here we se the 5th bit of the SSPCON1 register and the last 4 bits for the clock speed at 64Mhz.
    SSP1STAT = %11000000  ' in here i need a help to understand what bits must be configured
    CS1      VAR           LATA.5 ' chip select (SS) from PIC18F26K22 to RFM69HCW
    SCK1     VAR           PORTC.3 ' clock from PIC18F26K22 to RFM69HCW
    SDI1     VAR           PORTC.4 ' data IN , MISO from PIC18F26K22 to RFM69HCW
    SDO1     VAR           PORTC.5 ' data OUT, MOSI from PIC18F26K22 to RFM69HCW
    CS1    = 1
    Last edited by richard; - 2nd September 2018 at 05:06.
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

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    Default Re: Programming RFM radio modules in Basic

    Hi Richard, thanks for replying again. I understand you have more important things to do than to explain to me the basics.

    Regarding the comments on the program, i leave them there for me. Sorry for disturbing your reading by using those comments. Because of i use them for my children project GPS, i try to keep those to remind me what i have done.

    Now i have some questions, based on your code.

    "for correct spi tx to rfm69 CKE must be asserted"
    Ok that i will set, but still i do not understand "SPI Clock Edge Select bit" does inside the code?

    Does it gives the "OK" when it is "1" Transmit occurs on transition from active to Idle clock state

    which means that the data transmitted on the falling edge of SCK?

    is a particularly dangerous idea when dealing with devices that have a chip select low input
    Ok i will fix this. Do you mention this state, because it is accidentally dangerous to apply 5V on the circuit?

    I have a step up/ step down regulator 1.2A at 3.3 volts for both of the test boards. I hope this will eliminate the issue.

    CS1      VAR           LATA.5 ' chip select (SS) from PIC18F26K22 to RFM69HCW
    The above, it is long discussion over the net. Many people like me cannot understand clearly the difference between the LAT and PORT.

    As i have read from the internet, Writing to the port we need to use LATx register, which is works fine.

    Reading the port we can do it using PORTx.

    In our case, chip select (SS) from PIC18F26K22 to RFM69HCW, we write to the port so we use the LATx register to write.

    Still it is not clear to me, i need to see it in practice in order to understand.

    Thanks once again for your help.

    I have included in the startup SPI configuration program the following.

    Those are var coming from the SSPCON and SSPSTAT registers. I may need to use them later in the code.

    SMP     var     SSP1STAT.7      ' Data input sample phase
    CKE     VAR     SSP1STAT.6      ' Clock Edge Select bit
    SSPEN   VAR     SSP1CON1.5      ' SSP Enable bit
    CKP     VAR     SSP1CON1.4      ' Clock Polarity Select

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2013

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    Default Re: Programming RFM radio modules in Basic

    Ok that i will set, but still i do not understand "SPI Clock Edge Select bit" does inside the code?

    Does it gives the "OK" when it is "1" Transmit occurs on transition from active to Idle clock state

    which means that the data transmitted on the falling edge of SCK?
    yes the tx data is valid on sck's falling edge

    is a particularly dangerous idea when dealing with devices that have a chip select low input Ok i will fix this. Do you mention this state, because it is accidentally dangerous to apply 5V on the circuit?
    no , its because a device with a cs low type input will assert its outputs when cs is low, they should not be asserted until every thing is in order, imagine if you had mutpile devices on the spi bus.

    I have a step up/ step down regulator 1.2A at 3.3 volts for both of the test boards. I hope this will eliminate the issue.
    it wont

    Many people like me cannot understand clearly the difference between the LAT and PORT

    its quite simple , at high clock speeds rmw issues abound if you don't use lat regs for bit outputs
    Warning I'm not a teacher

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