HEDS5540 optical encoder

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  1. #1

    Default HEDS5540 optical encoder

    Hello boys,
    I'm new on the forum and beginner in programming. I try to create a simple digital readout for X-axis on to my small lathe.
    For simplicity I want to use rotary encoder and rack and pinion drive to measure distance.
    I read and try all suitable codes I have found on the forum but a little success. I try combine this pieces of codes, but no success.
    Please can someone to help me how to implement this code to functional end. MCU is 16F628A thank You for help.
    This is my code:
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"        ; Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"        ; Include if using PBP interrupts
    '                       PIC 16F628A
    ' PicBasic program to demonstrate operation of an LCD in 4-bit mode
    '          and reading an optical encoder in quadrature
    ' LCD should be connected as follows:
    '       LCD     PIC
    '       DB4     PortA.0
    '       DB5     PortA.1
    '       DB6     PortA.2
    '       DB7     PortA.3
    '       RS      PortA.4 (add 4.7K pullup resistor to 5 volts)
    '       E       PortB.0
    '       RW      Ground
    '       Vdd     5 volts
    '       Vss     Ground
    '       Vo      20K potentiometer (or ground)
    '       DB0-3   No connect
    ;       encoder ch A PortB.6
    ;       encoder ch B PortB.7
       __config _HS_OSC & _WDT_ON & _PWRTE_ON & _MCLRE_OFF & _LVP_OFF & _CPD_OFF 
    DEFINE OSC 20  
    TRISA    = %00000000 ' Make all PortA pins output
    TRISB    = %11100000
    Define LCD_DBIT 0
    define LCD_RSBIT 4
    define LCD_EREG PORTB
    define LCD_EBIT 0
    define LCD_BITS 4
    define LCD_LINES 2
    define LCD_COMMANDUS 2000
    define LCD_DATAUS 50
    Flag var bit
    wsave VAR BYTE    $70     SYSTEM  ; alternate save location for W 
    enc_new VAR BYTE
    enc_old VAR BYTE
    enc_counter VAR WORD
    ; Set variable value @ startup
    Flag = 0          
    enc_new = 0
    enc_old= 0
    enc_counter = 0
    Lcdout $fe, 1                       ' Clear LCD screen
    Lcdout "Encoder test"               ' Display message
    Pause 500 
    @ INT_ENABLE RBC_INT            ; enable external (INT) interrupts
    goto main_loop
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, Resetflag?
            INT_Handler    RBC_INT, _enc,  ASM,  yes
        INT_CREATE                      ; Creates the interrupt processor
        ;Read latest input from PORTB & put the value in _enc_new.
             movf    PORTB,W
             movwf  _enc_new
             ;Strip off all but the 2 MSBs in _enc_new.
             movlw    B'11000000'    ;Create bit mask (bits 7 & 6).
             andwf   _enc_new,F         ;Zero bits 5 thru 0.
             ;Determine the direction of the Rotary encoder.  
             rlf     _enc_old,F         ;left shift it into _enc_old to align bit 6 of 
                                    ;_enc_old with bit 7 of _enc_new.
             movf    _enc_new,W         ;Move the contents of _enc_new to W in order to XOR.
             xorwf   _enc_old,F        ;XOR previous inputs (in _enc_old) with latest
                                    ;inputs (in W) to determine CW or CCW.
              btfsc   _enc_old,7         ;Test bit 7 of result (in _enc_old).  Skip next line
                                 ;if it is 0 (direction is CCW).
             goto    Up            ;Bit is 1 (direction is CW).  Go around Down
                                 ;and increment counter.
             ;Decrements _enc_counter because the rotary encoder moved CCW.
        ;Decrements _enc_counter (16 bit value), sets Z on exit.
            decf    _enc_counter,F      ; Decrement low byte
            incfsz  _enc_counter,W      ; Check for underflow
            incf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; Update
            decf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; Fixup
            movf    _enc_counter,W
            iorwf   _enc_counter+1,W    ; Set Z bit
        ;Add here code for the CCW LED if needed.
             goto    Continue          ;Branch around UP.
             ;Increments _enc_counter because the rotary encoder moved CW.
        ;Increments _enc_counter (16 bit value), sets Z on exit.
            incfsz  _enc_counter,W      ; Add one to low byte
            decf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; No carry (negates next step)
            incf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; Add one to high byte
            movwf   _enc_counter        ; Store updated low byte back.
            iorwf   _enc_counter+1,W    ; Set Z flag
        ;Add here code for the CW LED if needed.
             ;Assign the latest encoder inputs (in _enc_new) to _enc_old.
             movf     _enc_new,W
             movwf   _enc_old
        ;============ END OF THE ROTARY ENCODER CODE =====
    if Flag = 1 then
    Lcdout $fe, 1                    
    Lcdout Dec enc_counter     ; display counter value on LCD
    Flag = 0
    goto Main_Loop
    Last edited by louislouis; - 2nd October 2016 at 20:59.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: HEDS5540 optical encoder

    if Flag = 1 then
    nowhere in your code is flag ever set to 1
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  3. #3

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    you're right, in the ASM code I not have defined the flag=1. The question is how to do that.

  4. #4
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    easiest way

    Flag var byte
    wsave VAR BYTE    $70     SYSTEM  ; alternate save location for W 
    enc_new VAR BYTE
    enc_old VAR BYTE
    enc_counter VAR WORD

        ;Read latest input from PORTB & put the value in _enc_new.
             MOVE?CB    1 ,_Flag
             movf    PORTB,W
             movwf  _enc_new
             ;Strip off all but the 2 MSBs in _enc_new.
             movlw    B'11000000'    ;Create bit mask (bits 7 & 6).
             andwf   _enc_new,F         ;Zero bits 5 thru 0.
             ;Determine the direction of the
    Last edited by richard; - 2nd October 2016 at 22:58. Reason: CASE SENSITIVE
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  5. #5

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    Richard's way is the best. Just for referece it could also be done without asm since its not time sensitive.

    old_enc_counter var word
    if enc_counter<> old_enc_counter then 'If change update LCD
    Lcdout $fe, 1                    
    Lcdout Dec enc_counter     ; display counter value on LCD
    old_enc_counter = enc_counter
    goto Main_Loop

  6. #6

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    Default Re: HEDS5540 optical encoder

    hmm, I try it and no change, still only the "encoder test" message on the LCD.
    This line is ok MOVE?CB 1 ,_Flag what means the question mark.

  7. #7
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    This line is ok MOVE?CB 1 ,_Flag what means the question mark.
    NOTHING , MOVE?CB IS THE NAME OF A PBP MACRO that moves a constant to a byte var
    advantage is that the macro does all the banksel for you

    more proper would be FOR YOUR isr vars

    Flag var bit  bank0
    enc_new VAR BYTE  bank0
    enc_old VAR BYTE  bank0
    enc_counter VAR WORD  bank0
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  8. #8
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    plus I would rearrange the code like this , the way you have it the interrupt is enabled before its created
    which may not be a good thing

     INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"        ; Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"        ; Include if using PBP interrupts
    '                       PIC 16F628A
    ' PicBasic program to demonstrate operation of an LCD in 4-bit mode
    '          and reading an optical encoder in quadrature
    ' LCD should be connected as follows:
    '       LCD     PIC
    '       DB4     PortA.0
    '       DB5     PortA.1
    '       DB6     PortA.2
    '       DB7     PortA.3
    '       RS      PortA.4 (add 4.7K pullup resistor to 5 volts)
    '       E       PortB.0
    '       RW      Ground
    '       Vdd     5 volts
    '       Vss     Ground
    '       Vo      20K potentiometer (or ground)
    '       DB0-3   No connect
    ;       encoder ch A PortB.6
    ;       encoder ch B PortB.7
    Define LCD_DBIT 0
    define LCD_RSBIT 4
    define LCD_EREG PORTB
    define LCD_EBIT 0
    define LCD_BITS 4
    define LCD_LINES 2
    define LCD_COMMANDUS 2000
    define LCD_DATAUS 50
    wsave VAR BYTE    $70     SYSTEM  ; alternate save location for W 
    enc_new VAR BYTE   bank0
    enc_old VAR BYTE   bank0
    enc_counter VAR WORD   bank0
    Flag var BYTE        bank0
    Lcdout $fe, 1                       ' Clear LCD screen
    Lcdout "Encoder test"               ' Display message
    Pause 500 
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, Resetflag?
            INT_Handler    RBC_INT, _enc,  ASM,  yes
        INT_CREATE                      ; Creates the interrupt processor
    ; Set variable value @ startup
    Flag = 0          
    enc_new = 0
    enc_old= 0
    enc_counter = 0
    @ INT_ENABLE RBC_INT            ; enable external (INT) interrupts
    if Flag = 1 then
    Lcdout $fe, 1                    
    Lcdout Dec enc_counter     ; display counter value on LCD
    Flag = 0
    goto Main_Loop
        ;Read latest input from PORTB & put the value in _enc_new.
             MOVE?CB 1,_Flag
             movf    PORTB,W
             movwf  _enc_new
             ;Strip off all but the 2 MSBs in _enc_new.
             movlw    B'11000000'    ;Create bit mask (bits 7 & 6).
             andwf   _enc_new,F         ;Zero bits 5 thru 0.
             ;Determine the direction of the Rotary encoder.  
             rlf     _enc_old,F         ;left shift it into _enc_old to align bit 6 of 
                                    ;_enc_old with bit 7 of _enc_new.
             movf    _enc_new,W         ;Move the contents of _enc_new to W in order to XOR.
             xorwf   _enc_old,F        ;XOR previous inputs (in _enc_old) with latest
                                    ;inputs (in W) to determine CW or CCW.
             btfsc   _enc_old,7         ;Test bit 7 of result (in _enc_old).  Skip next line
                                 ;if it is 0 (direction is CCW).
             goto    Up            ;Bit is 1 (direction is CW).  Go around Down
                                 ;and increment counter.
             ;Decrements _enc_counter because the rotary encoder moved CCW.
        ;Decrements _enc_counter (16 bit value), sets Z on exit.
            decf    _enc_counter,F      ; Decrement low byte
            incfsz  _enc_counter,W      ; Check for underflow
            incf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; Update
            decf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; Fixup
            movf    _enc_counter,W
            iorwf   _enc_counter+1,W    ; Set Z bit
        ;Add here code for the CCW LED if needed.
             goto    Continue          ;Branch around UP.
             ;Increments _enc_counter because the rotary encoder moved CW.
        ;Increments _enc_counter (16 bit value), sets Z on exit.
            incfsz  _enc_counter,W      ; Add one to low byte
            decf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; No carry (negates next step)
            incf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; Add one to high byte
            movwf   _enc_counter        ; Store updated low byte back.
            iorwf   _enc_counter+1,W    ; Set Z flag
        ;Add here code for the CW LED if needed.
             ;Assign the latest encoder inputs (in _enc_new) to _enc_old.
             movf     _enc_new,W
             movwf   _enc_old
        ;============ END OF THE ROTARY ENCODER CODE =====
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  9. #9
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    tried your code on a 500 ppr opto encoder, it seems to be good

    modified to run on 16f1825, full quad decode [2000 edges / rev]

                 __config        _CONFIG1,    _FOSC_INTOSC & _CP_OFF & _WDTE_ON  &  _PWRTE_ON  &  _MCLRE_ON  & _CLKOUTEN_OFF
                  __config      _CONFIG2, _PLLEN_ON & _LVP_OFF            
    INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas"        ; Base Interrupt System
    INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP.bas"        ; Include if using PBP interrupts
    '                       PIC 16F1825
    ;       encoder ch A Porta.4
    ;       encoder ch B Porta.5
    enc_new VAR BYTE   bank0
    enc_old VAR BYTE   bank0
    enc_counter VAR WORD   bank0
    Flag var BYTE        bank0
    TRISA     = %111111    ' Make all pins Input 
    trisc     = %11111111   ;Make all pins Input   
    IOCAP  =    %110000     ;POS EDGE
    IOCAN  =    %110000      ;NEG EDGE
    IOCAF  =     0             ;CLR INT FLAG
    intcon.3 = 1     ;iocie
    INT_LIST  macro    ; IntSource,        Label,  Type, Resetflag?
            INT_Handler    IOC_INT, _enc,  ASM,  NO
        INT_CREATE                      ; Creates the interrupt processor
      ;debug   --------------------------
     TRISA.0     = 0
     pause 2000     ;debug
     serout2 PORTa.0,84, ["ready v3",13,10 ]    ;debug
      ;debug ------------------------------------
    ; Set variable value @ startup
    Flag = 0          
    enc_new = 0
    enc_old= 0
    enc_counter = 0
    if Flag = 1 then
     serout2 PORTa.0,84, [#enc_counter,13,10 ]  
    Flag = 0
    goto Main_Loop
        ;Read latest input from PORTA & put the value in _enc_new.
             MOVE?CB 1,_Flag 
             CHK?RP   PORTA
             movf    PORTA,W
             movwf  _enc_new
             ;Strip off all but the 2 MSBs in _enc_new.
             movlw    B'00110000'    ;Create bit mask (bits 7 & 6).
             andwf   _enc_new,F         ;Zero bits 5 thru 0.
             ;Determine the direction of the Rotary encoder.  
             rlf     _enc_old,F         ;left shift it into _enc_old to align bit 6 of 
                                    ;_enc_old with bit 7 of _enc_new.
             movf    _enc_new,W         ;Move the contents of _enc_new to W in order to XOR.
             xorwf   _enc_old,F        ;XOR previous inputs (in _enc_old) with latest
                                    ;inputs (in W) to determine CW or CCW.
             btfsc   _enc_old,5         ;Test bit 5 of result (in _enc_old).  Skip next line
                                 ;if it is 0 (direction is CCW).
             goto    Up            ;Bit is 1 (direction is CW).  Go around Down
                                 ;and increment counter.
             ;Decrements _enc_counter because the rotary encoder moved CCW.
        ;Decrements _enc_counter (16 bit value), sets Z on exit.
            decf    _enc_counter,F      ; Decrement low byte
            incfsz  _enc_counter,W      ; Check for underflow
            incf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; Update
            decf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; Fixup
            movf    _enc_counter,W
            iorwf   _enc_counter+1,W    ; Set Z bit
        ;Add here code for the CCW LED if needed.
             goto    Continue          ;Branch around UP.
             ;Increments _enc_counter because the rotary encoder moved CW.
        ;Increments _enc_counter (16 bit value), sets Z on exit.
            incfsz  _enc_counter,W      ; Add one to low byte
            decf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; No carry (negates next step)
            incf    _enc_counter+1,F    ; Add one to high byte
            movwf   _enc_counter        ; Store updated low byte back.
            iorwf   _enc_counter+1,W    ; Set Z flag
        ;Add here code for the CW LED if needed.
             ;Assign the latest encoder inputs (in _enc_new) to _enc_old.
             movf     _enc_new,W
             movwf   _enc_old
             CHK?RP   IOCAF
             CLRF IOCAF
        ;============ END OF THE ROTARY ENCODER CODE =====
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  10. #10

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    Default Re: HEDS5540 optical encoder

    Thank You Richard for helping me. The your corrected code works, the routine counts up and down when I turn the encoder shaft cw or ccw, but if i mark the shaft starting position and turn on the MCU the reading is zero thats OK and when i slowly turn for example half turn and go back to marked position the encoder reading is not zero but less or more than zero. I think the routine not count correctly the encoder pulses, maybe the encoder send incorrect signals, I dont know.

  11. #11
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    Thank You Richard for helping me. The your corrected code works, the routine counts up and down when I turn the encoder shaft cw or ccw, but if i mark the shaft starting position and turn on the MCU the reading is zero thats OK and when i slowly turn for example half turn and go back to marked position the encoder reading is not zero but less or more than zero. I think the routine not count correctly the encoder pulses, maybe the encoder send incorrect signals, I dont know

    I tried my setup again more carefully and verified it works ok, several back and forth motions always returns to the zero mark as zero in either direction, so the question is does rbc_int on your chip react to every edge generated by the encoder the same as ioc_int on a 16f1825 / perhaps not
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  12. #12

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    Yes, that's the problem. The RBC_INT react with pin RB.0 on port B, because this pin operate the LCD ENABLE pin. If I try to use only portA to operate the LCD (with internal 4MHz oscillator) and on the PORTB pin RB.6 and RB.7 hang only the encoder A and B channel, rest pins configured to output the reading is perfect. Always after turning up and down randomly, slower, quicker etc. when I return to marked starting position the reading is zero. Now, how to solve this problem, how to "tell" to MCU the only pinRB.6 and RB.7 trigger the interrupt, not the entire portB

  13. #13
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    If I try to use only portA to operate the LCD (with internal 4MHz oscillator) and on the PORTB pin RB.6 and RB.7 hang only the encoder A and B channel, rest pins configured to output the reading is perfect.

    yes , makes sense . unfortunately setting or clearing a bit on a pic port entails a read of that port first , any read of portb clears the mismatch condition state for the rbc interrupt.
    so even though only the bits 4 to 7 that are set as inputs can cause an interrupt on change a write to your "e" pin can cause changes to be missed .
    if it won't keep up with the encoder using the int osc then use an i2c lcd display or a different pic
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  14. #14

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    Default Re: HEDS5540 optical encoder

    For testing and learning the 16F628A is seems to be OK. But now I try to convert the pulse reading to distance. One full encoder turn generates 1440 pulses. The wheel diameter is 25mm, the circumference is 157mm. I want reading precision to 0,1mm. I try basic math like:
    if Flag = 1 then 
    let counter = (enc_counter/36) * 157 / 4
    Lcdout $fe, 1                    
    lcdout  Dec counter     ; display counter value on LCD
    Flag = 0
    goto Main_Loop
    But the precision is terrible, can you explain me the right way?
    Last edited by louislouis; - 5th October 2016 at 00:49.

  15. #15
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    But the precision is terrible, can you explain me the right way?

    157/1440 = .109 mm per encoder tick

    .109 * 256 * 10 = 279

    distance * 10 = (counts * 279)/256

    to use pbp's higest resolution integer functions

    counter = enc_counter */ 279 
    lcdout  Dec counter/10 ,".", dec counter//10     ; display counter value on LCD
    problem here is that when enc_counter > 60000 [or thereabouts] the internal 32bit result will overflow and the result will be wrong
    you could look at nbit math

    ps you could also use div32

    counter = enc_counter * 1000
    counter =  div32 917
    lcdout  Dec counter/10 ,".", dec counter//10     ; display counter value on LCD
    Last edited by richard; - 5th October 2016 at 01:27.
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  16. #16

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    Default Re: HEDS5540 optical encoder

    Thank You Richard for helping me. That's great, now the "core" of my distance meter works perfectly. Yes, the max. distance what I can measure is near six and a half meter which is enough for me. If I want to measure more than 6,5m simply zeroed the reading and start count from that point. Now I must implement negative reading when I go to opposite direction from zero the reading must be from -1..... to -655,3.
    Your explanation helping me a lot, once again Thank You.

  17. #17

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    Default Re: HEDS5540 optical encoder

    I finally assembled my distance meter based on rotary optical encoder and precision wheel. But still I have problem with math and precision.
    For example, wheel circumference is 157mm, and when I take a 30 revs the result must be 4710mm, but the MCU calculates only 4708,1mm which is 1,9mm difference. Is there a way to improve the precision?
    I use Richard's math:
    157/1440 = .109 mm per encoder tick
    .109 * 256 * 10 = 279
    distance * 10 = (counts * 279)/256
    counter = enc_counter */ 279 
    lcdout  Dec counter/10 ,".", dec counter//10     ; display counter value on LCD
    The precision 0,1mm is enough for me, the max. measurable distance want be 6000mm. I try some change, if I improve the precision to 0.01mm then the max. measurable distance shortened to 600mm and this not enough.
    Last edited by louislouis; - 9th October 2016 at 23:35.

  18. #18
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    you could look at nbit math or use a pic18 and long vars

    you can glean a bit more precision breaking the calc up a bit

    where 43200 counts would give 4709.2

    frac = enc_counter.lowbyte * 1090         
    posn1  = div32 100          ;mm*100          ;mv 2790
    posn2 = (enc_counter.highbyte&15) * 2791  ; mm*100   mv 41865
    frac = (enc_counter.highbyte>>4) * 44657
    posn3 =  div32 100                       ;mm     mv6698
    posn3=  posn3 + (posn1+posn2)/100       ;mm
    frac=   ((posn1+posn2)//100 +5)/10        ;round it up
    serout2 PORTa.0,84, [13,10,#enc_counter,9,dec posn3,".",#frac       ]
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  19. #19

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    Hello Richard, thank you again for help. Your code works and take a little improvement. I make some changes, first got a smaller precision wheel dia. 25mm (circ. 78,53975mm) and divide the encoder reading /2. Now the encoder reading is only 720 per one rev.
    The code is as follows:
    enc_counter = enc_counter /2
    if Flag = 1 then 
    frac = enc_counter.lowbyte * 1090         
    posn1  = div32 100          ;mm*100          
    posn2 = (enc_counter.highbyte&15) * 2794  ; mm*100   
    frac = (enc_counter.highbyte>>4) * 44680
    posn3 =  div32 100                       ;mm     
    posn3=  posn3 + (posn1+posn2)/100       ;mm
    frac=   ((posn1+posn2)//100 +10)/10        ;round it up
    Lcdout $fe, 1
    lcdout  "Dist: ",dec posn3,".",#frac
    Flag = 0
    goto Main_Loop
    Now I can measure up to 7100mm, but still more or less precise.
    Next step will be order one of the PIC18x mcu and try long variables.
    Here are suitable to use the same encoder reading code (written in ASM) and simple change the word var to long var?
    I think its not that easy. When I have the 18x PIC I think, I will need more help with this project. Thanks.

  20. #20
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    frac= ((posn1+posn2)//100 +10)/10 ;round it up
    is incorrect , it will round the number up always

    frac= ((posn1+posn2)//100 +5)/10 ;round it up
    is the way to round the number up if the last digit is 5 or more
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  21. #21
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    Default Re: HEDS5540 optical encoder

    using n-bit math


    ready v3
    turns 23 f 489
    33609 3664.3145
    turns 23 f 486
    33606 3663.9875
    turns 23 f 484
    33604 3663.7694

     Include "N-Bit_MATH.pbp" 
    enc_new VAR BYTE   bank0
    enc_old VAR BYTE   bank0
    enc_counter VAR WORD   bank0
    Flag var BYTE        bank0
    tmp         var  byte[4]
    res         var  byte[4]
    tmp1        var  byte[4]
    posn        var WORD
    turns       var word
    frac        var WORD
    ; Set variable value @ startup
    Flag = 1                   ;preset a value    for testing
    enc_new = 0
    enc_old= 0
    enc_counter = 33609      ;preset a value    for testing
    if Flag = 1 then
    turns=  enc_counter /1440
    frac=   enc_counter //1440
    serout2 PORTa.0,84, [13,10,"turns ",#turns,9,"f ",#frac ] 
    if frac then
    @  MOVE?CP 157000, _tmp  
    @  MOVE?WP _frac, _tmp1  
    @  MATH_MUL  _tmp1, _tmp, _res 
    @  MOVE?CP 1440000, _tmp
    @  MATH_DIV  _res, _tmp, _tmp1
    @  MOVE?PW _tmp1, _posn
    @  MOVE?CP 144, _tmp
    @  MATH_DIV  REG_Z, _tmp, _tmp1
    @  MOVE?PW _tmp1, _frac
    serout2 PORTa.0,84, [13,10,#enc_counter,9,dec4 posn,".",dec4 frac       ] 
    Flag = 0
    goto Main_Loop
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  22. #22

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    Default Re: HEDS5540 optical encoder

    I try to compile your code. I downloaded the N-Bit_MATH.pbp include, but the compiler stops with this error message:
    "Bad data type"

    If I try to compile only the N-Bit_MATH.pbp (only for test) and its do not compile. Stops on first line:
    with the same error message MCU is the same 16F628A, For test I try also 16F688 with the same result. Something I'am doing wrong, I think.
    Last edited by louislouis; - 11th October 2016 at 13:05.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

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    Default Re: HEDS5540 optical encoder

    You need to define the constant PRECISION and assign it a value equal to the number of bytes to use for the values in the math routine. And you need to do this before including N-Bit. In this case it looks like Richard opted for 32bit values (4 bytes)
    PRECISION CON 4 SYSTEM    '32bit values
    Include "N-Bit_Math.pbp"
    If you open the N-Bit file you'll find a link to the thread on this forum: http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=12433


  24. #24

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    Default Re: HEDS5540 optical encoder

    Yes, right. I forgot this line. After putting this line as you say the code compiles OK. Now I do some testing and trying to understand the code.

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