Hello again!
I am trying to get ADC working using AN7 pins but I keep getting zero for PORTC.7 and 20 when I use ADCIN 7.I am using a 24 MHz crystal.
It worked with PIC18F2450 but doesn't work with PIC18F14K50.
Here is my code:
I thing the problem is configuration again.Would appropriate any help.Code:DEFINE LOADER_USED 1 DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24h DEFINE HSER_BAUD 115200 DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 12 DEFINE HSER_CLOERR 1 DEFINE OSC 24 ADCON0 = %00011100 ADCON1 = %00000000 ADCON2 = %10110101 ANSEL = %10001000 ANSELH = %00000011 TRISC.4 = 0 'led RC4 TRISC.6 = 1 TRISC.0 = 0 TRISC.1 = 1 TRISB.5 = 1 'RX TRISB.7 = 0 'TX adcVal VAR Byte tx1 VAR PORTB.7 rx1 VAR PORTB.5 LED VAR PORTC.4 Pause 1000 MoveX = 0 mainloop: high LED Pause 1000 ADCIN 7, adcVal HSEROUT[adcVal] low LED Pause 1000 Pause 200 Goto mainloop