OLED Display Noise problem

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default OLED Display Noise problem

    Hello everyone ;

    I've been working on a project which requires an LCD display then I decided to get an oled in order to free some pins also to ease the PCB design
    and I purchased an OLED code named EA W162-XBLW (ICEWHITE) of Electronic Assembly but I have a disturbing problem with the LCD .. After I power the circuit up I can perfectly display all the characters on whereever I want on the lcd but there is an incredible noise moving all around the LCD in a form of a pixel , So far I have tried using capacitors even those larger ones and even added the define LCD command and data line parameters with several tries ,, but no lock so far .. Here I share the code and a picture ... I hope any of you had such a weird problem in the past and solved it ...

    The code is for 16F1827
    define OSC 4
    OSCCON=%01101010    'OSC is @ 4 MHZ
    '------------- LCD DEFINES ------------------------
    DEFINE LCD_DBIT 4 'LCD data starting bit 0 or 4 
    DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTA 'LCD register select port 
    DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 7 'LCD register select bit
    DEFINE LCD_RWREG PORTA   ' LCD read/write port
    DEFINE LCD_RWBIT 0   ' LCD read/write pin bit  
    DEFINE LCD_EREG PORTA 'LCD enable port 
    DEFINE LCD_EBIT 6 'LCD enable bit
    DEFINE LCD_BITS 4 'LCD bus size 4 or 8 
    DEFINE LCD_LINES 2 'Number lines on LCD
    '------------- LCD DEFINES -------------------------
    PORTA=%00000000     :      PORTB=%00000000
    TRISA=%00000000     :      TRISB=%00000000 
    'ADCON0=%00000001    :      ADCON1=%10110000
    ANSELA=%00000       :      ANSELB=%00000000
    pause 500
    lcdout $FE,$28
    lcdout $FE,$17
    lcdout $FE,$06
    lcdout $FE,$08
    lcdout $FE,$01
    lcdout $FE,$02
    lcdout $FE,$0C
    lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
    LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"  iKiNCi SATIR  "
    goto main
    Name:  20160528_205817.jpg
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    - Ipsa scientia potestas est -

  2. #2
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem


    I would suggest writing to the LCD only when you need to update the display info.
    Constantly writing to it in a loop without any kind of delay may be causing the problem.

    pause 500
    lcdout $FE,$28
    lcdout $FE,$17
    lcdout $FE,$06
    lcdout $FE,$08
    lcdout $FE,$01
    lcdout $FE,$02
    lcdout $FE,$0C
    lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
    LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"  iKiNCi SATIR  "
     Do stuff
     IF something_new THEN Update_LCD
    GOTO Main
     lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
     LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"  New data  "
    GOTO Main

  3. #3
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Quote Originally Posted by LinkMTech View Post

    I would suggest writing to the LCD only when you need to update the display info.
    Constantly writing to it in a loop without any kind of delay may be causing the problem.

    pause 500
    lcdout $FE,$28
    lcdout $FE,$17
    lcdout $FE,$06
    lcdout $FE,$08
    lcdout $FE,$01
    lcdout $FE,$02
    lcdout $FE,$0C
    lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
    LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"  iKiNCi SATIR  "
     Do stuff
     IF something_new THEN Update_LCD
    GOTO Main
     lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
     LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"  New data  "
    GOTO Main
    Thanks for your response .But what if I need to display some sort of ADC reading which requires an instant update on the lcd continuously ?? You know how fast those readings may change ...
    - Ipsa scientia potestas est -

  4. #4
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    You can only "see" so fast before it becomes a blur.
    Try adding a PAUSE 33 in your main loop as it is, making it 30fps, just to test if the ghost dots go away.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Quote Originally Posted by LinkMTech View Post
    You can only "see" so fast before it becomes a blur.
    Try adding a PAUSE 33 in your main loop as it is, making it 30fps, just to test if the ghost dots go away.
    Tried but still no luck
    - Ipsa scientia potestas est -

  6. #6
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Have you got your decoupling capacitors on board?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerson View Post
    Have you got your decoupling capacitors on board?
    Yes I have tried a several values of capacitors even those large capacitors around 470uf and smaller ones and also together but it doesn't help ..
    - Ipsa scientia potestas est -

  8. #8
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Try something like this
    pause 500
    lcdout $FE,$28
    lcdout $FE,$17
    lcdout $FE,$06
    lcdout $FE,$08
    lcdout $FE,$01
    lcdout $FE,$02
    lcdout $FE,$0C
    lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
    LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"  iKiNCi SATIR  "
    GOTO Main
    And remove everything from board except power supply, PIC and LCD. Add 10uF, 100nF, 10nF capacitors to LCD power pins, preferably use SMD.
    If problem still persist then problem is in LCD. Or it can be "dirty" power supply. You didn't post schematic, so...

    You said that you need to display data as fast as possible. If that is really what you need, then use 7 segment led display. And you can get 3-4K FPS, but then you need super human to read that.
    If only regular humans will read display then more then 4 or 5 updates is more then enough.
    Look at multimeter Display Digital: 6,000 counts, updates 4 per second
    Last edited by pedja089; - 29th May 2016 at 12:23.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    I tried adding pause 100 command right after the lcdout commands but the noise only got lowered just a little .. This is definitely not normal .. But when I apply 1000 ms of delay it almost stops making noise on the screen(there is still a little) ... But It musn't be that bad .. It is an oled and the datasheet claims parameters for write/read around nanosecs .. Where do I do the mistake ? , May it have anything to do with the LCD or a defective circuit component ... On the other hand I think It musn't have because It can display chars succesfully with a huge amount of delay periods ...
    - Ipsa scientia potestas est -

  10. #10
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Quote Originally Posted by pedja089 View Post
    Try something like this
    pause 500
    lcdout $FE,$28
    lcdout $FE,$17
    lcdout $FE,$06
    lcdout $FE,$08
    lcdout $FE,$01
    lcdout $FE,$02
    lcdout $FE,$0C
    lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
    LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"  iKiNCi SATIR  "
    GOTO Main
    And remove everything from board except power supply, PIC and LCD. Add 10uF, 100nF, 10nF capacitors to LCD power pins, preferably use SMD.
    If problem still persist then problem is in LCD. Or it can be "dirty" power supply. You didn't post schematic, so...

    You said that you need to display data as fast as possible. If that is really what you need, then use 7 segment led display. And you can get 3-4K FPS, but then you need super human to read that.
    If only regular humans will read display then more then 4 or 5 updates is more then enough.
    Look at multimeter Display Digital: 6,000 counts, updates 4 per second
    It is not a regular eye read actually I am planning to make a vumeter to read that's why I need that fast readings ...
    - Ipsa scientia potestas est -

  11. #11
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    That sound to me as bad PCB design and/or power supply. But sill could be bad LCD driver.
    If long delays make artifact disappear, then capacitive coupling between LCD signals and power lines can cause that.
    You can try test that. Add pull down resistor 1K to LCD Enable pin, and create easy way to disconnect LCD and resistor from PIC, as close as possible to LCD.
    pause 500
    lcdout $FE,$28
    lcdout $FE,$17
    lcdout $FE,$06
    lcdout $FE,$08
    lcdout $FE,$01
    lcdout $FE,$02
    lcdout $FE,$0C
    lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
    LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"  iKiNCi SATIR  "
    PAUSE 10000' Disconnect only LCD enable pin before pause timeout
    lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
    LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"  iKiNCi SATIR  "
    GOTO Main
    Display shouldn't update any more. If you see dots then 99% problem is with PCB layout, and decoupling.
    If there is no dots on LCD then problem is with LCD.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Quote Originally Posted by pedja089 View Post
    That sound to me as bad PCB design and/or power supply. But sill could be bad LCD driver.
    If long delays make artifact disappear, then capacitive coupling between LCD signals and power lines can cause that.
    You can try test that. Add pull down resistor 1K to LCD Enable pin, and create easy way to disconnect LCD and resistor from PIC, as close as possible to LCD.
    pause 500
    lcdout $FE,$28
    lcdout $FE,$17
    lcdout $FE,$06
    lcdout $FE,$08
    lcdout $FE,$01
    lcdout $FE,$02
    lcdout $FE,$0C
    lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
    LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"  iKiNCi SATIR  "
    PAUSE 10000' Disconnect only LCD enable pin before pause timeout
    lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
    LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"  iKiNCi SATIR  "
    GOTO Main
    Display shouldn't update any more. If you see dots then 99% problem is with PCB layout, and decoupling.
    If there is no dots on LCD then problem is with LCD.
    Well ;

    I did exactly as you asked me to do and as you say it's got to do with the lcd then ...
    - Ipsa scientia potestas est -

  13. #13
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Quote Originally Posted by gunayburak View Post
    Well ;

    I did exactly as you asked me to do and as you say it's got to do with the lcd then ...
    I don't have the same chip, but used an 18F4580 with a 2 x 16 LCD and just changed the lines to run the LCD from port B to suit the EasyPIC5 development board and I don't get any strange random pixels and I'm running the chip at 20Mhz so the switching is much faster, so it would suggest that it is your hardware that is at fault.

      __CONFIG    _CONFIG1H, _OSC_HS_1H
      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2L, _PWRT_ON_2L  
      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_512_2H
    DEFINE  OSC 20    
    DEFINE LCD_DREG  PORTB                  ' LCD Data port
    DEFINE LCD_DBIT  0                      ' starting Data bit (0 or 4)
    DEFINE LCD_EREG  PORTB                  ' LCD Enable port
    DEFINE LCD_EBIT  5                      '     Enable bit  (on EasyPIC 5 LCD)
    DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTB                  ' LCD Register Select port
    DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 4                      '     Register Select bit   (on EasyPIC 5 LCD)
    DEFINE LCD_BITS  4                      ' LCD bus size (4 or 8 bits)
    DEFINE LCD_LINES 4                      ' number of lines on LCD
    DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000               ' Command delay time in us 
    DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50                    ' Data delay time in us 
    PORTA=%00000000     :      PORTB=%00000000
    TRISA=%00000000     :      TRISB=%00000000 
    'ADCON0=%00000001    :      ADCON1=%10110000
    'ANSELA=%00000       :      ANSELB=%00000000
    pause 500
    lcdout $FE,$28
    lcdout $FE,$17
    lcdout $FE,$06
    lcdout $FE,$08
    lcdout $FE,$01
    lcdout $FE,$02
    lcdout $FE,$0C
    lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
    LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"  iKiNCi SATIR  "
    goto main

    Replaced the 20Mhz with a 4Mhz xtal and recoded and the display was fine.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Scampy View Post
    I don't have the same chip, but used an 18F4580 with a 2 x 16 LCD and just changed the lines to run the LCD from port B to suit the EasyPIC5 development board and I don't get any strange random pixels and I'm running the chip at 20Mhz so the switching is much faster, so it would suggest that it is your hardware that is at fault.

      __CONFIG    _CONFIG1H, _OSC_HS_1H
      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2L, _PWRT_ON_2L  
      __CONFIG    _CONFIG2H, _WDT_ON_2H & _WDTPS_512_2H
    DEFINE  OSC 20    
    DEFINE LCD_DREG  PORTB                  ' LCD Data port
    DEFINE LCD_DBIT  0                      ' starting Data bit (0 or 4)
    DEFINE LCD_EREG  PORTB                  ' LCD Enable port
    DEFINE LCD_EBIT  5                      '     Enable bit  (on EasyPIC 5 LCD)
    DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTB                  ' LCD Register Select port
    DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 4                      '     Register Select bit   (on EasyPIC 5 LCD)
    DEFINE LCD_BITS  4                      ' LCD bus size (4 or 8 bits)
    DEFINE LCD_LINES 4                      ' number of lines on LCD
    DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000               ' Command delay time in us 
    DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50                    ' Data delay time in us 
    PORTA=000000     :      PORTB=000000
    TRISA=000000     :      TRISB=000000 
    'ADCON0=000001    :      ADCON1=110000
    'ANSELA=000       :      ANSELB=000000
    pause 500
    lcdout $FE,$28
    lcdout $FE,$17
    lcdout $FE,$06
    lcdout $FE,$08
    lcdout $FE,$01
    lcdout $FE,$02
    lcdout $FE,$0C
    lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
    LCDOUT $FE,$C0,"  iKiNCi SATIR  "
    goto main

    Replaced the 20Mhz with a 4Mhz xtal and recoded and the display was fine.
    What can I say .. I am so unlucky with these OLEDs .. But thanks for your effort anyway ..
    - Ipsa scientia potestas est -

  15. #15
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Today a new EA OLED display has arrived yet the same problem still occurs ... There might be a picbasic incompatibility with the lcd because my connections are exactly the same with the code I shared , nothing more nothing less ..
    - Ipsa scientia potestas est -

  16. #16
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Looking at the data sheet, by default it's in 4/8 bit mode so should work the same way as a normal 2 x 16 LCD display. The only suggestion to prove if the OLED is part of a faulty batch would be to run the code above on a different PIC (18F4580 or the good old 16F877A) - If that works then the problem would appear to be with the original pic, if the OLED still gives odd pixels then its the display and I would send them back for a refund and order from a different supplier

  17. #17
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Usually issues with junk appearing in the display have to do with not allowing the LCD time to process commands.
    If you want to hammer the display as fast as possible then you might try reading the BUSY status flag between operations.

    Try this and see if it gets any better (untested, so beware)...
    define OSC 4
    OSCCON=%01101010    'OSC is @ 4 MHZ
    '------------- LCD DEFINES ------------------------
    DEFINE LCD_DREG PORTB   'LCD data port 
    DEFINE LCD_DBIT 4       'LCD data starting bit 0 or 4 
    DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTA  'LCD register select port 
    DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 7      'LCD register select bit
    DEFINE LCD_RWREG PORTA  'LCD read/write port
    DEFINE LCD_RWBIT 0      'LCD read/write pin bit  
    DEFINE LCD_EREG PORTA   'LCD enable port 
    DEFINE LCD_EBIT 6       'LCD enable bit
    DEFINE LCD_BITS 4       'LCD bus size 4 or 8 
    DEFINE LCD_LINES 2      'Number lines on LCD
    DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 6200   'command delay time (in us) - clear display requires 6.2ms
    DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50        'data delay time (in us)
    PORTA = %00000000
    PORTB = %00000000
    TRISA = %00000000
    TRISB = %00000000 
    ANSELA = %00000
    ANSELB = %00000000
    pause 500           'wait for display powerup
    lcdout $FE,$28      'function set 4-bit mode
    call lcd_busy_wait
    lcdout $FE,$08      'display off
    call lcd_busy_wait
    lcdout $FE,$06      'entry mode set
    call lcd_busy_wait
    lcdout $FE,$17      'char mode + internal power
    call lcd_busy_wait
    lcdout $FE,$01      'clear display (requires long delay)
    call lcd_busy_wait
    lcdout $FE,$02      'home
    call lcd_busy_wait
    lcdout $FE,$0C      'display on
        call lcd_busy_wait
        lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
        call lcd_busy_wait
        lcdout $FE,$C0,"  iKiNCi SATIR  "
    goto main
    'sub lcd_busy_wait
    'read lcd busy flag until busy=0
    WAITST CON 1        ' delay 1us
    busy var bit
        busy = 1
        TRISB = TRISB or $F0        'set PORTB D4-D7 to inputs
        @ bcf LCD_RSREG, LCD_RSBIT  'RS=0
        @ bsf LCD_RWREG, LCD_RWBIT  'RW=1
        pauseus WAITST
        'wait for lcd busy flag (D7) to be low
        do while (busy = 1)
            @ bsf LCD_EREG, LCD_EBIT    'EN=1
            pauseus WAITST
            busy = PORTB.7              'read busy bit (bit 7 in upper nibble)
            @ bcf LCD_EREG, LCD_EBIT    'EN=0
            pauseus WAITST
            ' dummy read of lower nibble
            @ bsf LCD_EREG, LCD_EBIT    'EN=1
            pauseus WAITST
            @ bcf LCD_EREG, LCD_EBIT    'EN=0
            pauseus WAITST
        TRISB = TRISB and not $F0       'set PORTB D4-D7 back to outputs
        @ bcf LCD_RWREG, LCD_RWBIT      'RW=0
    You might find that you need to split the cursor position commands and data...
        call lcd_busy_wait
        lcdout $FE,$80        'move cursor
        call lcd_busy_wait
        lcdout "BU BiR DENEMEDiR"   'send data
    Even with doing things like this some displays just don't like being continuously written to and you need to use delays.
    Reading the BUSY flag really needs to be done for each byte transferred, so it may not help much at all.
    Last edited by tumbleweed; - 5th June 2016 at 14:26.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Quote Originally Posted by tumbleweed View Post
    Usually issues with junk appearing in the display have to do with not allowing the LCD time to process commands.
    If you want to hammer the display as fast as possible then you might try reading the BUSY status flag between operations.

    Try this and see if it gets any better (untested, so beware)...
    define OSC 4
    OSCCON=%01101010    'OSC is @ 4 MHZ
    '------------- LCD DEFINES ------------------------
    DEFINE LCD_DREG PORTB   'LCD data port 
    DEFINE LCD_DBIT 4       'LCD data starting bit 0 or 4 
    DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTA  'LCD register select port 
    DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 7      'LCD register select bit
    DEFINE LCD_RWREG PORTA  'LCD read/write port
    DEFINE LCD_RWBIT 0      'LCD read/write pin bit  
    DEFINE LCD_EREG PORTA   'LCD enable port 
    DEFINE LCD_EBIT 6       'LCD enable bit
    DEFINE LCD_BITS 4       'LCD bus size 4 or 8 
    DEFINE LCD_LINES 2      'Number lines on LCD
    DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 6200   'command delay time (in us) - clear display requires 6.2ms
    DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50        'data delay time (in us)
    PORTA = %00000000
    PORTB = %00000000
    TRISA = %00000000
    TRISB = %00000000 
    ANSELA = %00000
    ANSELB = %00000000
    pause 500           'wait for display powerup
    lcdout $FE,$28      'function set 4-bit mode
    call lcd_busy_wait
    lcdout $FE,$08      'display off
    call lcd_busy_wait
    lcdout $FE,$06      'entry mode set
    call lcd_busy_wait
    lcdout $FE,$17      'char mode + internal power
    call lcd_busy_wait
    lcdout $FE,$01      'clear display (requires long delay)
    call lcd_busy_wait
    lcdout $FE,$02      'home
    call lcd_busy_wait
    lcdout $FE,$0C      'display on
        call lcd_busy_wait
        lcdout $FE,$80,"BU BiR DENEMEDiR"
        call lcd_busy_wait
        lcdout $FE,$C0,"  iKiNCi SATIR  "
    goto main
    'sub lcd_busy_wait
    'read lcd busy flag until busy=0
    WAITST CON 1        ' delay 1us
    busy var bit
        busy = 1
        TRISB = TRISB or $F0        'set PORTB D4-D7 to inputs
        @ bcf LCD_RSREG, LCD_RSBIT  'RS=0
        @ bsf LCD_RWREG, LCD_RWBIT  'RW=1
        pauseus WAITST
        'wait for lcd busy flag (D7) to be low
        do while (busy = 1)
            @ bsf LCD_EREG, LCD_EBIT    'EN=1
            pauseus WAITST
            busy = PORTB.7              'read busy bit (bit 7 in upper nibble)
            @ bcf LCD_EREG, LCD_EBIT    'EN=0
            pauseus WAITST
            ' dummy read of lower nibble
            @ bsf LCD_EREG, LCD_EBIT    'EN=1
            pauseus WAITST
            @ bcf LCD_EREG, LCD_EBIT    'EN=0
            pauseus WAITST
        TRISB = TRISB and not $F0       'set PORTB D4-D7 back to outputs
        @ bcf LCD_RWREG, LCD_RWBIT      'RW=0
    You might find that you need to split the cursor position commands and data...
        call lcd_busy_wait
        lcdout $FE,$80        'move cursor
        call lcd_busy_wait
        lcdout "BU BiR DENEMEDiR"   'send data
    Even with doing things like this some displays just don't like being continuously written to and you need to use delays.
    Reading the BUSY flag really needs to be done for each byte transferred, so it may not help much at all.
    Thanks for your great effort but now it doesn't show anything on the display ..
    - Ipsa scientia potestas est -

  19. #19
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    It is not bug, it is feature
    These oled displays are so fast, so you're seeing the cursor moving

  20. #20
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    So any clue how to turn off this moving cursor .. Besides these moving cursor must be moving only at the first line of each character yet I see this noise on all over the screen ..
    - Ipsa scientia potestas est -

  21. #21
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    I recall most LCD's have a "cursor off" command? (i believe the OLED replacements for LCD's should also have cursor-off too).

    Turn the cursor off at the beginning of your code, just after the LCD initialises. If you ever need to see the cursor as a prompt, then re-enable the cursor during that part of the code only.

    hope this might help?

  22. #22
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Do you have a data sheet available to view?
    Dave Purola,

  23. #23
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem


    Here it is .. The model code name is :
    • EA W162-XB

    - Ipsa scientia potestas est -

  24. #24
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    I saw an article about these displays in Russian couple of months ago, that guy also had cursor issue and he dealt somehow with it. I will check my history later and let you know.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: OLED Display Noise problem

    Look at page 4 of datasheet
    Display On/Off Control 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D C B Sets entire Display (D) ON/OFF. Sets Cursor (C) ON/OFF. Sets Blinking (B) of Cursor Position Character.

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    By Ron Marcus in forum mel PIC BASIC Pro
    Replies: 6
    Last Post: - 21st May 2007, 01:45

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