Clock question

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Clock question

    I have a question about an RTC clock. Before everyone jumps on and says there is lots of code please read my whole rant, er question. So, I'm designing an incubator that needs to log temperature and time. Simple, lots of applications have the same requirements, I've read lots of text about them. Lots of code on how to do a clock. However, I have never seen complete clock code. By that I mean, I can program the time in at code time but how do you change the time and date? Eventually you will need to set it. Either because of a power outage or maybe a time change. I started writing the code and two things became obvious. First, it took a lot of code to cover it all and second how to display the menu and choices was really subjective. I've done several projects where when it got to alpha testing someone always asks who coded this? What is obvious to me is less than clear to a user who has no idea what the buttons and lights mean. The main display is just the temp on an LED due to to the ability to read the display easier in a dim environment so do you add an LCD just to set the time? Add individual LED's for some functions? This involves a whole realm of user interface that I'm just not that good at. And please, I'm not looking for some answer like put in lights or use buttons, but rather concrete complete answers. I know this is a rather burdensome request but I'm hoping for a few ideas in which I get possibly a new direction to go. Currently I have an LCD, two line, 16 character that brings up date and time by button pushes. It's also used to display time/temp anomalies. One button to activate the menu, one button for up and one for down and another button for selection which advances to the next screen. When you get to the end of the choices it writes the date and time to the clock. The menu starts with the day, then month then year, then minutes then hour. Current value on top line and when you push a button the new value in written on the bottom line. I can post the code but as I said it is very lengthy and I'm not sure that really is productive in this situation. Anyone written a complete solution for a clock? Code isn't really as important to me as how the selections were made, what kind of display, buttons, switches, how was selection made. Is it really this simple or am I way off base?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Utah, USA

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    Default Re: Clock question


    I think this is a very difficult question you have asked.
    I have never studied programming or programming language, at least not in a formal classroom. Yet I have spent countless hours (hundreds of hours) blinking an LED, studying code snippets, writing to an LCD, trying different methods to detect a pushbutton, learning to use a subroutine, learning interrupts, studying more code examples, etc. etc.

    I am just an electronics and microcontroller enthusiast. Yet I have done just what you describe.
    For me it was really a process of building blocks... I started by learning how to read the time from an RTC module. Then I displayed that time on a given display (LCD or LED matrix, etc)

    Then I learned how to set that time in the RTC. First as you said, from the program each time I loaded the code into the micro.
    Then later by detecting a push button to cause the code to go to a separate "set time" routine.

    Now this is what I think you are asking. How do I jump into this set time routine??
    Well one way is for your main code to watch for a given button to be pressed. This is done periodically in your main code. When you want to set or adjust the time you would press this button and then the code jumps to the set time routine. Then in that routine it allows you to up/down the given value HH:MM:SS. You will want to be able to display that new value on your display so you can see when you get to the right number. Then you will want a different button (or a time out period) to automatically tell the micro to advance to the next thing to be adjusted HH>>MM>>SS (But usually you would skip SS and have the code set SS to zero).

    I believe this is the heart of programming. You have to be able to DREAM up a way to literally direct the microcontroller to do what you want it to do.

    There is no correct way to set the time. That is for you to imagine, code, test, debug, etc.
    There are certainly good programming practices. There is elegant code and ugly code. Easy to understand and "what the hell was this guy thinking" kind of code, even though the ugly code may work correctly and never fail.

    The set time routine must match and work with the rest of your code. The number of buttons required is dependent on your ability to dream up ways to signal different conditions to the micro. ie. short press, long press, double press within a time period, holding two buttons at once, only looking for a button press on powerup, etc, etc.

    How do you tell someone to get to your house??? would someone else in that house use the EXACT same directions??? yet those two different set of directions would still result in arriving at your house. Although one may take longer, or drive a longer distance, etc.

    To me (an untrained programmer) that is the beauty and the challenge of writing code.

    Sorry for the non answer. But if someone provided you with an example it would likely take a considerable amount of effort to understand what and how they accomplished the given task. Would not likely work with your existing hardware. And they no-doubt did not write the code in one sitting. It likely evolved over several steps and testing phases.

    If you are new at programming (guessing by your number of posts) then just start by doing simple things and adding bit by bit (no pun intended) to your code to make it do something else or blink an led faster/slower based on button press or up/down, etc. etc.

    ask detailed questions, provide your coding examples when you ask, and you will get help here, world class programmers are lurking here and are very willing to help.
    Last edited by Heckler; - 28th October 2015 at 19:12.
    These PIC's are like intricate puzzles just waiting for one to discover their secrets and MASTER their capabilities.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Look, behind you.

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    Default Re: Clock question

    when it got to alpha testing someone always asks who coded this? What is obvious to me is less than clear to a user
    who has no idea what the buttons and lights mean . . .
    which is 1/2 the reason for well commented code, additionaly if you put
    functions in a group it is helpful. The other 1/2 reason is a year from now
    You will not remember either.

    Anyone written a complete solution for a clock?
    I have not seen one.

    I suggest you look at some of "Scampy's" work as he builds reptile incubators.
    Melanie showed how to do menus.

    You should post code, it helps generate interest among the helpful . . . Heckler is one of those, I see He's already on it . . .
    And, Always, Always post your code as a Yourfilename.TXT file attachment or put in
    code tags

    Very little "FREE FISH HERE", but lots of code strugglers, who will walk with you.
    Last edited by Archangel; - 28th October 2015 at 19:25.
    If you do not believe in MAGIC, Consider how currency has value simply by printing it, and is then traded for real assets.
    Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants - but debt is the money of slaves
    There simply is no "Happy Spam" If you do it you will disappear from this forum.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

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    Default Re: Clock question

    Here is an example taken from one of my projects. I don't confess to writing the tightest of code, but for the reasons mentioned above, it helps when or if I need to update the code, or use it for something else a year later !

    This uses a DS1307 RTC chip. There are stacks of diagrams on the net that show you haw to wire one up to a PIC micro so I won't bother you with those details

    First define some variables

    ;----[Variables/Aliases - Time]-------------------------------------------------
    RTCSec var byte		                            ' Seconds
    RTCMin var byte		                            ' Minutes
    RTCHour var byte	                            ' Hours
    RTCWDay var byte	                            ' Weekday
    RTCDay var byte		                            ' Day
    RTCMonth var byte	                            ' Months
    RTCYear var byte	                            ' Year
    RTCCtrl var byte	                            ' Control 
    SetTime var byte	                            ' 12/24 Hour Clock
    SetSec var byte		                            ' Seconds
    SetMin var byte		                            ' Minutes
    SetHour var byte	                            ' Hours
    TimeH var byte                                  ' Variable to store current hour for comparison to drop temp time
    TimeM var Byte                                  ' Variable to store current minutes for comparison to drop temp time
    Set some values for the basic hours and minutes and write it to the chip (14:00 in this case)

    I2CWrite SDApin,SCLpin,$D0,$00,[RTCSec,RTCMin,RTCHour,RTCWDay,RTCDay,RTCMonth,RTCYear,RTCCtrl]
    Now to set up the LCD so the time is displayed. This example uses a 2 x 16 LCD, and its connected to port B of the micro

    DEFINE LCD_DREG  PORTB           ' LCD Data port
    DEFINE LCD_DBIT  0               ' starting Data bit (0 or 4)
    DEFINE LCD_EREG  PORTB           ' LCD Enable port
    DEFINE LCD_EBIT  5               '     Enable bit  (on EasyPIC 5 LCD)
    DEFINE LCD_RSREG PORTB           ' LCD Register Select port
    DEFINE LCD_RSBIT 4               '     Register Select bit   (on EasyPIC 5 LCD)
    DEFINE LCD_BITS  4               ' LCD bus size (4 or 8 bits)
    DEFINE LCD_LINES 2               ' number of lines on LCD
    DEFINE LCD_COMMANDUS 2000        ' Command delay time in us 
    DEFINE LCD_DATAUS 50             ' Data delay time in us 
    LCDOUT $FE,1:FLAGS=0:PAUSE 250:LCDOUT $FE,1:PAUSE 250 ' Initialize LCD

    Where possible I've used self explanitary variable, ie RTCHour etc.

    I2CRead SDApin,SCLpin,$D0,$00,[RTCSec,RTCMin,RTCHour,RTCWDay,RTCDay,RTCMonth,RTCYear,RTCCtrl]  ; read DS1307 chip
    If RTCHour.6=1 then			
    CounterA=(RTCHour>>4)&$01                           ' Work-Out 12 or 24 hour Display for Hours
    CounterA=CounterA*10+(RTCHour&$0F)                  ' Display Hours appropriately for 12 or 24 hour Mode 
    timeH=(RTCHour>>4)                               'convert the BCD format of the hours register and store in variable timeH
    timeH=(timeH &$03)*10
    timeM=(timeM &$07)*10
    timeM=timeM+(RTCMin&$0F)                         'convert the BCD format of the mins register and store in variable timeM
    If RTCHour.6=1 then			
    LCDOut $FE,$C0+11,#CounterA
    LCDOut $FE,$C0+11,#CounterA Dig 1,#CounterA Dig 0
    LCDOut ":",#(RTCMin>>4)&$0F,#RTCMin&$0F
    To set the time to the current time rather than the preset used in the variables you need some form of menu, and three buttons, one to cycle through the hours, second to cycle through the minutes, and the 3rd to store the settings in the variables.

    LCDOUT $FE,1
    LCDOUT $FE,2,"Set Time" 
    IF H_butt = 0 THEN GOSUB IncHours
    IF M_butt = 0 THEN GOSUB IncMinutes
    LCDOUT $FE,$C0,#SetHour DIG 1,#SetHour DIG 0,":",#SetMin DIG 1,#SetMin DIG 0
    pause 200
    If S_butt = 0 then
    pause 250 
    goto savetime
    goto inp3
    '	Save 12/24 Hours to BCD DS1307's Format
    '	---------------------------------------
    			If SetTime=1 then
    				If CounterA>12 then CounterA=CounterA-12
    				If CounterA=0 then CounterA=12
    			Gosub ConvertBCD
    ' Save the Hours Value
    			If SetTime=1 then
    ' Save the 12 Hour Mode Flag
    				If SetHour=>12 then RTCHour.5=1
    ' Save the 'PM' Flag
    '	Save Minutes
    '	------------
    			Gosub ConvertBCD
    			Gosub ConvertBCD
    I2CWrite SDApin,SCLpin,$D0,$00,[RTCSec,RTCMin,RTCHour,RTCWDay,RTCDay,RTCMonth,RTCYear,RTCCtrl]
        Hours = Hours + 1
        IF Hours = 24 THEN Hours = 0
        pause 250
        Minutes = Minutes + 1
        IF Minutes = 60 THEN Minutes = 0
        pause 250
    This will get you as far as setting and displaying the hours and minutes on an LCD. As far as logging the time and other data for an incubator, I'll let you figure that one out... I've been building vivarium controllers and thermostats with the help of these nice guys on the forum for some years now, and a lot of the projects have been discussed and documented in this forum. So I'll let you do some research and look forward to seeing your code in the future, but in the meantime I hope this helps

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Welches, Oregon

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    Default Re: Clock question

    Below is my clock code. I wrote it a couple years ago and never looked at it again, but as I recall it worked and, as it says in the comments, it works with 3 buttons to set the date/ time.

    When reading from the RTC, I read the clock registers and decode them into decimal format in the REG_VAL array - element order matches the clock register order. Writing new values to the clock is accomplished the same way, but in reverse - load the decimal value into the REG_VAL array and then loop through all 7 registers converting them to BCD and writing them back to the clock registers. Let's say I want to advance the hour by one for Daylight Savings Time. A quick example:

    Read clock registers [0..7], decode to decimal and write to REG_VAL[0..7]. Add one to REG_VAL[2] (the hour register). In a loop convert each register back to BCD and write it back to the RTC.

    In addition, two other arrays are defined - one the MINIMIUM value allowed in each register (0 mostly, but for year its the current year and for month its one) and the other is the MAXIMUM value allowed in each register (59 mostly, but for month its 12)

    To set the clock, BUTTON 1 is used to scroll through the registers (0 - 7), BUTTON 2 advances the value of the register to the MAX value before rolling over to MIN value and BUTTON 3 writes the register value to the clock and resets the register count.

    -- as I recall

    '*  Name    : 3 BTN CLOCK.BAS                                   *
    '*  Author  : [AMOQUE]                                          *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2013 [PBP 2.6]                      *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 10/21/2013                                        *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : 16F88, DS1337, 3 BUTTONS - ACTIVE HIGH            *
    '*          :                                                   *
       __config _CONFIG2, _FCMEN_OFF & _IESO_OFF  
    '-----DEBUG (SERIAL) SETUP----------------------------------------
    '-----CHIP REGISTER SET-UP----------------------------------------
    TRISA = %00000000      ' Set PORTA output
    TRISB = %00001101                                                      
    OSCCON = %01110000
    CCP1CON = %00001100
    T2CON = %00000101
    'ADCON0 = %11000000      ' Configure and turn on A/D Module
    'ADCON1 = %10000000      ' Set PORTA analog and LEFT justify result
    'ANSEL = %00000011
    '-----PORT SET-UP-------------------------------------------------   
    '-----CLOCK SET-UP------------------------------------------------
    RTC_ADD CON %11010000
    REG_TIM CON $00
    REG_AL1 CON $07		' Not implimented 
    REG_AL2 CON $0B		' Not implimented
    REG_SPC con $0E
    'STP_ADD var byte
    STP_add con %01000000
    '-----TIME/ CLOCK VARIABLES----------------------------------------
    REG_MIN VAR BYTE[7]     ' Minimum register values
    REG_VAL VAR Byte[7]	    ' Seconds, minutes, hours, day of week, date, month, year
    REG_MAX VAR BYTE[7]     ' Maximum register values
    ACT_REG VAR BYTE        ' Active register (setting)
    '-----GENERAL USE VARIABLES---------------------------------------
    LP VAR BYTE             ' For/ Next value
    '-----INITIALIZE CLOCK--------------------------------------------
    debug "---STABALIZE---", 10
    pause 250
    D0 = $00 : D1 = $00
    gosub SPCL_READ
    D0 = $00 : D1 = $00    ' Assign 'special' registers
    gosub SPCL_WRITE       ' Write 'special' registers
    gosub SPCL_READ        ' Verify
    FOR lp = 0 TO 6        ' For each register
      REG_VAL[LP] = LP     ' Set value to address
    NEXT LP                ' Loop
    '----------------------' Alarm set-up
    GOSUB CLK_WRITE        ' Write initial values and start clock
    REG_MIN[0] = 00: REG_MIN[1] = 00: REG_MIN[2] = 00: REG_MIN[3] = 1: REG_MIN[4] = 01: REG_MIN[5] = 01: REG_MIN[6] = 00
    REG_MAX[0] = 59: REG_MAX[1] = 59: REG_MAX[2] = 23: REG_MAX[3] = 6: REG_MAX[4] = 31: REG_MAX[5] = 12: REG_MAX[6] = 99
    goto Stepper_Control
    '+++++MAIN LOOP+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      if BTN1 then goto CLK_SET          ' Button 1 = Enter set mode  
      GOSUB CLK_READ:                    ' Read clock
      PAUSE 500                          ' Pause 
    GOTO MAIN                            ' Loop til the end of time (lol)
      I2CRead SDA, SCL, RTC_ADD, REG_TIM, [REG_VAL[0], REG_VAL[1], REG_VAL[2], REG_VAL[3], REG_VAL[4], REG_VAL[5], REG_VAL[6]]
      FOR LP = 0 TO 6			' For each register
        D0 = (REG_VAL[LP] >> 4) * 10	' Decode 10's digit
        D1 = REG_VAL[LP] & %0001111		' Blank 10's, get 1's
        REG_VAL[LP] = D0 + D1 		    ' Write Decimal value to register
        NEXT LP				            ' Next register
      DEBUG "TIME:[", dec1 REG_VAL[3], "]  ", dec2 REG_VAL[5], "/", dec2 REG_VAL[4], "/", dec2 REG_VAL[6], "  ", dec2 REG_VAL[2], ":", dec2 REG_VAL[1], ":", dec2 REG_VAL[0], 10
      FOR LP = 0 TO 6			        ' For each register
        D0 = REG_VAL[LP] / 10		    ' Get decimal 10's digit
        D1 = REG_VAL[LP] // 10 		    ' Get decimal 1's
        REG_VAL[LP] = (D0 << 4) + d1	' Shift BCD 10's in, add 1's
      NEXT LP				' Next register
      I2CWrite SDA, SCL, RTC_ADD, REG_TIM, [REG_VAL[0], REG_VAL[1], REG_VAL[2], REG_VAL[3], REG_VAL[4], REG_VAL[5], REG_VAL[6]]
      GOSUB CLK_READ			        ' Update display
    'SPECIAL REGISTERS--------------------------------------------------------------
      I2CWrite SDA, SCL, RTC_ADD, REG_SPC, [D0, D1]   
      I2CRead SDA, SCL, RTC_ADD, REG_SPC, [D0, D1]
      debug "SPCL: [", bin8 D0, "] STATUS: [", BIN8 D1, "]", 10, 10
      pause 1000   
    'BEGIN SET ROUTINE--------------------------------------------------------------
      debug "SET TIME", 10              ' Announce in debug window
      For LP = 0 to 100                 ' Start timer loop
        IF BTN2 Then Goto SELECT_REG    ' Button 2 = select register
        Pause 100                       ' Advance time
      NEXT LP                           ' Loop
      GOTO MAIN                         ' Time expired, drop out
       debug "SELECT REGISTER" , 10
       ACT_REG = 0 : D2 = 0                         ' Reset active register
       For LP = 0 to 100                            ' Start timer loop
         IF BTN2 Then                               ' Button 2 press
           ACT_REG = ACT_REG + 1                    ' Advance active register
           LP = 0                                   ' Restart time loop
           IF ACT_REG > 6 THEN ACT_REG = 0          ' Keep register number in bounds
           DEBUG "EDIT=", DEC1 ACT_REG, "   MAX="   ' Announce register and max value to debug
           debug DEC2 REG_MAX[ACT_REG], 10      
         If BTN3 Then                               ' Button 3 press
           debug "SET REGISTER VALUE" , 10          ' Announce to debug
           LP = 0                                   ' Restart time loop
           Goto ADV_VALUE                           ' Goto advanve register value routine
         Endif                                      ' End button 3 loop
         Pause 100                                  ' Advance time
       NEXT LP                                      ' Loop
       GOTO MAIN                                    ' Time expired, drop out
      debug "ADVANCE REGISTER VALUE" , 10
      for LP = 0 to 100                                                    ' Announce to debug
        IF Btn3 Then                                                       ' Button 3 press
          LP = 0                                                           ' Restart time loop
          D2 = D2 + 1                                                      ' Advance register value
          IF D2 > REG_MAX[ACT_REG] THEN D2 = REG_MIN[ACT_REG]              ' Keep register value in bounds
          debug "REG=", DEC2 ACT_REG, "   NEW VALUE=", DEC2 D2 , 10        ' Announce to debug
        ENDIF                                                              ' End button 3 press
        IF BTN1 Then                                                       ' Button 1 press
          debug "WRITE VALUE TO CLOCK" , 10                                ' Announce to debug
          LP = 0                                                           ' Restart timer
          GOSUB CLK_READ                                                   ' Read fresh clock values 
          REG_VAL[ACT_REG] = D2                                            ' Insert new value
          GOSUB CLK_WRITE                                                  ' Write to chip
          GOTO SELECT_REG                                                  ' Goto 'select register'
        EndIF                                                              ' End button 1 press
        Pause 100                                                          ' Advance timer
      Next LP                                                              ' Loop
      GOTO MAIN                                                            ' Time expired, drop out
    DEBUG "DO=",DEC2 D0,10
    for LP = 1 to 100
    '---------------------------------2 --1  
    I2CWrite SDA, SCL, STP_ADD, [%00000010] : pause D0     '1 on  2 off
    'I2CWrite SDA, SCL, STP_ADD, [%00001010] : pause D0     '1 on  2 on
    I2CWrite SDA, SCL, STP_ADD, [%00001000] : pause D0    '2 on  1 off 
    'I2CWrite SDA, SCL, STP_ADD, [%00001001] : pause D0     '2 on  1 onr
    I2CWrite SDA, SCL, STP_ADD, [%00000010] : pause D0     '1 onr
    'I2CWrite SDA, SCL, STP_ADD, [%00000001] : pause D0     '2 onr 1 onr 
    I2CWrite SDA, SCL, STP_ADD, [%00000101] : pause D0     '2 onr
    'I2CWrite SDA, SCL, STP_ADD, [%00000110] : pause D0     '2 onr 1 onr          
    Next LP
    Goto Stepper_control

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