I was given a few picbasic files and have been trying to get them to ICD compile for the 18F4520, but I keep getting this error:

[ASM ERROR] Overwriting previous address contents (3200) (0) : Error[118]

The first line of the code that I'm trying to compile is this:

DEFINE RESET_ORG 3200h 'set the BASIC compiler's start after the assembly code


From reading through some other posts with this issue, I have heard that the RESET_ORG nomenclature may have changed, or the "asm" and "endasm" commands. I am not sure if this is the source of my problem, though.

The last time this code was compiled, the people used PBP 2.60A, earlier version of MicroCode Studio, and MPLab 8.something. I am using PBPX, MicroCode Studio Plus, and I have MPLabX installed. The Microchip assembler is linked and is currently at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLABX\v3.00\MPASMX.

I have two source files- one is mostly PBP with some inline assembly, and it references a second file that is just a bunch of assembly routines. I am using MicroCode Studio Plus with PBP 3, and have MPLabX installed.

What can I do to resolve this error and get the ICD compile to work?

Thanks in advance!