program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

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  1. #1

    Default program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    This program works, sometimes for a couple minutes, some times only for a few seconds, but always crashes eventually. I'm using a PIC12F675 and I've read that it is not the most reliable chip. So I'm wondering if there's something wrong with my code or maybe it's the chip. If it were my code, I would think it would be more consistent in the point at which it crashed or simply wouldn't work at all.

    This is what happens:
    Push button1 and its LEDs work perfectly all the time. It's Push button2 that causes the problems. Eventually Push Button2 and its LEDs lock up and will not respond. When this happens, the LEDs associated with Push button1 toggle once. If I press Push button1, this seems to reset Push Button 2, and Push Button 2 and its LEDs will work fine until it locks up again.

    The code for push button2 is identical to push button1, it just uses different variable names and I/Os

    ' Name : BUTTONTEST2.pbp
    ' Compiler : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 3.0
    ' Assembler : PM
    ' Target PIC : 8-pin PIC12F675 or similar type
    ' Hardware : Kee
    ' Oscillator : 4MHz internal
    ' Keywords : HIGH, LOW
    ' Description : use a push button to toggle two LEDs. THere are two push buttons.
    'each push button toggles a separate set of LEDs. Program also debounces


    Define OSCCAL_1K 1 ' PIC12F675, Calibrate internal oscillatordefine MCLRE_OFF
    define BUTTON_PAUSE 5

    LED Con 0 'Alias GPIO.0 to LED
    LED2 con 1 'Alias GPIO.1 to LED2
    LED3 con 4 'Alias GPIO.4 to LED3
    LED4 con 5 'Alias GPIO.5 to LED4
    PB Var GPIO.2 'Alias GPIO.2(pin 5) to PB(push button1)
    PB2 var GPIO.3 'Alias GPIO.3(pin 4) to PB2(push button2)
    LEDstate var bit 'LED on = 1, LED off = 0
    LEDstate2 var bit 'LED4 on = 1, LED4 off = 0

    ANSEL = 0 'Set all digital
    CMCON = 7 'Analog comparators off
    high LED 'begin with LED on
    low LED2 'begin with LED2 off
    high LED4 'begin with LED4 on
    low LED3 'begin with LED2 off
    LEDstate = 1 'begin with LED recognized as on
    LEDstate2 = 1 'begin with LED4 recognized as off

    If (PB = 0) and (LEDstate = 1) Then 'push button1 is pressed when LED is on
    low LED 'toggle LED off
    high LED2 'toggle LED2 on
    pause 10 'wait 10ms for debounce
    goto WaitForRelease1 'go to subroutine for releasing push button1

    if (PB = 0) and (LEDstate = 0) then 'push button1 is pressed when LED is off
    high LED 'toggle LED on
    low LED2 'toggle LED2 off
    pause 10 'wait 10ms for debounce
    goto WaitForRelease2 'go to subroutine for releasing push button1

    If (PB2 = 0) and (LEDstate2 = 1) Then 'push button2 is pressed when LED4 is on
    low LED4 'toggle LED4 off
    high LED3 'toggle LED3 on
    pause 10 'wait 10ms for debounce
    goto WaitForRelease3 'go to subroutine for releasing push button2

    if (PB2 = 0) and (LEDstate2 = 0) then 'push button2 is pressed when LED4 is off
    high LED4 'toggle LED4 on
    low LED3 'toggle LED3 off
    pause 10 'wait 10ms for debounce
    goto WaitForRelease4 'go to subroutine for releasing push button2

    goto main

    'subroutines for action upon release of push buttons. Debounces, changes LEDstate() variable,
    'and prevents looping when button is pressed and held

    if PB = 1 then 'push button1 is released after toggling LED off
    pause 10 'wait 10ms for debounce
    LEDstate = 0 'recognize LED as off
    goto main

    if PB = 1 then 'push button1 is released after toggling LED on
    pause 10 'wait 10ms for debounce
    LEDstate = 1 'recognize LED as on
    goto main

    if PB2 = 1 then 'push button2 is released after toggling LED4 off
    pause 10 'wait 10ms for debounce
    LEDstate2 = 0 'recognize LED4 as off
    goto main

    if PB2 = 1 then 'push button2 is released after toggling LED4 on
    pause 10 'wait 10ms for debounce
    LEDstate2 = 1 'recognize LED4 as on
    goto main

    'end of subroutines

    Last edited by keithv; - 24th March 2014 at 16:41.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    I don't see how the WaitForRelease routines is supposed to wait for the button to actually BE released.

    Yes, at the point of entering the routine it does check if the button IS released but then it GOTOs main no matter what. So, the only way to have LEDState set to the correct state is if the button is already released at the time the program enters the routine. If the button is NOT released when the program enters the routine it'll just skip what's inside the IF/ENDIF block and go right to the GOTO main.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    first ...

    LED Con 0 'Alias GPIO.0 to LED
    LED2 con 1 'Alias GPIO.1 to LED2
    LED3 con 4 'Alias GPIO.4 to LED3
    LED4 con 5 'Alias GPIO.5 to LED4
    changed to
    LED VAR GPIO.0 'Alias GPIO.0 to LED
    LED2 VAR GPIO.1 'Alias GPIO.1 to LED2
    LED3 VAR GPIO.4 'Alias GPIO.4 to LED3
    LED4 VAR GPIO.5 'Alias GPIO.5 to LED4
    to be sure ...

    now ... your sketch looks somewhat ... surprising, and not obvious at all.

    could you post a scheme and a description ( in words ) of what you intend to have like a functionning scheme ???

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  4. #4

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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    I see what you are saying, Henrik. @ Acetronics2: I have been reading the reference manual and better understand now that a CONSTANT would not be the best modifier for this situation. I am trying to use a single push button switch to toggle between 2 different LEDs X 2, so that one half of the 1/2 PIC12F675a (GPIO.0,1,2) performs this function and the other half of 1/2 PIC12F675b (GPIO.3,4,5) performs the exact same function with an entirely different push button and set of LEDs. And also that both halves perform separate from one another.

    Here is my new code. The toggle of the LEDs works good, but I am still having the same problem as before.

    LED1 var GPIO.0 ' Alias GPIO.0 to LED1
    LATCH1 var GPIO.1 'Alias GPIO.1 to LATCH1
    PB1 Var GPIO.2 ' Alias GPIO.2 to push button
    LED1on var word
    LED1off var word
    LED2 var GPIO.5
    LATCH2 var GPIO.4
    PB2 var GPIO.3
    LED2on var word
    LED2off var word
        ANSEL = 0 ' Set all digital
        CMCON = 7 ' Analog comparators off
        TRISIO = %11001100
        LED1 = 0
        LATCH1 = 1
        LED1off = LED1
        LED1on = LATCH1
        LED2 = 0
        LATCH2 = 1
        LED2off = LED2
        LED2on = LATCH2
        if PB1 = 0 then
            pause 10 
            gosub LED1status
        LED1on = 1
        LED1off = 0
        if PB2 = 0 then
            pause 10
            gosub LED2status
        LED2on = 1
        LED2off = 0
            do until PB1 = 1
                pause 5
            do until PB2 = 1
                pause 5
        pause 10
    goto main
        if LED1 = 1 then 
            LATCH1 = LED1on
            LED1 = LED1off
        elseif LED1 = 0 then
            LED1 = LED1on
            LATCH1 = LED1off
        if LED2 = 1 then
            LATCH2 = LED2on
            LED2 = LED2off
        elseif LED2 = 0 then
            LED2 = LED2on
            LATCH2 = LED2off

  5. #5
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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    I'm really struggling to follow that code with port bits being read into WORD variables and vice versa. I understand that you want to know WHY your code doesn't work but, and please don't take this the wrong way, that's just WAY to convoluted IMHO.

    The following compiles OK for a 12F675 but I have not tested it. Please see if you can follow the logic behind it, then try it on the actual hardware.
    LED1    var GPIO.0              ' Alias GPIO.0 to LED1
    LATCH1  var GPIO.1              ' Alias GPIO.1 to LATCH1
    PB1     Var GPIO.2              ' Alias GPIO.2 to push button
    LED2    var GPIO.5              ' Same as aboove for second "port"
    LATCH2  var GPIO.4
    PB2     var GPIO.3
    Debounce VAR BYTE               ' Counter for the debounce rotutine.
    ANSEL = 0                       ' Set all digital
    CMCON = 7                       ' Analog comparators off
    GPIO = 0                        ' All outputs OFF
    TRISIO = %11001100              ' Set ins and outs
        IF PB1 = 0 THEN             ' Button 1 pressed?
            TOGGLE LED1
            TOGGLE LATCH1
            Debounce = 0            ' Clear counter variable
            While Debounce < 99     ' Signal must be stable for 100 counts in a row.
                IF PB1 = 1 THEN     ' Button is released (or bouncing).
                    Debounce = Debounce + 1
                    Debounce = 0    ' If button still active, clear counter.
                PAUSEUS 100         ' 100 counts * 100us = 10ms "silence" before continuing         
        IF PB2 = 0 THEN             ' Button 2 pressed?
            TOGGLE LED2
            TOGGLE LATCH2
            Debounce = 0            ' Clear counter variable
            While Debounce < 99     ' Signal must be stable for 100 counts in a row.
                IF PB2 = 1 THEN     ' Button is released (or bouncing).
                    Debounce = Debounce + 1
                    Debounce = 0    ' If button still active, clear counter.
                PAUSEUS 100         ' 100 counts * 100us = 10ms "silence" before continuing         
    Goto Main
    Now, this is ALSO a bit convoluted and can certainly be made more "compact" but I wanted to keep it as simple as possible for starters. Let me know if you try it out.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    and What about this one, using the Button command ?

    ' Name : BUTTONTEST2.pbp
    ' Compiler : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 3.0
    ' Assembler : PM
    ' Target PIC : 8-pin PIC12F675 or similar type
    ' Hardware : Kee
    ' Oscillator : 4MHz internal
    ' Keywords : HIGH, LOW
    ' Description : use a push button to toggle two LEDs. THere are two push buttons.
    'each push button toggles a separate set of LEDs. Program also debounces
    DEFINE OSCCAL_1K 1 ' PIC12F675, Calibrate internal oscillatordefine MCLRE_OFF
    Delay    VAR Byte
    Button1 VAR GPIO.2
    Button2 VAR GPIO.3
    LED1    VAR GPIO.0 'Alias GPIO.0 to LED
    LED2    VAR GPIO.1 'Alias GPIO.1 to LED2
    LED3    VAR GPIO.4 'Alias GPIO.4 to LED3
    LED4    VAR GPIO.5 'Alias GPIO.5 to LED4
    CMCON = 7
    ANSEL = 0
    ADCON0 = 0
    GPIO    = %00001100
    TRISIO  = %00001100
    WHILE 1
    FIRST:' let's check Button1 ...
        Delay = 0
        button Button1, 0, 255, 0, Delay, 1,yes1
            Pause 20 ; pace the scanning ... not compulsory
            goto Second
            toggle LED1    
            ' Stop until Button1 released
            WHILE !Button1 
    SECOND:' let's check Button2
        Delay = 0
        button Button2, 0, 255, 0, Delay, 1,yes2
            Pause 20 ; pace the scanning ... not compulsory
            goto Update
            toggle LED3
            'Stop until Button2 released
            WHILE !Button2
    led2 = ! LED1 : LED4 = !LED3
    Last edited by Acetronics2; - 25th March 2014 at 21:20.
    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  7. #7

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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    Below is what I was working on today. It's only for 1 switch and set of LEDs, but it was working well for 2 if you repeat everything, give the variables new names, and assign things to new I/Os. Because of physical implementation, I'll most likely need to use something like the 6 pin 10F202. This will also make the next problem easier to deal with. If I were to use 1 PIC to read n number of switches, it would need to be able to allow one switch to perform its operation even if another switch was being pressed and held.
    Define OSCCAL_1K 1 ' PIC12F675, Calibrate internal oscillatordefine MCLRE_OFF
    LED1 var GPIO.0 ' Alias GPIO.0 to LED1
    LATCH1 var GPIO.1 'Alias GPIO.1 to LATCH1
    PB1 Var GPIO.3 ' Alias GPIO.2 to push button
    LED1on var word
    LED1off var word
        ANSEL = 0 ' Set all digital
        CMCON = 7 ' Analog comparators off
        TRISIO = %11001100
        LED1 = 0
        LATCH1 = 1
        LED1off = LED1
        LED1on = LATCH1
        pause 10
        LATCH1 = 0
        if PB1 = 0 then
            pause 40 
            gosub LED1status
        LED1on = 1
        LED1off = 0
        pause 5
        LATCH1 = 0
        gosub switchrelease1
        pause 40
    goto main
        if LED1 = 1 then 
            LATCH1 = LED1on
            LED1 = LED1off
        elseif LED1 = 0 then
            LED1 = LED1on
            LATCH1 = LED1off
        do until PB1 = 1
            pause 5

  8. #8

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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    Yes, my code is quite convoluted, Henrik. I haven't written code for at least 15 years, and I have never written code for PIC. Because of certain physical limitations, the canned BUTTON and TOGGLE commands don't work well or could create potential problems. The latching relay could be accidentally flipped by ESD or a magnetic field or a power spike, which would cause the relay's state to be out of sync with the LED. Instead of adding some sort of reset code or feature, I've tried to create my own "toggle" command that inherently resets the LATCH variable every time the button is pressed according to the state of the LED. That is the reason for the use of the word variable. But perhaps a bit or byte variable would work just as well. I don't know. That is my lack of experience.

  9. #9

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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    I tried your code, Henrik. It's not working. I do not understand why. It looks like it should work. LED1 and LATCH1 light up on start. LED2 and LATCH2 are off. Neither push button does anything. I haven't tried your code yet, Acetronics, but I will.

    Thank you very much for all the help you have been giving me, BTW. I appreciate it very much.

  10. #10

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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?


    Actually, both your codes work! However there is something weird. Both behave identical after the chip has first been programed, plugged into the circuit and powered on: the side with PB1/LED1&2 comes on and the other side does not come on(only LED1 comes on with Ace's code, but this is to be expected). The push buttons do nothing. But if I remove the 10k pull up resistor from the switching circuit and put it back, the circuit comes to life and the program behaves the way you would expect it to.

    Very odd...

    Any ideas as to why this happens?

  11. #11
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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    > Any ideas as to why this happens?

    No, not really I'm afraid and I'm not in a position where I can wire it up and test here....
    Since both mine and Alains code experience the same issue it feels like a hardware problem or a configuration problem but as far as I can see you've got CMCON, ANSEL and MCLR covered so I don't know.

    Or it might be something completely obvious - which we're all missing at the moment.

    Couple of, perhaps completely unrelated, questions:
    * Does it do the same thing for both "sides" or only one? (If only one, which?)
    * Do you program the chip in circuit and is the device programmer still connected to the target when this happens?
    * Can you post a schematic of how you have it wired?


  12. #12

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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    No. It does not do the same thing for both sides. The GPIO0,1,2 side lights up, but does not toggle when PB1 goes low. The GP3,4,5 side does not light up at all and does not do anything when PB2 goes low. I have a momentary switch connected to ground. I have a 10k resistor to VDD(+5v). Those two components connect to GPIO2 or 3 via a 220ohm resistor. If I pull the 10k resistor that is part of PB1 and then put it back in, the circuit suddenly starts working. This has to be done every time power is turned off.

    The device programmer is separate. I program the chip in a pin wiggler, take it out, and then put it in the circuit.

  13. #13

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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    I've got some 12F609. I'll give them a try and see if the dual switch program works any better.

    I have a question about the next phase of my project. I'd like to have multiple relay/LED combos, each controlled by either a single 10F202 or each pair controlled by a 12Fxxx. But have them all controlled by a 16C (probably) master chip. So that lets say I have relay/LED 1, 2, 5, 7, and 8 turned on. I then press a program button and it remembers 1,2,5,7 and 8.

    What command would work best for something like that? I was thinking read/write array? Is there something that would work better? Does anyone know of any good example programs that will help me learn how to to something like this?

  14. #14
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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    your answer is here ...
    did you notice the configs Henrik and I have used ???
    one more Holy manual chapter to learn ...

    never been a hardware/software problem ...

    looks you've been using "C" programming before, and Basic shows "little" differences in program flows.

    looks you've forgotten some "CLRWD" commands ... as you decided to place them by yourself ...

    so the final answer is ...

    It's your code !!!

    PS: BTW ... your "Programming style " looks very close to MikroC ( Mikroelektronica ) C examples ...
    Last edited by Acetronics2; - 27th March 2014 at 07:16.
    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  15. #15

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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    My background is actually in VisualBASIC, but that was a long time ago. I tried MikroBasic but I prefer PBP3. The hardest part for me is learning the configuration and registers. I am slowly learning to make sense of all the datasheets though. Not very well, but getting better. I had been using BASIC Stamp. That was very easy. It takes care of all the configs and registers for you. But it is not very good for developing cost effective products.

    I had the WDT off because that was the config from the example program found here: I'm still not really sure what a watch dog timer does.

  16. #16

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    Default Re: program crashes: is it my code or the chip?

    EDIT: I was thinking about why you would think I am writing in C. I realize that the code that clears LATCH1 may seem a little confusing. There is a very specific reason for this. I am not clearing the variable. I am setting the I/O low. LATCH1 turns a latching relay on and it only needs a very short single pulse to actuate. No need to use a PULSE command. I want to turn it off after its job is done because keeping current consumption to a minimum is very important.

    This is also another reason behind my logic for wanting to use a secondary variable for LED1 and LATCH1. The "toggling" of LED1 and LATCH1 are done by LEDon and LEDoff, but after that I want to be able to turn LATCH1 off directly without affecting the LEDon and LEDoff variable. The higher level TOGGLE command does not allow for this.

    And as for BUTTON....I just don't like it. It does not seem that much more difficult to simply write the code out one level down. That way it allows you to customize it more easily. At least that is my inexperienced opinion thus far.
    Last edited by keithv; - 28th March 2014 at 03:00.

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