How do I discern Maidenhead Locator from GPS lat long info.

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  1. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Colorado Springs


    An afterthought, before the fact.
    I went through this trying to make sure it didn't require PBP3 since Rob doesn't have it. But now that I've posted it, I realized it requires PBP 2.60 or later. DOH!
    At least you can download the free PBP3 trial version and compile it with that, or you can change the arrayread/arraywrite statements, so I'm not changing it.
    ---------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------

    Ok, here goes ...
    It's not as ugly as it was, but without PBP3 there's only so much you can do.

    This code is based on the Perl script on the Wikipedia site for Maidenhead Locator System by Chris Ruvolo.
    Although I had to do things quite differently for the Microchip Floating-Point routines.

    The Microchip Floating-Point routines for PBP are available from
    Extract the .zip file to the same folder as your source code, or this code.

    To try to make things easy, the routines start out with a String in the same format as the Lat/Lon data of the $GPRMC sentence.

    For instance, an approximation of the IO93ok square is 0 degrees, 47.70 minutes West Longitude by 53 degrees, 26.20 minutes North latitude.
    $GPRMC will present the data as .... 5326.20,N and 00047.70,W.
    These can be parsed from the GPS data, or entered manually with the following two statements ... Note that they are null terminated.
    ARRAYWRITE LonStr,["00047.70,W",0]  ; -0° 47.70' 
    ARRAYWRITE LatStr,["5326.20,N",0]   ; 53° 26.20
    I am entering them manually for this sample.

    I'm using the 24-bit Floating-Point routines, since it gave the same results as the 32-bit FP, but you can use either one by simply changing the include file.
    I imagine the 32-bit routines will be better around the edges of each square, but I haven't confirmed that.

    I'm using a 16F1937, so if you are using an 18F ... you'll need to use the 18F FP includes.

    Obviously, you need to initialize your hardware configs first.
    ; Filename    : Maidenhead.pbp
    ; Compiler    : PICBASIC PRO Compiler
    ; Target PIC  : 16F1937, but will work with most any chip
    ; Oscillator  : ANY
    ; Keywords    : Maidenhead, Locator, GPS, Amateur Radio
    ; Description : PICBASIC PRO program to convert between
    ;             : GPS Sexagesimal to Maidenhead coordinate systems
                           ; use only one of the FP includes
    INCLUDE "FP20.bas"     ; 24-bit Floating Point for 14-bit cores with RAM at $20
    ;INCLUDE "FP2032.bas"   ; 32-bit Floating Point for 14-bit cores with RAM at $20
    DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 20h ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 0
    DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 25  ' 19200 Baud @ 32MHz, 0.16%
    DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ' Clear overflow automatically
    HSEROUT [27,"[2J","Maidenhead Locator",13,10]
    HSEROUT ["16F1937, 32Mhz, PBP3 not required",13,10,13,10]
    MH     VAR BYTE[6]
    LonStr    VAR BYTE[12]
    LatStr    VAR BYTE[12]
    LonDeg    VAR BYTE
    LonMin    VAR BYTE
    LonMinDec VAR BYTE
    LonDir    VAR BYTE
    LatDeg    VAR BYTE
    LatMin    VAR BYTE
    LatMinDec VAR BYTE
    LatDir    VAR BYTE
    ARRAYWRITE LonStr,["00047.70,W",0]  ; -0° 47.70'  <-- Enter location here
    ARRAYWRITE LatStr,["5326.20,N",0]   ; 53° 26.20'
    HSEROUT ["LonStr  = ", STR LonStr,13,10]          ; display manual input
    HSEROUT ["LatStr  = ", STR LatStr,13,10]
    ;----[parse strings as if they came from a GPS]---------------------------------
    ARRAYREAD LonStr,[DEC3 LonDeg, DEC2 LonMin, Dec LonMinDec, LonDir]
    ARRAYREAD LatStr,[DEC2 LatDeg, DEC2 LatMin, Dec LatMinDec, LatDir]
    ;----[convert Longitude Sexagesimal to Decimal Degrees]-------------------------
    Aint = LonMinDec : GOSUB ItoFA    ; decimal portion of Minutes
    Bint = 100 : GOSUB ItoFB          ; divided by 100
    GOSUB fpdiv
    Bint = LonMin : GOSUB ItoFB       ; add whole portion of Minutes
    GOSUB fpadd
    Bint = 60 : GOSUB ItoFB           ; divide by 60
    GOSUB fpdiv
    Bint = LonDeg : GOSUB ItoFB       ; add degrees
    GOSUB fpadd
    IF LonDir = "W" THEN              ; if west of Prime Meridian
        GOSUB AtoB
        Aint = 0    : GOSUB ItoFA     ; subtract from 0 to negate
        GOSUB fpsub
    Bint = 180  : GOSUB ItoFB         ; add 180
    GOSUB fpadd
    ;----[Have Longitude in AARG as Float]------------------------------------------
    GOSUB SaveLon                     ; save Longitude for later
    Bint = 20   : GOSUB ItoFB         ; Lon / 20
    GOSUB fpdiv
    GOSUB SaveAARG                    ; save AARG for modulus
    GOSUB FtoIA                       ; get integer
    MH(0) = "A" + Aint                ; + "A" = First character
                                      ; -- do  Lon // 20 --- (modulus)
    Bint = Aint                       ; copy integer result to BARG
    GOSUB ItoFB                       ; convert it to float
    GOSUB RestoreAARG                 ; restore Lon / 20 to AARG
    GOSUB fpsub                       ; subtract integer
    Bint = 20                         ; multiply times original divisor (20)
    GOSUB fpmul                       ; AARG now contains the modulus
    Bint = 2    : GOSUB ItoFB         ; divide modulus by 2
    GOSUB fpdiv
    GOSUB FtoIA                       ; get integer
    MH(2) = "0" + Aint                ; + "0" = Third character
    GOSUB RestoreLon                  ; restore Longitude
    Bint = 2 : GOSUB ItoFB
    GOSUB fpdiv                       ; divide by 2
    GOSUB FtoIA                       ; get integer
    Bint = Aint * 2  : GOSUB ItoFB    ; put int * 2 in BARG, change back to float
    GOSUB RestoreLon                  ; restore original Longitude
    GOSUB fpsub                       ; subtract A - B
    Bint = 12 : GOSUB ItoFB           ; Multiply * 12
    GOSUB fpmul
    GOSUB FtoIA                       ; get integer
    MH(4) = "a" + Aint                ; + "a" = Fifth Character
    ;----[convert Latitude Sexagesimal to Decimal Degrees]--------------------------
    Aint = LatMinDec : GOSUB ItoFA    ; decimal portion of Minutes
    Bint = 100 : GOSUB ItoFB          ; divided by 100
    GOSUB fpdiv
    Bint = LatMin : GOSUB ItoFB       ; add whole portion of Minutes
    GOSUB fpadd
    Bint = 60 : GOSUB ItoFB           ; divide by 60
    GOSUB fpdiv
    Bint = LatDeg : GOSUB ItoFB       ; add degrees
    GOSUB fpadd
    IF LatDir = "S" THEN              ; if south of equator
        GOSUB AtoB
        Aint = 0    : GOSUB ItoFA     ; subtract from 0 to negate
        GOSUB fpsub
    Bint = 90  : GOSUB ItoFB          ; add 90
    GOSUB fpadd
    ;----[Have Latitude  in AARG as Float]------------------------------------------
    GOSUB SaveLon                     ; save Latitude for later
    Bint = 10   : GOSUB ItoFB         ; Lat / 10
    GOSUB fpdiv
    GOSUB SaveAARG                    ; save AARG for modulus
    MH(1) = "A" + Aint                ; + "A" = Second character
                                      ; -- do  Lat // 10 --- (modulus)
    Bint = Aint                       ; copy integer result to BARG
    GOSUB ItoFB                       ; convert it to float
    GOSUB RestoreAARG                 ; restore Lat / 10 to AARG
    GOSUB fpsub                       ; subtract integer
    Bint = 10                         ; multiply times original divisor (10)
    GOSUB fpmul                       ; AARG now contains the modulus
    MH(3) = "0" + Aint                ; + "0" = Fourth character
    GOSUB RestoreLon                  ; restore original Latitude
    GOSUB FtoIA                       ; get integer
    Bint = Aint : GOSUB ItoFB         ; put int in BARG, change back to float
    GOSUB RestoreLon                  ; restore original Latitude
    GOSUB fpsub                       ; subtract A - B
    Bint = 24 : GOSUB ItoFB           ; Multiply * 24
    GOSUB fpmul
    GOSUB FtoIA                       ; get integer
    MH(5) = "a" + Aint                ; + "a" = Sixth character
    ;----[Maidenhead conversion complete]-------------------------------------------
    HSEROUT ["LOC ",STR MH\6,13,10,13,10] ; show final result
    Main:                             ; blink an LED when done
        HIGH PORTA.0
        PAUSE 500
        LOW PORTA.0
        PAUSE 500
    GOTO Main
    Aexp_Copy    VAR BYTE
    Aexp_Lon     VAR BYTE
        Aexp_Copy = Aexp
        AARGB0_Copy = AARGB0
        AARGB1_Copy = AARGB1
        AARGB2_Copy = AARGB2
        Aexp = Aexp_Copy
        AARGB0 = AARGB0_Copy
        AARGB1 = AARGB1_Copy
        AARGB2 = AARGB2_Copy
        Bexp = Aexp
        BARGB0 = AARGB0
        BARGB1 = AARGB1
        BARGB2 = AARGB2
        Aexp_Lon = Aexp
        AARGB0_Lon = AARGB0
        AARGB1_Lon = AARGB1
        AARGB2_Lon = AARGB2
        Aexp = Aexp_Lon
        AARGB0 = AARGB0_Lon
        AARGB1 = AARGB1_Lon
        AARGB2 = AARGB2_Lon
    The output from the program in a terminal looks like this ...
    Maidenhead Locator
    16F1937, 32Mhz, PBP3 not required
    LonStr  = 00047.70,W
    LatStr  = 5326.20,N
    LOC IO93ok
    If you are using an Enhanced 14-bit core like the 16F1937 that I'm using ... you'll need to add the processor to the DEV_FAM.INC file from the
    For the 16F1937 add this towards the bottom of the file (before the if statement).
        IFDEF   __16F1937          ; Generic Processor Type
    P16CXX      SET    TRUE        ; If P16CXX, use INHX8M file format.
    P16_MAP2    SET    TRUE        ;
    Last edited by Darrel Taylor; - 14th March 2014 at 06:09.

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