How do I discern Maidenhead Locator from GPS lat long info. - Page 4

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  1. #121
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: How do I discern Maidenhead Locator from GPS lat long info.

    Why should i need to add both of the lines?
    OSCCON=%01110000 '8 Mhz ;sets the actual fosc speed

    DEFINE OSC 8 ; tells the compiler what fosc speed to base timing calculation on

    software timed serout2 @ > 38400 baud with fosc < 8mhz may have an unacceptable error rate
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  2. #122
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: How do I discern Maidenhead Locator from GPS lat long info.

    if ((year//4 = 0) and (year//400 != 0)) then 'check the leap year
    ndays[2] = 29 'then February has 29 days
    ndays[2] = 28 'else has 28 days
    the above code only needs to run if month = 2

    Is there any way now to test the leap year?
    only the obvious , send it a few go nogo date strings and check the result
    Warning I'm not a teacher

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: How do I discern Maidenhead Locator from GPS lat long info.

    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    OSCCON=%01110000 '8 Mhz ;sets the actual fosc speed

    DEFINE OSC 8 ; tells the compiler what fosc speed to base timing calculation on

    software timed serout2 @ > 38400 baud with fosc < 8mhz may have an unacceptable error rate
    I understood from the experiment that something didnt go well when i increased the baudrate at 38400 with the 8Mhz internal speed.

    Is there any equation or a factor that calculates this corresponding.

    thanks a lot.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: How do I discern Maidenhead Locator from GPS lat long info.

    The project will be on hold for 10 days. Im about to order a PIC18F26K22 and some PIC18F46K22 along with some 16mhz crystals.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: How do I discern Maidenhead Locator from GPS lat long info.

    ok everyday i read more and more and i understand things.

    I wanted to be right regarding the fuses, as far as at the moment i use the internal OSC, here it is....

    @ ERRORLEVEL -306 ; this command prevents the compiler to give you a notice of
                      ; crossing page boundary - make sure bits are set 
        __config _CONFIG1,_INTRC_IO & _WDT_OFF & _LVP_OFF & _CP_OFF
    got the info from the following:

    ;MPASM __CONFIG Directive Options
    ;  The PBP default configuration for the PIC16F88 is:
    ;  #CONFIG
    ;    __config _CONFIG1, _HS_OSC & _WDT_ON & _LVP_OFF & _CP_OFF
    ; Available __CONFIG labels for PIC16F88:
    ;CONFIG1 Options
    ;  Oscillator Selection bits
    ;    _FOSC_EXTRCCLK	    ;EXTRC oscillator; CLKO function on RA6/OSC2/CLKO
    ;    _EXTRC_CLKOUT	    ;EXTRC oscillator; CLKO function on RA6/OSC2/CLKO
    ;    _FOSC_EXTRCIO	    ;EXTRC oscillator; port I/O function on RA6/OSC2/CLKO
    ;    _EXTRC_IO	    ;EXTRC oscillator; port I/O function on RA6/OSC2/CLKO
    ;    _FOSC_INTOSCCLK	    ;INTRC oscillator; CLKO function on RA6/OSC2/CLKO pin and port I/O function on RA7/OSC1/CLKI pin
    ;    _INTRC_CLKOUT	    ;INTRC oscillator; CLKO function on RA6/OSC2/CLKO pin and port I/O function on RA7/OSC1/CLKI pin
    ;    _FOSC_INTOSCIO	    ;INTRC oscillator; port I/O function on both RA6/OSC2/CLKO pin and RA7/OSC1/CLKI pin
    ;    _INTRC_IO	    ;INTRC oscillator; port I/O function on both RA6/OSC2/CLKO pin and RA7/OSC1/CLKI pin
    ;    _FOSC_EC	    ;ECIO; port I/O function on RA6/OSC2/CLKO
    ;    _EXTCLK	    ;ECIO; port I/O function on RA6/OSC2/CLKO
    ;    _FOSC_HS	    ;HS oscillator
    ;    _HS_OSC	    ;HS oscillator
    ;    _FOSC_XT	    ;XT oscillator
    ;    _XT_OSC	    ;XT oscillator
    ;    _FOSC_LP	    ;LP oscillator
    ;    _LP_OSC	    ;LP oscillator
    ;  Watchdog Timer Enable bit
    ;    _WDTE_ON	    ;WDT enabled
    ;    _WDT_ON	    ;WDT enabled
    ;    _WDTE_OFF	    ;WDT disabled
    ;    _WDT_OFF	    ;WDT disabled
    ;  Power-up Timer Enable bit
    ;    _PWRTE_OFF	    ;PWRT disabled
    ;    _PWRTE_ON	    ;PWRT enabled
    ;  RA5/MCLR/VPP Pin Function Select bit
    ;    _MCLRE_ON	    ;RA5/MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR
    ;    _MCLR_ON	    ;RA5/MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR
    ;    _MCLRE_OFF	    ;RA5/MCLR/VPP pin function is digital I/O, MCLR internally tied to VDD
    ;    _MCLR_OFF	    ;RA5/MCLR/VPP pin function is digital I/O, MCLR internally tied to VDD
    ;  Brown-out Reset Enable bit
    ;    _BOREN_ON	    ;BOR enabled
    ;    _BODEN_ON	    ;BOR enabled
    ;    _BOREN_OFF	    ;BOR disabled
    ;    _BODEN_OFF	    ;BOR disabled
    ;  Low-Voltage Programming Enable bit
    ;    _LVP_ON	    ;RB3/PGM pin has PGM function, Low-Voltage Programming enabled
    ;    _LVP_OFF	    ;RB3 is digital I/O, HV on MCLR must be used for programming
    ;  Data EE Memory Code Protection bit
    ;    _CPD_OFF	    ;Code protection off
    ;    _CPD_ON	    ;Data EE memory code-protected
    ;  Flash Program Memory Write Enable bits
    ;    _WRT_OFF	    ;Write protection off
    ;    _WRT_PROTECT_OFF	    ;Write protection off
    ;    _WRT_256	    ;0000h to 00FFh write-protected, 0100h to 0FFFh may be modified by EECON control
    ;    _WRT_PROTECT_256	    ;0000h to 00FFh write-protected, 0100h to 0FFFh may be modified by EECON control
    ;    _WRT_2048	    ;0000h to 07FFh write-protected, 0800h to 0FFFh may be modified by EECON control
    ;    _WRT_PROTECT_2048	    ;0000h to 07FFh write-protected, 0800h to 0FFFh may be modified by EECON control
    ;    _WRT_ALL	    ;0000h to 0FFFh write-protected
    ;    _WRT_PROTECT_ALL	    ;0000h to 0FFFh write-protected
    ;  In-Circuit Debugger Mode bit
    ;    _DEBUG_OFF	    ;In-Circuit Debugger disabled, RB6 and RB7 are general purpose I/O pins
    ;    _DEBUG_ON	    ;In-Circuit Debugger enabled, RB6 and RB7 are dedicated to the debugger
    ;  CCP1 Pin Selection bit
    ;    _CCPMX_RB0	    ;CCP1 function on RB0
    ;    _CCP1_RB0	    ;CCP1 function on RB0
    ;    _CCPMX_RB3	    ;CCP1 function on RB3
    ;    _CCP1_RB3	    ;CCP1 function on RB3
    ;  Flash Program Memory Code Protection bit
    ;    _CP_OFF	    ;Code protection off
    ;    _CP_ON	    ;0000h to 0FFFh code-protected (all protected)
    ;    _CP_ALL	    ;0000h to 0FFFh code-protected (all protected)
    ;CONFIG2 Options
    ;  Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Enable bit
    ;    _FCMEN_ON	    ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor enabled
    ;    _FCMEN_OFF	    ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor disabled
    ;  Internal External Switchover bit
    ;    _IESO_ON	    ;Internal External Switchover mode enabled
    ;    _IESO_OFF	    ;Internal External Switchover mode disabled

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: How do I discern Maidenhead Locator from GPS lat long info.

    the project will continue in here:

    along with a bases of the needed understandings.

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