Overwriting previous address contents... oh no - not again!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Aarhus, Denmark

    Default Overwriting previous address contents... oh no - not again!

    Beginning to regret that I bought PBP3 for a lot of money. I'm so tired of this idiot system failure. I've had it 4 times before with PBP2.6. The only thing that works is to format the entire C drive!
    Not even a simple Blink.pbp program can be compiled.

    I suspect that it is something in the windows registry that has roots in - maybe something from Microchip.

    Have tried to uninstall and reinstall programs/compilers. CCleaner in between. Does not work.

    Windows 8.1 x64
    MPLABX 2.00

    - Jacob

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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Overwriting previous address contents... oh no - not again!

    Hi Jacob,
    When you get that error meesage it usually means you're trying to change the default CONFIG bits for the specific device and that you're doing it wrong. This was a VERY common question on the forum before PBP3 was released. PBP3 changed the way that CONFIGs are handled, to the better.

    Now, I see from your screenshot that you're NOT trying to tweak the CONFIG so as long as you haven't manually edited any files (and in doing so messed them up) I'm not sure what the problem might be here. Is it possible that you've edited any of .inc files for the 18F4620 in this case?

    I opened the Blink example in MicroCodeStudio, selected 18F4620 in the dropdown, un-commented the ADCON1 line and hit compile - no errors, compiles fine. I'm on PBP3.0.7.4 and I'm using MPASM 5.47 (from MPLAB 8.88). I wonder if it's possibly a conflict with the MPASM version you're using (from MPLABX) but it I really don't know.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Overwriting previous address contents... oh no - not again!

    1) Does the problem only affect the 18F's? Can you compile a program for a 16F?

    2) Do you have Office 365 installed on your computer?
    Office 365 is known to cause this problem with the Microchip MPASM assembler.

  4. #4
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    Aarhus, Denmark

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    Default Re: Overwriting previous address contents... oh no - not again!

    Via Google Translate:
    Very interesting, Darrel: Blink.pbp works for 16F88! It's only 18F that are affected by the problem.
    Okay, here's a longer program (DisplayRouter.pbp) I have written that I Regularly inspect uploaded to my PIC18F45K22. It has now run for several months. Now it will not compile anymore ...
    What is interresting is that I do not get exactly the same error message every time I compile it ...!

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    No, I do not have Office 365
    But I have Office 2007 Home & Student + Access 2007 and Outlook 2010

    The problem arose for me when I included this module: http://support.melabs.com/threads/79...ze-Version-3.0 and tested it in my own code.
    Do not know if it may have been something going on ...

    I also tried with MPLAB 8.9 8.88 8.92 and so on. Same problem.

    It's like being hit by fate ...

    - Jacob
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Overwriting previous address contents... oh no - not again!

    Quote Originally Posted by PerlNoerd View Post
    Very interesting, Darrel: Blink.pbp works for 16F88! It's only 18F that are affected by the problem.
    Then here's what you will find ...

    If you open the .LST file (after compiling for an 18F), and scroll down to the end of the code (just before the symbol table), you should see that the errors happen at the assembly language END statement.
    This is AFTER all of PBP's code.
    It will look something like this ...
    Error[118]  : Overwriting previous address contents (0000)
    Error[118]  : Overwriting previous address contents (0001)
    Message[303]: Program word too large.  Truncated to core size. (002E1888)
    Error[154]  : Each object file section must be contiguous (section .config_000000_3LINE.O)
    Error[118]  : Overwriting previous address contents (0000)
    Error[118]  : Overwriting previous address contents (0001)
                          00223         END
    If you search the Microchip forums for ""Each object file section must be contiguous" you'll see that many people have had the problem.
    I don't think anyone has ever isolated what actually causes it, but it appears that some programs install a new common file in the OS that breaks MPASM.

    Office 365 seems to be one program that causes it, but there may be others.
    It doesn't matter what you have in your code, and it was just coincidental that you used the CODE_SIZE module when you noticed the problem.

    I'm sorry, but the only fix seems to be re-installing the OS, and being careful what you install, or checking MPASM after you install anything.
    Please keep in mind that this is not a problem with PBP.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Overwriting previous address contents... oh no - not again!

    Hi Darrel,

    Does the problem also show up with MPASMX ?
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Overwriting previous address contents... oh no - not again!

    Hi Darrel

    You are right about the .LST file. It looks approximately like this.

    It is a sad problem. I certainly do not have the energy to re-install Windows 8 with all programs and settings. But I love PicBasic Pro and the little 8-bit PIC microcontrollers so I will not give up this time ...

    Here is my solution to the problem, for those who may be interested:
    I installed a Windows 7 x64 SP1 in VMware Player. It runs with Host-only network (a private network shared with the host). It does not download any updates to Windows. I install only PBP3, Microcode Studio Plus 5, MPLABX 2.0 and PICKit2 burning software.
    And above all: I keep a working copy of the system I can use if the problem shows up there.

    Now it runs fine there.

    - Jacob

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Overwriting previous address contents... oh no - not again!


    Yes, the problem affects MPASMX too, which as I understand it is the same program as MPASMWIN but development continues with that version. MPASMWIN is now static.


    That's a great solution!
    I will have to suggest that in the future. Thanks.

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