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Re: Debugging USART using Saleae logic probe
Sure - not much to it actually.
What I want to do is determine what the hand held IR remote sends to one of those programmable , scrolling led
signs that you can put in the rear window of your car, or whatever. All I I want to do is to start any already
programmed message, using a PIC instead of the hand-held remote.
I breadboarded a TSSOP type infra red receiver, and connected a single Saleae channel to the output. Then just
pushed any button on a hand-held TV remote for a moment, and captured the pattern. From there it was easy to
duplicate the pattern, using a short program turning a single output off and on, using pauseus delays to match
what the remote sends out. The PIC output pin will be connected to an IR transmitter, to "talk to" the sign.
I have written a simple test program to do this, coupling a PIC to a simple IR transmitter.
I haven't finished this project yet, still waiting for the scrolling sign. However, I have been able to easily duplicate
some transmission patterns from a TV remote, so the next step should be relatively easy. I only plan on "cloning"
a couple of different transmissions, not the entire keyboard, although with enough patience that could be done.
I know there are some perhaps simpler hardware solutions to this, to "learn" what the transmitter sends out, but
this is was a drop-dead simple answer (for me).