World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

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  1. #1
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    Default World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Is currently this:

    World's Smallest Arcade Machine is also a new record for 2013 in computing.

    I applied to Guinness some time ago. There are is lot of complication.
    There are probably smaller arcade machines, but there are specific criteria for the Guinness recognised record.
    You are also required for a Guinness application, to explain your motivation, methodology,
    help you will receive, and a bunch of other questions, all prior to the attempt.

    I have tried to privately contact the author of PBP, I'm sure he wouldn't be opposed to a mention.
    I would appreciate a contact, It's important!
    Normally, for a project of any term like this, it would be too early to speak of it,
    but the above is necessary, or it's abort.

    It's too late for anyone to begin now and beat me in terms of speed of getting it done
    I'm sure I can only hold the record for a year if that, given it's possible that
    having seen the new record (it's the actual category that's new),
    that someone else has already begun, and I couldn't know about their progress.

    I plan to use the same 128x128 colour display, and shave some dimension off the side of the cabinet.
    The current record holder made it wider than it had to be by using flat ply!

    Current record holder is boned for that alone.
    Every other specification, both objective, and subjective improvement on the games, I plan to beat.

    For best shot at the favourable outcome, it isn't appropriate to spill details,
    but still would appreciate any thought/ideas on the matter, and any experience with Guinness.
    Cheers, Art.
    Last edited by Art; - 7th December 2013 at 13:01.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Sweet. Hope you succeed with Guinness

  3. #3
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    heres where a 3d printer would be nice , you could actually scale it exactly then make the rest fit where possible

  4. #4
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Go Art!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Thanks Guys, but this really is some months of project.
    It is still only nothing more than an idea, all the way up till it's done.

    3D printer? Nice idea I tried really hard to get up on custom
    PCB making as it was the only thing I couldn't complete myself when I made the application.
    Not that it couldn't be done on prototype.

    One thing I would bet money on, the record, not matter who does it, will be beaten the following year.
    Also, just because some work isn't acknowledged, because the correct channels weren't followed,
    I will NEVER have the World's Coolest, and potentially Smallest Arcade Machine.

    This does not have a coin input for game credit.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Very nice Art! Go for it.
    "No one is completely worthless. They can always serve as a bad example."


  7. #7
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Ok Art, now you're just showing off!

    Just kidding - GO FOR IT!!!!!!
    "I have noticed that even those who assert that everything is predestined and that
    we can change nothing about it still look both ways before they cross the street"

    -Stephen Hawking

  8. #8
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    The CRT one is not mine, if that mistake was made.
    It's just an example of something smaller and much cooler than the record
    that won't make it because the maker didn't do the application, etc.
    and it's doesn't qualify for some trivial criteria to be an arcade machine.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    So, you must be equal parts lawyer, watchmaker, mechanic, and psychic to win? I think Art is a good choice then.

    I think it would be a fine thing to be a world record holder and I look forward to greating you as such, Art. I imagine you with your own reality show - traveling the world to search unemptied "bit buckets" for undiscovered treasure... Oh, how grand! A celebrity born here in the forum. I will watch for you on the Science Channel; perhaps you will get time near Duck Dynasty and may go on to host the Emmy awards!

    All kidding by the wayside, I wish you the greatest success Art!
    Last edited by Amoque; - 10th December 2013 at 20:40.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    I am very proud you are on this forum Art. Go for it!


  11. #11
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ioannis View Post
    I am very proud you are on this forum Art. Go for it!

    That's a nice thing to say
    The product has to be paid for one way or another.
    I can no longer justify my position, use it again,
    or put it's name in a famous book near my name until it's been paid for.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    When that's sorted out I need something guaranteed to be the distribution copy of PBP 2.60.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    The record attempt was accepted by Guinness today,
    which has a lot of stuff to read, but means it's clear to begin.

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  15. #15
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    well done , Art

    now the fun really starts .

    have you started on the design and style of the game as yet

  16. #16
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    It had to be all in my head. You are advised not to begin an attempt until it's approved.
    Physically, I've only practiced small circuit boards which is where I was lacking,
    but done every component of this kind of project incl LCD gfx, pic games, etc.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    looking forward to see what u make art , go oz

  18. #18
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Now I know why you are advised not to attempt a record until it's approved.
    Because if you begin, and fail to meet the guidelines that I just received, you'd be back to scratch.
    There are guidelines are for every record, then more for a category (smallest of something),
    and then more for the record itself (smallest arcade machine).

    The game has to be based on a real arcade machine,
    and the arcade machine made from the same material as the arcade machine (I'm glad that's mostly ply then).
    and joysticks to correct scale of the arcade machine.

    Nothing about coin slots or credit counting.
    Maybe I can use a mercury tilt switch and shake it for credits.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Accelerometer instead of mercuryswitch?
    Let me know if you need any parts CNC-routed, ply, plastic, aluminium etc.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Thanks for the offer Henrik
    If I had my own way, it was going to be a driving game in the style of Pole Position.
    So I could have taken you up on a steering wheel with a bead on the shaft for microswitches!

    Finding out what I did today does undo a bit of what I had planned.
    In light of that, it should be considered that if you were really going for the smallest thing,
    it could be something simpler and classic like Space Invaders with a mono screen,
    or even Pong if there was a Pong machine, so long as the machine was made authentic.

    The current record doesn't appear to be based on any particular machine though,
    so I'll have to look into that.

  21. #21

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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Hi there Art,

    Congrats for your idea

    My current project is making a small arcade machine cabinet but instead of game function will have a humidity and temperature sensors, rtc for time display and a few more goodies.

    The display will be a nokia 3310 display.

    Anyway...the cabinet i made with my cnc machine and it looks great.

    You can take a look at some more pictures here...

    Since you mentioned this type of cabinet, here is my project that you can take some ideas if you want.
    Also, if you need the plans for the cnc i can provide you .


  22. #22
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    If anyone needs any 3D parts in ABS printed I can do that if you pay the shipping to where you are in between jobs. I have 2 small 3D printers in Beijing that can handle 10x10x10 cm parts as maximum size. STL files are used for the printers.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    This is great!
    I will try to find the original wording when I applied for the record,
    where describing what my motivation was.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    ruijc, I must ask why you would not go for it?
    The current record for 2013 is a machine built in 2009,
    so I doubt it was done to create the record, but he applied for a new one.
    2013 is the first for this record. Hence why I think it can't last.

    If it is about the smallest machine, mono monitor and minimal chip is the way to go,
    it's just a shame going lower tech looks like a cop out.

  25. #25

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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Hi Art,

    My goal is different.
    I just want to build a home humidity and temp meter with a funny enclosure.

    The game cabinet was my idea to make it look different and fun.

    It has a splash screen ( intro screen ) from pong but no gamming capability.

    Also, making the cabinet design, cutting with the cnc and assemble all the pieces was a lot of fun.

    The project is almost done and I can send you the final pictures if you like.

    I just thought about sharing it here because of the enclosure and thought you might like it.


  26. #26
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Can you post a schematic? and would you be happy to use a joystick if it were provided free?
    How would you feel about my re-applying in the forum's name as a group?
    Your hardware is already better, and you know it, and people have already volunteered to manufacture parts.
    What if a decent game was written for you, to run on your hardware?

    I didn't do this without knowing I can follow through, but looking at that, it seems ridiculous.

    I have thought about asking some existing copyright owners for use of their property
    for the sole purpose of a record attempt.
    It seems unlikely, but sometimes things happen just for asking.
    I got to use our government's topographic maps in an iPhone App, and in another App,
    I got to legally use a system ROM of the Commodore Amiga for an emulation, and that's just in 2013.
    Some things like that seem like it wouldn't happen, but sometimes it's not the case.

    Knowing what the rules are, even though I don't like them, I would opt for Space Invaders.

  27. #27
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    I haven't written Space Invaders, but I ported it to Canon Digital Cameras:

    I would see what I can come up with on a test board,
    but there might be trouble if licensing for that game and it's cabinet graphics wasn't granted first.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    What about pong, brickout and tetris?


  29. #29
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    It doesn't have to have any or all of the games of the current one.
    I'd like to do one game, but make it a better one, hence the original driving game idea.
    Tetris, I already wrote for my 144 LED matrix, so it's a bit too easy.

    Breakout, I like the idea of a pot for the control, there was a breakout arcade machine with a knob,
    but I need trigonometry that I have not yet solved in PBP (ball bouncing off walls at inverted angles).

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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Your pm is full

    Hi :)
    In a nutshell, I'm wondering if you're interested in participating,
    as in building a cabinet as small as you can, keeping it's dimensions to yourself,
    and sending me the schematic so I can write a game on a bigger breadboard version.
    I can probably arrange the joystick and buttons for free, and am also going to try to get some displays.
    I think Sparkfun will play ball for this kind of project.
    In that case, I would reapply to Guinness as a PBP group.
    It is good to leave my application open in any case, as I can check the record daily.
    It's fine if you're not into that, but I would certainly opt to avoid building the hardware if possible.
    Cheers, Brek.

  31. #31

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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Hi Art,

    Sorry for the PM inbox being full.

    About the cabinet, i will be happy to participate.
    The design i have right now is the smallest i can go because of the nokia lcd ( breakboard ) and for my tactile buttons but it's possible to do it smaller.
    The MCU i'm using is a 18F2520 which has alot of programming memory ( great for storing lots of screen pictures ).
    The same PCB can be used in a way that instead of sensors you can use joystick or other goodies.

    Here are some more recent pictures of the cabinet with buttons and pcb:

    It's possible to use a small joystick instead of the buttons.


  32. #32
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Quote Originally Posted by Art View Post
    ...Breakout, I like the idea of a pot for the control, there was a breakout arcade machine with a knob,
    but I need trigonometry that I have not yet solved in PBP (ball bouncing off walls at inverted angles).
    Does your game have to be "perfect" in the sense of variable angles depending on where you hit the ball on the paddle? I'd keep things simple with a fixed angle, say 45deg for example, and then it's just a simple math (addition/subtraction) of coordinates within a set range.

    Does Guiness impose your gameplay to be "exactly" like the one in arcade?

    About the controller, are you allowed to use a stylus to operate it? Then you could use a tiny potentiometer with a dimple on the surface of the cap to act as grip for the stylus tip.

    Does the unit have to respect the proportions of an actual arcade machine? (case, display, controller) If you do, where would you get those?


  33. #33
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Have you considered a 64x64 graphic LCD?

    Name:  64x64.jpg
Views: 1267
Size:  11.3 KB

    There has to be competition out there to use 128x128 again. I'd look seriously at staying one step ahead of the next guy; no more than 2/3 the size of the current record holder.

    I would think a smaller LCD would also mean simpler gameplay.

    Last edited by Demon; - 19th December 2013 at 00:09. Reason: picture and link

  34. #34
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    It mustn't have to be spot on, as the current record isn't in terms of cabinet or games.
    I don't think there was ever an arcade machine with those three or four games.

    If it does turn out that I don't have to be responsible for a cabinet,
    then I think I should, and can do better than any of my previous games /gfx.
    Even if the screen res doesn't allow for proper sprites,
    playability, and true to life nature would still nail it.

    ruijc, without giving dimensions in public, do you think your current cabinet is small enough?
    It does certainly look like it can be made look real very easily.
    The record is an easy target. There are a lot of people in this world capable of this.

    I will reapply today in the name of a group, no matter, since it takes so much time for them to look at.
    Give me a day or two.. I'll also see if Sparkfun will do anything to help.

  35. #35
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Hi Art and PBP group

    I've been silently following this thread for the interesting stuff going on here. Have you considered the 0.96" 128x64 monochrome OLEDs out there? It is about the smallest you can get today. I have used such in the recent past and they are really small. much smaller than the Nokia 4k color display or the Nokia monochrome. Programmable via SPI just like the Nokia.


  36. #36
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    I'm going to try for more than one, and also send some off to the cabinet maker, if it's determined

    ruijc, don't feel pushed into anything you can't commit to, I know how it is to have your time divided.
    I'm off work for medical at the moment, which is why I can do this. Not everybody is in the same position.

    Thanks to everyone for now, who has offered a contribution, and encouragement. You should all be proud

  37. #37
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerson View Post
    .... Have you considered the 0.96" 128x64 monochrome OLEDs out there? It is about the smallest you can get today. ...

    Read my post just above. I found 64x64 and waiting for a reply from supplier if they are interested in helping us.


  38. #38
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    Yep, sent you some pm replies Robert, cool

  39. #39
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    96xRGBx64 Full color graphic OLED module

    24.8mmW x 30.42mmH x 1.42mmD
    Extremely wide viewing angles
    Very high contrast ratio
    Built-in Solomon SSD1332 Controller
    8-bit parallel interface or SPI Interface

    Name:  OLED96.jpg
Views: 1336
Size:  20.5 KB
    Why pay for overpriced toys when you can have
    professional grade tools for FREE!!!

  40. #40
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    Default Re: World's Smallest Arcade Machine (Guinness Record)

    That one would be nice for arcade in portait mode. Did you ask Crystalfontz if they would be interested in sponsoring us a few samples? Media exposure is always a nice thing; electronic magazines publish details of projects.

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