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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    Hi guys ,

    I am trying to get Pulsin to work on PORT F and Port G , but i cant get anything on it , tried on 3 chips so its got to be code related

    this test code works on the other ports A-E but not on F and G
    I test each port bit for pulsin command on port F,G but nothing , is there port limitation on Pulsin ??

    i know port F,G are not in mem bank 0 as with ports A-E , but did not think that would be an issue

    this has me stumped



          ANSELF =  $00    ' Set Port F - Digital I/O  , 0 = Digital  1 = Analog
          TRISF = $FF   ' else IR-RX ( ports input)
          pulsin PORTF.0,1,Leader  
           write $10,Leader.highbyte
           write $11,Leader.lowbyte                       ' debug 
           pause 1000
     Goto main

  2. #2
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    OTHER SETTINGS that affect portF and Port G - are disabled
    also tried just seeing if each pin on the PORT F and G was able to see the clock pulses presented to each input pin , and seems to see both 0 and 1 on all ports , so not a solder/ board issue ,

    but any measurement using Pulsin or RCtime wont work ???

    also ensured the ADCON0 is disabled during the test

    yep this one has me stumped !!

        APFCON = %00000000	    ' All Default - No change when using SPI  use SDO1 = RC2 , bit6=0
        CPSCON0 = $00           ' Capcitive Sensing Control Disable 
        CPSCON1 = $00           ' Disable CSC - used with CPSCON0
        CM1CON0 = $00 	        ' Disable / Clear comparator 1
        CM1CON1 = $00 	        ' Used with CM1CON0
        CM2CON0 = $00 	        ' Disable / Clear comparator 2
        CM2CON1 = $00 	        ' Used with CM2CON0
        CMOUT   = $00           ' Disable Comparitors output register - used only if comparitor on
        SRCON0 = %00000000      ' Disable Latched Outputs
        SRCON1 = %00000000      ' Used with SRCON0 register
        DACCON0 = $00           ' Disable D/A
        DACCON1 = $00           ' Disable D/A - used with DACCON0
        LCDCON = $00            ' Disable LCD module
        LCDPS  = $00            ' Disable LCD module  &  LCD Phase Register 
        LCDCST = $00            ' Resistor lader contrast control 
        LCDREF = $00            ' Disable LCD voltage refernace control 
        LCDSE0 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE1 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE2 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE3 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE4 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE5 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDRL  = $00            ' LCD Ref ladder enable / disable

  3. #3
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    if anyone has a 16f1947 , can they try a pulsin on port F or G and see if it works for them

  4. #4
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    any suggestions guys on this problem

  5. #5
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    Crickets... chirp... chirp...

    Sorry, I'd give it a go, but it's the 16F1947 I don't have,
    or anything else with that number of ports.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    Those two ports deal with the LCD drive feature ...

    so, I'd first verify if LCD correctly disabled ...

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    yep thought it may have been the lcd option causing this , but i can read the ports directly so see if they are 1 or 0 also the lcd option is output segments , the ports are configured as inputs , both have analog options on them but i believe i have set this correctly for both ports

    The only thought i have is that cos the ports F & G are not in the mem bank 0 , then pulsin does read the information correctly and not able to use them ?

    but if some one has a chip that has ports that not use mem bank 0 - usually above port E , and pulsin works then that theory is shot , but be nice to know

    hears the code relating to the tests and part of the chip config as it relates to port F and G

    '----------- 16F1947  - PIC chip Dephalt settings --------------------
        OSCCON   = $70          ' Select 32Mhz , internal clock  ( 8Mhz when conf2 - PLLEN_OFF)
                                ' Bit 7 0 = 4xPLL disabled  1= 4xPLL enables ( overrided by conf word 2 setting -  PLLEN)
                                ' bits6-3 -  1111 = 16Mhz , 1110 = 8MHz or 32Mhz ( depends on 4xPLL - conf word 2)  1101 = 4 MHz, 1100 = 2MHz 1011 = 1MHz
                                ' bitS 0-1 - 00= Clock set by Conf word ,01 = Timer1 OSC , 1x = internal Osc Block
      ' WDTCON = %00000000      ' Bit 7,6 = 0 n/a , Bit 5-1 = watchdog timer period select , bit 0 = SWDTEN enable / disable  for Watchdog timer bit ( WDTE)
                                ' set watchdog timer for 1ms and enabled by SWDTEN bit being set ( mode selected with _WDTE setting in Config1) 
        APFCON = %00000000	    ' All Default - No change when using SPI  use SDO1 = RC2 , bit6=0
        CPSCON0 = $00           ' Capcitive Sensing Control Disable 
        CPSCON1 = $00           ' Disable CSC - used with CPSCON0
        CM1CON0 = $00 	        ' Disable / Clear comparator 1
        CM1CON1 = $00 	        ' Used with CM1CON0
        CM2CON0 = $00 	        ' Disable / Clear comparator 2
        CM2CON1 = $00 	        ' Used with CM2CON0
        CMOUT   = $00           ' Disable Comparitors output register - used only if comparitor on
        SRCON0 = %00000000      ' Disable Latched Outputs
        SRCON1 = %00000000      ' Used with SRCON0 register
        DACCON0 = $00           ' Disable D/A
        DACCON1 = $00           ' Disable D/A - used with DACCON0
        LCDCON = $00            ' Disable LCD module
        LCDPS  = $00            ' Disable LCD module  &  LCD Phase Register 
        LCDCST = $00            ' Resistor lader contrast control 
        LCDREF = $00            ' Disable LCD voltage refernace control 
        LCDSE0 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE1 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE2 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE3 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE4 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE5 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDRL  = $00            ' LCD Ref ladder enable / disable 
        OPTION_REG.7 = 1       ' Weak Pullups disabled  1 = globel disable 0 = globel enable ( set by each port - WPUB settings)
        OPTION_REG.6 = 0       ' Interupt on Falling Edge of INT pin  0= falling edge  1= rising edge
        OPTION_REG.5 = 0       ' TMR0 clock source - 1=T0clk pin 0=internal clock
        OPTION_REG.4 = 0       ' TMR0 0=L/H of TOCKI pin  1=H/L of TOCKI pin
        OPTION_REG.3 = 0       ' Use Prescaller for TMR0  0= Yes , 1 = No
        OPTION_REG.2 = 1       ' Timer0 prescaler Rate Select bits 2-0(set to 1:256)
        OPTION_REG.1 = 1       ' 000 = 1:2  , 001= 1:4  , 010 = 1:8   , 011 = 1:16
        OPTION_REG.0 = 1       ' 100 = 1:32 , 101 = 1:64, 110 = 1:128 , 111 = 1:256
        T1CON  = %01110100     ' Timer 1 ,bit7-6 = TMR1 CLK source 00 = Instuction Clk(Fosc/4),01 =sys clk,10=ext clk,11=cap sense osc
                               ' bit5-4 = TMR1 prescale 11= 1:8 ,bit3=0 LP off,bit2=1 no sync ext CLK ,bit1= 0 n/a,Bit0=0 Timer 1 on/off
        T1GCON = %00000000     ' Timer 1 Gate Control bit7 0= counts regardless of gate 1 = gates in use  , bit6 gate active when 1= High  ,0=low
                               ' bit5 0= toggle mode diabled 1= enabled  bit4 single pulse mode 1- en 0= dis, bit 2 -status bit,1-0 - gate source sel
        T2CON  = %01110011     ' Timer 2 off + 1:15 postscale ,1:64 prescale ( bit 7 = x, bit6-3 1110 = 1:15 postscale, bit2=0 timer off ,bit1-0 = prescale 10 = 16 , 11= prescale 64
        T4CON  = %00000000	   ' POSTSCALER 1/1,STOP,PRESCALER 1/1
        T6CON  = %00000000 	   ' POSTSCALER 1/1,STOP,PRESCALER 1/1
        TMR0 = 0               ' Clear TMR0 MODULE REGISTER
        TMR1H = 0              ' CLEAR TMR1H MODULE REGISTER
        TMR1L = 0              ' CLEAR TMR1L MODULE REGISTER
        TMR2 = 0		       ' CLEAR TMR2 MODULE REGISTER
        TMR4 = 0			   ' CLEAR TMR4 MODULE REGISTER
        TMR6 = 0		       ' CLEAR TMR6 MODULE REGISTER
     'PR2 = 255              ' Timer 2 Preload value
     'PR4 = 255              ' Timer 4 Preload value
     'PR6 = 255              ' Timer 6 Preload value
    testing port F at the moment

     '    -------   Setup port F Variables  ----------  
        ANSELF =  %00000000    ' Set Port F - Digital I/O  , 0 = Digital  1 = Analog
          TRISF = %11111111    '( ports input)
    currently Port G is setup for output ( except G.5 which is always input and config 1 " MCRLR is used for reset and not a digital input pin)

    Port G has 6 I/O only

    but when confirming test with pulsin
    TRISG = %00111111

    '    -------   Setup port G Variables  ----------     
        ANSELG =  %00000000    ' Set Port G - Digital I/O  , 0 = Digital  1 = Analog
        TRISG =   %00100000    ' setup Port G input=1,output=0 for I/O pins -  portG.5 always input ( internal pullup) VPP/MCLR
        PORTG  =  %00100000    ' Clear Outputs
    test 1 - test pulsin with a clock source time period of 1ms high pulses applied on each port

        DEFINE OSC 32             ' Timing reference for pause , pauseus commands
        DEFINE PULSIN_MAX 5600    ' Maximum counts( clock ticks) allowed before pulsin times out( 5600 ^ 1.25us =  7 ms)
    pulsin PORTF.2,1,Leader      
    if leader > 0 then 
    write $A0 , Leader.highbyte                     ' debug only
    write $A1, Leader.Lowbyte                     'debug
    goto main

    Test 2 - read logic level of port and write something to show if it was a 1 or 0 to eeporm

     if PORTF.2 = 1 THEN LEADER = $1234
     if PORTF.2 = 0 THEN LEADER = $5678
           write $10,Leader.highbyte
          write $11,Leader.lowbyte

  8. #8
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    not sure if a simulator show this to be working for this chip by chance ?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    Do this:

    Whatever your minimal config and setup for PULSIN on two ports here,
    and make a pin that DOES work and a pin that DOES NOT work an input
    if PBP requires it for PULSIN.
    @ nop
    @ nop
    @ nop
    PULSIN on a pin that does work
    @ nop
    @ nop
    @ nop
    PULSIN on a pin that does not work
    'pulsin PORTF.2,1,Leader
    @ nop
    @ nop
    @ nop
    Then post source and compiled hex. You may not have to.
    It's easy to at least tell if the bank switching is happening,
    but maybe not the LCD configuration.
    Last edited by Art; - 5th December 2013 at 04:00.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    ok , the results of adding the nops , did not have an effect on the working ( port E) or the not working port ( port F)

    values writen to eeprom were only for port e , all pins on port E have a signal applied , as does port F



    cut down code is
    ' Name        : Pulsin Test Code 16f1947.pbp                                                        *
    ' Compiler    : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 3.06.1                                                                *
    ' Assembler   : MPASM v5.43                                                                                 *
    ' Target PIC  : PIC16F1947                                                                                  *
    ' Hardware    : n/a                                                                                         *
    ' Oscillator  : 32MHz internal                                                                              *
    ' Code Ver    : 0.0                                                                                         *
    ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
    ' Ver Change  :  N/A                                                                                        *
    '             :  1.                                                                                         *
    '             :  2.                                                                                         *
    '             :  3.                                                                                         *
    '             :  4.                                                                                         *
    ' Description : A diag Pulsin for Port F and G , Ports A-E work ok With pulsin
    ' config for 16F1947
    ;----- CONFIG1 Options --------------------------------------------------
    ;----- CONFIG2 Options --------------------------------------------------
        __config _CONFIG2, _LVP_OFF & _BORV_HI & _STVREN_ON & _PLLEN_ON & _WRT_OFF & _VCAPEN_OFF 
     '----------- 16F1947  - PIC chip Dephalt settings --------------------
        OSCCON   = $70          ' Select 32Mhz , internal clock  ( 8Mhz when conf2 - PLLEN_OFF)
                                ' Bit 7 0 = 4xPLL disabled  1= 4xPLL enables ( overrided by conf word 2 setting -  PLLEN)
                                ' bits6-3 -  1111 = 16Mhz , 1110 = 8MHz or 32Mhz ( depends on 4xPLL - conf word 2)  1101 = 4 MHz, 1100 = 2MHz 1011 = 1MHz
                                ' bitS 0-1 - 00= Clock set by Conf word ,01 = Timer1 OSC , 1x = internal Osc Block
      ' WDTCON = %00000000      ' Bit 7,6 = 0 n/a , Bit 5-1 = watchdog timer period select , bit 0 = SWDTEN enable / disable  for Watchdog timer bit ( WDTE)
                                ' set watchdog timer for 1ms and enabled by SWDTEN bit being set ( mode selected with _WDTE setting in Config1) 
        APFCON = %00000000	    ' All Default - No change when using SPI  use SDO1 = RC2 , bit6=0
        ADCON0 = %00010000      ' DISABLE ADC AN4 ,( ADCON1 setup at start of program  , Right Justify, FRC clock  )
        CPSCON0 = $00           ' Capcitive Sensing Control Disable 
        CPSCON1 = $00           ' Disable CSC - used with CPSCON0
        CM1CON0 = $00 	        ' Disable / Clear comparator 1
        CM1CON1 = $00 	        ' Used with CM1CON0
        CM2CON0 = $00 	        ' Disable / Clear comparator 2
        CM2CON1 = $00 	        ' Used with CM2CON0
        CMOUT   = $00           ' Disable Comparitors output register - used only if comparitor on
        SRCON0 = %00000000      ' Disable Latched Outputs
        SRCON1 = %00000000      ' Used with SRCON0 register
        DACCON0 = $00           ' Disable D/A
        DACCON1 = $00           ' Disable D/A - used with DACCON0
        LCDCON = $00            ' Disable LCD module
        LCDPS  = $00            ' Disable LCD module  &  LCD Phase Register 
        LCDCST = $00            ' Resistor lader contrast control 
        LCDREF = $00            ' Disable LCD voltage refernace control 
        LCDSE0 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE1 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE2 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE3 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE4 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDSE5 = $00            ' LCD segment enable register
        LCDRL  = $00            ' LCD Ref ladder enable / disable 
        OPTION_REG.7 = 1       ' Weak Pullups disabled  1 = globel disable 0 = globel enable ( set by each port - WPUB settings)
        OPTION_REG.6 = 0       ' Interupt on Falling Edge of INT pin  0= falling edge  1= rising edge
        OPTION_REG.5 = 0       ' TMR0 clock source - 1=T0clk pin 0=internal clock
        OPTION_REG.4 = 0       ' TMR0 0=L/H of TOCKI pin  1=H/L of TOCKI pin
        OPTION_REG.3 = 0       ' Use Prescaller for TMR0  0= Yes , 1 = No
        OPTION_REG.2 = 1       ' Timer0 prescaler Rate Select bits 2-0(set to 1:256)
        OPTION_REG.1 = 1       ' 000 = 1:2  , 001= 1:4  , 010 = 1:8   , 011 = 1:16
        OPTION_REG.0 = 1       ' 100 = 1:32 , 101 = 1:64, 110 = 1:128 , 111 = 1:256
        T1CON  = %01110100     ' Timer 1 ,bit7-6 = TMR1 CLK source 00 = Instuction Clk(Fosc/4),01 =sys clk,10=ext clk,11=cap sense osc
                               ' bit5-4 = TMR1 prescale 11= 1:8 ,bit3=0 LP off,bit2=1 no sync ext CLK ,bit1= 0 n/a,Bit0=0 Timer 1 on/off
        T1GCON = %00000000     ' Timer 1 Gate Control bit7 0= counts regardless of gate 1 = gates in use  , bit6 gate active when 1= High  ,0=low
                               ' bit5 0= toggle mode diabled 1= enabled  bit4 single pulse mode 1- en 0= dis, bit 2 -status bit,1-0 - gate source sel
        T2CON  = %01110011     ' Timer 2 off + 1:15 postscale ,1:64 prescale ( bit 7 = x, bit6-3 1110 = 1:15 postscale, bit2=0 timer off ,bit1-0 = prescale 10 = 16 , 11= prescale 64
        T4CON  = %00000000	   ' POSTSCALER 1/1,STOP,PRESCALER 1/1
        T6CON  = %00000000 	   ' POSTSCALER 1/1,STOP,PRESCALER 1/1
        TMR0 = 0               ' Clear TMR0 MODULE REGISTER
        TMR1H = 0              ' CLEAR TMR1H MODULE REGISTER
        TMR1L = 0              ' CLEAR TMR1L MODULE REGISTER
        TMR2 = 0		       ' CLEAR TMR2 MODULE REGISTER
        TMR4 = 0			   ' CLEAR TMR4 MODULE REGISTER
        TMR6 = 0		       ' CLEAR TMR6 MODULE REGISTER
     'PR2 = 255              ' Timer 2 Preload value
     'PR4 = 255              ' Timer 4 Preload value
     'PR6 = 255              ' Timer 6 Preload value
    ' ----------------  Setup All Define statements ------------ 
        DEFINE OSC 32             ' Timing referance for pause , pauseus commands
        DEFINE PULSIN_MAX 5600    ' Maximum counts( clock ticks) allowed before pulsin times out( 5600 ^ 1.25us =  7 ms)
        'DEFINE SHIFT_PAUSEUS 3    ' Delay Shiftout and Shiftin command timing by 3 us to 5us ( min 2us)                       
    '  -------   Setup port A Variables  & directions  ----------
        ANSELA = %00100000     ' Set Port A - Digital I/O  , 0 = Digital  1 = Analog - Set RA5 (AN4) to be analog input for V-Mon 
        TRISA =  %00100000     ' setup Port A input=1,output=0 for I/O pins  
        PORTA  = %00100000     ' Clear Outputs 
       ' -------   Setup port B Variables  & directions  ----------                       
        TRISB =  %11010000     ' setup Port A input=1,output=0 for I/O pins ( Note RA4 - input only) 
        WPUB  =  %11010000	   '  Port B - Turn off week Pullups 1=ON , for each port ( globle enable set in option_reg.7)
        PORTB  = %00000000     ' Clear Outputs 
       ' -------   Setup port C Variables & directions ----------
        TRISC =  %00010000     ' setup Port C input=1,output=0 for I/O pins
        PORTC  = %00010000     '  Clear Outputs
       '    -------   Setup port D Variables & directions ----------
        TRISD =  %00000000     ' setup Port D input=1,output=0 for I/O pins
        PORTD  = %00000000     '  Clear Outputs
       '    -------   Setup port E Variables  ----------   
          TRISE = $FF       ' else IR-RX ( ports input)  
       '    -------   Setup port F Variables  ----------  
        ANSELF =  %00000000    ' Set Port F - Digital I/O  , 0 = Digital  1 = Analog
        TRISF = $FF            ' input)  
       '    -------   Setup port G Variables  ----------     
        ANSELG =  %00000000    ' Set Port G - Digital I/O  , 0 = Digital  1 = Analog
        TRISG =   %01000000    ' setup Port G input=1,output=0 for I/O pins -  portG.5 always input ( internal pullup) VPP/MCLR
        PORTG  =  %01000000    ' Clear Outputs
     ' --------- Pulsin  variables ------------
        Leader         var word      ' Value for  pulse read in pulsein inputs ( high and Low) 
     '----------- main program ---------------
        '===========PORT E LOWER =========
        pulsin PORTE.0,1,lEADER            ' pORT e.0
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
         pulsin PORTE.1,1,lEADER          'pORT E.1
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
        pulsin PORTE.2,1,lEADER 
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
          pulsin PORTE.3,1,lEADER 
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
       '================= PORT E upper ================
       pulsin PORTE.4,1,lEADER 
    @ nop
    @ nop
    @ nop
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
         pulsin PORTE.5,1,lEADER 
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
        pulsin PORTE.6,1,lEADER 
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
        pulsin PORTE.7,1,lEADER 
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
    ' =========== PORT F LOWER ================    
        pulsin PORTF.0,1,lEADER 
    @ nop
    @ nop
    @ nop
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
         pulsin PORTF.1,1,lEADER 
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
         pulsin PORTF.2,1,lEADER 
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
        pulsin PORTF.3,1,lEADER 
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
    ' ========== PORT F UPPER  ==================
         pulsin PORTF.4,1,lEADER 
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
        pulsin PORTF.5,1,lEADER 
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
        pulsin PORTF.6,1,lEADER 
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
        pulsin PORTF.7,1,lEADER 
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
      Goto main
    Attached Files Attached Files

  11. #11
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    That's not quite what I meant.
    I mean only the code required to test the two pins, very minimal.
    It can be seen from the hex disassembly if the bank switching is happening or not.
    It only makes things more difficult if all the rest of your code is in it as well.

    The three nop instructions are there because they compile straight to the same thing
    in assembler prior to compile to hex, so when the hex file is disassembled, the
    PULSIN instruction disassembly are present with three nops separating each of them.
    Then it is clear, the difference between the two disassembled PULSIN commands.

    That could rule out, or confirm that bank switching is happening.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    OK ART ,
    please see attached - code 2 is portE.4 working - see hex

    code 3 port F.0 not working - see hex

    '----------- main program ---------------
    ' code 2 test 
    '   '================= PORT E upper ================
    @ nop
    @ nop
    @ nop
       pulsin PORTE.4,1,lEADER 
    @ nop
    @ nop
    @ nop
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
      Goto main

    '----------- main program ---------------
    ' code ver 3 test
    '   '================= PORT E upper ================
    @ nop
    @ nop
    @ nop
       pulsin PORTF.0,1,lEADER 
    @ nop
    @ nop
    @ nop
        iF lEADER >0  THEN 
      Goto main
    Attached Files Attached Files

  13. #13
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    Well bummer, it appears Windows 7 can't run ICprog
    It has a free 16F disassembler, although outdated, it should still translate opcodes that it understands.

    So I bit the bullet and had a look at your asm file, but that isn't assembler,
    only some intermediate file between PBP and asm perhaps.
    All of the PBP instructions are present on the right, but the main text is some gibberish.

    This leads me to question how anyone is disassembling a PBP hex in this era.
    The defines for bank switching (all banks) are all there, and the include file
    certainly does appear to know all there is to know about the chip.

    Now it seems I have a problem of my own!
    I would not use PBP with a chip any later than 16F628, 16F877, etc.
    if you could not fully disassemble it.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    mmm thats a pain , yes running the ver of PBP 3.07, with mplab at 8.90

    has to be a way to solve this , it really is making me think that its cos port F and G are not part of bank0

  15. #15
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    well thats what i thought

    i just got email from darrel and yes its PBP3.0 issue for ports f, g on 16f1947

    PBP 2.60 and later, PBP commands on PORTF and PORTG of 16F1946/1947

    Published on 12-04-2013 10:03 AM
    With PBP 2.60 and later (up to 3.0.7.x), PBP commands that automatically set the TRIS bits will not work properly on PORTF or PORTG of the 16F1946/1947.

    An issue with bank selection for the TRIS register has been identified.

    Hopefully, this will be corrected by version 3.0.8.x
    2.60(A,B,C) will continue to have this issue.

    There are no workarounds.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    Hi, Sheldon

    could you tell us which are your pulses characteristics ???

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  17. #17
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    i am measuring a clock source of about 70us - 3ms on / 300 us off over 16 inputs , unfortunate port f and g were part of that

  18. #18
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    Quote Originally Posted by longpole001 View Post
    i am measuring a clock source of about 70us - 3ms on / 300 us off over 16 inputs , unfortunate port f and g were part of that
    If you were reading PULSIN on any given port pin, you couldn't be looking at any other pins at the same time anyway,
    you could have only been cycling through all of the pins checking one at a time because PULSIN ties up execution until it's done.

    You stated in your first post that you can still check for high or low condition on the suspect ports.
    Why not count the number of low to high transitions over a period of time on the suspect ports?

  19. #19
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    why not make your own pulsin it maynot be perfect but it will give reliable results

    set a 16 bit timer to overflow just past 3ms with appropriate pre and post scalers
    txcon = 0 ;stop the timer x
    tmrx.hi =0 ; reset timerx to 0
    tmrx.low =0
    while portf.x ; waiting for a low pulse
    txcon = ? ; the appropriate setting
    while !portf.x ; timing the low period
    txcon = 0 ;stop the timer x
    pulsletime.highbyte = tmrx.highbyte
    pulsletime.lowbyte = tmrx.lowbyte

    I just notice your clock is 32mhz so timer1 will give you a 8ms max time with a 1:1 prescale and a 1.25uS resolution , I'm no sure what the min measurable time woud be but it will be consistant
    Last edited by richard; - 7th December 2013 at 02:20.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    I think PBP.3.07 will not set the TrisF port correctly , i tried even using asm in the PbP to set it

    what i have done is i have wired up port D & E and tested the code using pulsin , i have other design updates to do with the prototype board so ill throw the 16F1947 in favor of 18F67K22 , with a small increase in PIC price ,
    the pins are near compatible except for how voltage regulator on this chip is done

    I will also try the port f and g on the 18F67K22 as well

    hope PBP3.0 support F and G on the 18F67k22 / k90 chips


    will find out

  21. #21
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    Ooops ... sorry
    Last edited by Acetronics2; - 7th December 2013 at 08:37.
    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  22. #22
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    You would certainly be able to bank select and set tris in asm,
    it's just that if you use PULSIN on the port it will select an incorrect bank before executing or whatever it's doing wrong.
    Then it's just a matter of whether or not manually reading pins has the same problem.

    It might be wiser to use another chip anyway, in case there's
    a similar problem with other commands later on.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    yes thanks guys , the 16F1947 advantages disappear when 2 complete ports are not available easily , combined with the silicon rev 2 which has its own issues with adc

    Once bitten etc etc ,

    I have learned a lot from this one ,and to do a very, very ,very good search of

    1. any erratica notices on the chip of choice
    2. make more effort to find any "known issues" with the compiler of choice for the chip chosen "
    3. expect that the rev you going to get is most likely the buggy one and not the latest unless chip is over 2 years old or more -
    4. Microchip dont give silicon revision information on the chips to the suppliers and no notice of when a bach numbering is of a sillicon revision
    5. most if not all supplier do not have or track batch numbering of chips

    after talking to microchip directly in usa on the phone and via email , ( i have about 100 16f1947 , all rev 2 on hand for this project ), fortunately the supplier will refund ,

    and only when you do a "special order " for a silicon revision.will the silicon be known , i am still waiting on details of MRQ requirements to meet the special order requirements.

    any way ill continue on debug part of this program with the 16f1947 as i am stuck with it on this board for prototyping phase which mainly to confirm the concept and application.
    have ordered some 18F67K22 which is close enough to be good enough if i still want to use the PCB's that are made ,
    but see how many other changes are needed , sometimes cheaper in time and money just to throw PCB's and do correctly.



  24. #24
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    Sheldon, I have used 18F67K22's for about a year now and have had NO problems with them. I ONLY order my parts from MicroChip Direct as they always have the latest silicon. If you buy from any other source, you have NO idea how long the parts have been sitting on the shelf.
    Dave Purola,

  25. #25
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    yep i think that what ill do as well from now on , i am not sure if the chips on hand from microchip in australia may be older than that of the usa stocks , but i think there is better chance they be the most upto date

  26. #26
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    Default Re: PULSIN ON PORTF and PORTG ON 16F1947

    If you deal with microchip direct, good chance your orders will come straight from factory in Malaysia.

    My samples came to Canada from there.


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