Using SPI hardware

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Default Using SPI hardware


    For several days I'm trying to use the MSSP
    The complete project is to use 4 x PIC18F45K22 as slave and another one as Master.
    At this time I just simulate data between 1 slave and the master with Proteus 8 and... the simulation works.
    Unfortunately, test with my PCB makes me crazy.

    When Master asking to slave with a "?" I expect to receive "!WAY0625"

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    or HEX: 21 57 41 59 30 36 32 35

    This is simulation give, but in fact (Real PCB) the slave never answer the good message beginning by "!"

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    don't care about the "41 hex" in place of "3F hex", this is because I'm trying other than "?" to begin TX.

    The problem is: Why $10 on MISO (or other stupid values)

    Here is my code:
    '*  Name    : master.BAS                                      *
    '*  Author  : Herve Helleboid                                   *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2013 HYTEM                          *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 02/11/2013                                        *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   :                                                   *
    '*          :                                                   *
    TRISA = %00000000
    TRISB = %00000000
    TRISC = %10010000
    TRISD = %10000000
    TRISE = %00000000
    ANSELA = %00000000
    ANSELB = %00000000
    ANSELC = %00000000
    ANSELD = %00000000
    ANSELE = %00000000
    ' configuration USART2 (communication avec FAV)
    RCSTA2 = $90 ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
    TXSTA2 = $20 ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 0
    SPBRG2 = 77  ' 9600 Baud @ 48MHz, 0,16%
    ' configuration USART1 (communication RS232 externe)
    RCSTA1 = $90 ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
    TXSTA1 = $20 ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 0
    SPBRG1 = 103 ' 9600 Baud @ 64MHz, 0,16%
    SSPEN VAR SSP1CON1.5   ' SSP Enable bit
    CKP   VAR SSP1CON1.4   ' Clock Polarity Select
    SMP   VAR SSP1STAT.7  ' Data input sample phase
    CKE   VAR SSP1STAT.6  ' Clock Edge Select bit
    SSPIF VAR PIR1.3     ' SPI interrupt flag
    SS0   var PORTB.3
    SS1   VAR PORTB.1
    SS2   VAR PORTC.2
    SS3   VAR PORTC.1
    slave var byte
    i     VAR BYTE           ' loop counter
    a     VAR BYTE[6]        ' Holds characters read from slave
    HIGH SS0            'slaves are waiting (slave select pin)
    HIGH SS1
    HIGH SS2
    HIGH SS3
    PAUSE 300
    pause 300
    hserout ["rdy",13,10]
    SSP1CON1 = %00100010
       SSPIF = 0         ' clear buffer full status
       GoSub getdata     ' initiate conversion and receive data
       hserout ["lst ",STR a\7,13,10] ' display received string
       high SS0
       Pause 500
       toggle led
       GoTo mainloop     ' do it forever
       low SS0
       pauseus 10                                      
       SSPBUF = "?"      ' send ? to start conversion
       GOSUB letclear    ' wait for buffer to clear
       IF SSPBUF<>"!" Then getdata ' wait for reply (!)
       For i = 0 to 6    ' loop for 7 characters
         SSPBUF = 0      ' write to SSPBUF to start clock
         GOSUB letclear  ' wait for receipt
         a[i] = SSPBUF   ' store received character in array
       Next i            ' get next character
       IF SSPIF = 0 Then letclear ' wait for SPI interupt flag 1=TRx complet must be cleared
       PauseUs 25         ' 25uS fudge factor
       SSPIF = 0          ' reset flag   

    ' Name        : SPISLAVE.pbp
    ' Compiler    : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.6
    ' Assembler   : PM or MPASM
    ' pic18f45k22 @ 16MHz PLLx4 = 64MHz
    TRISA = %00100000
    TRISB = %00000000
    TRISC = %10011000
    TRISD = %10001000
    TRISE = %00000000
    ANSELA = %00000000
    ANSELB = %00000000
    ANSELC = %00000000
    ANSELD = %00001000
    ANSELE = %00000000
    ' Allocate RAM
    dataout VAR BYTE[8]   ' Data out array
    SSPEN   VAR SSP1CON1.5  ' SSP Enable bit
    CKP     VAR SSP1CON1.4  ' Clock Polarity Select
    SMP     VAR SSP1STAT.7 ' Data input sample phase
    CKE     VAR SSP1STAT.6 ' Clock Edge Select bit
    SSPIF   VAR PIR1.3    ' interrupt flag - last bit set
    i       VAR BYTE      ' loop counter
    a       VAR BYTE[6]   ' Holds 6 characters of data
    led     var PORTA.4
    way     var byte      'n° de voie
    '   SSP1CON1 = %00000101 ' configure SPI slave, no SS            
    SSP1CON1 = %00000100 ' configure SPI slave with SS  
    CKP = 0            ' clock idle low
    CKE = 0            ' transmit on idle to active transition
    SSPIF = 0          ' clear SPI interrupt
    SMP = 0            ' sample in middle of data
    RCSTA1 = $90               ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
    TXSTA1 = $20               ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 0
    SPBRG1 = 25                ' 38400 Baud @ 64MHz, 0,16%
    DEFINE ADC_BITS  8     ' ADCIN resolution  (Bits)
    DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 7     ' ADC clock source  (Frc)
    DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 11 ' ADC sampling time (uSec)
       dataout[0] = 87   ' Preset output     WAY0625
       dataout[1] = 65
       dataout[2] = 89
       dataout[3] = 48
       dataout[4] = 54
       dataout[5] = 50
       dataout[6] = 53
    PAUSE 300
    ADCIN 23,way
    IF way < 30 then 
    way = 48               'way 0 for 470R
    goto mainloop
    IF way < 60 then 
    way = 49               'way 1 for 2K2
    goto mainloop
    IF way < 90 then 
    way = 50               'way 2 for 3K9
    goto mainloop
    way = 51               'way 3 for 10K
       SSPEN = 0          ' disable/enable SSP to reset port
       SSPEN = 1
       SSPBUF = "!"       ' send reply   $21  dec = 33
       GoSub letclear     ' wait for byte received
       IF (SSPBUF <> "?") Then mainloop ' wait for ? to start conversion
       toggle led
       For i = 0 to 6     ' loop for 7 array locations
           SSPBUF = dataout[i] ' send array variable
           GoSub letclear ' wait until buffer ready
       Next i             ' next location
       goto mainloop
       IF SSPIF = 0 Then letclear ' wait for interrupt flag
       SSPIF = 0                  ' reset flag
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    Any idea ? Someone can help ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

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    Default Re: Using SPI hardware

    same as november 6

    Measuring... Trying to understand what's wrong...

    As I'm using PIC for my job... I'm sad... Too many hours (weeks) and... working now to make fast PIC's communication without pbp example (just one example found and not working ).

    To be electronician is not an easy life !


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

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    Default Re: Using SPI hardware

    As nothing seem's to work... (not using simulation program now but real hardware)
    Using now the smallest program to test what's wrong:
    '*  Name    : master.BAS                                        *
    '*  Author  : Herve Helleboid                                   *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2013 HYTEM                          *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 02/11/2013                                        *
    TRISA = %00000000
    TRISB = %00000000
    TRISC = %10010000
    TRISD = %10000000
    TRISE = %00000000
    ANSELA = %00000000
    ANSELB = %00000000
    ANSELC = %00000000
    ANSELD = %00000000
    ANSELE = %00000000
    ' configuration USART1 (communication RS232 external)
    RCSTA1 = $90 ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
    TXSTA1 = $20 ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 0
    SPBRG1 = 103 ' 9600 Baud @ 64MHz, 0,16%
    SSPIF VAR PIR1.3     ' SPI interrupt flag
    SSPEN   VAR SSP1CON1.5  ' SSP Enable bit
    SS0   var PORTB.3
    slave var byte
    i     VAR BYTE           ' loop counter
    a     VAR BYTE[6]        ' Holds 6 characters read from slave
    BF    VAR SSP1STAT.0
    HIGH SS0            'slave not in use
    PAUSE 300
    hserout ["rdy",13,10]
    Pause 50         
    SSP1CON1 = %00100010
    SSP1STAT = %00000000
    SSPIF = 0         ' clear buffer full status
       pause 200
       low SS0
       pauseus 5
       SSP1BUF = "?"
       while BF = 1 : wend
       pauseus 10
       SSPIF = 0
       high SS0
       hserout [SSP1BUF," ",dec SSP1BUF,13,10] ' display received char
       toggle led
       GoTo mainloop     ' do it forever
    ' Name        : SLAVE.pbp
    ' Compiler    : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.6
    ' Assembler   : PM or MPASM
    ' pic18f45k22 @ 16MHz PLLx4 = 64MHz
    TRISA = %00100000
    TRISB = %00000000
    TRISC = %10011000
    TRISD = %10001000
    TRISE = %00000000
    ANSELA = %00000000
    ANSELB = %00000000
    ANSELC = %00000000
    ANSELD = %00001000
    ANSELE = %00000000
    ' Allocate RAM
    dataout VAR BYTE[8]   ' Data out array
    SSPEN   VAR SSP1CON1.5  ' SSP Enable bit
    CKP     VAR SSP1CON1.4  ' Clock Polarity Select
    SMP     VAR SSP1STAT.7 ' Data input sample phase
    CKE     VAR SSP1STAT.6 ' Clock Edge Select bit
    SSPIF   VAR PIR1.3    ' interrupt flag - last bit set
    i       VAR BYTE      ' loop counter
    a       VAR BYTE[6]   ' Holds 6 characters of data
    led     var PORTA.4
    BF    VAR SSP1STAT.0
    SSP1CON1 = %00000100 ' configure SPI slave with SS  
    CKP = 0            ' clock idle low
    CKE = 1            ' transmit on idle to active transition
    SSPIF = 0          ' clear SPI interrupt
    SMP = 0            ' sample in middle of data
    SSPEN = 1
    RCSTA1 = $90               ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
    TXSTA1 = $20               ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 0
    SPBRG1 = 25                ' 38400 Baud @ 64MHz, 0,16%
    PAUSE 300
       SSP1BUF = "!"       ' send reply   $21  dec = 33
       while BF = 1 : wend
       PAUSEUS 10
       SSPIF = 0
       toggle led
       goto mainloop

    Master send "?" and need to receive "!"
    doing it forever

    AS I can see on my logic analyzer
    MASTER send $3F (OK it's ? or decimal 63)
    SLAVE send $21 (OK its ! or decimal 33)
    This is measured with USBEE SX.

    As I have a RS232 hardware connected to the PIC master (TX1) my master prog send to RS232 the received character
    instead of receiving "!" (dec 33) it is always " " (dec 32)
    sometimes also receiving strange characters

    So... I was thinking that last bit is not recognized but:

    If I change (slave prog) the character "!" by example by "W" or "0" it works fine every time !

    I tried to send other different characters and for some of them, it's good...
    For others it's decimal value -1 or decimal value + 1

    Any help ?


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Using SPI hardware

    I haven't looked that close at your code yet but have you tried putting the logic analyzer on the UART output of the PIC to verify what it is actually sending? Perhaps there's some baudrate issue, some problem with a USB-COM dongle (if you're using one) or something else on that side of equation. On the other hand I see you're outputting rdy at the start and I expect that to display properly. What if you change that to Ready! does it still display properly?

    You could always try:
    RCSTA = $90   ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
    TXSTA = $24   ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 1
    SPBRG = 130   ' 9600 Baud @ 64MHz, -0,02%
    SPBRGH = 6
    BAUDCON.3 = 1 ' Enable 16 bit baudrate generator

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Using SPI hardware

    Hello Henrik,

    Thank you for your message
    I have tryed your code and change rdy to ready without any result. I will try tomorrow on another computer (direct RS232 port, no USB dongle) to see if the problem isn't here.

    Best Regards

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Look, behind you.

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    Default Re: Using SPI hardware

    Are you certain your configs are set correctly to operate that PIC @ OSC 64 ?
    If you do not believe in MAGIC, Consider how currency has value simply by printing it, and is then traded for real assets.
    Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants - but debt is the money of slaves
    There simply is no "Happy Spam" If you do it you will disappear from this forum.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Using SPI hardware


    @ Henrik
    On another computer (real RS232 port) = same result

    Hi and thank you for your reply

    Do you think I forgot something in config bit ?
    I'm not expert... May be you can check my config bits:

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    Maybe I can try at 16MHz, but I choose this pic because of 64MHz.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Using SPI hardware

    I had never used the MSSP module in slave mode Before but I just had a play with two 18F25K20 devices, one as master and one as slave.
    The master sends the letters "A" to "Z" and outputs both what it sends and what it recieves to the serial terminal.
    The slave responds with the letters "Z" to "A". It outputs what it receives and what it sends to the serial terminal.

    At this time I did not have time to implement and test the SS-line but apart from that it appears to work as expected.

    You might be able to gain some insight into your trouble by looking at these two programs.

    Here's the code for the master:
    '*  Name    : SPI Master.pbp                                    *
    '*  Author  : Henrik Olsson                                     *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2013 [Henrik Olsson]                *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 2013-11-12                                        *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : Designed to run on 18F45K20, AMICUS18 platform.   *
    '*          :                                                   *
    DEFINE OSC 64                       ' Default oscillator speed on the AMICUS18 is 16*4MHz
    DEFINE LOADER_USED 1                ' We're using a bootloader.
    DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h               ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24h               ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 1
    DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1               ' Clear overflow automatically
    DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 138               ' 115200 Baud @ 64MHz, -0,08%
    SPBRGH = 0
    BAUDCON.3 = 1                       ' Enable 16 bit baudrate generator
    TRISC = %10010110                   ' RX, TX, SDO, SDI, SCK, N/U, N/U, CS 
    TRISB = %11111111                   ' N/U, N/U, N/U, N/U, N/U, N/U, N/U, N/U
    ' Aliases for the MSSP module status and control bits.
    SSPEN           VAR SSPCON1.5       ' SSP Enable bit  
    CKP             VAR SSPCON1.4       ' Clock Polarity Select  
    SMP             VAR SSPSTAT.7       ' Data input sample phase  
    CKE             VAR SSPSTAT.6       ' Clock Edge Select bit
    BF              VAR SSPSTAT.0       ' Buffer full flag.  
    ' Set up the MSSP module.
    CKP = 0                             ' Clock idles low  
    CKE = 0                             ' Transmit on idle to active transition.  
    SMP = 0                             ' Sample in middle of data 
    SSPEN = 1                           ' Enable SPI pins
    SSPCON1.0 = 1                       ' Slow down SPI clock to Fosc/16 for now.
    i VAR BYTE
    Response VAR BYTE
    Response = SSPBUF                       ' Dummy read to buffer and BF-flag
    HSEROUT ["Master start...", 13]
    HSEROUT ["TX - RX",13]
    Pause 5000
        For i = "A" to "Z"                  ' Send letters A to Z
            SSPBUF = i                      ' Load buffer with content
            While BF = 0 : WEND             ' Wait for operation to complete
            Response = SSPBUF               ' Read response
            HSEROUT [i, "  -  ", Response, 13]
            PAUSE 10
        HSEROUT ["Done.....", 13]
        Pause 5000
    Goto Main
    And here's the code for the slave:
    '*  Name    : SPI Slave.pbp                                     *
    '*  Author  : Henrik Olsson                                     *
    '*  Notice  : Copyright (c) 2013 [Henrik Olsson]                *
    '*          : All Rights Reserved                               *
    '*  Date    : 2013-11-12                                        *
    '*  Version : 1.0                                               *
    '*  Notes   : Designed to run on 18F45K20, AMICUS18 platform.   *
    '*          :                                                   *
    DEFINE OSC 64                       ' Default oscillator speed on the AMICUS18 is 16*4MHz
    DEFINE LOADER_USED 1                ' We're using a bootloader.
    DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h               ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24h               ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 1
    DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1               ' Clear overflow automatically
    DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 138               ' 115200 Baud @ 64MHz, -0,08%
    SPBRGH = 0
    BAUDCON.3 = 1                       ' Enable 16 bit baudrate generator
    TRISC = %10011111                   ' RX, TX, SDO, SDI, SCK, N/U, N/U, CS 
    TRISB = %11111111                   ' N/U, N/U, N/U, N/U, N/U, N/U, N/U, N/U
    ' Aliases for the MSSP module status and control bits.
    SSPEN           VAR SSPCON1.5       ' SSP Enable bit  
    CKP             VAR SSPCON1.4       ' Clock Polarity Select  
    SMP             VAR SSPSTAT.7       ' Data input sample phase  
    CKE             VAR SSPSTAT.6       ' Clock Edge Select bit  
    BF              VAR SSPSTAT.0       ' Buffer Full bit
    ' Set up the MSSP module.
    CKP = 0                             ' Clock idles low  
    CKE = 0                             ' Transmit on idle to active transition.  
    SMP = 0                             ' Sample in middle of data 
    While PortC.4 = 1 : WEND            ' Wait for SCK pin to be idle before enabling MSSP
    SSPCON1 = %00100101                 ' Slave mode, no SS
    i VAR BYTE
    Response VAR BYTE
    HSEROUT ["Slave start...", 13]
    HSEROUT ["RX - TX", 13]
        For i = "Z" to "A" STEP -1
            SSPBUF = i                      ' Load buffer
            While BF = 0 : WEND             ' Wait for data to arrive
            Response = SSPBUF               ' Read data from buffer, clears flag.
            HSEROUT [Response, "  -  ", i, 13]
        HSEROUT ["Done...",13]
    Goto Main

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

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    Default Re: Using SPI hardware

    Hello again,
    Looking at the slave code in post #3 above it says
    CKE = 1            ' transmit on idle to active transition
    The setting and comment does not match, Setting the CKE bit makes the slave, in this case, output data on active to idle state of the clock. But, looking at the master code it is set up to sample the data in the middle of the cycle. I'm not sure if this is the actual problem but comparing it to my examples it's something that differs.


  10. #10
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    Default Re: Using SPI hardware

    Dear Henrik, and other who tryed to help me.

    Today I made a new prototype.. Soldering new components on a new (but same) professionnal dual layer PCB and, using same programs
    Plugin and.... Working !

    I really don't know what's wrong with the first one.
    My new prototype has just what is needed to test the SPI. (Only 2 pic and max232a)

    Trying now to write the complete program... God bless me

    Thank you very much
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