MikroElectrnica EasyPIC v7 USB Driver

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  1. #1

    Default MikroElectrnica EasyPIC v7 USB Driver

    Has anyone else come across the same problems as I have. I just cannot get the EastPIC v7 to load its USB drivers.

    I am running Windows 7 (64 Bit). I have uncompressed both mickroprog suite and mikroprog drivers but the PC just refuses to load the USB driver.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Re: MikroElectrnica EasyPIC v7 USB Driver

    Have you tried asking at the mikroE forum?
    Why pay for overpriced toys when you can have
    professional grade tools for FREE!!!

  3. #3

    Default Re: MikroElectrnica EasyPIC v7 USB Driver

    I did and I eventually got a reply from a guy called Henrik.

    Seems that the manual says Double Click on the icon for Drivers Install. Whereas is actually works if you Left Click and Run-As Administrator.

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