Android Basic Alternative

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  1. #1
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    Default Android Basic Alternative

    If you code with Visual Basic, B4A is a good choice. However it's a bit too "object oriented" for my taste, so I'm looking for alternatives. I prefer good old procedural structures, like those used in PICBasic Pro, or Liberty Basic for the PC. I've been poking at RFO Basic which has the right language structure and the right price tag (it's open source, so free). It's available here: RFO Basic You actually can code on the target device, or you can create a file on your PC and move it over, and you can of course create APKs for distribution on Google Play. There are some tools available, but it's relatively new and a bit thin yet. There seems to be a very involved user community as well.

    Has anybody else looked at this one?
    How about other alternatives more akin to PBP than VB?

  2. #2
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    Have you been able to write anything useful with it?
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  3. #3
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    Sure - I've produced a display program for a PIC project that is basically collecting sensor data and sending it by BlueTooth. The Android app reads and displays the data, and saves me carrying a laptop for a task a phone can happily do. I have not hit any real limitations with the language other than my imagination. I did uncover a bug and got a load with a fix within a few hours, which is way better than I'd see with a proprietary product.

    All the major constructs are there, and all the smart phone platform advantages are accessible like BlueTooth, WIFI, position/motion sensors, GPS, file reads and writes, etc. as well as graphics tools and text dislay tools, and there are tools to produce standalone apps for distribution in Google Play. I guess my only concern is the double edged sword of open source and GPL - you get lots of code to reuse, but you must publish your source so you might lose any competitive advantage. Perfect for a hobbyist, and still usable commercially with caution.

    Not a lot of posts, though, so I'm guessing not a lot of PBP folks are using it - or maybe not even doing Android.

  4. #4
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    Does RFO basic include the advanced feature of "Ad Hoc WiFi" or point to point WiFi?


  5. #5
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    Hi Norm. I'm not sure - I have not played with WIFI yet. In general RFOB uses the android/java/linux existing infrastructure to set up physical or transport layer stuff, then uses sockets or defined buffer accesses to move data in and out of those layers. So if your version of Android supports PTP WIFI (I don't think my old 2.3.3 does) you should be able to use it. RFOB really wraps the existing Java and hides the complexity to get you going fast without a huge learning curve.

    But I'm pretty much a newbie too... I'm just looking for something that doesn't require me to write a dozen pages of objects to type "hello World" on the screen. B4A is nice for a big collaborative projects, but I don't generally do any of those. RFOB might just serve all of my needs. The manual is quite good. I'm not sure about other language alternatives if they even exist, hence my original post.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Android Basic Alternative

    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie View Post
    Not a lot of posts, though, so I'm guessing not a lot of PBP folks are using it - or maybe not even doing Android.
    From what I have seen I do not think that there are that many here working with Android.

    I am going to try RFOB when I get time. Not sure when that will be though.
    Always wear safety glasses while programming.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mackrackit View Post
    From what I have seen I do not think that there are that many here working with Android.
    Well, I have been using Basic4Android for a while. Unlike Charlie, I do like the fact that the program is object oriented. I think that it been object oriented it makes my life much easier.

    "No one is completely worthless. They can always serve as a bad example."


  8. #8
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    I also am using B4A, though only a few simple apps so far. Learning how to make your app work with different screen sizes has been my biggest hurdle. Still having trouble with that I will check out RFO basic. Thanks for the link.

  9. #9

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    I have been working with B4A for a couple of months and like it. Now trying to get PIC connected to a BT module to talk in Prefix mode. If any of you guys have experience I would appreciate some input.

    I define all variables as BYTES. B4A crashes when it receives the data.
      debug Prefix1,Prefix2,Prefix3,Prefix4,RPM1T,RPM2T,RPM3T,RPM4T

  10. #10
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    Did you ever get this working with prefix mode? I am struggling with the exact same thing. I can view the data with prefix disabled, but it crashes (doesn't like the prefix) when using prefix mode. Any tips appreciated.

  11. #11

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    I did get it working. The one thing that was kicking my ass if I remember right was the True/False for BigEndian.

    AStream.InitializePrefix(Main.serial1.InputStream, True, Main.serial1.OutputStream, "AStream")
    Also I had to look around to set the BPS right. I am sending at 9600 currently

    Incoming= BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "ISO8859_1")
    Here is the PBP side of the Bluetooth TX

    Send_BT: 'Sends data assembled from control boards and outputs to the XOOM
      debug Prefix1,Prefix2,Prefix3,Prefix4,"R,",dec4 RadarTotal,",",dec4 RPM1R,",",dec4 RPM2R,",",dec4 RPM3R,",",dec4 RPM4R,",",dec4 RPM5R,",",dec4 RPM6R,",",dec4 RPM7R,",",dec4 RPM8R,",",dec4 RPM9R,",",dec4 RPM10R,_
                                                           ",",dec4 RPM11R,",",dec4 RPM12R,",",dec4 RPM13R,",",dec4 RPM14R,",",dec4 RPM15R,",",dec4 RPM16R,",",dec4 RPM17R,",",dec4 RPM18R,_
                                                           ",",dec4 RPM19R,",",dec4 RPM20R,",",dec4 RPM21R,",",dec4 RPM22R,",",dec4 RPM23R,",",dec4 RPM24R,",",dec4 RPM1R,",",dec4 RPM2R,_
                                                           ",",dec4 RPM3R,",",dec4 RPM4R,",",dec4 RPM5R,",",dec4 RPM6R,",",dec4 RPM7R,",",dec4 RPM8R,",",dec4 RPM9R,",",dec4 RPM10R,_
                                                           ",",dec4 RPM11R,",",dec4 RPM12R,",",dec4 RPM13R,",",dec4 RPM14R,",",dec4 RPM15R,",",dec4 RPM16R,",",dec4 RPM17R,",",dec4 RPM18R,_
                                                           ",",dec4 RPM19R,",",dec4 RPM20R,",",dec4 RPM21R,",",dec4 RPM22R,",",dec4 RPM23R,",",dec4 RPM24R,",","E"
      'serout2 lcd,16468,[Prefix,CursorPS,0,dec RPM1T,",",dec RPM2T,",",dec RPM3T,",",dec RPM4T]
    Here is the Bluetooth RX side on the Xoom/B4A

    Sub AStream_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)
    	'Log( BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "ISO8859_1"))    
    	Dim Incoming As String
    	Dim Start As Int
    	Dim Stop As Int
    	'sAmount As Int
        'LogMessage("INTERFACE", BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "ISO8859_1"))
    	Log( BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "ISO8859_1"))
    	Incoming= BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "ISO8859_1")
        Start = Incoming.IndexOf("R")
    	Stop = Incoming.IndexOf("E")
    	If ScrId>3 Then
    	If SimSpeedYN="Yes" Then 
    	  MPH = SimSpeed
    	  txtRPM.Text = NumberFormat(MaxRPM,0,1)
          MPH = (Incoming.SubString2(Start +2,Stop -241))
    	  'If MPH>0 Then 
            MPH=(MPH-1000)          '''''''''THis is for hard coded MPH
    	    txtRPM.Text = NumberFormat(MaxRPM,0,1)
          ' Else
    	   ' MPH="0"
    	   ' txtMPH.Text=0
    	   ' txtRPM.Text = 0	
    	  'End If
    	End If   
    	Log("MPH " & MPH)
          If EPD>0 Then
    	    If MPH>0 Then 
     	      Row1 = (Incoming.SubString2(Start +7,Stop -236))
    	      Row2 = (Incoming.SubString2(Start +12,Stop -231))
    	      Row3 = (Incoming.SubString2(Start +17,Stop -226))
    	      Row4 = (Incoming.SubString2(Start +22,Stop -221))
    	      txtRow1.Text = NumberFormat(((Row1-1000)/(((30/PC)*(RS/30)*MPH*0.168)*10)),0,2)
    	      txtMR1.Text=   NumberFormat((((txtRow1.Text*1000)/txtMasterPop.Text)),1,3)
    	      txtRow2.Text = NumberFormat(((Row2-1000)/(((30/PC)*(RS/30)*MPH*0.168)*10)),0,2)
    	      txtMR2.Text=   NumberFormat((((txtRow2.Text*1000)/txtMasterPop.Text)),1,3)
    	      txtRow3.Text = NumberFormat(((Row3-1000)/(((30/PC)*(RS/30)*MPH*0.168)*10)),0,2)
    	      txtMR3.Text=   NumberFormat((((txtRow3.Text*1000)/txtMasterPop.Text)),1,3)
    	      txtRow4.Text = NumberFormat(((Row4-1000)/(((30/PC)*(RS/30)*MPH*0.168)*10)),0,2)
    	      txtMR4.Text=   NumberFormat((((txtRow4.Text*1000)/txtMasterPop.Text)),1,3)
    		End If
    		Dim MPHTest As Short
          End If 
          If EPD>1 Then 
     	    Row5 = (Incoming.SubString2(Start +27,Stop -216))
    	    Row6 = (Incoming.SubString2(Start +32,Stop -211))
    	    Row7 = (Incoming.SubString2(Start +37,Stop -206))
    	    Row8 = (Incoming.SubString2(Start +42,Stop -201))
    	    txtRow5.Text = NumberFormat(((Row5-1000)/(((30/PC)*(RS/30)*MPH*0.168)*10)),0,2)
    	    txtMR5.Text=   NumberFormat((((txtRow5.Text*1000)/txtMasterPop.Text)),1,3)
    	    txtRow6.Text = NumberFormat(((Row6-1000)/(((30/PC)*(RS/30)*MPH*0.168)*10)),0,2)
    	    txtMR6.Text=   NumberFormat((((txtRow6.Text*1000)/txtMasterPop.Text)),1,3)
    	    txtRow7.Text = NumberFormat(((Row7-1000)/(((30/PC)*(RS/30)*MPH*0.168)*10)),0,2)
    	    txtMR7.Text=   NumberFormat((((txtRow7.Text*1000)/txtMasterPop.Text)),1,3)
    	    txtRow8.Text = NumberFormat(((Row8-1000)/(((30/PC)*(RS/30)*MPH*0.168)*10)),0,2)
    	    txtMR8.Text=   NumberFormat((((txtRow8.Text*1000)/txtMasterPop.Text)),1,3)
          End If
     end sub
    To make sure I was calculating the Prefix right I found this website that allowed me to type in data and it would calculate the size for me
    Last edited by Tobias; - 16th March 2013 at 01:22.

  12. #12
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    Thank You! I will plug away at this and see if I can get it to work.

  13. #13
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    I can't get this to work Hoping you can help me! When I run this very simple android program with prefix I get an almost immediate error "Unfortunately, Bluetooth Example has stopped" and the program closes. I am using the Bluetooth chat example to simply display my data in the chat window. I have very limited serial communication experience. With the prefix disabled I get the data as expected, so the communication is good.

    This is the Android routine where I switch between prefix or no prefix mode.
    Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    	If AStream.IsInitialized = False Then	
    		AStream.InitializePrefix(Main.serial1.InputStream, True, Main.serial1.OutputStream, "AStream")
    '		AStream.Initialize(Main.Serial1.InputStream, Main.Serial1.OutputStream, "AStream") 'NO PREFIX MODE
    	End If
    	txtLog.Width = 100%x
    End Sub
    I tried a few variations here with no luck
    Sub AStream_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)
    	LogMessage("You", BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "UTF8"))
    '	Incoming= BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "ISO8859_1")
    '	LogMessage("You", BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "ISO8859_1"))
    End Sub
    My code on an 18F4620 with internal 8mhz osc. I assume I have the prefix correct.
    define DEBUG_REG PORTC
    define DEBUG_BIT 6
    define DEBUG_BAUD 9600
    define DEBUG_MODE 0
    A1          var byte
    A2          var byte
    A3          var byte
    A4          var byte
    prefix1     var byte    
    prefix2     var byte
    prefix3     var byte
    prefix4     var byte
      Prefix1=23 '  11,22,33,44,11,22,33,44
     pause 1000
     debug Prefix1,Prefix2,Prefix3,Prefix4,dec2 A1,",",dec2 A2,",",dec2 A3,",",dec2 A4,",",dec2 A1,",",dec2 A2,",",dec2 A3,",",dec2 A4
     pause 1000 
    goto main

  14. #14

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    Use this line

    AStream.InitializePrefix(serial1.InputStream, False, serial1.OutputStream, "AStream")

    instead of

    AStream.InitializePrefix(Main.serial1.InputStream, True, Main.serial1.OutputStream, "AStream")

    The False part I bet fixes your problem.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tobias View Post
    Use this line

    AStream.InitializePrefix(serial1.InputStream, False, serial1.OutputStream, "AStream")
    I finally found time this weekend to play with this some more and did get it working! Thanks for your help Tobias!

  16. #16
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    My very simple working code:

    OSCCON=%01110000            ' SET TO 8 MHZ internal oscillator
    DEFINE OSC 08               ' 8MHZ clock speed 
    DEFINE HSER_BAUD  9600      ' Set baud rate
    DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1       ' Clear overrun error upon
    DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 24h       ' Set transmit status and control register
    DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 51        ' 9600 Bauds
    RPM      var word
    SPEED    var word
    TPS      var byte
    volts    var byte
    adc1     var word
    adc2     var word
    prefix1  var byte    
    prefix2  var byte
    prefix3  var byte
    prefix4  var byte
    rpm     = 3800
    speed   = 60
    tps     = 10
    volts   = 122
    ADC1    = 512
    ADC2    = 200
    Prefix1 = 22  
    Prefix2 = 0
    Prefix3 = 0
    Prefix4 = 0
      pause 500
      hserout [Prefix1,Prefix2,Prefix3,Prefix4,dec5 rpm, dec3 speed, dec3 TPS, dec3 volts, dec4 adc1, dec4 adc2] 
    goto main  
    Sub Process_Globals
    	Dim AStream As AsyncStreams	
    	Dim Incoming As String
    	Dim RPM As Int 
    	Dim SPEED As Int 
    	Dim TPS	As Double 
    	Dim VOLTS As Int 
    	Dim ADC1 As Int
    	Dim ADC2 As Int 
    End Sub
    Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    	  If AStream.IsInitialized = False Then	
    		AStream.InitializePrefix(Main.Serial1.InputStream, False, Main.Serial1.OutputStream, "AStream") 
    	  End If
    End Sub
    Sub AStream_NewData (Buffer() As Byte)
    	Log( BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "ISO8859_1"))
    	Incoming = BytesToString(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, "ISO8859_1")
    	RPM   = (Incoming.SubString2(0,5))
    	SPEED = (Incoming.SubString2(5,8))
    	TPS   = (Incoming.SubString2(8,11))
    	VOLTS = (Incoming.SubString2(11,14))	
    	ADC1  = (Incoming.SubString2(14,18))
    	ADC2  = (Incoming.SubString2(18,22))
    End Sub

  17. #17
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    Thanks for the working example. Can you explain the complete setup? That HSEROUT goes to what, an external bluetooth module?

    This would make an excellent article with some narrative explaining what is going on, hardware/software requirements, etc.


  18. #18
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    The hserout goes to a RN42 bluetooth modem. Could be done with debug as shown in an earlier post. Once paired it isn't much different than any other serial connection, but the Android side of things takes some time to wrap your head around. The prefix is a pain, but works very well once working. It is basically just a 32 bit header detailing the number of bytes in the serial string.

  19. #19
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    Can we control to what device we want to talk to via that header?

    Let's say to transmit one thing to my cell phone and another to my daughter's?

  20. #20
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    No, what you transmit to is strictly set by pairing the 2 devices which is not part of this code. I don't think you can pair more than 2 devices. The header is just for validation of the data. The data received flag isn't raised until all data is received, without it the flag is raised as soon as data appears, and then you have to manually put the bytes into a string and wait until they all arrive.

  21. #21

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    Good to hear you got it sorted out.

    I have to say if you are turning 3800 at 60MPH, you might need to look at changing rear gears

    Quote Originally Posted by spcw1234 View Post
    I finally found time this weekend to play with this some more and did get it working! Thanks for your help Tobias!

  22. #22
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    Just thought I should bring this thread up to date... In the end I gave up on the alternatives, and I broke down and bought Basic4Android since it seems to be the most mature thing out there. If anybody is interested in a 50% off coupon code, you can use this " dqqshs " You go to their purchase page and hit the "Plimus" button, then enter the code.

  23. #23
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    I'm debating which version to get, Enterprise $99 at 50%?

    Bang for buck looks good.

    Which are you getting?

    (Just checking so I can copy your code )


  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by spcw1234 View Post
    No, what you transmit to is strictly set by pairing the 2 devices which is not part of this code. I don't think you can pair more than 2 devices. The header is just for validation of the data. The data received flag isn't raised until all data is received, without it the flag is raised as soon as data appears, and then you have to manually put the bytes into a string and wait until they all arrive.
    So let's say I have 2 garage door openers, I could pair with the phone, send that header and data defining if PIC should activate relay for left or right door button and then unpair phone?

    Just making sure I can get 2 phones to be able to open either door (project #1).


  25. #25
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    Hi Robert - don't feel concern about using the code I posted; they are happy to have people use it. It only works on "Enterprise" though, I'm pretty sure.

    The Bluetooth pairing with different devices is more a function of the module you use, I think. I've got a handful of cheap modules from offshore that I'm using with various PIC projects. you basically SERIN / SEROUT to the module and use the module like a serial port. I have paired/unpaired the same module to my development PC, my phone, and my old laptop, so it should happily do what you want. I'll dig back through my notes and post the device number if you wish.

  26. #26
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    Yup, please, more info is good.

  27. #27
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    Here you go:
    Bluetooth Module

  28. #28

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    I use the Roving Network bluetooth device. RN-42.

    It is pretty easy to use. I downloaded a serial port emulator for my android phone to configure it. Once I realized how the get the emulator to send the correct end of line character, it was pretty easy. The RN-42 allows you to rename the module, set BPS and a few other variables pretty easily.

    On the B4A side, the online support is great. Their forum is very active and there are a bunch of other developers willing to help you sort out a problem.

    Here are a couple of screen shots.

    I initially was using a Motorola Xoom and because of supply problems now use a Samsung Galaxy. Everything still works great.

    I will say the screen designer could use some touch up. Some basic, no pun intended...get it we are dealing with software called Basic for Android , is lacking. When setting up a screen you will be able to copy/paste yet not undo. I highly suggest 'Saving' the screen often. Other than that, it helped me quickly get an Android app going communicating with my PIC board.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon View Post
    So let's say I have 2 garage door openers, I could pair with the phone, send that header and data defining if PIC should activate relay for left or right door button and then unpair phone?

    Just making sure I can get 2 phones to be able to open either door (project #1).

    The only problem I see here is that it takes 30 seconds to pair up every time, might be able to do it faster but I haven't figured it out. That might not be a big deal, but not as simple as a normal garage door opener.

  30. #30
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    30 seconds would indeed suck.

  31. #31
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    After wrapping my brain around the problem, I finally stumbled across this thread.

    I am trying to almost exactly the same thing; display a packet of 6 bytes spit out by the pic on an Android, using B4A in 6 different boxes.

    The B4A side of things is completely unchartered territory for me; just figured out the advantages of using the prefix mode.

    Now, I have a few questions; Shawn, in post#16, you have defined the prefix length to 22. But the decimal digits add up to 25. How is that?

    As I said, my expertise on B4A is extremely mediocre; could you please show us the complete code on that side? For example, I am unclear (PLEASE forgive my complete ignorance, I suspect this is quite straightforward) how to fill up individual labels with the incoming data bytes from your Update_Display routine.



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    Quote Originally Posted by ardhuru View Post

    in post#16, you have defined the prefix length to 22. But the decimal digits add up to 25. How is that?
    Sorry, my mistake about the prefix length.

    Still struggling with the other aspect, though..

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