need code for ir on/off switch 12f629

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default need code for ir on/off switch 12f629

    please help i need the code that work with 12f629 for the circuit that work as on \off switch using any remote control (i.e it can save ir command from remot ) i think that i use pulsin command in the program but i am not shure ....
    there are many projects on net about that but it is ending with just hex file without orginal source code please.....please ......our friends
    as example this project
    Name:  IrOn-Off250.jpg
Views: 7169
Size:  9.6 KBName:  DimmerTsop250.jpg
Views: 8857
Size:  10.6 KB
    Last edited by FADI984; - 10th February 2013 at 17:13.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

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    Default Re: need code for ir on/off switch 12f629

    check out this site, has alot of interestings dealing with ir.
    also, here's a clip from that site for decoding the IR signal, maybe it'll help you in your setup.

    FOR Index = 0 TO 12 '// Setup to read-in 13 pulses
    PULSIN PORTA.7,0,IR_PULSE[Index] '// Read 13 low-going pulses on RA.7
    NEXT Index '// Loop x times
    DBYTE = $FF '// Start with all 1's and find each 0
    FOR Index = 0 TO 7 '// Get 8 "data" bits
    IF IR_PULSE[Index] < 100 THEN DBYTE.0[Index]=0 '// Less than 1mS = 0
    NEXT Index
    ABYTE = $FF '// Start with all 1's and find each 0 in pattern
    X=0 '// Initialize address bit index pointer to bit 0
    FOR Index = 8 TO 12 '// Get 5 address bits from IR_PULSE bits 8-12
    IF IR_PULSE[Index] < 100 THEN ABYTE.0[X]=0
    X = X + 1 '// Increment address bit index pointer
    NEXT Index

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

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    Default Re: need code for ir on/off switch 12f629

    Tank you for this help....i think we need in your code to save the captured data in eeprom memory

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    NW France

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    Default Re: need code for ir on/off switch 12f629


    you do not need to ask for any code, as the Hex file to load into your Pic is provided within your link ... !!!

    just copy and paste it into your programmer ... et voilą !

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Why insist on using 32 Bits when you're not even able to deal with the first 8 ones ??? ehhhhhh ...
    ************************************************** ***********************
    IF there is the word "Problem" in your question ...
    certainly the answer is " RTFM " or " RTFDataSheet " !!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

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    Default Re: need code for ir on/off switch 12f629

    I know that mr .acetronics and thank you to the hint but i need orginal code to insert it inside my own bigger program that contain more functions..and it does not matter what kind of pic but the idea is how can you capture data from any remote and save it inside the micro( any pic)
    Last edited by FADI984; - 14th February 2013 at 08:35.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Utah, USA

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    Default Re: need code for ir on/off switch 12f629

    There is a pretty good APP NOTE over on the Parallax Basic Stamp web site.
    I tried to attach the .pdf file here but it fails.

    If you google "parallax remote ir" you will get a couple of hits on IR protocol and implimenting IR comms using BASIC.

    PBP is quite similar to the BASIC used in the Basic Stamp microcontroller. So it should not be too dificult to apply what is contained in those app notes to PBP.

    Certainly if the Basic Stamp can do it then most any PIC can do it better
    These PIC's are like intricate puzzles just waiting for one to discover their secrets and MASTER their capabilities.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

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    Default Re: need code for ir on/off switch 12f629

    Thank you mr.heckler is realy good site and i got some good ideas from it ...and i traid to write code .. but the main proplem is that thair codecs depend on known ir protocol like sony or rc5 but my need is treating with unknown ir protocol (from any remot control) .................realy i spend 10 hour in one set on net and i failed ....thair are many projects about ir dimmer circuit depend on the same idea but the programmers execuse about orginal code and offer just hex file

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

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    Default Re: need code for ir on/off switch 12f629

    Download this file. It explains all these IR stuff you need.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

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    Default Re: need code for ir on/off switch 12f629

    It is still not solved.....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

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    Default Re: need code for ir on/off switch 12f629

    Quote Originally Posted by FADI984 View Post
    please help i need the code that work with 12f629 for the circuit that work as on \off switch using any remote control (i.e it can save ir command from remot ) i think that i use pulsin command in the program but i am not shure ....
    there are many projects on net about that but it is ending with just hex file without orginal source code please.....please ......our friends
    as example this project
    Attachment 6834Attachment 6835
    ; IrOn-Off-v2-555.asm 
    ; 01feb18 
    ; Derived of IrOn-Off.hex from 
    ; Command to compile in Linux: 
    ;    gpasm -n IrOn-Off-v2-555.asm -o IrOn-Off-v2-555.hex 
        PROCESSOR 12F629 
        ; Watchdog ON 
        ; Watchdog OFF 
        ERRORLEVEL -302    ; Don't complain about BANK 1 Registers during assembly 
    ; RAM-Variables 
    LRAM_0x20 equ 0x20 
    LRAM_0x21 equ 0x21 
    LRAM_0x22 equ 0x22 
    LRAM_0x23 equ 0x23 
    LRAM_0x28 equ 0x28 
    LRAM_0x32 equ 0x32      ; temporary register to store data (between swapping bytes for example) 
    ; Address 0x3A...0x43 (10 bytes) is a buffer that stores the received IR stream code, to handling 
    LRAM_0x44 equ 0x44 
    LRAM_0x45 equ 0x45 
    LRAM_0x46 equ 0x46 
    LRAM_0x47 equ 0x47 
    LRAM_0x4A equ 0x4A 
    LRAM_0x4B equ 0x4B 
    LRAM_0x4C equ 0x4C 
    LRAM_0x4D equ 0x4D 
    LRAM_0x50 equ 0x50       ; bit 0 = NoToggle flag (enable (bit 0 = 0) or disable (bit 0 = 1) the PIC's output invertion) 
    LRAM_0x52 equ 0x52 
    LRAM_0x53 equ 0x53 
    LRAM_0x5D equ 0x5D       ; Counter. Used as byte counter and index by the handler routines of the IR stream 
    LRAM_0x5E equ 0x5E 
    ; Defines 
    #DEFINE selBank0    BCF   STATUS,RP0    ; select RAM bank 0 
    #DEFINE selBank1    BSF   STATUS,RP0    ; select RAM bank 1 
    #DEFINE ON_OFF      GPIO,0              ; on/off output    
    #DEFINE LED         GPIO,2 
    #DEFINE PRG_BUTTON  GPIO,4              ; programming button 
    #DEFINE IR_RECV     GPIO,5              ; input pin for command received from ir receiver 
    ; Constants 
    OUT_PIN    equ 0         ; saida para o acionamento/desligamento (GPIO0) 
    IRREC_PIN  equ 5         ; entrada do codigo recebido pelo receptor infravermelho (12F629 pin 2 - GPIO5) 
    PRG_BTN    equ 4         ; programming button (12F629 pin 3 - GPIO4)  
    LED_PIN    equ 2         ; IO do LED indicador da recepcao/programacao (GPIO2) 
    ; Start of code 
        ORG    H'0000' 
    ;   Reset-Vector 
        GOTO   LADR_0x005A   ; goes to the beginning of the program 
    ;   Interrupt-Vector 
        RETFIE               ; ignore interrupts 
    ; Reads EEPROM memory 
    ; Input: W contains EEPROM address to read 
    ; Output: W contains the data read 
        BSF    STATUS,RP0    ; select bank 1 
        MOVWF  EEADR         ; copy address in EEADR 
        BSF    EECON1,0      ; prepara leitura 
        MOVF   EEDATA,W      ; loads data in EEPROM into W register 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0055   ; returns to RAM bank 0 and exits of this sub-routine 
    ; Writes a data (W value) in internal EEPROM 
        BSF    STATUS,RP0    ; select bank 1 
        MOVWF  EEDATA        ; copy data in EEDATA 
        BSF    EECON1,2      ; enable writing in EEPROM 
        MOVLW  0x55          ; writing initiate (!!! REQUIRED SEQUENCE #1 !!!) 
        MOVWF  EECON2        ; !!! REQUIRED SEQUENCE #2 !!! 
        MOVLW  0xAA          ; !!! REQUIRED SEQUENCE #3 !!! 
        MOVWF  EECON2        ; !!! REQUIRED SEQUENCE #4 !!! 
        BSF    EECON1,1      ; write dada into EEPROM (!!! REQUIRED SEQUENCE #5 !!!) 
        BCF    EECON1,2      ; clears WREN flag (!!! REQUIRED !!!) 
    ; Waits writting have been finished 
        BTFSC  EECON1,1      ; is the writing completed? 
        GOTO   LADR_0x000E   ; no, then waits  
        GOTO   LADR_0x0055   ; yes, then returns to RAM bank 0 and exits from this sub-routine 
    ; Parece ser um timer com W contendo o tempo da pausa 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x22 
        MOVLW  0xFF          ;   b'11111111'  d'255' 
        ADDWF  LRAM_0x22,F 
        BTFSS  STATUS,C 
        ADDWF  LRAM_0x23,F 
        BTFSS  STATUS,C 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0055 
        MOVLW  0x03          ;   b'00000011'  d'003' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x21 
        MOVLW  0xDF          ;   b'11011111'  d'223' 
        CALL   LADR_0x0020 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0014 
        ADDLW  0xE8          ;   b'11101000'  d'232' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x20 
        COMF   LRAM_0x21,F 
        MOVLW  0xFC          ;   b'11111100'  d'252' 
        BTFSS  STATUS,C 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0029 
        ADDWF  LRAM_0x20,F 
        BTFSC  STATUS,C 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0026 
        ADDWF  LRAM_0x20,F 
    ;    CLRWDT 
        INCFSZ LRAM_0x21,F 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0026 
        BTFSS  LRAM_0x20,1 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0033 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0033 
        BCF    STATUS,C 
        RRF    LRAM_0x21,F 
        RRF    LRAM_0x20,F 
        ADDLW  0xFF          ;   b'11111111'  d'255' 
        BTFSC  STATUS,C 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0034 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x20,W 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0055 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x22 
        MOVLW  0x03          ;   b'00000011'  d'003' 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0045 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x22 
        MOVLW  0x01          ;   b'00000001'  d'001' 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0045 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x47,W 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x23 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x46,W 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x22 
        MOVLW  0x06          ;   b'00000110'  d'006' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x28 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x23,W 
        SUBWF  LRAM_0x21,W 
        BTFSS  STATUS,Z 
        GOTO   LADR_0x004C 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x22,W 
        SUBWF  LRAM_0x20,W 
        MOVLW  0x04          ;   b'00000100'  d'004' 
        BTFSC  STATUS,C 
        MOVLW  0x01          ;   b'00000001'  d'001' 
        BTFSC  STATUS,Z 
        MOVLW  B'00000010'   ; bitmask 
        ANDWF  LRAM_0x28,W 
        BTFSS  STATUS,Z 
        MOVLW  0xFF          ;   b'11111111'  d'255' 
    ;    BCF    STATUS,IRP    ;  
    ;    BCF    STATUS,RP0    ;  
        BCF    STATUS,RP0    ; returns to RAM bank 0 
    ;    CLRWDT               ; resets watchdog timer 
    ; Sets up GPIO's and SFR's (program start) 
        CLRF   INTCON        ; disable all interrupts 
        CLRF   T1CON         ; stops TMR1 
        BCF    PIR1,0        ; clears TMR1 overflow flag 
        MOVLW  B'00000111'   ; bitmask 
        MOVWF  CMCON         ; disable comparators 
        CLRF   GPIO          ; let all outputs pins in low level 
        BSF    STATUS,RP0    ; select bank 1 
        BCF    OPTION_REG,7  ; enable internal pull-up resistors 
        MOVLW  B'00110010'   ; bitmask  
        MOVWF  WPU           ; internal pull-ups resistors enabled on pins 2, 3 and 6 (IR data, programming button and 555 output) 
        MOVWF  GPIO          ; turns pins 2, 3 and 6 as inputs, another all pins as outputs 
        CALL   0x03FF        ; gets calibration value 
        MOVWF  OSCCAL        ; copy it in OSCCAL 
        BCF    STATUS,RP0    ; returns to bank 0 
        CLRF   LRAM_0x50     ; o bit 4 deste endereco _PARECE_ conter um flag que indica o recebimento de dados ou nivel baixo pelo pino 2 
    ; Program loop? 
        CALL   LADR_0x0203   ; checks if programming button has been pressed 
        CALL   LADR_0x0122   ; checks if remote controler was actived 
    ;    CLRWDT               ; keeps WDT reseted 
        BTFSC  LRAM_0x50,4   ; this is a flag? 
        CALL   LADR_0x0084 
        GOTO   LADR_0x007C 
        BSF    GPIO,2        ; turn on LED on 12F629 pin 5 (indicating that the remote control has been pressed) 
        CALL   Upd_LED       ; updates 12F629 pin 5 
        CLRF   LRAM_0x5D     ; EEPROM initial address 
        CALL   Counter_Test 
        BTFSC  STATUS,C      ; is index < 10? 
        GOTO   LADR_0x009E   ; no, the last byte in EEPROM and RAM was compared and are equals 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x5D,W   ; yes, then copy index value to W 
        CALL   LADR_0x0001   ; gets byte in EEPROM 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x53     ; copy it in address 0x53 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x5D,W   ; restore index value in W register 
        ADDLW  0x3A          ; pointer to IR stream data address in RAM  
        MOVWF  FSR 
        MOVF   INDF,W        ; gets byte in address indicated by FSR 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x32     ; copy it to address 0x32 
    ;    CLRWDT 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x53,W 
        SUBWF  LRAM_0x32,W   ; compares byte stored in EEPROM IR stream data with the byte written in RAM IR stream data  
        BTFSS  STATUS,Z      ; bytes are equal? 
        GOTO   LADR_0x00A3   ; bytes are different (wrong IR code) 
        INCFSZ LRAM_0x5D,F   ; increments index (next byte) 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0089   ; gets next byte to compare 
    ; If IR stream code is right, then toggle output 
        CALL   Toggle_Output ; inverts output (pin 7) status 
        BCF    LRAM_0x50,4 
        MOVLW  0x01      
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x44     ;   b'00000001'  d'001' 
        CLRF   LRAM_0x45     ;   b'00000000'  d'000' 
        CALL   SubRout_02 
        BTFSS  STATUS,Z 
        GOTO   LADR_0x00B9 
    ;    CLRWDT 
        BTFSS  GPIO,5 
        BSF    LRAM_0x50,4 
        ; incrementa 16 bits contido em 0x45,0x44 (MSB,LSB) 
        INCF   LRAM_0x44,F 
        BTFSC  STATUS,Z      ; testa 256 
        INCFSZ LRAM_0x45,F   ; incrementa 0x45 (byte high) se 0x44 (byte low) = 256 
        GOTO   LADR_0x00A7 
    ;    CLRWDT 
        BTFSC  LRAM_0x50,4 
        GOTO   LADR_0x00A3 
        MOVLW  0x01          ;   b'00000001'  d'001' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x44 
        CLRF   LRAM_0x45 
        CALL   SubRout_02 
        BTFSS  STATUS,Z 
        GOTO   LADR_0x00D2 
    ;    CLRWDT 
        BTFSS  GPIO,5 
        GOTO   LADR_0x00A3   ; 
        INCF   LRAM_0x44,F 
        BTFSC  STATUS,Z 
        INCFSZ LRAM_0x45,F 
        GOTO   LADR_0x00C0 
        BCF    GPIO,2        ; turn off LED on pin 5 
        GOTO   Upd_LED       ; updates LED status 
        CLRF   LRAM_0x5D     ; initializes index counter with 0 
    ; Fills 10 bytes in RAM (IR stream data buffer) with 0xFF 
        CALL   Counter_Test  ; stream end test 
        BTFSC  STATUS,C 
        GOTO   LADR_0x00E4 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x5D,W 
        ADDLW  0x3A          ; pointer to IR stream data in RAM 
        MOVWF  FSR           ; FSR now has the address to write 
        MOVLW  0xFF          ; value to fill stream data into RAM 
        MOVWF  INDF          ; write 0xFF into address indicated by FSR 
        INCFSZ LRAM_0x5D,F   ; index++ 
        GOTO   LADR_0x00D8   ; next write (to until 10 bytes) 
        CLRF   LRAM_0x44 
        CLRF   LRAM_0x45 
        INCF   LRAM_0x44,F 
        BTFSC  STATUS,Z 
        INCF   LRAM_0x45,F 
        CALL   LADR_0x0122 
    ;    CLRWDT               ; for debug only 
        BTFSC  LRAM_0x50,4 
        GOTO   LADR_0x00FA 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x44,W 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x20 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x45,W 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x21 
        MOVLW  0xFD          ;   b'11111101'  d'253' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x23 
        MOVLW  0xE8          ;   b'11101000'  d'232' 
        CALL   LADR_0x003C 
        BTFSS  STATUS,Z 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0119 
        GOTO   LADR_0x00E6 
    ; Starts the stream writing (copy) from RAM to the EEPROM  
        BCF    GPIO,2        ; turn off LED on pin 5 
        CALL   Upd_LED       ; updates LED status 
        CLRF   LRAM_0x5D     ; initializes index/byte counter with zero 
    ; Copy 10 bytes from RAM (address 3Ah up to 43h) to EEPROM 
        CALL   Counter_Test  ; checks if index/byte counter reached the end (LRAM_0x5D = 10) 
        BTFSC  STATUS,C      ; skip if no 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0111   ; writing has ended 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x5D,W 
        ADDLW  0x3A          ; adds counter value with address of the first stream byte in RAM, to get the address of byte to read  
        MOVWF  FSR 
        MOVF   INDF,W        ; gets byte to copy 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x32     ; copy it to address 32h 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x5D,W   ; copy counter value (index) to W register 
        BSF    STATUS,RP0    ; select bank 1 
        MOVWF  EEADR         ; copy counter value (index) to EEADR 
        BCF    STATUS,RP0    ; returns to bank 0 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x32,W 
        CALL   LADR_0x0006   ; writes byte in EEPROM 
        INCFSZ LRAM_0x5D,F   ; next byte 
        GOTO   LADR_0x00FF 
        MOVLW  0x01          ;   b'00000001'  d'001' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x23 
        MOVLW  0xF4          ;   b'11110100'  d'244' 
        CALL   LADR_0x0013 
        BSF    GPIO,2        ; turn on LED on pin 5 
        CALL   Upd_LED       ; updates LED status 
        MOVLW  0x03          ;   b'00000011'  d'003' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x23 
        MOVLW  0xE8          ;   b'11101000'  d'232' 
        CALL   LADR_0x0013 
        BCF    GPIO,2        ; turn off LED on pin 5 
        GOTO   Upd_LED       ; updates LED status 
        BCF    LRAM_0x50,4   ; resets stream end flag 
    ;    CLRWDT               ; for debug only 
        BTFSC  GPIO,5        ;  
        RETURN               ;  
        CALL   Start_TMR1 
        CALL   Wait_IRHigh   ; waits IR pin to return for level high 
        CALL   Stop_TMR1     ; stops TMR1 and copy it to LRAM_0x4A/LRAM_0x4B and LRAM_0x20/LRAM_0x21 
        MOVLW  0x01          ;   b'00000001'  d'001' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x23 
        MOVLW  0x5E          ;   b'01011110'  d'094'  "^" 
        CALL   LADR_0x003C 
        BTFSC  STATUS,Z 
        CALL   SubRout_03 
        MOVLW  0x04          ;   b'00000100'  d'004' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x23 
        MOVLW  0xE2          ;   b'11100010'  d'226' 
        CALL   LADR_0x003C 
        BTFSS  STATUS,Z 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0153 
        MOVLW  0xE2          ;   b'11100010'  d'226' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x46 
        MOVLW  0x04          ;   b'00000100'  d'004' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x47 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0180 
        CALL   SubRout_03 
        MOVLW  0x0A          ;   b'00001010'  d'010' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x23 
        MOVLW  0x8C          ;   b'10001100'  d'140' 
        CALL   LADR_0x003C 
        BTFSS  STATUS,Z 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0162 
        MOVLW  0x84          ;   b'10000100'  d'132' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x46 
        MOVLW  0x03          ;   b'00000011'  d'003' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x47 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0190 
        CALL   SubRout_03 
        MOVLW  0x0C          ;   b'00001100'  d'012' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x23 
        MOVLW  0xE4          ;   b'11100100'  d'228' 
        CALL   LADR_0x003C 
        BTFSS  STATUS,Z 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0171 
        MOVLW  0xEE          ;   b'11101110'  d'238' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x46 
        MOVLW  0x02          ;   b'00000010'  d'002' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x47 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0190 
        CALL   SubRout_03 
        MOVLW  0x0C          ;   b'00001100'  d'012' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x23 
        MOVLW  0xE4          ;   b'11100100'  d'228' 
        CALL   LADR_0x0042 
        BTFSS  STATUS,Z 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0180 
        MOVLW  0xB0          ;   b'10110000'  d'176' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x46 
        MOVLW  0x04          ;   b'00000100'  d'004' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x47 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0188 
        CALL  Wait_IRLow 
        CALL  Wait_IRHigh 
        CALL  Wait_IRLow 
        CALL  Wait_IRHigh 
        CLRF   LRAM_0x5D     ; initializes index/byte counter with zero 
        CALL   Counter_Test  ; test for stream data end 
        BTFSC  STATUS,C      ; has stream data ended? 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0201   ; no, 
        MOVLW  0x01 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x5E 
    ;    CLRWDT               ; for debug only 
        MOVLW  0x05          ;   b'00000101'  d'005' 
        SUBWF  LRAM_0x5E,W 
        BTFSC  STATUS,C 
        GOTO   LADR_0x01FF 
        CALL   Start_TMR1 
    ; Checks end of IR command 
    ;    CLRWDT               ; for debug only 
        BTFSS  GPIO,5        ; checks if pin 2 of 12F629 is high 
        GOTO   LADR_0x01B0   ; pin 2 of 12F629 is low 
    ;    CLRWDT               ; for debug only 
        MOVLW  0x07          ; test for de TMR1 byte high 
        SUBWF  TMR1H,W       ; the carry flag will be set if TMR1H >= 7 
        BTFSS  STATUS,C      ; 
        GOTO   LADR_0x01A5   ; 
        CALL   Stop_TMR1      ; stops TMR1 and copy it to LRAM_0x4A/LRAM_0x4B and LRAM_0x20/LRAM_0x21 
        CALL   SubRout_04 
        BTFSS  STATUS,Z 
        GOTO   LADR_0x01C8 
        BSF    LRAM_0x52,7 
        GOTO   Jump_01 
        BCF    LRAM_0x52,7 
        CALL   SubRout_01 
    ; Starts length measuring, in TMR1, of level low on 12F629 pin 2  
        CALL   Start_TMR1 
        CALL   Wait_IRHigh 
        CALL   Stop_TMR1 
        CALL   SubRout_04 
        BTFSS  STATUS,Z 
        GOTO   LADR_0x01F5 
        BSF    LRAM_0x52,7 
        GOTO   Jump_02 
        BCF    LRAM_0x52,7 
        CALL   SubRout_01 
        INCFSZ LRAM_0x5E,F 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0198 
        INCFSZ LRAM_0x5D,F 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0191 
        BSF    LRAM_0x50,4 
    ; Checks if programming button is pressed 
    ;    CLRWDT               ; for debug only 
        BTFSC  GPIO,4        ; is pressed the programming button? 
        RETURN               ; no 
    ; Starts programming procedure 
        MOVLW  0x01          ;   b'00000001'  d'001' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x4C 
        CLRF   LRAM_0x4D 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x4C,W 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x20 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x4D,W 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x21 
        MOVLW  0x13          ;   b'00010011'  d'019' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x23 
        MOVLW  0x88          ;   b'10001000'  d'136' 
        CALL   LADR_0x003F 
        BTFSS  STATUS,Z 
        GOTO   LADR_0x021C 
    ;    CLRWDT               ; for debug only 
        BTFSC  GPIO,4        ; is pressed the programming button? 
        GOTO   LADR_0x0203   ; no 
        INCF   LRAM_0x4C,F   ; yes 
        BTFSC  STATUS,Z 
        INCFSZ LRAM_0x4D,F 
        GOTO   LADR_0x020A 
        BSF    GPIO,2        ; turn on LED on 12F629 pin 5 
        CALL   Upd_LED       ; updates LED status on 12F629 pin 5 
        CALL   LADR_0x00D7 
        BCF    GPIO,2        ; turn off LED on 12F629 pin 5 
        CALL   Upd_LED       ; updates LED status on 12F629 pin 5 
    ; Updates LED status 
        BSF    STATUS,RP0    ; select bank 1 
        BCF    GPIO,2 
        BCF    STATUS,RP0    ; returns to bank 0 
    ; Dois pontos do programa usa esta sub-rotina 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x5D,W 
        ADDLW  0x3A          ;   b'00111010'  d'058'  ":" 
        MOVWF  FSR 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x52,W 
        MOVWF  INDF 
        BCF    STATUS,C      ; clears bit 
        RRF    LRAM_0x52,F   ; read bit in carry flag 
    ; Dois pontos do programa usa esta sub-rotina 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x44,W 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x20 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x45,W 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x21 
        MOVLW  0x03          ;   b'00000011'  d'003' 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x23 
        MOVLW  0xE8          ;   b'11101000'  d'232' 
        GOTO   LADR_0x003F 
    ; Clears TMR1 and LRAM_0x4A/LRAM_0x4B and starts TMR1 
        BCF    PIR1,0        ; clears the TMR1 overflow flag 
        MOVLW  0x00 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x4A     ; clears LRAM_0x4A 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x4B     ; clears LRAM_0x4B 
        MOVWF  TMR1L         ; clears TMR1L 
        MOVWF  TMR1H         ; clears TMR1H 
        BSF    T1CON,0       ; enable TMR1 counting 
    ; Stops TMR1, copy it to LRAM_0x4A/LRAM_0x4B and LRAM_0x20/LRAM_0x21 
        BCF    T1CON,0       ; stops TMR1 
        MOVF   TMR1L,W 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x4A     ; copy TMR1L in LRAM_0x4A 
        MOVF   TMR1H,W 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x4B     ; copy TMR1H in LRAM_0x4B 
    ; Copy LRAM_0x4A/LRAM_0x4B in LRAM_0x20/LRAM_0x21 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x4A,W 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x20 
        MOVF   LRAM_0x4B,W 
        MOVWF  LRAM_0x21 
    ; Waits IR pin go to level low 
    ;    CLRWDT               ; for debug only 
        BTFSC  GPIO,5        ; is IR out pin low? 
        GOTO   Wait_IRLow    ; no 
        RETURN               ; yes 
    ; Waits IR pin go to level high 
    ;    CLRWDT               ; for debug only 
        BTFSS  GPIO,5        ; is IR out pin high? 
        GOTO   Wait_IRHigh   ; no 
        RETURN               ; yes 
    ; Checks if counter reached the end (.10) 
    ; Returns carry flag = 1 if yes 
    ;    CLRWDT               ; for debug only 
        MOVLW  .10           ; counter end limit 
        SUBWF  LRAM_0x5D,W   ; compares LRAM_0x5D with .10 
    ; Inverts PIC12F629 output (pin 7) state 
        MOVLW  B'00000001'   ; bitmask 
        XORWF  GPIO,F        ; toggle output state 
        BSF    STATUS,RP0    ; select bank 1 
        BCF    GPIO,0        ; updates the output with the new level 
        BCF    STATUS,RP0    ; returns to bank 0 
    Last edited by Ioannis; - 7th February 2018 at 19:23.

  11. #11
    vanmgman's Avatar
    vanmgman Guest

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    Default Re: need code for ir on/off switch 12f629

    Hello all, I am also on the Lookout for CODE similar to what the original Poster Asks..

    Seems Alot of confused replies, pointing to a HEX file to program, that is NOT what I or the Original Poster is looking for.

    FADI984 posted Code, which is VERY close to the Required CODE to operate the circuit that is at :

    However FADI984's Code appears to be only 1 channel Control Likely the "IrOn-Off" one channel at the above site.

    I am looking for CODE for the IrOn-Off v.2 infrared control (Same Site, lower down.. )

    I would like to make some small modifications to the Code, a simple Maximum On Time limit / relay, and as well a Make / Break (Only 1 relay on.. ) function change..

    The Importance of the CODE to learn / store the IR code is what is asked in the original post, that is also Tantamount for my modification.


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