I'm trying to start with just getting one timer to work and do the usual "Flash an LED", or actually toggle between 2 LED's so I can tell where in the timing sequence it is. With what I have below, LED2 is on at startup and then it switches to LED1 and never toggles again. I think I have something wrong in my setup but don't know what. Once I get this working I would like to add the TMR1 (TimerB).
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you,
Here's the code:
'* Name : TimerTest.BAS *
'* Author : [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
'* Notice : Copyright (c) 2012 [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
'* : All Rights Reserved *
'* Date : 12/9/2012 *
'* Version : 1.0 *
'* Notes : *
'* : *
'Interrupt code added 12-9-12
INCLUDE "DT_INTS-18.bas" ; Base Interrupt System
INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18.bas" ; Include if using PBP interrupts
INCLUDE "Elapsed_INT-18.bas" ; Elapsed Timer Routines
INT_LIST macro ; IntSource, Label, Type, ResetFlag?
;INT_Handler RX_INT, _serialin, PBP, no
;INT_Handler INT_INT, _ToggleLED1, PBP, yes
INT_Handler TMR0_INT, _TimerA, PBP, yes
;INT_Handler TMR1_INT, _TimerB, PBP, yes
INT_CREATE ; Creates the interrupt processor
T0CON = %10010010 ; T0 = 16-bit, Prescaler 8
;@ INT_ENABLE RX_INT ; enable external (INT) interrupts
;@ INT_ENABLE INT_INT ; enable external (INT) interrupts
@ INT_ENABLE TMR0_INT ; enable Timer 0 interrupts
;@ INT_ENABLE TMR1_INT ; Enable Timer 1 Interrupts
CLEAR ' Clear all variables to 0
LED1 VAR PortC.5 ' Output 1
LED2 VAR PortC.4
IN1 VAR PortE.0 ' Input 1
Counter var byte ' Keeps count of seconds
PortA = %00100000 ' PortA All Off
PortB = %00000000 ' PortB All Off
PortC = %00000000 ' PortC All Off
PortD = %00000000 ' PortD All Off
PortE = %00000000 ' PortE All Off
PortF = %00000000 ' PortF All Off
PortG = %00000000 ' PortG All Off
TRISA = %00011001 ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0 RA(7-6) NA
TRISB = %11111111 ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0
TRISC = %10000010 ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0
TRISD = %11111111 ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0
TRISE = %11111111 ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0
TRISF = %11111111 ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0
TRISG = %00000000 ' Inputs = 1, Outputs = 0 RG(7-5) NA
ADCON0 = %00000001 ' A/D Enabled, Channel 0 (AN0)
ADCON1 = %00001110 ' AN0 Analog Input (Rest Digital I/O)
ADCON2.7 = 1 ' Right Justify 10 Bit Word
CMCON = %00000111 ' Both Comparators Disabled
INTCON2.7 = 0 ' Turn ON PortB Pull-Ups
T1CON = %00110100 ' 1:8 Prescale, T1OSCEN Off (524.288mS)
GOSUB ResetTime ; Reset Time to 0d-00:00:00.00
GOSUB StartTimer ; Start the Elapsed Timer
pause 200
if (Counter > 0) and (Counter < 10) then
LED1 = 1
LED2 = 0
LED1 = 0
LED2 = 1
goto Main
if SecondsChanged = 1 then
SecondsChanged = 0
Counter = Counter + 1
If Counter = 20 then
Counter = 0